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PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins

04-13-2010 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
Microbob said it best. People feel so entitled to be a winning player and will blame anything they can besides the fact that they may not be as good as they think they are.

You can't just expect Pstars to corner your "fish" into a table that you think suits your interests better. If a fish would rather sit with shortstackers sorry for you.

You got your deep tables now be happy with it and see how it pans out. GL sitting around with 8 other full stack regs and blinding yourselves to death because I am going to be one of the ones laughing at you. IMO they didn't really need changes except for the rathole timer. That was fair enough.

If the 40 to 100 BB tables take off and are where all of your "fish" go then congrats you win. When your winrate isn't as great as you expect on that table then what? Blame something else? 40 BB is the new shortstack IYO?

Whatever. I think the changes were fine.
+1 Well said
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by dwalker012
This is friggin stupid. A new player does not know what a deep, shallow, or standard tables is. It does not take a high IQ to figure out 20bb-50bb or 40bb-100bb. 40bb(low buy in)-100bb(max buy in).

Any other label is trying to funnel players to a particular table.
The labels ARE a cluster****, but I agree, labels like that create new problems that PStars obviously is trying to avoid. No matter how much some of us might prefer Shallow Normal Deep, I doubt its going to happen.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
Microbob said it best. People feel so entitled to be a winning player and will blame anything they can besides the fact that they may not be as good as they think they are.
Seriously..... many here sound like complete whiners.

It seems like only direct deposit into their bank accounts would make them happy.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:35 AM
I think Stars should change their Timebank to 3 hours a day so all the full stack regs can play 40 more tables and make the single tabling fish wait an average of 14 minutes to see the flop, turn and river.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by dwalker012
This is friggin stupid. A new player does not know what a deep, shallow, or standard tables is. It does not take a high IQ to figure out 20bb-50bb or 40bb-100bb. 40bb(low buy in)-100bb(max buy in).

Any other label is trying to funnel players to a particular table.

Have you looked at the lobby? LOL at arguing recreational players would feel comfortable joining any table with how much of a mess all the numbers make it look.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by PLO_Micro_Donkey
Seriously..... many here sound like complete whiners.

It seems like only direct deposit into their bank accounts would make them happy.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
I think Stars should change their Timebank to 3 hours a day so all the full stack regs can play 40 more tables and make the single tabling fish wait an average of 14 minutes to see the flop, turn and river.

I agree with your most recent post (the one before the quoted one that others have agreed with beofore me), but here you're taking it a bit too far. Contrary to your apparent belief not all fullstack/deepstack regs are masstabling HUDbots.

I guess you're a shortstacker, and whatever man, if that's what you like, be my guest. But frankly, being a shortstacker you don't have much experience playing turns, much less rivers, MUCH LESS with SPRs that don't exist for your stack even preflop (exaggerated to emphasize ldo).
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:48 AM
It sounds like it won't, but just to make sure...

These changes won't affect games in the Other Tab like 5 Card Draw and Lowball will they?
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:49 AM
If you are confident that the 20bb push/shove rathole style of play is bad for poker. Then you should have no concern that the 20-50bb games will be most popular.

I am confident that no one likes playing against someone who simply shoves pre and leaves if he/she wins. Many many casual fish will experience the same frustration and seek out the tables not allowing a 20bb buy in.

It's just that simple. Stop complaining.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:49 AM
I, of course, emailed PokerStars about these changes. The response I got made it clear that they considered surveys as hearing back from the average player. Nevermind what people actually did when they had to vote with their feet and wallets. As an earlier poster noted, 20-100 games were 85% of the games compared to 50BB min games being 15%. We had an experiment the last two years. Guess what? The 50BB min game got trounced. It was pummeled. The 20-100 game proved way more popular. And, it wasn't only due to shortstacks. Shortstackers were less than half of the players in 20-100 games. If you are being really generous and saying shortstacks made up 50% of the 20-100 players, then you had 42.5% of players shortstacking 20-100, 42.5% of players deep at 20-100, and 15% of players at 50BB min games. The experiment had been done. Yet, the vocal minority gets to change the playing habits of a much larger group simply because they made lots of loud noises in the last 2 years. What a joke!
Bottom line: 20-100 games trounced 50-100 games in popularity. It didn't matter. The more popular structure was taken away to benefit the loud mouth pros.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:52 AM
LOL deep ante tables fast only? are u kidding me how does that make any sense at all
should be normal only that was a horrible decision
i just stars just wants regs to feel rushed in decisions for giant spots and spew money = more rake
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
I, of course, emailed PokerStars about these changes. The response I got made it clear that they considered surveys as hearing back from the average player. Nevermind what people actually did when they had to vote with their feet and wallets. As an earlier poster noted, 20-100 games were 85% of the games compared to 50BB min games being 15%. We had an experiment the last two years. Guess what? The 50BB min game got trounced. It was pummeled. The 20-100 game proved way more popular. And, it wasn't only due to shortstacks. Shortstackers were less than half of the players in 20-100 games. If you are being really generous and saying shortstacks made up 50% of the 20-100 players, then you had 42.5% of players shortstacking 20-100, 42.5% of players deep at 20-100, and 15% of players at 50BB min games. The experiment had been done. Yet, the vocal minority gets to change the playing habits of a much larger group simply because they made lots of loud noises in the last 2 years. What a joke!
Bottom line: 20-100 games trounced 50-100 games in popularity. It didn't matter. The more popular structure was taken away to benefit the loud mouth pros.
Everybody always talks about how much rake masstabling shortstackers generate and that stars should cater to these good customers. Guess what? Fullstacked regs generate a lot of rake aswell (in fact they CONTRIBUTE more $/hand than a shorty).

