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Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance.

06-10-2009 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911

GREAT LINK!! lol at the blackjack hand though.

god, i hate that i love that republican pompous ass. i hate that i got wood over anything spouted on that evil network.

i think this whole seizure is getting legs in the press and it may inevitably be the best thing that ever happened, a blessing in disguise.

it has shifted toward player's/american's rights, and if we get fox news to continue to be on our side + barney's legislation, we may be a-ok.

it won't happen overnight though.

Last edited by GrannyMae; 06-10-2009 at 10:12 PM.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by ZeroPointMachine
Do you have WMDs?

No, but clearly Iraq does. Otherwise we wouldn't have went in there and destroyed that country.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by holmesnmanny
Why the hell was my other thread just locked?
i'm guessing redundancy.

i can't imagine that anyone would lock it because they had an opinion that it is a lousy thread. this is the zoo, not OOT or ATF.

they are probably trying to keep these discussions in a manageable number of threads.

thread was not lousy imo.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 10:06 PM
I have read this forum for the past few days extensivley along with articles relating to this topic, and the range of emotions from everyone is really interesting. Some are very scared (understandable) some are not (also undertsandable) some are mad at the US Govt (as am i). I have some $$ on stars, not nearly as much as some, more than others, i dont depend on poker as a source of income, i just love to play. And i hate the fact that someone can tell me where and how i can spend my money. But it looks like they can and will and that is really sad when you think about it. As an individual i feel so helpless, and control'd. Nevermind that poker is a game of skill and should be treated as such, if i want to deposit $50 onto a website and bet the lakers, i should be able to. Ok ill get of my soap box, back to the banter. I enjoy it!
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Anytime Im criticized by the likes of you, Greg, or your ilk, I consider it the highest form of compliment. Thank you.
its obvious that you are being sarcastic.

What exactly did I say that offended you so much? You have been calling me names because you disagree with what I say. If we have different opinions thats fine.

This issue is important to both of us, and a lot of other people for the same reasons. So I dont understand why you need to be so bitter toward people who have a different opinion that yourself.

I have NEVER gone to one of your posts and called you an "******".

Last edited by Greg XIX; 06-10-2009 at 10:21 PM.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by GrannyMae
i'm guessing redundancy.

i can't imagine that anyone would lock it because they had an opinion that it is a lousy thread. this is the zoo, not OOT or ATF.

they are probably trying to keep these discussions in a manageable number of threads.

thread was not lousy imo.

Thank you for your comments. You would think it would be common sense, however apparently that's not the case. This is a pm I received after I sent an email asking why the thread was locked.

You have received a warning at Two Plus Two Poker Forum


Dear holmesnmanny,

You have received a warning at Two Plus Two Poker Forum.


This is not a topic for the Internet Poker Forum.

Original Post:

I'd love the government to explain how state-run lotteries, while being 100% luck is legal but US based internet poker is not legal. On top of that, money taken from jackpots goes on to fund schools, obviously teaching kids that gambling is completely fine. What a bunch of hyprocrisy.

Furthermore, if the Appeals Court has stated clearly that it is not illegal for a US player to play on a foreign-based website, then how can they justify freezing assets that belong to such US-based players?

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
Two Plus Two Poker Forum

So I sent him this..

It absolutely is a topic for the internet poker forum as I was relating it to state-run lotteries and how one is legal while the other is not.

Save your warnings for when it is justified.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 10:22 PM
I withdraw the ****** statement, I clearly shouldnt have said that and apologize. Its more directed at complete doom and gloom/no evidence posts in general than you personally. Spewing the same random thing over and over without any support for your argument or addressing facts when they are brought to your attention in other threads doesnt help anything.

South America and Asia are growing <> sites can dump their US player base without consequence. It just doesn't. Party Poker is profitable, but their business has lost most of its value since it left the US

If you want to lay out some facts or construct an argument that says the sites will leave the US, Im all ears. I most certainly can be wrong.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
I think he did a good job

where is The Engineer?
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by holmesnmanny
Thank you for your comments. You would think it would be common sense, however apparently that's not the case. This is a pm I received after I sent an email asking why the thread was locked.

