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** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros ** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros

07-03-2008 , 03:26 PM
Wow, **** you very much Full Tilt. I open an account a few months ago and you retroactively decide it will no longer get rakeback because I took too long to deposit. Yet you are giving away rakeback to existing members. Very nice. I can't wait to send you an angry email as soon as my cashout hits my bank account in a couple months time.

**** you Howard. **** you Jesus. Your site is balls.
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-03-2008 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyRidesAgain
Wow, **** you very much Full Tilt. I open an account a few months ago and you retroactively decide it will no longer get rakeback because I took too long to deposit. Yet you are giving away rakeback to existing members. Very nice. I can't wait to send you an angry email as soon as my cashout hits my bank account in a couple months time.

**** you Howard. **** you Jesus. Your site is balls.
I thought they changed this policy a few months ago, but I could be wrong. This is the thread I am remembering:
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-07-2008 , 08:29 PM
So, I was one of the tards who fell for the "List me as your affiliate in order to get the $600 deposit bonus from FTP!" FTP was my very first online poker account and I didn't know the first thing about deposit bonuses, so I honestly did think that this was the way you got a deposit bonus.

Anyway, I just sent rakebackpros an e-mail asking to be added to the list for rakeback. They wrote me back the following:

I have checked with Full Tilt Poker and it appears that you are attached to another
affiliate therefore you will not receive rakeback from us. I have been told that Full
Tilt Poker is going to start a new program for players like yourself that is similar to
rakeback with even more benefits. I have added your name to the list of players to send
them for this program. You will hopefully hear something from them in the next month or


I'm a bit skeptical. I mean, I'm tagged with another affiliate but I can expect a better deal than the people who aren't in just a month or two? But who knows, I'll just have to wait and see what happens.
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-07-2008 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by akdb8r
I'm a bit skeptical. I mean, I'm tagged with another affiliate but I can expect a better deal than the people who aren't in just a month or two? But who knows, I'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I got the same mail and I reacted the same. Is this another joke or what? Can anybody elaborate on that?
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-08-2008 , 12:44 PM


I have checked with Full Tilt Poker and it appears that you are attached to another affiliate. I have been told that Full Tilt Poker

is going to start a new program for players like yourself that is similar to rakeback with even more benefits. I have added your

name to the list of players to send them for this program. You will hopefully hear something from them in the next month or two.


** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-09-2008 , 12:59 AM
I opened my account in 2003/04 (Not affiliated), I sent off an e-mail now. *cross fingers*
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-09-2008 , 08:12 AM
they told me i was on a list.they have been telling me that for 3 months how long must i remaim on list till i get somthing.i told them i will not play there until i get rakeback.taking forever sigh.
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-09-2008 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyRidesAgain
Wow, **** you very much Full Tilt. I open an account a few months ago and you retroactively decide it will no longer get rakeback because I took too long to deposit. Yet you are giving away rakeback to existing members. Very nice. I can't wait to send you an angry email as soon as my cashout hits my bank account in a couple months time.

**** you Howard. **** you Jesus. Your site is balls.
I have to take back this vitriol, after about a month of hassle rakereduction have managed to get me affiliated back with them. Big thanks to RR and a little thanks to FTP I guess

** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-09-2008 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyRidesAgain
I have to take back this vitriol, after about a month of hassle rakereduction have managed to get me affiliated back with them. Big thanks to RR and a little thanks to FTP I guess

Care to reveal how you managed that please?
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-09-2008 , 10:40 AM
no rakeback reveiced from rakebackpros yet even tho they say latest 9th
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-09-2008 , 02:33 PM
I got mine about 2 months ago after emailing rakeback and full tilt to give it to me for about 6 months straight. Based on my averages over the first 2 months i can pretty much pay my mortgage just off the rakeback!!!! Whooooo Hooooooooo!!!!!!!!
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-09-2008 , 08:07 PM
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-10-2008 , 09:45 PM
I have just been told I will not be getting rakeback because I am already tagged to another affiliate that does not provide rakeback. I had no idea I was already tagged.

So I ask them who this is. They won't tell me.

So some unknown party is making money off me (or did). Or who knows maybe they don't exist anymore. Or maybe they provide some other benefit to which I am already entitled. But I have no way of finding out because these GREEDY customer backstabbing jerks at Full Tilt won't tell me who they are.

I don't care what their "agreement" with their affiliates says. They created this moronic system which results in the guy sitting next to me at the table having a higher EV just because he clicked the right link to join the site. They can fix it. As long as they don't they are not worthy of my participation.

Poker Stars' EV just went up.
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-11-2008 , 06:05 PM
You may have been connected to an affiliate and never have known it. Sometimes just visiting a website puts a cookie on your computer that ends up assigning you to that site as an affiliate when you create your poker account. I know that I did not willingly open up my FTP account through any affiliate yet I got the same BS email that I am already connected to an affiliate and therefore can't get rakeback. I asked them who my affiliate is and they actually told me. It's some person/website that I've never heard of before and I sure as hell didn't knowingly sign up for anything through them.

