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Pokerrr2 club Elite #A86lx SCAM Pokerrr2 club Elite #A86lx SCAM

10-26-2023 , 05:13 AM
Online scammers, be careful!

I met these guys through Reddit
Our communication did not last long, I think they were just waiting for the right moment to earn as much as possible.
They work in Pokerrr2 club Elite #A86lx, I think there are other applications. Specifically in my example.
Step 1. They gain confidence, our communication began about work, I found out the details of their work. They responded quickly and to the point. Here I have attached from the very beginning our correspondence. I clarified the terms of the deal with them. We agreed that

So let's fix the arguments:
- Club Elite A86lx
- 1 chip = 1 US dollar
- reports/calculations Monday
- payments via btc/Erc20
- deal 35% rub.
- a deposit is required, we can discuss loans after some time, when there is trust
- to receive RB, players must play at least 200 hands
- after increasing the volume, you can discuss increasing the transaction
- if there are no volumes for 2 weeks, the deal will be reduced

Step 2. I added one player and made my deposit. And I decided to play, I received a win. Afterwards, I wanted to look at the report and understand for myself how many more players I could get. I decided to ask them about the payment for 1 player and will they provide me with a report on it? To which I received ridicule, saying that I was a fool and should have invited more players and added a deposit for each. Lol, I already understood what was going on, and I simply began to demand an account and the money I won.

Step 3. A large fish is caught in the net.
Now I can’t advise these guys to you, what kind of trust are we talking about? If I’m afraid that I will get more players and deposit more money, the guys will also ignore me. As a result, I did not receive either a report or money. By the way, here is their Instagram page.
These are their telegram accounts @Trust_Factor11 @RussMarine777
Pokerrr2 club Elite #A86lx SCAM Quote
11-02-2023 , 09:31 AM
Scammers @Houston_Hustlers telegram

Hello, I again want to protect you from guys who do not fulfill the agreed conditions.

Houston hustlers
@Houston_Hustlers telegram

I build commercial relationships, immediately negotiate the terms of the transaction, payment and reports. So this time we discussed everything with them and agreed on a deposit. I launched 1 player into the club, deposited my $450, and then added another $200.

Afterwards I requested a report and received a payment of $1,590 in winnings. I received the dissatisfaction that “my team is bots and I was denied payment,” there is no evidence, I only started 1 player. There is no talk about teamwork, and about how “my team of bots is cheating for money.” I agree that if players break the rules, we agree to confiscate the winnings, but you as an agent must return the deposit and winnings to the affected players.

Or am I doing something wrong?
Pokerrr2 club Elite #A86lx SCAM Quote
