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Register VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012

12-29-2011 , 10:37 AM
I am already weighing my options for other sites to play than stars. They're already raking in the cash. They're like the UFC of poker, no other true competition. So why screw with the players/fighters. You can make a ton of money without making these changes.

Oh well, the game will go on whether it's on stars or not for me. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:38 AM
change multiplier from 5.5 to 6 ffs! VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
hahaha, stars, are u completely out of your mind? now you took away everything positive you changed???!!!! are u ****ing kidding me????
look, they cant make everyone happy, before the sh grinders were mad, you guys were happy and now it has switched again. IM NOT GONNA PAY MORE RAKE PLAYING 5HANDED VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Locaskun
My god you just think about yourself man , you are a good idiot ...
What i am angry at is they change the system of vpp atribution and pokerstars will win more money because us regular will have less money.
And why is this a bad way of playing , to fold all our hand and play only monster ? uhh can you tell me ? whats good poker? So shut up you damn fish because now many people like me don't know how they will live without this system.
And even if the system change there should be something in compensation, but now its just all in the pokect of pokerstar , man just open your fish eyes.

You really are a tool. Why am i a "fish" for suggesting this. So you really think its good for poker that almost everyone folds every hand except for monsters. This system rewards that style of play and thats the whole damn problem. Its a floored system end of story. You really are not reading what I am saying are you. The new WC system due for 2012 needs tweeking in the right places to make sure your average 4-6 tabling reg is NOT penalised by what is seen as a "cash grab". The system need to take the emphasis away from rewarding folding every hand except monsters ( as you put it) and re distribute the rewards to the recreational type player. NOT at the expense of your average reg. As it stands this is the problem that Stars need to address.

For too long rewards have been given for playing 24 tables 12 hours a day. Playing 3m 25c/50c hands and folding almost 2.9m of them in a year and picking up rewards simply based on volume. This my friend is what has been spoiling the games over these past few years. More and more people have realised that the way forward on Stars is to actually play this way and take advantage of a flawed system.

Time for that to stop and if you cant adapt then im afraid thats your problem. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:43 AM
Hopefully it will get rid of the multi-tablers. It's so annoying that you can't find some tables wthout certain players(who are on them all). VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by TrickyTree
So you're a winning poker player because of the VPP system. Well that just about sums you up then doesnt it. Cant survive without the VPP system rewarding folding. Partys over Son go do something else instead.

The current system needed modifiying thats the point. Just not at the expense of all players and to the benefit of Stars themselves. You still get your VPPs just not for folding 90% of hands over and over. System wasnt fair before and allowed some people, who i agree were willing to put in a lot of time and effort, to benefit from not really playing poker.
+ ****ing 1

Originally Posted by MagicMurderBean
I am already weighing my options for other sites to play than stars. They're already raking in the cash. They're like the UFC of poker, no other true competition. So why screw with the players/fighters. You can make a ton of money without making these changes.

Oh well, the game will go on whether it's on stars or not for me.
Yeah? Thank you, great decision gtfo. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:45 AM
What happened to the player panel that Stars had?

Oh, and,

Originally Posted by coach999
The 6maxers are very very wrong about their rake cap malarky. The rake for 2, 3, 4 and (effectively) 6 handed have been reduced and a very small number of pots when playing 5 handed will be raked more. If you are being raked more on 25-30% (actually its only 5 handed and > ~$44 so prob like 5% of hands) of your hands and less on the other 75% (more accurately like 95%) guess what that means?

Last edited by Perfection; 12-29-2011 at 10:55 AM. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:46 AM
I honestly believe that it would have been a considerable rake reduction for many. I'm also pissed that the micros rake reduction is not going to be cancelled, something that can only be good for the games.

Do you really think Stars would have been so quick to cancel the changes in rake if they were really rake increases? VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:46 AM
WC is fine, dealt sucks.

You get rakeback on the rake YOU pay.

For SNG players it's been like this since before Jesus was born. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by coach999
look, they cant make everyone happy, before the sh grinders were mad, you guys were happy and now it has switched again.
eeh. why can't they? of course they can!
they just don't want to and want to earn more money.

and they really should make me happy... otherwise i'm gone. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by mikev
Just upgrade the VPP/$ rake to 6 and everybody will be happy Stars!
+1 VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:49 AM
everyone move to cake still dealt VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by e306
eeh. why can't they? of course they can!
they just don't want to and want to earn more money.

and they really should make me happy... otherwise i'm gone.
Me too

If multitabling is not compensed on stars i can play less tables in small sites with worse regs, better rakeback and more fishes. Why 2 stay? VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:49 AM
nice strategy steve+stars [ ]

partypoker did the exact same thing when they changed to WC, they made max rake higher over a certain limit....then when the inevitable ****storm started party said "oooo we listen so what we gunna do iz just change to WC ONLY no change to teh max rake"



loller and people do this:
Originally Posted by Starscream
See guys, they do listen!

Last edited by Tryst_; 12-29-2011 at 10:54 AM. Reason: GFY VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by JH1
Wait a second. I was under the assumption that the switch to True rake and the rake changes were the mitigating factors you were going to implement to reduce the damage of losing VPPs.

