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04-23-2016 , 02:00 AM
If anyone thinks that the site's RNG is rigged then post stats to prove it. If anyone says that the company is owned by Lock then show something to support that claim. Let's not turn this into another riggie thread.

The real problem here is that this site is using the name of a much more well established site. That looks beyond shady to me. I don't understand why the affiliates who have had direct contact with the company's owners haven't asked the simple question of why the owners call their company Ourgame.

The Rakerace rep wrote a lengthy post clarifying that they had made a mistake as to who owned the company but somehow managed to not even ask why they call themselves something that they are not. That is why Ourgame is an issue in this thread after all. If they can't think of asking the most obvious question, I can see why Rakerace made that mistake in the first place. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-23-2016 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by TommyTsunami
Wow sketch-city... 2+2 is taking advertising from these guys? Can a moderator please explain why 2+2 is accepting advertising dollars from a poker site that is obviously misrepresenting itself in an attempt to deceive customers???

This is incredible.
A few points here. First of all, if you want an answer about 2+2 site policy, it's best to contact someone at the site directly (there are numerous contact links on every page), rather than posting and hoping administration happens to read your post (of the thousands that are written every day). Secondly, our volunteer moderators aren't going to be able to tell you much about our advertisers. I don't mention these things as criticisms, but as information to help you in the future.

I'm rather perplexed about your last question. We're not supposed to accept advertising dollars from a site because we should know that one person would post some time in the future that they received misleading information about the site? I must be missing something, because there's no way that could make sense to you.

Originally Posted by Kardnel
This site is a scam. This is coming from a successful online pro in 2016. I am not a rigtard and have not made a claim like this before. This site is actually a scam. You have been warned - do not deposit here! Affiliates should stop advertising here and warn all of their players.
Some evidence would be great.

Originally Posted by Kardnel
Just so it is clear: I am 100% positive this site is rigged. They are terrible at hiding it. Getting consistently minraise bluffed by a couple of fish is one thing. When it is the same stupid raise over and over again from 20 different opponents in 3 hours though, you can be 100% sure it is the same guy or two that you're actually playing against. When a reg 5b/calls it off with AJ 180bb deep you know something is up too. When you don't win a single preflop all in against big underdogs. When everyone else I talk to is experiencing the same exact thing. How does a brand new site have multiple games running at high stakes over night without any real advertising? And so on.

Do not deposit here, is a super clear scam.
I sure hope this isn't all you have.

Originally Posted by Kardnel
And the shill in this thread should be banned from 2+2. Considering this is fraud, it might also be prudent for 2+2 to forward the shill's details to his country's authorities.
WTF (and who) are you talking about?

Originally Posted by Kardnel
Why do you shill for thieves? May I ask you why?
Oh, I see - you're one of those guys who gets so wound up about a site that anyone else who isn't equally outraged is instantly labelled a shill.

Let's have a look at the poster you say "shills for thieves". 14 posts and ~24 hours earlier, he posted this:

Originally Posted by pecal
after i deep investigation in sng section i can say that this site is a big scam. players are not players at all . they are all bots. is impossible having games run over 2 h ( sit and go ) .only a very bad programming can do that . and timing before acting is hilarious .
players from france ? really?

i will stay away from this poker room.
Wow, what a shill. How dare he suggest that you are causing panic by throwing out unsubstantiated allegations...sure he said the site is a big scam, but he disagreed with you once, so he must be a shill!!!

Originally Posted by SantaCruz
If anyone thinks that the site's RNG is rigged then post stats to prove it. If anyone says that the company is owned by Lock then show something to support that claim. Let's not turn this into another riggie thread.
This, this, this.

Please don't take my points above the wrong way. I'm actually happy this thread has been created, and I think our posters have every right to urge caution and ask tough questions about any site, and especially a new one. But FFS, what is with all this nonsense calling them thieves, a scam, rigged, and accusing them of infecting computers with trojans, all with hardly a shred of evidence to back it up? Do you guys really think this is in any way helpful? Most people are going to go through some of your posts and just dismiss this thread as a waste of time. If there are serious issues to be discussed, let's discuss them seriously. If it weren't for the fact that I don't want to squelch discussion about a new site, I'd be inclined to just delete this thread given all the ridiculous accusations with noting to back them up.

Originally Posted by SantaCruz
The real problem here is that this site is using the name of a much more well established site.
At this point, this is about the only thing that concerns me. Not that there haven't been other important issues raised, but I'm not giving them much credit until I see something more substantial posted.

