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Register VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012

12-29-2011 , 12:15 PM
I love PS a lot, but the way they handled themselves in the past week or so doesn't bode well, though I would still give them the benefit of the doubt that they can fix what needs to be adjusted.. .

I am a (semi) professional grinder, playing FR, LHE. I paid a nice chunk of change to PS this year, in addition to averaging .093 BB/100 hands. Not bragging but in LHE terms (thats fixed limit for you NL players) this is pretty much beating the game at the best rate possible.

I did make a nice chunk of change before RB, BUT with the ammount of rake I pay, RB was and is a nice sum as well. Now I'll have that RB sum reduced by 20% with no compensations?

Uhmm, no... . VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by TheMetetrown
Voila, you've made everyone happy.
Not everyone. As a FL player I'm satisfied with no rake change ("true" rake change). VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by luckproof
Please guys stop asking for a 6x VPP/$

We need around 7
Also, this

If we organize a sitout in order to gain something (and we will, now more than ever...), we might as well ask for more than peanuts. A 6.5 -7x multiplier seems fair in conjunction with WC. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
Thank you all for taking the time to express your opinion about the recently announced changes to ring game rake on for 2012.

As a direct result of player input, we are cancelling the planned rake changes that were to be implemented in early January 2012. We will still use the incremental method to calculate rake instead of true percentage rake. Rake caps and percentages will remain exactly as they are today.

I would like to add a few comments:

The current rake at PokerStars is the lowest by far among all major poker sites.

We are confident that the planned rake changes would have resulted in a further overall decrease in ring game rake site wide, and a decrease for a majority of players.

There has been much inaccurate information spread about the impact of the changes. As an example, the changes would not have resulted in a 50% increase in rake for 5-handed play. While there would have been an increase in average rake for 5-handed play at NL tables with stakes of $0.25/$0.50 and higher, it would be far less than 50% (for stakes up to $0.10/$0.25 there was either no change or reduction in caps for 5-handed play). Most hands do not reach the cap and thus would not be affected. The rake for many hands dealt to 5 players would actually be lower at many stakes due to the lower rake percentage (4.5% reduced from 5%). If players review rake at other online poker rooms, they will discover that it is the standard for the rake caps to be the same when 5 or more players are dealt into a hand. PokerStars has been the one notable exception to this system.

In summary we still believe that the proposed rake system taken as a whole would result in a more balanced and fair rake system for players. However, given that players have responded so negatively to this change, which also has a cost to PokerStars due to the reduced rake, we felt that the best course of action is to cancel the change.

The change to the Weighted Contributed method of awarding VPPs will remain as announced.
Its unbelievable how nice stars is ... like srsly look at them paying attention... gotta love it.... and esp the fact that weighted contributed remains <3

But wait - are we all so dumb to not realise that it would have reduced the rake >.<? VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by OneLove12345
Classic bait and switch.
RIP stars VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by luckproof
Please guys stop asking for a 6x VPP/$

We need around 7

Occupy Pokerstars
THIS! VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by maryn
it was only better for fr players, worse for sh and potentially game killing for limit games, the rake changes were **** used as smoke-screen to the money grab and no real vip changes they did.
Agree! The new rake plan would rake 5-10% more for limit games VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:30 PM
Another random rambling;

At the end of the day, we had a good deal going PS.
A deal that made you market leader by a mile.

Us, the players were reasnoably happy. You made a ****load of money from us grinders and we knew what kind of rewards we would get back (In addition to good support and so on, judging by the threads in "Internet Poker" in the recent months, a considerable plus...).

Now you rock the boat and change things (fairer, more unfair, whatever; bottom line is most players get less).

Do the heads of PS really need to earn an additional 50 million/year and screw us over in the process???

Cause thats what it looks like to us atm.

The poker world is changing, for better or worse remains to be seen.
It is very possible that PS will see some real competiton crop up this year (facebook, Full Tilt returning...) so it boogles my mind that PS is screwing us over right now.
Dont rock the boat and PS will remain among the Top sites for a long time to come; give us reasons to leave and we will as soon as alternative present themselves (a lot of micro grinders could to that already, but a lot of us are stuck with PS for now for a lot of reasons).

Long story short:
Poker Players seem to be rather smart and evidently we do remember your past actions. Scrape ALL changes (or make them fair) and you will secure yourself a good deal of gratitude and good will for the future (a future where your monopoly wont be that definite)

Even shorter version:

Please scrap the changes, I am sure your CEO'S will survive with the current profits VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:30 PM
All right, I've thought some more and here is really what it should be. How Stars wasn't competent enough to come up with this on their own is beyond me.

