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PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations

01-27-2012 , 06:11 PM
Looks pretty good so far.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Klairic
Quick update for the Stars agreement:

Originally, the switch to WC from Dealt would result in about a 1.5% increase in profit. They also implemented a rake change that offset that by 1%. The new rake decrease will be effectively 2% (Stars willingly gave back more than we requested). At 1/2NL, rake will be 4.5% capped at $2.80, down from 5% capped at $3. There are good reasons for them to want to reduce rake instead of increasing VIP benefits, which we'll be talking more about later.

Also, Supernova/SNE will be able to be extended all year, and you can miss 2 months. The change to WC will push for a much different play style that hurts people going for SNE. To allow people time to change, SN/SNE can be kept for 2013 if it is maintained for 2012.

This is a very brief report, and there will be more in the next few days. Overall I'm very happy with the outcome. The 2 requests I heard most from you guys was to see Stars not make money from the changes (they're now taking a loss), and for more SNE benefits such as being able to keep it for the full year.

All changes are effective Feb 1st.
Interested in clarification of the 2% decrease, more than we asked for.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:39 PM
Results seems awsome to me from that post. Looking forward to the full report!

Thanks stars for willingness to discuss with players. And thanks player reps for your effort and time to fly to pizza town! Great job!
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by joeri
Results seems awsome to me from that post. Looking forward to the full report!

Thanks stars for willingness to discuss with players. And thanks player reps for your effort and time to fly to pizza town! Great job!
Just a plain and simple +1! Respect!
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:48 PM
good job but please post the math showing how they are now taking a loss. seems unlikely that they were only gaining 1.5% with the change to WC.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:51 PM
before people get carried away its still a cash grab even if they collected %5 less rake overall they are giving a lot less of it back in rewards and bonus'. This means stars overall profits go up and money left in the poker economy go down. For poker to be sustainable for 5+ years rake needs to get cut in half.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by moe_green
before people get carried away its still a cash grab even if they collected %5 less rake overall they are giving a lot less of it back in rewards and bonus'. This means stars overall profits go up and money left in the poker economy go down. For poker to be sustainable for 5+ years rake needs to get cut in half.
Why? Assuming 1,5% (or 1,7% guess by klaric) and 2% are close to the actual figures i don't see a cash grab. There still is a redistribution of value across different player types/vip levels, but thats intentional and no general cash grab.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by moe_green
before people get carried away its still a cash grab even if they collected %5 less rake overall they are giving a lot less of it back in rewards and bonus'. This means stars overall profits go up and money left in the poker economy go down. For poker to be sustainable for 5+ years rake needs to get cut in half.
You're misunderstanding. The post says they were gaining 1.5% due to giving back less in rewards/bonuses. Then, they reduced rake overall by 2%. In other words, the net effect is a total drop of .5%. That means overall Stars is losing money through these changes.

However, I agree in the end about rake needing to be cut by about half. I just had absolutely no expectation that we'd see that kind of drastic measure right now.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by digit
Whatever the outcome is, I think it's time pokerstars got their act together regarding any future changes. This seems to be a yearly thing with them now, they make major changes to their games mid-year and screw with people who are chasing yearly milestones. That's not good enough. If you're going to run a 12-month calendar year VIP system then stop moving the goal posts mid-year, if you want the freedom to make changes whenever you want then change the VIP program to a month by month system. Also, given that they royaly screwed up with their last SnG changes, and that they might potentially have to amend their recent cash game changes, they should be announcing and changes in early November to give players time to scrutinize them.
+1,000,000 A site like this with 11th hour changes should not be running a year long vip program.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Klairic
The 2 requests I heard most from you guys was to see Stars not make money from the changes (they're now taking a loss), and for more SNE benefits such as being able to keep it for the full year.
I think you left out the overwhelming amount of requests regarding lower stakes getting raped to death. It also affects many more people than SNE benefits.

Can you please give us the new expected bb/100 rake for specific stakes?

For example, right now 10NL is raked 10bb/100. Under the new system what will it be?

Current rake NL 6max: Link
2NL 9bb/100
5NL 8bb/100
10NL 10bb/100
25NL 8bb/100
50NL 7bb/100
100NL 6bb/100
200NL 4bb/100

New System:
2NL ?bb/100
5NL ?bb/100
10NL ?bb/100
25NL ?bb/100
50NL ?bb/100
100NL ?bb/100
200NL ?bb/100

I am not expecting a miracle, just want to see what the new numbers actually are.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 07:10 PM
Any math genius wanna do some quick calcul just so we get a brief idea of how long term
These change can be good, Example I'm a reg winning 2BB/100 what does that 2% rake reduction do to my profit let say after 100-500k hand? Will it really up my profit ( including the vpp lost from that reduction )
Thanks ( making .70vpp a hand )
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Klairic
I've posted some very brief results from the meetings in the Stars SSFR thread.

A full announcement with more details and our own personal feelings will be out later. Overall, I'm very happy with the results. I think that Stars has done more than we could have reasonably expected.
Txs for all the work the update, looking forward to all the details but sounds like its been very worthwhile.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 07:36 PM
I'm kind of disappointed we weren't updated a bit as the meetings took place. I just wish rake was calculated in a very transparent way eg. 3bb. Rather than player caps, raking pots in increments and talking about lowering by %'s.

