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Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file?

08-17-2009 , 08:44 PM
Recently when a seat becomes empty on a table i'm on the waiting list for i havn't been getting the popup asking me if i want to take a seat or not. I run stars assistant, stars planner and wickss hotkey so when it pops up my scripts auto clicks yes. Recently i've started up sessions where the popup dosnt appear until i get a message stating i've been removed from the waiting list for not acting in time. When this has happened i also havnt been able to close down stars, the x at the top right does nothing and neither does attempting to exit from the taskbar, the only way i've been able to shut down stars has been to go into task manager and end the process.

Am i alone in this problem?

edit: This dosn't happen everytime, just every so often.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by chip-star
Recently when a seat becomes empty on a table i'm on the waiting list for i havn't been getting the popup asking me if i want to take a seat or not. I run stars assistant, stars planner and wickss hotkey so when it pops up my scripts auto clicks yes. Recently i've started up sessions where the popup dosnt appear until i get a message stating i've been removed from the waiting list for not acting in time. When this has happened i also havnt been able to close down stars, the x at the top right does nothing and neither does attempting to exit from the taskbar, the only way i've been able to shut down stars has been to go into task manager and end the process.

Am i alone in this problem?

edit: This dosn't happen everytime, just every so often.

i am having the same probelm right now.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 08:33 PM
I took an obscene amount of notes today. And started using the color labels stars offers. I spent a great deal of time on this today.

I also had some old notes that I wanted to merge with my existing, working, current xml notes file to make it complete.

I opened the xml file with notepad, and the format seems pretty obvious: note tags, separated by 'tab' characters, use quotes where they belong, give them a label.

i tried adding my old notes this way, and somehow, i lost all the hours of work i spent today previously. yes i'm a fool for editing before saving, but thats neither here nor there.

it seems like this file is uneditable or something.

there is also one note i'm trying to remove, and remarkably, every time i open/close stars, then go back to the xml, the note is there again.. wtf?

need help, please advise.

oh yea, i'm obviously closing stars everytime before i start to look at or edit the xml.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 09:19 PM
Stars notes aren't .xml. They are just a text document. Full Tilt is .xml
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Reliant444
Stars notes aren't .xml. They are just a text document. Full Tilt is .xml
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 09:45 PM
my stars notes is .txt

u should have a notes.xml file and a notes.txt file.

i've edited in my own name (so I cna have my own custom color in the lobby to see me on the tables) and merged notes from different laptops with both .txt files.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 10:48 PM
can someone copy / paste their notes.txt file here so that i can copy the formatting, and then hopefully stars will create the new xml from the old txt?

obviously i dont need your notes, just formatting.

going crazy over here
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:14 PM
PokerStars Notes
[2008/11/10 09:49:16]
[label=0] 30dbff, LABEL 0

[label=1] 30ff97, LABEL 1

[label=2] e1ff80, LABEL 2

[label=3] ff9b30, LABEL 3

[label=4] ff304e, LABEL 4

[label=5] ff30d7, LABEL 5

[label=6] 303eff, LABEL 6

[label=7] 1985ff, LABEL 7

any notes you may have
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:16 PM
and I have no idea where you are getting notes.xml

I have NEVER seen that in Stars.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:20 PM
whats at the bottom (end) of your text file?
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:22 PM
nothing, it just ends at last player note
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by runhot
can someone copy / paste their notes.txt file here so that i can copy the formatting, and then hopefully stars will create the new xml from the old txt?

obviously i dont need your notes, just formatting.

going crazy over here

PokerStars Notes
[2009/12/15 18:43:02]
[label=0] 8080ff, Shortstackers

[label=1] ffff, Fishy bad player

[label=2] ff80ff, Half-Stackers

[label=3] ff, Nits

[label=4] ff0000, Tags

[label=5] ff8000, Lags

[label=6] 303eff, Custom Label 7

[label=7] 400040, Me

ez 2 **** with

Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:29 PM
the notes.xml is something they apparently JUST introduced. Like I said, it's never been there before. I just updated my software, and now I have a .xml.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:31 PM
headasplode imuh boutuh jump out a window
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:40 PM
I just edit my .txt file

and never have problems.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-28-2009 , 11:47 PM
no matter what i do, either the old text only format, or the new xml format... i just cant get it to work.

support isnt being very helpful via email either.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-30-2009 , 11:49 AM
same problem here
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-30-2009 , 12:05 PM
what i ended up doing was removing all notes txt and xml files from my stars folder..

opened stars / logged in. created a random note on a guy.

closed stars

inserted old notes into the the newly created xml with one note in it. using the <note player> tags with the labels all defaulted to 0.

eventually after millions of tries, i got it to work.

i did however lose all the notes i took from this day in particular the first time i tried to edit.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-30-2009 , 09:07 PM
I am having same problem. I am trying to move my notes.txt from my old XP machine to

a Vista machine. I made some random notes on a few players so PS would generate

a .txt file and then proceeded to copy my old notes into that file.Then i notice a notes.xml and left that file alone.

Well it didnt work so I closed the PS client and tried it without PS running and still nada.

finally I deleted notes.xml and notes txt. and now when i start stars and make a random

test note and look in the stars folder all I see is notes.xml

Do I need to convert my .txt to xml? I am lost!
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-30-2009 , 09:42 PM
and then they were three ?
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-31-2009 , 12:47 AM
Warning: Make sure you escape characters as needed. (eg. PlayerNames containing "<>; etc.)

Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-31-2009 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by KittyLiquor
Warning: Make sure you escape characters as needed. (eg. PlayerNames containing "<>; etc.)


huh ???
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-31-2009 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by virtua_fish
I am having same problem. I am trying to move my notes.txt from my old XP machine to

a Vista machine. I made some random notes on a few players so PS would generate

a .txt file and then proceeded to copy my old notes into that file.Then i notice a notes.xml and left that file alone.

Well it didnt work so I closed the PS client and tried it without PS running and still nada.

finally I deleted notes.xml and notes txt. and now when i start stars and make a random

test note and look in the stars folder all I see is notes.xml

Do I need to convert my .txt to xml? I am lost!
The new client has the option to import old note files; try selecting your text file and it should import it to the new xml format (haven't tried this)

Alternatively, you can try installing an older version of the stars client, dropping in your text file, then upgrading again, and it should get converted for you
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-31-2009 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Hood
The new client has the option to import old note files; try selecting your text file and it should import it to the new xml format (haven't tried this)
Alternatively, you can try installing an older version of the stars client, dropping in your text file, then upgrading again, and it should get converted for you
It worked! Thanks! I didnt even notice that option.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
12-31-2009 , 08:45 PM
Anyone have any idea how big this xml file should be? I'm sure I have notes on over 10,000 players (literally, prolly a lot more). The txt document was 3.5megs, but it ends on the 12/21/09 and I've taken an obscene amount of notes since then. The xml document is 485megs and I wasnt having any luck opening it so I downloaded a reader from microsofts site (XML notepad 2007) and when I try to open I get the error message "The XML page cannote be displayed. Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the refresh button, or try again later. Not enough storage is available to complete this operation". FWIW, when I was trying to open using regular notepad it would stop after 8% and reset and occasionally I would get a small amount of notes followed by a bunch of gibberish, so I don't know if the file is corrupted or other.
Pokerstars bug: Notes: Edit xml file? Quote