Steve, I promise if you make all of these changes, you will stop this mass sitout.

1. Rake caps of $.50/$1/$1.5/$2/$3 for 2/3/4/5/6+ handed play
2. 4.5% linear rake up to the cap
3. Winner take all rake calculation method
4. 6x VPP across the board

Alternatively, you can keep WC, but the VPP really needs to be bumped to 6.5x VPP for 6max/FR in that case to compensate for the cash grab.

WTA is fair. WC is fabricated by the sites and meant to cost winning players even more money.

Making changes 1-4 would keep me from protesting on Stars, though they wouldn't make me happy. Keeping dealt is pretty much the only way for me to want to get SNE so you are going to see a reduction in my play regardless once you change away from dealt. But at least by doing these changes I won't block all your tables costing you way more than me.

These changes I'm suggesting aren't ridiculous. Stars would still make more money from the players (which they seem intent on doing), but it wouldn't be terrible and you wouldn't have people doing the online equivalent of rioting. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by CoreySteel
Not everyone. As a FL player I'm satisfied with no rake change ("true" rake change).
Sorry, what's the fixed limit rake right now vs what they want to change it to? VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Starscream
See guys, they do listen!
Originally Posted by Thomas Luice
some good news
Originally Posted by mikev
I love you
Serious? I mean, I always thought that poker players were above average intelligence and not as ******ed as the average American voter. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by SpeedLimiter
haha, you called it juk

Juk VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:38 PM
its shocking and unbeleiveable how stars as a billion dollar company makes their decisions and it leads strongly to the impression that this was all set up.

im disgusted anyways; by the deception or the incompetence, no matter what it is VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:38 PM
pokerstars Steve,

I know you said that "the current rake at PokerStars is the lowest by far among all major poker sites." but there is a new site out there that has 3.5% rake, this is there standard rake and not some promotion, so why can't PokerStars offer rake like this? VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:40 PM
A lot of small pots are not raked at all in LHE, depending on the stakes.
With the proposed changes, we would have saved a bit on large pots but suddenly would have had to pay rake on small pots.

Keep in mind that a 1 BigBlind winrate/100 hands is consideres crushing the game! Taking more rake in those games would have probably killed all but the micro stake games in the long run.

LHE players already pay a huge ammount of their winnings in rake, any increase would be deadly (In fact, a decrease would go a long way to ensure the future of LHE, but thats another point) VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopman20
Serious? I mean, I always thought that poker players were above average intelligence and not as ******ed as the average American voter.
As I said before, as a FL player old rake plan is much better than new one for limit games! So don't judge others without knowledge. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by TheMetetrown
All right, I've thought some more and here is really what it should be. How Stars wasn't competent enough to come up with this on their own is beyond me.

Steve, I promise if you make all of these changes, you will stop this mass sitout.

1. Rake caps of $.50/$1/$1.5/$2/$3 for 2/3/4/5/6+ handed play
2. 4.5% linear rake up to the cap
3. Winner take all rake calculation method
4. 6x VPP across the board

Alternatively, you can keep WC, but the VPP really needs to be bumped to 6.5x VPP for 6max/FR in that case to compensate for the cash grab.

WTA is fair. WC is fabricated by the sites and meant to cost winning players even more money.

Making changes 1-4 would keep me from protesting on Stars, though they wouldn't make me happy. Keeping dealt is pretty much the only way for me to want to get SNE so you are going to see a reduction in my play regardless once you change away from dealt. But at least by doing these changes I won't block all your tables costing you way more than me.

These changes I'm suggesting aren't ridiculous. Stars would still make more money from the players (which they seem intent on doing), but it wouldn't be terrible and you wouldn't have people doing the online equivalent of rioting.
please open a thread so that more people see that VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
Thank you all for taking the time to express your opinion about the recently announced changes to ring game rake on for 2012.

As a direct result of player input, we are cancelling the planned rake changes that were to be implemented in early January 2012, but not really because the change to the Weighted Contributed method of awarding VPPs will remain as announced. What this means is that we still intend to hike the rake up our best customers arses just as I promised in my OP
I think some people were a little confused on exactly what your second post was all about so I gave it the clarity your customers deserve :-) VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:43 PM
Terrible change stars! you reversed the change people were happy about....the only thing people were complaining about was the increase in rake cap for 5-handed play...not the reduction in rake from 5% to 4.5%!!!

you're continuing with the WC method which is where most of the real hostility has stemmed from...please can you review your plans and continue with the the rake reduction, but continue to cap rake to $2 for 5-handed play.....thats what we really want. (well, what we really want is no change at all, but this is a good compromise!) VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Thomas Luice
Agree! The new rake plan would rake 5-10% more for limit games
And since Steve mentions pokerstars rake structure versus the industry, when it comes to Fixed Limit, it is already dead pretty much every where else because of greedy sites. There was still some action at mid and low stakes only at Stars and Full-tilt (before it was shutdown, obv) but almost none else where.

