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PTR vs Poker Edge PTR vs Poker Edge

04-07-2015 , 10:35 PM
Lets be real here, alot of people buy these memberships. Especially now with PTR including PokerStars again. Please nobody get all high and mighty and act like the use of these things don't exist. I wish they didn't exist, but since they exist, and theres nothing we can do about it, might as well utilize the information because theres no way to stop other regs from using it too.

Want to discuss what is the better option is? My main disappointment with with PTR is it doesn't have fold to 4bets or what someone's c-bet is by street. Like if they are a one pump chump or not, their stats don't see to reflect that.

I've had PTR before, but haven't had poker edge. (
Was wanting to know if they have those stats, and which service is better.

For PTR it is $27.99 for 1,000 searches (more than enough imo)
For PokerEdge, it is $29.95, and both of these are for one year prices Im pretty sure.
PTR vs Poker Edge Quote
04-09-2015 , 08:51 PM
Nobody? I am going to sign up for a trial at Poker Edge, I'll let ya'll know how it is compared to PTR
PTR vs Poker Edge Quote
04-10-2015 , 09:24 PM
Pretty sure it's not allowed on PS.
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