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romanwarrior's debt thread. romanwarrior's debt thread.

04-09-2010 , 12:45 AM
This thread needs to be turned into a book/movie/play/musical/ect

Who should I contact in regards to getting the rights to do this??

Plot-wise I think it will start in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion. Roman is a soldier in the Red Army, and a very good one at that! Roman has managed to kill around 4500 Taliban and he knows this because he kept their ears. Why did he keep their ears you ask? Simple! Because he had a partner back in USSR who had devised a cheap method of manufacturing horse saddles from human ears. Between the battles and ear-finding expeditions, Roman learned to play poker with his comrades. Unfortunately for him, his wasn't a very talented poker player and quickly ran out of Rubles to play with. So, he told his comrades of his horse saddle plan and convinced the fellow players that it would be better to play for ears than money since an average Afghani ear can fetch about 5 Rubles. So this put Roman back in the game..... for another hour.... then he was not only Rubleless but was also earless (other than the 2 he kept on his head).

Roman's partner/backer begins calling to find out when the first shipment of ears is to be expected. After weeks of unsuccessfully trying to acquire more ears, and the constant threats and insults he received he finally decided to flee to America.

Roman moves to Ohio (or maybe Michigan), goes to college for computer networking, buys a home and some other properties to rent for extra income and finds himself a wife and has a child. Things seem to have really turned around for poor old Roman..... until one night as he was watching his favourite TV show (The Shield) a commercial for FTP comes online. Immediately Roman cannot control himself about the idea that he can learn, chat and even play with the pros!! And once again Roman begins his downward spiral and begins scamming people online for bankrolls. This is where the book/movie/play takes a very dark turn that I do not want to get into. But alas! The darkness ends when Roman's conscience gets the best of him and he creates a thread for his debts on a popular online poker forum - this is where hilarity ensues and the story comes to a close.

Sooooooo, would 2+2 be interested in publishing this if it becomes a book?

*For the people who are going to get upset that I bumped this old thread - sorry, but this little saga was amazing. For the people who would like to thank me for reminding them of the good ole days - I do it because a care *
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:09 AM
You have to be annihilated on drugs right now Way too random for any sober person

btw, what ever happened with this? Did he ever completely pay everyone back? Did anyone kicked his ass IRL?
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:13 AM
This thread must have a record number of banned posters. WTF is going on?
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
You have to be annihilated on drugs right now Way too random for any sober person

btw, what ever happened with this? Did he ever completely pay everyone back? Did anyone kicked his ass IRL?

I hadn't smoked dope for 2 days because reading this thread was far more entertaining. So when I finished it, I did smoke a couple bowls and then immediately came up with this.

I hope you aren't this good at reading me in poker...
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
You have to be annihilated on drugs right now Way too random for any sober person

btw, what ever happened with this? Did he ever completely pay everyone back? Did anyone kicked his ass IRL?
Oh and also, a lot of the randomness is from the thread. Somewhere around page 85 someone posted a chat session that Roman had with someone where he claimed he was in the Red Army, fought in Afghanistan and cut off the ears of the Taliban fighters as trophies or whatever. The only big thing that I really made up is that the ears were to be made into horse saddles. LOL
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 01:37 AM
lol, I do miss the fact that when you smoke pot you can be completely self entertained and amused. I just can't do it anymore. I'm a stresser these days and it would wig me out It's like a vicious circle though, I'm stressed because I don't smoke it, but I can't smoke it because I'll stress over it!

When I was high simple things like finger nails and why we have them and how they grow out of our fingers, and just what the hell are fingers or eyes and noses and it would trip me out and make me think wtf. Pot def gives you a strange perspective on life.

Maybe one day again.

EDIT: here, read this guys posts/threads, he'll trip you out

Please come up with a story for him, or what you think his story is. I'd be interested to hear.