Among other reasons, it is the combination of a more of a leveled player field nowadays and a relatively high rake that turns the game barely beatable at the tables.

Pokerstars was preparing to kill it there too, apparently, by increasing the rake on a variant that already suffers so much of it...

I guess that doesnt mean nothing to NL players and I understand but FL is an interesting variant that many players like or prefer to play, being their game of choice. I think its sad that sites want to kill it when there are still so many players that would play it. Its ridiculous that a site takes about 15BB/100 in rake when a player struggles to make 1BB/100 (what is a kind of luxuary nowadays). Most well above average are breaking even or making 0.5 or something like that. They should be lowering the rake, not increasing and/or reducing rewards (resulting in more effective rake paid anyway).

Unless of course Pokerstars pretends to kill fixed limit as the other sites did!

On the overall issue, its pretty obvious to me that as I said before the whole point of these changes is to increase income (I believe that they need the extra money to pay out the DoJ) but this could be much more better dealt.

The change from Dealt to WC meanst they will make a lot more money!

The revision of the rake shouldnt be dropped but "tweaked" further.

They certainly can accomodate it and still increase income... VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopman20
I think some people were a little confused on exactly what your second post was all about so I gave it the clarity your customers deserve :-)
I think its pretty clear what he said - bye dealt ;D VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by TheMetetrown
All right, I've thought some more and here is really what it should be. How Stars wasn't competent enough to come up with this on their own is beyond me.

Steve, I promise if you make all of these changes, you will stop this mass sitout.

1. Rake caps of $.50/$1/$1.5/$2/$3 for 2/3/4/5/6+ handed play
2. 4.5% linear rake up to the cap
3. Winner take all rake calculation method
4. 6x VPP across the board

Alternatively, you can keep WC, but the VPP really needs to be bumped to 6.5x VPP for 6max/FR in that case to compensate for the cash grab.

WTA is fair. WC is fabricated by the sites and meant to cost winning players even more money.

Making changes 1-4 would keep me from protesting on Stars, though they wouldn't make me happy. Keeping dealt is pretty much the only way for me to want to get SNE so you are going to see a reduction in my play regardless once you change away from dealt. But at least by doing these changes I won't block all your tables costing you way more than me.

These changes I'm suggesting aren't ridiculous. Stars would still make more money from the players (which they seem intent on doing), but it wouldn't be terrible and you wouldn't have people doing the online equivalent of rioting.

+1000 VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopman20
Serious? I mean, I always thought that poker players were above average intelligence and not as ******ed as the average American voter.
1). My comment was with regard to the rake being kept the same.

2). I'm not American. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:52 PM
Thanks for the explanation on FL. It's the same concept as what happens to limped pots in NL -- large rake increases with True. This generally isn't a problem though in NL due to most raked pots surpassing the rake increase threshold.

I like TheMetetrown's idea. Use either that or at least your original rake changes minus the 5 handed incease, but leave FL on incremental rake. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by ant___z
And since Steve mentions pokerstars rake structure versus the industry, when it comes to Fixed Limit, it is already dead pretty much every where else because of greedy sites. There was still some action at mid and low stakes only at Stars and Full-tilt (before it was shutdown, obv) but almost none else where.

Among other reasons, it is the combination of a more of a leveled player field nowadays and a relatively high rake that turns the game barely beatable at the tables.

Pokerstars was preparing to kill it there too, apparently, by increasing the rake on a variant that already suffers so much of it...

I guess that doesnt mean nothing to NL players and I understand but FL is an interesting variant that many players like or prefer to play, being their game of choice. I think its sad that sites want to kill it when there are still so many players that would play it. Its ridiculous that a site takes about 15BB/100 in rake when a player struggles to make 1BB/100 (what is a kind of luxuary nowadays). Most well above average are breaking even or making 0.5 or something like that. They should be lowering the rake, not increasing and/or reducing rewards (resulting in more effective rake paid anyway).

Unless of course Pokerstars pretends to kill fixed limit as the other sites did!

On the overall issue, its pretty obvious to me that as I said before the whole point of these changes is to increase income (I believe that they need the extra money to pay out the DoJ) but this could be much more better dealt.

The change from Dealt to WC meanst they will make a lot more money!

The revision of the rake shouldnt be dropped but "tweaked" further.

They certainly can accomodate it and still increase income...
LHE FR grinder myself; could not have said it better

+111 VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