You have received a warning at Two Plus Two Poker Forum


Dear holmesnmanny,

You have received a warning at Two Plus Two Poker Forum.


This is not a topic for the Internet Poker Forum.

Original Post:

I'd love the government to explain how state-run lotteries, while being 100% luck is legal but US based internet poker is not legal. On top of that, money taken from jackpots goes on to fund schools, obviously teaching kids that gambling is completely fine. What a bunch of hyprocrisy.

Furthermore, if the Appeals Court has stated clearly that it is not illegal for a US player to play on a foreign-based website, then how can they justify freezing assets that belong to such US-based players?

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
Two Plus Two Poker Forum

So I sent him this..
do you have a history with this type of warning?

i really don't know what to say, so i better say nothing.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 10:54 PM
First time. I guess you have to be here for two years minumum before starting new threads or they'll do like the government and expand the rules to cover something.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by otter
Are you speaking from experience CCuster? I haven't read anyplace that the sites are reimbursing. Of course there are so many threads about this I haven't had a chance to read them all yet.

I read that people had money placed back into their account after a check bounced, but it wasn't clear whether or not the money was seized.

In other words if the checks clear then it seems to me that pokerstars would wash their hands of it. If, however the bank doesn't allow the check to be processed then I can see them putting the money back in my poker account.

So I guess I wonder what the process is? Does the bank process the check and then seize the money or do they not allow the check to be processed (i.e. it bounces) and the money goes back into my poker account?

edit: I could see a poker site saying, "Well we paid you and the money was released into your bank account so why would we reimburse you? This is between you and the bank now, not you and our site"
From what I have read the accounts frozen were for check processing companies used by 4 poker sites, that send checks to the players. So I presume it involves player money that was in the process of being withdrawn by check.

The sites have reimbursed that withdrawn money back into the players accounts out of their own pockets and are offering check cashouts through other check processors.

I live in California, had a $5K check bounce and was promptly reimbursed by Poker Stars and they explained that I could get another check plus they gave me a 10% bonus for my trouble.

I instead did a wire transfer for a larger amount since wire transfers are not limited to $5K, yesterday. This was money I had intended to withdraw anyway and still have money to play in my account.

I did find it a little odd that they asked me to send a copy of my bank statement for security reasons since I did a successful wire transfer not long ago although this last amount was much larger.

I sent them the copy and it was approved today. An email said that I should receive the funds "within a short time"

I hope this helps.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 11:12 PM
The funny thing about all this is that some people before this were worried about getting their checks at all(especially those like myself who are still 3 months and waiting to get a check from the crooks at Doyles room). You would think the US government would be on your side with regards to making sure your own money gets returned to you.

Instread they became a criminal empire overnight and took the money that belongs to US citizens. Nice.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 11:12 PM
Here's where I see this going:
Govt continues to seize funds, causing unrest in the poker community. The whole thing takes 3 years in the legal system, and then it is finally solved. But those 3 years consist of no online gambling.

I just can't see how a law will be revoked, a new law passed, etc. all in less than 3 years knowing this govt.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
Party left with a peak of 10k players. They're now up to....10K. They've stagnated since they left.
Goodness, your math is something else.

How many American players did they lose when they left? Subtract that number from your 10K assertion, then tell us what the growth was to bring it back to the number they had before they left.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Anytime Im criticized by the likes of you, Greg, or your ilk, I consider it the highest form of compliment. Thank you.
LOL, nice spin.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by mjcace
I think he did a good job

where is The Engineer?
He's very active on FanboyFives, er, I mean PocketFives. His posts are the only ones on that site that rise above the intellect of an eight year old.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 11:40 PM
i emailed pokerstars and they said i can request a check and they said there would be no problem depositing at the bank...but it dosent make sense cuz everyone else is having problems any one have updates on anything?
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-10-2009 , 11:41 PM
IMO the worst thing that ANYONE could do for the poker sites is withdrawl their money. The site is already getting hit with this 30 mil BS, and if we start withdrawing our funds, the sites will only go further into the whole.