I've asked the site directly about this, and they tell me they do not believe they are infringing any trademarks, and that their employees are instructed to tell people who ask that they are not the same company. I'm not so sure about their trademark answer, but I'm certainly not an expert in these matters. I know there are or have been very similarly named sites (Hi, Winner Poker and Winning Poker!); not sure if this crosses the line or not, especially since copyright/trademark laws aren't the same everywhere. I'd expect that if a trademark is being violated, that measures would be taken quite quickly.

The current campaign is a short one, and will be over in several days. In spite of that, if we felt there was compelling reason to cancel the campaign, we would do so (as we have with other sites in the past). However, at this point I don't see anything that makes me thing we have cause to cancel an existing agreement.

Originally Posted by lnternet
Be careful. But maybe it's gonna be something.
Good advice IYAM, for this site or any new site. Always be cautious. I wouldn't ever deposit life-changing money on any new site - I'd dip my toes in the water and see how I liked it first. Maybe this site will be great, maybe it will be a disaster, or maybe it will fall somewhere in the middle - time will tell.

We (2+2) have no way of knowing what new site is going to succeed or fail. Sadly, history has shown that there is no certain way to know if any site, new or established, will be around for the long term. Of course that doesn't excuse us from being as vigilant as we can, and not doing business with sites that we don't feel comfortable with. But we also aren't going to never take advertising from any new site, nor are we going to pull advertising the first time someone yells "scam".

Hopefully this all makes sense, and we certainly welcome feedback. Please continue posting any concerns (and positive experiences!), but it would be great if we could move towards more evidence-based suppositions - the other stuff isn't helpful to anyone, yourselves included. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-23-2016 , 05:44 AM
By answering tothe most "emotional posters" we turning this into another rigged debate, where the extremists have a louder voice than all the moderate peoples who have in my sense more to contribute to get a clearer and more objective picture.

I think it s reasonable to point what we believe are red flags (as well as what aren t) but if many competent and objective posters are sharing in the futur about loosing regurlarly against the softest of field online with the lowest rake, then it will be good enough for me to believe it is rigged without waiting for hard cold evidenced.

Just to add something to the thread , their stated that they using an hardware number generator and that they curently in the final process of getting it reviewed by a third party for thei Curacao licence. I must admit i have little idea about RNG in general and how reliable a Curacao license is in regard to this kind of things. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-23-2016 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by pecal
i hope we talk about the same poker room ( if this link is not allowed it may be deleted )

when i registered i did via an affiliate ( big and important affiliate) and i am doubt that they are promoting this without a minor investigation.

is the same company who bought WPT and listed on the stock market

and from what i know is stand alone with no other conection with any other poker room

THIS IS PLAIN WRONG!! Are you paid by them or why would you post something so obvious false, Pecal!?

The company who bought the WPT ( and is listed at the Hong Kong stock exchange ( is Ourgame International Holdings Ltd

This is a blatant copycat of the real OURGAME company. This fact alone would be enough for me to never deposit a single dollar on this site (nor engage in any business relationship).
Adding the stories from the damaged players here - some of them lost in access of over 10k US$ despite the fact that the games "look" extremely fishy - only the naivest out there would still think there is a slight chance this site is legit. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-23-2016 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by Dr.Eldoradon
THIS IS PLAIN WRONG!! Are you paid by them or why would you post something so obvious false, Pecal!?

The company who bought the WPT ( and is listed at the Hong Kong stock exchange ( is Ourgame International Holdings Ltd

This is a blatant copycat of the real OURGAME company. This fact alone would be enough for me to never deposit a single dollar on this site (nor engage in any business relationship).
Adding the stories from the damaged players here - some of them lost in access of over 10k US$ despite the fact that the games "look" extremely fishy - only the naivest out there would still think there is a slight chance this site is legit.

if you bothered to make that post , have you read all my posts ? have you read from where i had that info? [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-23-2016 , 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by Dr.Eldoradon
THIS IS PLAIN WRONG!! Are you paid by them or why would you post something so obvious false, Pecal!?

The company who bought the WPT ( and is listed at the Hong Kong stock exchange ( is Ourgame International Holdings Ltd

This is a blatant copycat of the real OURGAME company. This fact alone would be enough for me to never deposit a single dollar on this site (nor engage in any business relationship).
Adding the stories from the damaged players here - some of them lost in access of over 10k US$ despite the fact that the games "look" extremely fishy - only the naivest out there would still think there is a slight chance this site is legit.
Eldo being Eldo again. You don`t even read the other few pages therefore miss his posts where he clearly shows that he is not a shill...