Can you confirm that my calculations below are correct and that anyone that open raises to a standard 3bb+ at tables with 6+ players seated would have seen rake reductions using the 4.5% + True rake at 50NL+?




I thought the issues being raised were:
  • 5 seated rake increase
  • Loss of VPPs going to WC

So now you're just going to remove the mitigating factor and give full ring players an even worse deal to solve a terrible 6max deal? Why don't you just address the actual 6max 5 seated problem instead of scrapping all the rake changes? If the 5 seated rake increase wasn't there am I correct that we would be seeing a rake reduction of 8-10% due to using true rake calculations and the lower rake %?

If that is true, just get rid of the 5 seated rake increase as a starting point. Why does it have to be all or nothing?

Assuming I'm going to take a 20% VPP hit but were to receive an 8% rake reduction:
  • 2011 Dealt: 40/100 = 40% rb
  • 2012 WC with true rake and the rake changes: (40*0.8)/(100*0.92) = 32/92 or effectively 35% compared to 2011.
  • 2012 WC without true rake or the rake changes: (40*0.8)/100 = 32/92 or effectively 32% compared to 2011.

* Can someone please link me to a post explaining exactly how they figure true rake increases rake or how my calculations are wrong if that is the case and I missed that post somewhere?

If I'm not mistaken, this is now seriously ****ed up. How the hell did we end up losing even more than we were going to?

Steve, please reconsider. Either scrap all, and I mean all changes, including the switch to WC, or keep the mitigating factors while addressing the appropriate problems.
Excellent post. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by coach999
look, they cant make everyone happy, before the sh grinders were mad, you guys were happy and now it has switched again. IM NOT GONNA PAY MORE RAKE PLAYING 5HANDED
Why does it even need to be a trade off? Stars has the ability and can make everyone reasonably happy considering the circumstances. There is no need to piss off one group to fix another group's problems.

6max changes: Losing VPPs, Rake increase 5 handed, Rake decrease in other hands <-- terrible deal
FR changes: Losing VPPs, Rake decrease <-- not a bad deal

How is fixing it like this:
6max: Losing VPPs <--bad deal
FR: Losing VPPs <-- bad deal

better than fixing it like this:
6max: Losing VPPs, Rake increase 5 handed, Rake decrease <-- not a bad a deal
FR: Losing VPPs, Rake decrease <-- not a bad a deal


This one ****ing 5 handed glitch in the rake changes is going to sabotage everything we're trying to retain here for the reg pool as a whole.

Nice strat Stars: Divide and Conquer. gg if you stick with this new ****ed up decision.

Last edited by JH1; 12-29-2011 at 10:55 AM. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:50 AM
am I missing something or do the changes just mean TAGs earn less money and LAGs earn more? VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by Starscream
See guys, they do listen!
No, they don't. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:52 AM
Stars player panel:

3 rando PS pros

Steve: What you guys think of the changes?

Nanonoko: Looks good to me - doesn't effect my rakeback

VWahlbeck: looks good doesnt hurt 25-50 plo

Isildur: Can you lend me another mill steve? VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by ThePrunus
WC is fine, dealt sucks.

You get rakeback on the rake YOU pay.

For SNG players it's been like this since before Jesus was born.

Thats correct. But as it stands 6 max cash game regs also stand to lose out with the 24 tabling "nits". This is the whole problem. The multipliers need adjusting upwards so that the re-distribution of the money is actually done in a fair manner. As it stands the "nits" lose a lot, the regs lose a bit and the people who they claim to be helping (the recreational losers) actually only gain a small amount. Stars are currently the big winners. Flawed system replaced by another flawed system to the detriment of the general poker community. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
Stars player panel:

3 rando PS pros

Steve: What you guys think of the changes?

Nanonoko: Looks good to me - doesn't effect my rakeback

VWahlbeck: looks good doesnt hurt 25-50 plo

Isildur: Can you lend me another mill steve?

^ lol A* VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by ChawkDee
Please explain.

How on earth can they be good for a losing player and not a winning player?

The way I see it is that it will cause players to play more so the more skilled player will ultimately win.
Winning and losing---long-term, not an individual pot. An annual winner, a LAG, gets slightly better VPPs/FPPs than before but now pays so much more rake that he is a net loser to WC. A long-term losing LAG is the only net rakeback winner to WC but still loses overall. Unless there is a terrific inflow of whales/fish, regs as a group will lose to WC. Individuals can still win of course, even more than before. But the hurdles we must all jump over have just been raised. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by TGSM89
am I missing something or do the changes just mean TAGs earn less money and LAGs earn more?
Yes - TAGs earn far less, LAGs earn less, fish earn a little more and Stars earn a good deal more. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:54 AM
JH1 bossing thread, only person making sense. VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
12-29-2011 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
Yes - TAGs earn far less, LAGs earn less, fish earn a little more and Stars earn a good deal more.
Do stars earn more because 24 tables nits are less likely to make SNE and less rewards are paid out, yeah? VIP Program and Ring Game Rake Changes effective January 1, 2012 Quote