What this is is account hijacking by lowlife affiliates. It's bad enough that they profited in some way from us when we opened our FTP accounts (and we got absolutely nothing out of it), but what really stinks is that this totally unethical behavior prevents us from benefiting from rakeback.
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-12-2008 , 10:18 PM
I really find it hard to believe that a cookie set in your web browser had an effect on which affiliate you were associated. FTP doesn't know about browser cookies. You must have entered a code when you signed up that connected you to your affiliate.
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-12-2008 , 11:20 PM
Just to clarify the above cookie situation. To the best of my knowledge, if you go to sign up for an account on full tilt without clearing your cookies, it will link you to the last affiliate's banner or link that you clicked through. This could be weeks ago, as long as you have not cleared your cookies.


** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-13-2008 , 08:24 AM
And this is just a terrible policy. Unless you enter a code yourself when you sign up for an account you should not be tied to any affiliate. Now they tell me I'm not eligible for a rakeback account and it is because some lowlife affiliate snuck a cookie on my PC.
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-19-2008 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by FMNY
You may have been connected to an affiliate and never have known it. Sometimes just visiting a website puts a cookie on your computer that ends up assigning you to that site as an affiliate when you create your poker account. I know that I did not willingly open up my FTP account through any affiliate yet I got the same BS email that I am already connected to an affiliate and therefore can't get rakeback. I asked them who my affiliate is and they actually told me. It's some person/website that I've never heard of before and I sure as hell didn't knowingly sign up for anything through them.

What this is is account hijacking by lowlife affiliates. It's bad enough that they profited in some way from us when we opened our FTP accounts (and we got absolutely nothing out of it), but what really stinks is that this totally unethical behavior prevents us from benefiting from rakeback.
had exactly the same problem, do Full Tilt Poker care? do they ****. I refuse to play on a site where the managment legitimately let someone steal your 27% rakeback and do ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING about it. Good software, but thats about it. Pokerstars FTW imo.
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-27-2008 , 07:10 PM
I need help with this also.

I need to get rb happening on my FTP account to make it worthwhile playing there, or I will have to switch over to stars..

Can anyone help with this?


** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-27-2008 , 09:12 PM

You will need to contact Rakebackpros or Full Tilt to get on the list. If you're connected to an affiliate it seems impossible to get into that program. If you are not connected then it is a maybe and you just have to be patient. Nobody seems to know the criteria to get invited.

** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-27-2008 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by RakeTracker

You will need to contact Rakebackpros or Full Tilt to get on the list. If you're connected to an affiliate it seems impossible to get into that program. If you are not connected then it is a maybe and you just have to be patient. Nobody seems to know the criteria to get invited.


This is madness. What value is gained by keeping the criteria for getting rakeback on a previously created account a secret? I cannot for the life of me understand why I get no response at all from on this, after several emails, and the only thing I get from Full tilt is: PLease be patient ? How long do I have to be patient? I'm going to leave FTP, this is absolute bs.. All I want is RB, which my partner can apparently get just like that whammo, having never played a single raked hand, whereas me, a loyal FTP customer gets shafted.. WTF? Have these guys even heard of customer service???

Check these emails:

Original Message Follows: ------------------------
To Support@ fulltiltpoker,

I signed up for a full tilt poker account a year or so ago. My player ID is
Agent086. At the time, I was unaware of any rakeback promotions, or the
requirement to sign up at full tilt via a rakeback provider..

I play regularly (every day or thereabouts) on full tilt poker, and wish to
continue to do so, and increase both my level of play and the limits at which I
play, however to make this economically viable to myself, I will need to
associate my existing account, (or a new one) with a rakeback account. I have
been told on previous occasions that I cannot associate my existing Full tilt
poker account with rakeback, nor can I open another account in my name in order
to associate rakeback with full tilt.

I'm requesting that you reconsider this position for me, in order for me to
continue to play at Full Tilt Poker.

If I cannot have this rakeback associated with my existing account, I will have
no other option but to withdraw my current bankroll, and close my account with
Full tilt poker and find another poker site to play on; something I do not want
to do, as my experience with Full tilt has been positive so far.

I appreciate you must get several requests similar to this, and I do not want
to do any dodgy workarounds like signing up as my significant other or opening
a second account.

Please consider this email as soon as possible and advise me whether you would
consider associating my existing full tilt poker account with a rakeback

I enjoy playing at Full Tilt Poker, but situations dictate that I must receive
rakeback for the time and effort I'm putting in..

Thanks in advance, I look forward to your response



Here's their reply:

From: Full Tilt Poker - Support
Subject: Full Tilt Poker - Rake back request - request for account association
To: "Max Christopher"
Received: Tuesday, 22 July, 2008, 2:12 PM


Thank you for contacting Full Tilt Poker.

Full Tilt does not pay players rakeback directly. There are a number of
rakeback affiliates who offer players up to 27% rakeback if they sign up to
Full Tilt Poker through their site.

