Originally Posted by barradri
...my point was why is it allowed in small field mtts but not in 180 sngs, or even mtts which don't get 45 runners, which is rare but does happen.
PokerStars operates a whole series of mechanisms that are designed to mitigate collusion - preventing players from the same location playing in cash games or sit and go tournaments (with 45 players or less) is just one of the measures that we employ.
No single measure will stop all collusion, and we need to balance each mechanism against the impact on the customer experience.
To use an extreme comparison, we could stop all collusion tomorrow by only running heads up games... but that would not cater to the needs of all users. Thus, we use a variety of different mechanisms to reduce the chance of collusion without being too intrusive into the experience that honest players enjoy.
Of course, if you do suspect collusion in any event (even a small MTT like is being discussed here) then feel free to email the details to
support@pokerstars.com anytime.