Last edited by Nofx Fan; 04-09-2010 at 01:45 AM.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
lol, I do miss the fact that when you smoke pot you can be completely self entertained and amused. I just can't do it anymore. I'm a stresser these days and it would wig me out It's like a vicious circle though, I'm stressed because I don't smoke it, but I can't smoke it because I'll stress over it!

When I was high simple things like finger nails and why we have them and how they grow out of our fingers, and just what the hell are fingers or eyes and noses and it would trip me out and make me think wtf. Pot def gives you a strange perspective on life.

Maybe one day again.

EDIT: here, read this guys posts/threads, he'll trip you out

Please come up with a story for him, or what you think his story is. I'd be interested to hear.
Heh, I am kinda the opposite of you, I had to quit pot when I went to Uni because I get spacey when I'm high and don't like to think about one topic for too long and this was terrible because I had crazy amounts of essays. But now that school's done and I have a 9-5, I have no problem getting high at night. In fact, I think it helps me find new perspectives on issues (I work as a Policy Analyst).

Hahaha I actually read a thread of his "Something I have seen regarding Acknowledging Cheating and Hidden Assistance" thread and it was awesome! If I come up with a story for him it definitely will begin in space! If I do end up doing it, and that's a BIG if, I'll post it here. But who knows where my highs will take me.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 02:47 AM
The real question is who will play dangeraw in the movie? I'm thinking Giovanni Ribisi, Shia LaBoeuf or the Harry Potter kid.

Where the **** has the fun gone from The Zoo anyway?
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by Markusgc
The real question is who will play dangeraw in the movie? I'm thinking Giovanni Ribisi, Shia LaBoeuf or the Harry Potter kid.

Where the **** has the fun gone from The Zoo anyway?
the kid from the rob zombie halloween movies, imo
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
the kid from the rob zombie halloween movies, imo
link please?
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by Markusgc
link please?
eh i misremembered how young he was hed be like 13 now... so maybe wait a couple years... but the weird look on his face somehow makes me think of dangeraw

do we actually know what dangeraw looks like. Last update i heard (in dangeraws best thread) was he didnt want to share his pics for privacy reasons.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
You have to be annihilated on drugs right now Way too random for any sober person

btw, what ever happened with this? Did he ever completely pay everyone back? Did anyone kicked his ass IRL?
iirc, he was on the way to paying most ppl back, then went back on the trading thread and did the same thing again.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
do we actually know what dangeraw looks like. Last update i heard (in dangeraws best thread) was he didnt want to share his pics for privacy reasons.
You should come to Vegas for the 2+2 get-together in July; you might find out:

Originally Posted by dangeraw
IN imo.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
You should come to Vegas for the 2+2 get-together in July; you might find out:
i live in vegas. i keep missing the 2p2 party during the wsop tho. definitely plan on making it out this year though.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
i live in vegas. i keep missing the 2p2 party during the wsop tho. definitely plan on making it out this year though.
It's usually been during one of the first days of the ME in past years, whereas I'm pretty sure it's the day before this time. ME starts on Monday, July 5th, and I think 2+2 festivities will be on the 3rd, and possibly the 2nd or 4th as well.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
04-09-2010 , 05:56 AM
wtf? this saga still going on? LMAO
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
05-13-2010 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by dangeraw
wow i nedded a luagh thank you ver much for this post. its offical you need personal help as someone who has gone though deperession i see some depession from your post here. you hiding your debt from your wife and not trying to get a loan or selling something you hardly ever use to pa these debts off are sings of gambling addcition also. seek help read about depession, and at least think about GA. i dont know how you could think bob wouldn't want you to pay everyone off when every post he has made in this thread has been about it. Quit Poker and seek some help also tell your wife about this your depression will only get wrose if you tell nobody about it.
Hey, I don't want to sound disrespectful. But I think dangeraw and Microbob are not doing the poker community a favor. Particularly, they keep telling the OP that he needs to quite poker. Do we not want people like this playing poker? These are the type that will donate like crazy right? He seems like he is willing to continue donating for all of time. Is that a bad thing?