As it stands, sites like FTP will lose a large percentage of their income if they ban US players, so I don't see them changing anything. Maybe FTP should keep their funds strictly in off-shore accounts?
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-11-2009 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by Buster Tilton
Goodness, your math is something else.

How many American players did they lose when they left? Subtract that number from your 10K assertion, then tell us what the growth was to bring it back to the number they had before they left.
You were talking about how the site was fine after they left the US, only took 3 years to get back to that number. I can't seem to find numbers for October/November 2006, but it looks like they lost at least a quarter of their players while Stars and Tilt went up 5k/3k in player count.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-11-2009 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
You were talking about how the site was fine after they left the US, only took 3 years to get back to that number. I can't seem to find numbers for October/November 2006, but it looks like they lost at least a quarter of their players while Stars and Tilt went up 5k/3k in player count.
Well, it wasn't me that said that. But still, they probably make enough money, and they probably enjoy the freedom of traveling to the USA without fear of arrest and detainment.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-11-2009 , 01:51 AM
I posted this on the other thread involving the E-check cashouts by PokerStars that still have not been refunded. Anyone that knows about the law think this is possible??

I was thinking, and maybe someone who knows more about law can comment. What if PokerStars decides not refund our e-check money. Perhaps this could be linked to a possible legal action with help from the PPA?? Because I was reading that the PPA can not fight the seizure by representing Pstars of Fulltilt, whos funds were seized. I thought I read that PS and FTP owners would have to be physically present in the USA to fight it. But if PokerStars does not pay us, then the PPA may be able to represent us poker players and fight the seizure?? Because it would then be our money that was seized and not Pstars and Tilt's money. Then the PPA could represent us. What do u think of this?? Anyone who knows more about the law than me??
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-11-2009 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by GrannyMae
those overseas checks (and sometimes canadian checks) were often held for 6 weeks before the funds were cleared, and the bank fees were often almost as much as the check when we used to cash out $100 at a time..
I received two Canadian checks as my last 2 cash outs and they both cleared the next day.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-11-2009 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by RainMan77
I posted this on the other thread involving the E-check cashouts by PokerStars that still have not been refunded. Anyone that knows about the law think this is possible??

I was thinking, and maybe someone who knows more about law can comment. What if PokerStars decides not refund our e-check money. Perhaps this could be linked to a possible legal action with help from the PPA?? Because I was reading that the PPA can not fight the seizure by representing Pstars of Fulltilt, whos funds were seized. I thought I read that PS and FTP owners would have to be physically present in the USA to fight it. But if PokerStars does not pay us, then the PPA may be able to represent us poker players and fight the seizure?? Because it would then be our money that was seized and not Pstars and Tilt's money. Then the PPA could represent us. What do u think of this?? Anyone who knows more about the law than me??

stop thinking!

this is not going to happen.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-11-2009 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by irishman3
I received two Canadian checks as my last 2 cash outs and they both cleared the next day.

the checks did not clear in a day.

your bank cleared them in a day as a courtesy to you. not even local checks "clear" in a day.

items can be returned 10 months later.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
06-11-2009 , 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by GrannyMae

stop thinking!

this is not going to happen.
But isnt it strange that PokerStars has not even commented about E-checks, even though there are obvious delays linked to the seizure of funds? It is still within the 10 day limit, but I have been waiting 8 business days when it usually takes 2 days, so there is obviously something wrong, but Stars wont admit it yet and they do not answer e-mails.

Also, in an e-mail PokerStars sent out they talked about "check" processor funds being frozen (no mention of e-checks) and they also noted that they were "working with the PPA on this". So makes you wonder why they are so quiet and not giving us information. Perhaps they are thinking about not paying us to set up for a possible legal battle?? Why else hasn't PokerStars even COMMENTED on e-checks, when other sites have commented, refunded, and given bonuses?? There must be a reason. If they see Tilt giving bonuses for it, they don't wanna lose customers. So there must be a good reason for them to not even comment.
Online poker seizure made front page of Yahoo finance. Quote