Please note that this is not an issue which can be solved by opening another
account with Full Tilt Poker, it is against our site policy to open more than
one account. Though you could cease using your account, we do not remove it
from our system, nor do we freeze accounts in order for players to create new

However, we do value your continued support of Full Tilt Poker, and we are
currently looking into organizing something that will help players who are not
already attached to an affiliate. We have added your username to our files for
further consideration. Please be patient.

If there's anything else we can help you with, please don't hesitate to

Best of luck on the tables!

Kind Regards,

Full Tilt Poker Support

.... Please be patient?! No ETA, nothing. I went back with this:

Original Message Follows: ------------------------
Hi I understand your position on this.

I understand that there is a site called rakeback which appears to be
for full tilt rakeback. I have signed up with this site in order to attempt to
get rakeback based on feedback I've received from other full tilt members..
I have heard that other members have received emails directly from
support@fulltilt with regards to this site, and getting
existing accounts associated with rakeback. Can you please elaborate on this?

Can I get this email sent to me and my account associated with

Can you also please further explain the below (quoted from your previous email)

"However, we do value your continued support of Full Tilt Poker, and we
currently looking into organizing something that will help players who are not
already attached to an affiliate. We have added your username to our files for
further consideration. Please be patient"

1. What does this other deal consist of?
2. How patient do I need to be? I need to start achieving rakeback within the
next month through Full tilt, or I will be looking to another poker site to
play on so I can achieve this rakeback.

Please get back to me on this



And was met with this reply:

From: Full Tilt Poker - Affiliates
Subject: Re: Full Tilt Poker - Your Rakeback Inquiry (KMM7311100I19928L0KM)
To: "Max Christopher"
Received: Wednesday, 23 July, 2008, 9:53 AM

Hello Max,

Thank you for your response.

We have added your username to our files for further consideration. Please note
that our partnership with the affiliate Rakebackpro’s is in the testing phase,
and a test group of players have been selected to participate.

If the partnership continues and you are selected to receive rakeback from the
affiliate you will receive a confirmation email from Full Tilt Poker.

If there's anything else we can help you with, please don't hesitate to

Best of luck on the tables!

Kind Regards,

Full Tilt Poker Support

I replied to the above with this: and have yet to get a reply:

Hi there, Interpreting the below, I may possibly, if everything goes my way, get to receive rakeback in the future at full tilt some day, but nothing is confirmed, and you can give me no timelines as to when this may go ahead, and there is no concrete date for this testing period? I'm sorry but I'm going to look to withdraw my funds from Full Tilt Poker and find another poker site to play at where I can get rakeback easily, unless I can get a more firm confirmation of the chances of me getting on to a rakeback schedule. Can you please get back to me with a deadline for when I will be included for rakeback? I am a loyal FTP customer, and contribute a fair amount of rake on a monthly basis, but will look elsewhere if I cannot get satisfactory answers to my questions. This rakeback situation affects the viability of me playing at full tilt poker. I look forward to your reply


And nothing in terms of a reply from that last email..
Srsly. I like the site, but I cannot continue to receive no reward for the number of raked hands I put in per month. It may not be much to them, but it's a lot for me!
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-27-2008 , 11:45 PM
I got rakeback pros by PMing FTPDoug to get on the list. I emailed support to get on the list too just to make sure. They took like 3 months to get back to me. I just played at stars until I got rakeback.
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-28-2008 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by eastern motors
I got rakeback pros by PMing FTPDoug to get on the list. I emailed support to get on the list too just to make sure. They took like 3 months to get back to me. I just played at stars until I got rakeback.
QFT.. This is exactly what I'm going to do. I've PM'd FTPDoug, and I'm going to withdraw my roll and set up at Stars. such a shame b/c I like FTP's interface much more.
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-28-2008 , 03:09 AM
I wouldn't recommend completely closing your FTP account, as there is still a chance that they will tag your account for rakeback in the future.

Why not move to a site that offers actual rakeback while you wait for your FTP rakeback to be set up? Cake offers 33% and also offers some attractive bonuses. In the meantime, keep your FTP account open just in case you do receive a rakeback account.

** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
07-29-2008 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by mark100net
I have just been told I will not be getting rakeback because I am already tagged to another affiliate that does not provide rakeback. I had no idea I was already tagged.

So I ask them who this is. They won't tell me.

So some unknown party is making money off me (or did). Or who knows maybe they don't exist anymore. Or maybe they provide some other benefit to which I am already entitled. But I have no way of finding out because these GREEDY customer backstabbing jerks at Full Tilt won't tell me who they are.

I don't care what their "agreement" with their affiliates says. They created this moronic system which results in the guy sitting next to me at the table having a higher EV just because he clicked the right link to join the site. They can fix it. As long as they don't they are not worthy of my participation.

Poker Stars' EV just went up.
omfg wtf!!!!!!!!!
** Official thread for discussion of RB for existing FT accounts and RakebackPros Quote