I wonder what got your attention of this thread tho? Do you have "business relationships" with the real ourgame poker site? Just like you did with mixed mindset when you told ppl to deposit and later ppl lost huge amount of $$$ on there cause site disappeared overnight. I wish you stay out of the affiliate business. It is better for the players.

Last edited by coach999; 04-23-2016 at 07:27 AM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-23-2016 , 03:49 PM
If anyone wanna sweat me playing 5/10 tonight I'll be on around 10pm est. the games are ligit, come watch for urself. S/n is digitaldegen [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-23-2016 , 10:03 PM
Starting sesh if anyone was interested in railing. Start 5/10 will end at 25/50

edit- at table budapest atm

Last edited by Oh_4Q_Man; 04-23-2016 at 10:25 PM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-23-2016 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Oh_4Q_Man
Starting sesh if anyone was interested in railing. Start 5/10 will end at 25/50

edit- at table budapest atm
Now @ table Los Angeles 10/20 goggogogogoog

25/50 or bust imo [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by Oh_4Q_Man
If anyone wanna sweat me playing 5/10 tonight I'll be on around 10pm est. the games are ligit, come watch for urself. S/n is digitaldegen
I saw you playing 10/20 with the chinese players. I just joined and deposited $75. The software seems excellent in my opinion, but the cashout options don't look very good. Seems like the only option is Bitcoin? [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
If anyone thinks that the site's RNG is rigged then post stats to prove it. If anyone says that the company is owned by Lock then show something to support that claim. Let's not turn this into another riggie thread.

The real problem here is that this site is using the name of a much more well established site. That looks beyond shady to me. I don't understand why the affiliates who have had direct contact with the company's owners haven't asked the simple question of why the owners call their company Ourgame.

The Rakerace rep wrote a lengthy post clarifying that they had made a mistake as to who owned the company but somehow managed to not even ask why they call themselves something that they are not. That is why Ourgame is an issue in this thread after all. If they can't think of asking the most obvious question, I can see why Rakerace made that mistake in the first place.

Kardnel please post some proof to your claims.. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by twisty8
I saw you playing 10/20 with the chinese players. I just joined and deposited $75. The software seems excellent in my opinion, but the cashout options don't look very good. Seems like the only option is Bitcoin?
well done depositing before really informing yourself on cashout options, smh. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by twisty8
I saw you playing 10/20 with the chinese players. I just joined and deposited $75. The software seems excellent in my opinion, but the cashout options don't look very good. Seems like the only option is Bitcoin?
They allow cash outs to credit cards also. When you go to the cash out page visa, MasterCard, skrill, astropay, neteller and Bitcoin should all be there. Good luck!

Edit- just checked bank account and cash out to my MasterCard already hit. Site is ligit and soft.

Double edit- about to start another sesh of 10/20 and battle the Chinese again if anyone wanna rail

Last edited by Oh_4Q_Man; 04-24-2016 at 12:25 PM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 12:29 PM
"Proof": I played two sessions here before it was super apparent. This is coming from someone that is a strong winner at 5/10 and 10/20 in today's environment. I have been playing internet poker since 2004 and have never been convinced (and so quickly, lol, it is *obvious*) that a site was rigged.

I will give you an example of the lines I faced. I played against a variety of people with reg fish stats but who did not play anything like a normal reg. The regs (several different screen names, but probably the same actual person or bot) had a donk bet of over 50% and always a pot sized one. And unlike when you normally raise this bet in position, the line that these "regs" took was to *snap* 3b you like the predecision button was clicked. This happened habitually. It wasn't just one guy, it was several different opponents who all played this same "style". *EVERY* time I raised with air this happened. The vast majority of the time when they donked I would have air. And strangely, the only time their sizing would change is when they would donk fold and take ridiculous lines that nobody ever actually takes. For example, I 3b TT on the button against cutoff. He donks 2x the pot on KQT and folds to my jam. Do regs normally take this line? Obviously not. It was as if the guy who was cheating me realized that oh wait this might be too obvious, better lose some back to him.

Another odd line that these "regs" took was to get in hands preflop that no ordinary reg does. A guy is playing 25/10 and his preflop line once with AA against my UTG open was just to 3b all in for 100bb. Then a few hands later this exact same reg took the line of min3b against my UTG+1 open. Then he calls off a shove (I am short at this point) with QT. Another example of a preflop line that real regs do not take is I have KK and am 3b MP vs sb. I 4b and he 5bs. We are 180bb deep. I go all in and he snap calls with AJo... and sucks out. This is not some guy with fish stats. As another point, several of the different "regs" on this site would min3b as their standard sizing. Like uh, could you make it any more obvious that this is not a legit poker game? Oh nah, it must just be that the only 50 regs in the world that think min 3 bet is a good idea play on this one site.