Thanks to the reps for making the journey and effort to discuss the issues. Not sure if it'll be enough for me but maybe when we're told and it's not worded in some lengthy jargon i'll be able to make a better decision what's best.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Gregg777
Interested in clarification of the 2% decrease, more than we asked for.
I will take that he is taking about overall decrease (across all the board).

The example he gave at 1/2NL seems to represent a decrease close to 10%.

Btw, what was the (general) solution adopted for LHE games?
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 07:58 PM
*cross post from SNE thread

It looks like these changes are going to take place on February 1st.

Forgive me if I'm confused, but I don't remember giving these few players sent to IOM the proxy to sign my name in blood. Once again it looks like something is being changed on a few days notice and no chance for the bazillions of players to review and voice problems with plan.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:05 PM
what happened with rake at the micros?
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:12 PM
Gonna lmao if they reintroduce the rake raise 5 handed to the max ($2.80 in this case).

I know this was a very short report (if we can call it that) but I'm a bit worried he specifically referred nl200 (small stakes) and said nothing about the micros. Although a rake reduction across the board is positive the cap at these stakes is a very more important subject.

All in all if we don't get any ugly surprise and this is actually a true rake reduction, then we are definitely going in the right direction, which is a significant reduction of rake world wide.

Lets wait and see.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by 2tonbobby
*cross post from SNE thread

It looks like these changes are going to take place on February 1st.

Forgive me if I'm confused, but I don't remember giving these few players sent to IOM the proxy to sign my name in blood. Once again it looks like something is being changed on a few days notice and no chance for the bazillions of players to review and voice problems with plan.
We voted for the reps to represent us. They negotiated for four days and came out with a better deal than we had. They worked 12 hour days poring over numbers, discussing ways to improve both the rake and VIP program. I thought it was pretty clear we gave them proxy to negotiate for us and come up with the best deal possible.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:18 PM
Ummm using like a union negotiation...a team negotiates BUT deal is brought back to the whole union to review and thumb up or down.

4 days from now this goes through no matter what LMAO.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by SuckoutKing
We voted for the reps to represent us. They negotiated for four days and came out with a better deal than we had. They worked 12 hour days poring over numbers, discussing ways to improve both the rake and VIP program. I thought it was pretty clear we gave them proxy to negotiate for us and come up with the best deal possible.
No, not at all. They were the medium.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:21 PM
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by 2tonbobby
*cross post from SNE thread

It looks like these changes are going to take place on February 1st.

Forgive me if I'm confused, but I don't remember giving these few players sent to IOM the proxy to sign my name in blood. Once again it looks like something is being changed on a few days notice and no chance for the bazillions of players to review and voice problems with plan.
Firstly we gave those players the mandate to negotiate on out behalf. Secondly Stars is not a democratic state but a corporation. They don't need you to sign your name in blood. Rather than complain you should be grateful for the great work that our representatives did for us and also thank Stars for listening to our concerns and agreeing to a rake reduction overall.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by sexyjesus
I know this was a very short report (if we can call it that) but I'm a bit worried he specifically referred nl200 (small stakes) and said nothing about the micros. Although a rake reduction across the board is positive the cap at these stakes is a very more important subject.
Klairic was always about the SNE players and short sighted. It's why I felt very uncomfortable with him going and wanted some representation for other players such as Micros (xperu) , fortunately other players such as krmont seemed to appreciate the issues but my spidey senses made me paranoid about klairic and his involvement with stars.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by 2tonbobby
*cross post from SNE thread

It looks like these changes are going to take place on February 1st.

Forgive me if I'm confused, but I don't remember giving these few players sent to IOM the proxy to sign my name in blood. Once again it looks like something is being changed on a few days notice and no chance for the bazillions of players to review and voice problems with plan.
Nor it is required. Remember, PS could implement the changes they want the way they want when they want...

In a sense, PS gave some kind of chance to the players to have some input/influence on the new changes (apart from the dealt to weighted contributed one) through a small group of players representatives. Now, let's not make this more than what it is: this is not a political democracy or whatever, it is about a private business dealing with their customers.

Moreover, such reps were selected through a voting with a thousand or so participants of one poker forum. They are not the entire poker community either nor they were broadly selected, they were selected by a small sample of the entire poker players community. So, what about every other player that did not even followed this or voted to select a "representative"?

Stars wanted to (hear and) please their customers in some extent at least and it was in that context that the meeting occurred. Namely because the effect it has on players opinions and decisions affect the game and of course their business (for example, if conditions are bad, some players could leave looking business elsewhere). But I don't see that the players reps had to check back with us the "final decision" because this is - ultimately - a decision by PokerStars (with some kind of input from players).

And I am pretty sure that the reps were not the sole influence on the entire process, Stars was reading the foruns too...

I think it is wrong to go over them (the reps) now.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
01-27-2012 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by 2tonbobby
Ummm using like a union negotiation...a team negotiates BUT deal is brought back to the whole union to review and thumb up or down.

4 days from now this goes through no matter what LMAO.
You have always had completely the wrong idea what is going on and what should be going on.

This is nothing like a union negotiation, never was, never should be and never will be.
PokerStars VIP/Rake Change Negotiations Quote
