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Pokerstars ,000 issue [since 2011] Pokerstars ,000 issue [since 2011]

02-17-2020 , 08:22 AM
maybe ill just make a mess big enough answers will be asked
Pokerstars ,000 issue [since 2011] Quote
02-17-2020 , 08:35 AM
richard, if you can't communicate clearly you'll never be taken seriously even if your highly suspect claims are true

honestly man, sit down and take the time to proof read your word dumps - as someone who has a lot of experience with manic people, you sure remind me of them, i'd look into your mental health - i am serious about that
Pokerstars ,000 issue [since 2011] Quote
02-23-2020 , 03:59 AM
7 times i reported problem no prob 25 times 7 times they provided hh to check w data they kept suggesting i try it with differnt softwaree which i did it with everything out at the time and got the same discrepency and kept reporting until they stopped responding to me regarding the matter and only when amaya bought pokerstars did they take my claims seriously enough to tell me they would investigate it and they suspended my account for 3 months while they investigated and when they came back they offered me to let trhe issue go or lose my poker playing priveleges which i moved all my playing actrion to different sites since. im not lying about anything i claimed and to those claiming ss is not accurate sure maybe now with everything being reentries but in 2010 and 2011 it was pretty darnned accurate and im not just saying this because it goes along with my bias im saying it because my impteenth gb database of hands tell me how freaking accurate it used to be with other collegues during the time. they tried to use my unfortunate event of having surgery in 2014 as a reason of delusion of some sort its not a delusion if i reported it no less then 7 times according to their records even though i know its more like 100 times until they stopped responding to my requests but up until amaya they still allowed my play.

if anybody thinks this is fair wait till it happens to you one day... its not hard once again ill make it clear that to accont for 4 1/2 months of mtt play only cause for security i haad cash games blocked with mtt games... their is something very fishy when they offer me ultimatum to shut up about it forget it happened without sending me anydetails of their investigation that took 3 months or we close your account because of your surgery and gambling addiction when i have 200k profit and 40k games played.

it could happen to any one of you regs and probably did happen.


Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Go for it.
look i know its hard to understand my text and i might even sound a little manic but i assure you the condition is not bipolar or anything nuerological like that. there is medical issue at hand i would have no problem disclosing this to you through pm but everything i stated is absoulutley true. before poker i had a career for 15 years in the telecom industry which i started when i was 18 years old after graduating from highschool in 3 years. i mention this because i averaged just about 80k a year for my 10 years of work which ended from an accident which disabled me for life. its hard to understand all this without knowing the whole story but i didnt take my life sentence sitting down and i turned my passion into a dream that took me away from a very dangerous area for me to live in and brought down to peaceful mexico where it probably saved my life. id be willing to show anybody reputable all of my documents proving my character and working records. im as honest as they come and pokersars refusing to provide a full accurate report of 4 1/2 months of data and forcing an ultimatum should be all proof enough to know something is being covered up. they could never provide me with the full hand history cause in one way or another if they fix it to make it look right it will unwind due to the mtt players on 2p2 that have their entire databases still or if they provide the real deal it will show flat out cheating in ways that will blow your guys mind. i think the level of sophistication taken could only be done from the inside personally. yes its sad but if you think about it with the selling of the company when you have a licence to print money 24/7/365 days a year why would you ever sell it for any amount of money. facts truth sadness. its sad amaya has to fix it but its their responsibility now.. they bought the company in full with all its faults included. i was hidden away from the right people in the company for many years and finally could be hidden no more. the way to fix it is to lock me out of my account so i can no longer access my records or continue to grind mtts like i did just about every day for past 10 years.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 02-23-2020 at 06:08 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Pokerstars ,000 issue [since 2011] Quote