The hardest proof? I actually spoke with the people from the real ourgame (not this fraudulent rip off) that indeed the site is just stealing people's money in rigged games.

TBH I am shocked that a winning poker player wouldn't see through this facade faster. Then again, you're probably just 10nl grinders that couldn't even beat those games so they had to find something even softer to keep making a living at the game. Good advice to you folks: if this is your career or expected way to make money I'd just give up now (if you actually played these games longer than a day or two).

Anyway, frankly if you don't want to heed this warning then good, I hope you lose money for being so stupid. Only downside of course is that you will give another scammer in the future incentive to do this again.

Last edited by Kardnel; 04-24-2016 at 12:47 PM. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 12:32 PM
^^ don't be mad you can't beat the Chinese. If it's rigged why am
I up over 5k @5/10-10/20 so far? Why did I receive my payout In under 3 days? Don't be salty u lost and scream scam because your not as good as you think you are..... [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 12:54 PM
Also it is honestly disgusting that 2+2 is letting these fraudsters advertise on this forum without any due diligence at all. Wonder how many thousands of dollars you're going to get stolen by being so careless. But oh no, the job of "proving" the site is legit is on me... even though, you know, that is *your* job and you failed at it. It's too bad they don't let me add a moderator to my ignore list.

No wonder I stopped reading this terrible forum. I shouldn't even have come back to warn the people here. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 07:01 PM
Dont trust this at all [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by frenchfish
Isn't that khans rb site? All I know is I've successfully recieved a 3k cashout and been running good at 5/10-10/20. So as far as the high stakes games being rigged or infested with super users, no. Not at all.

Just with any site play at your own risk, but I'm comfortable with my $ being on there for now. Yea it's shady af they are trying to cash in on the reputation of an established site, but as long as they pay and the games are safe, idgaf [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Oh_4Q_Man
^^ don't be mad you can't beat the Chinese. If it's rigged why am
I up over 5k @5/10-10/20 so far? Why did I receive my payout In under 3 days? Don't be salty u lost and scream scam because your not as good as you think you are.....
Well how about the Chinesee can't be legit because they don't have deposit options avaliable in China etc.?? They have bigger high stakes traffic than original site owned by ourgame??
And I don't want to deposit and lose my money just to prove the point but no way it is at all legit. There is a HM converter already on the market so if someone still plays there they can get the all info assuming they know where to find it.

At this point I am going to assume you are just a shill for the site and you land on my ignore list so feel free to do the same. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by KptBomba
Well how about the Chinesee can't be legit because they don't have deposit options avaliable in China etc.?? They have bigger high stakes traffic than original site owned by ourgame??
And I don't want to deposit and lose my money just to prove the point but no way it is at all legit. There is a HM converter already on the market so if someone still plays there they can get the all info assuming they know where to find it.

At this point I am going to assume you are just a shill for the site and you land on my ignore list so feel free to do the same.
Yup you got me. I'm a shill for the site. Even tho by looking at my post history you can see I primarily play at Betonline. Plus I gave my screen name here so people could watch me play 10/20 last night to see for themselves the site is Ligit. No worries don't play there if u don't wanna. No one forcing u. More sweet sweet yen for me [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Kardnel
"Proof": I played two sessions here before it was super apparent. This is coming from someone that is a strong winner at 5/10 and 10/20 in today's environment. I have been playing internet poker since 2004 and have never been convinced (and so quickly, lol, it is *obvious*) that a site was rigged.

I will give you an example of the lines I faced. I played against a variety of people with reg fish stats but who did not play anything like a normal reg. The regs (several different screen names, but probably the same actual person or bot) had a donk bet of over 50% and always a pot sized one. And unlike when you normally raise this bet in position, the line that these "regs" took was to *snap* 3b you like the predecision button was clicked. This happened habitually. It wasn't just one guy, it was several different opponents who all played this same "style". *EVERY* time I raised with air this happened. The vast majority of the time when they donked I would have air. And strangely, the only time their sizing would change is when they would donk fold and take ridiculous lines that nobody ever actually takes. For example, I 3b TT on the button against cutoff. He donks 2x the pot on KQT and folds to my jam. Do regs normally take this line? Obviously not. It was as if the guy who was cheating me realized that oh wait this might be too obvious, better lose some back to him.