I am not condoning OP's actions. I do think he has a gambling addiction and I do think he has severe problems (ie. mental, ethically, etc), but don't we want this guy's money? I also wish this guy to get professional help before he loses everything (ie. money, house, more importantly his child, wife, and friends, etc). But personally, people like this help me because I make money from these type of people.

I am in conflict over this issue because people like OP provide income for me but they also are being hurt by their own actions. I am so conflicted.

Sigh, I have not finished reading everything. So, I will continue and post more as I continue.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
05-13-2010 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by smooth101
Hey, I don't want to sound disrespectful. But I think dangeraw and Microbob are not doing the poker community a favor. Particularly, they keep telling the OP that he needs to quite poker. Do we not want people like this playing poker? These are the type that will donate like crazy right? He seems like he is willing to continue donating for all of time. Is that a bad thing?

I am not condoning OP's actions. I do think he has a gambling addiction and I do think he has severe problems (ie. mental, ethically, etc), but don't we want this guy's money? I also wish this guy to get professional help before he loses everything (ie. money, house, more importantly his child, wife, and friends, etc). But personally, people like this help me because I make money from these type of people.

I am in conflict over this issue because people like OP provide income for me but they also are being hurt by their own actions. I am so conflicted.

Sigh, I have not finished reading everything. So, I will continue and post more as I continue.
Save the follow up. Your argument is preposterous and this thread has been dead for some time.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
05-13-2010 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
Save the follow up. Your argument is preposterous and this thread has been dead for some time.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
05-13-2010 , 05:05 AM
Originally Posted by NFuego20
Save the follow up. Your argument is preposterous and this thread has been dead for some time.
Yeah, seeing it in the index was something of a 'wtf?' moment.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
05-13-2010 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by zingbust
I got the $252 in True Poker funds, I've decided this is what I'd like to do...
$ 50 should go to ohiost2k
$ 50 to lobster
$ 30 to tb17
$ 50 to sah_24
$ 30 to Citrus on Stars
$ 21 each to gettinricher7 and exec771, since otherwise this "windfall" would leave them with nothing.

I would need the FT usernames of everyone and the Stars username of Citrus.

Then, if we do a future trade, we could include a $50 ePass to rw, which I still hesitate, but if MH or Clamper says go ahead, I would do that.

Comments please?

I'm leaving ModaCro out of this entirely because he wasn't part of the original payback scheme. I will pm MH right now since I do have the money and ask him to read this post to see if it looks OK with him.
Still reading the thread. But I saw this and I thought this was amazing. This guy is a true hero. He is putting his poker accounts at risk (ie. he could get his account inactivated for p2p transfers with a guy (op) who has negative balances on other sites such as pokerstars). This is incredible that he would try to help people that he does not even know, and put himself at risk to help them. He is a true hero to me in a sense.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
05-13-2010 , 06:12 AM
Okay. Did not know this was dead. Thx for being a dickhead nfuego.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
05-13-2010 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by smooth101
Okay. Did not know this was dead. Thx for being a dickhead nfuego.
who zingbust?!

You might be thinking of Abominable -- who wouldnt have done business with RW with a 10 foot pole even before he went rouge...
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
05-13-2010 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
who zingbust?!

You might be thinking of Abominable -- who wouldnt have done business with RW with a 10 foot pole even before he went rouge...
I think he's talking about the thread being old, but yea, Abominable has passed

I think zingbust put a bunch of work into the pitt bull poker thread, analyzing hands and writing scripts to pull those hands. Seemed pretty selfless there too.

Smooth. Here you've called zingbust a hero for giving something of himself where he didn't have to, and took a risk etc.. Lots of people are capable of doing or not doing things out of principal only, or because it's the right thing to do. This is why I agree with nfuego's post earlier where he said your argument is preposterous. I think most would agree that those are not the type of people we are trying to take money off of.
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
05-13-2010 , 10:21 AM
Who else besides me expected a report of roman shipping someone $5 when they saw this back on the first page?
romanwarrior's debt thread. Quote