We have a voice too and should be catered to.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:55 AM
i dont get why stars would do 35-100bb for euro tables but make usd tables different??
35-100bb would have been a fine solution
wtf is this 20-50 nonsense
and not wanting to label the tables
and the screw up on the 250bb tables is just tilting me off my ass
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
Everybody always talks about how much rake masstabling shortstackers generate and that stars should cater to these good customers. Guess what? Fullstacked regs generate a lot of rake aswell (in fact they CONTRIBUTE more $/hand than a shorty).

We have a voice too and should be catered to.
did you stop and try the understand the post before monkey typing a response?

there were more players deep at 20-100 games in absolute number than at 50-100 games.
and this $/hand comparison is disingenuous. Games with more shortstackers got more hands per hour in. The money per hour was equal.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:57 AM
MT2R, you will be the one and only person to send an email with that point of view, regardless of how many people you think shared your opinion....
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by RunyonAve
MT2R, you will be the one and only person to send an email with that point of view, regardless of how many people you think shared your opinion....
funny that 20-100 games had more players and more deep stacks in them than 50-100 games

seems like most of you overlook the completely obvious in trying to cast me as a minority
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by 1nsight
LOL deep ante tables fast only? are u kidding me how does that make any sense at all
should be normal only that was a horrible decision
i just stars just wants regs to feel rushed in decisions for giant spots and spew money = more rake
I honestly don't think that that can possibly the reason. I mean once the pot reaches $60, where all the REALLY tough decisions start when there's $220 behind (at 100NL, even more at higher stakes obv), the rake is capped anyways, so stars gains nothing by people spewing beyond a $60 pot.

The only rake related reason might be to have players play another $60 pot as soon as possible.

I don't know. I'm still confused and eagerly await Steve's elaboration on the "close" decision making process reagarding these tables.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by EddieOB
Have you looked at the lobby? LOL at arguing recreational players would feel comfortable joining any table with how much of a mess all the numbers make it look.
Honestly, it's stupefying how arrogant some of you guys are. Do you think that guys who don't know how to play poker profitably are stupid? A lot of them have have better jobs and more money than a lot of poker players.

Don't judge them if you don't know them personally.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 12:00 PM
once again, the one and only person out of the hundreds of thousands of accounts created on pokerstars
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut

I agree with your most recent post (the one before the quoted one that others have agreed with beofore me), but here you're taking it a bit too far. Contrary to your apparent belief not all fullstack/deepstack regs are masstabling HUDbots.

I guess you're a shortstacker, and whatever man, if that's what you like, be my guest. But frankly, being a shortstacker you don't have much experience playing turns, much less rivers, MUCH LESS with SPRs that don't exist for your stack even preflop (exaggerated to emphasize ldo).
I was joking dude and no I don't shortstack btw.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by 1nsight
i dont get why stars would do 35-100bb for euro tables but make usd tables different??
35-100bb would have been a fine solution
wtf is this 20-50 nonsense
and not wanting to label the tables
and the screw up on the 250bb tables is just tilting me off my ass
well said - when they introduced euro tables with 35-100, and considering that is what full tilt did (which has gone over very well) I figured that was the future fix coming, but no they decided to make things super complicated with some of the worst decision I could imagine.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by my4betyoufold
Honestly, it's stupefying how arrogant some of you guys are. Do you think that guys who don't know how to play poker profitably are stupid? A lot of them have have better jobs and more money than a lot of poker players.

Don't judge them if you don't know them personally.
this is the biggest problem with poker players
a large portion of them think anyone that isn't a winner at poker is a ****** on the IQ scale

hell, this is the only reason these game changes are taking place at all. The whole background is that the normal player was too stupid in choosing 20-100 games over 50-100 games, so the pro player has to make that choice for the average guy.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
did you stop and try the understand the post before monkey typing a response?

there were more players deep at 20-100 games in absolute number than at 50-100 games.
and this $/hand comparison is disingenuous. Games with more shortstackers got more hands per hour in. The money per hour was equal.
Kinda tough to understand your posts really. You present "facts" (more deep players played the 20-100 game than short players), without showing any data about that (which you can't have unless you're a PS employee).

Apart from that all I said is that my rake money, and the rake money of other fullstacks have voices too.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by RunyonAve
once again, the one and only person out of the hundreds of thousands of accounts created on pokerstars
real preferences are revealed with real economic decisions
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
04-13-2010 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
funny that 20-100 games had more players and more deep stacks in them than 50-100 games

seems like most of you overlook the completely obvious in trying to cast me as a minority
Dude, wtf, how could the 20-100 games have more deeps stacks at a table than the game that had a minimum of 50bb buyin where almost everyone buyins in full? This statement is completely false.
PokerStars Announcement of Changes to NL/PL Cash Game Buy-ins Quote