Another odd line that these "regs" took was to get in hands preflop that no ordinary reg does. A guy is playing 25/10 and his preflop line once with AA against my UTG open was just to 3b all in for 100bb. Then a few hands later this exact same reg took the line of min3b against my UTG+1 open. Then he calls off a shove (I am short at this point) with QT. Another example of a preflop line that real regs do not take is I have KK and am 3b MP vs sb. I 4b and he 5bs. We are 180bb deep. I go all in and he snap calls with AJo... and sucks out. This is not some guy with fish stats. As another point, several of the different "regs" on this site would min3b as their standard sizing. Like uh, could you make it any more obvious that this is not a legit poker game? Oh nah, it must just be that the only 50 regs in the world that think min 3 bet is a good idea play on this one site.

The hardest proof? I actually spoke with the people from the real ourgame (not this fraudulent rip off) that indeed the site is just stealing people's money in rigged games.

TBH I am shocked that a winning poker player wouldn't see through this facade faster. Then again, you're probably just 10nl grinders that couldn't even beat those games so they had to find something even softer to keep making a living at the game. Good advice to you folks: if this is your career or expected way to make money I'd just give up now (if you actually played these games longer than a day or two).

Anyway, frankly if you don't want to heed this warning then good, I hope you lose money for being so stupid. Only downside of course is that you will give another scammer in the future incentive to do this again.
all this drivel and nothing about how it is rigged. what you described is typical bot behavior ( and terribad bots at that) bots=/rigged. then u throw in the useless anecdote about speaking with customer support of the real ourgame or whatever.....loll thats just hilarious. how can you call yourself a reg when your posts scream of the same **** every rigtard in the 'poker is rigged debate thread' posts.

ill probably never play on this site but histeric nutballs like you are useless. show some proof to rigging [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-24-2016 , 11:20 PM
Any reported successful withdrawals yet? Bitcoin seems like it would be the easiest. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by StructureK
Any reported successful withdrawals yet?
Four posts up from yours. [CARE NEEDED] Quote
04-25-2016 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by Kardnel
"Proof": I played two sessions here before it was super apparent. This is coming from someone that is a strong winner at 5/10 and 10/20 in today's environment. I have been playing internet poker since 2004 and have never been convinced (and so quickly, lol, it is *obvious*) that a site was rigged.

I will give you an example of the lines I faced. I played against a variety of people with reg fish stats but who did not play anything like a normal reg. The regs (several different screen names, but probably the same actual person or bot) had a donk bet of over 50% and always a pot sized one. And unlike when you normally raise this bet in position, the line that these "regs" took was to *snap* 3b you like the predecision button was clicked. This happened habitually. It wasn't just one guy, it was several different opponents who all played this same "style". *EVERY* time I raised with air this happened. The vast majority of the time when they donked I would have air. And strangely, the only time their sizing would change is when they would donk fold and take ridiculous lines that nobody ever actually takes. For example, I 3b TT on the button against cutoff. He donks 2x the pot on KQT and folds to my jam. Do regs normally take this line? Obviously not. It was as if the guy who was cheating me realized that oh wait this might be too obvious, better lose some back to him.

Another odd line that these "regs" took was to get in hands preflop that no ordinary reg does. A guy is playing 25/10 and his preflop line once with AA against my UTG open was just to 3b all in for 100bb. Then a few hands later this exact same reg took the line of min3b against my UTG+1 open. Then he calls off a shove (I am short at this point) with QT. Another example of a preflop line that real regs do not take is I have KK and am 3b MP vs sb. I 4b and he 5bs. We are 180bb deep. I go all in and he snap calls with AJo... and sucks out. This is not some guy with fish stats. As another point, several of the different "regs" on this site would min3b as their standard sizing. Like uh, could you make it any more obvious that this is not a legit poker game? Oh nah, it must just be that the only 50 regs in the world that think min 3 bet is a good idea play on this one site.

The hardest proof? I actually spoke with the people from the real ourgame (not this fraudulent rip off) that indeed the site is just stealing people's money in rigged games.

TBH I am shocked that a winning poker player wouldn't see through this facade faster. Then again, you're probably just 10nl grinders that couldn't even beat those games so they had to find something even softer to keep making a living at the game. Good advice to you folks: if this is your career or expected way to make money I'd just give up now (if you actually played these games longer than a day or two).

Anyway, frankly if you don't want to heed this warning then good, I hope you lose money for being so stupid. Only downside of course is that you will give another scammer in the future incentive to do this again.
similar experience. at the very least there is a bot or collusion ring problem.

its pretty obvious imo when a bunch of these pots are going 3 ways and i either get raised out with the best hand or my favorite- taggish player makes a ridiculous overcall in spots where a tag would never call unless they were working with the other player in the hand

it sure would help if we were allowed to see mucked losing showdown hands [CARE NEEDED] Quote
