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Official 2011 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat Official 2011 Supernova Elite pursuit thread, with related chat

05-28-2011 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S

he has suggested having a separate 'sne chat thread' for things relating to being sne, progress over the year and the challenges faced.
Hasn't this been what the thread ALWAYS has been and what has made this thread so great? Making two threads is totally unnecessary and would likely result in this thread becoming the most boring worthless thread on the forum.

So who wants to start the SNE chat thread?
05-28-2011 , 04:06 AM
Well if someone does I hope we at least can post a link in this thread, but that is exactly why this thread was good it covered tons of things.


And it's not 20 cents more a beer, it's double the price!
05-28-2011 , 04:19 AM
So back to topic it is:

How many VPPs do I need to make SNE steve?
05-28-2011 , 07:16 AM
it would be a lot easier to make a thread about robots posting yearly vpp #'s if they want that than trying to change this thread to that.

This is the "sne chat thread and everything in online poker world thread" and always has been. It is very informative and entertaining this way and you know if anything important happened in the online poker world you could just check here and someone will have posted about it.
05-28-2011 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by smartalecc5
How much notification in advance does one need to give Pokerstars if I decide to use the WSOP package as one of my SNE live package options?
We're taking such requests until July 1, but this does not guarantee that if you make the request on July 1 you will be able to withdraw the funds in time to be able to use them to buy in to the WSOP.
05-28-2011 , 07:51 AM
Pokerstars Steve, any update on table starting incentives in cash games?
05-28-2011 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by Bruut99
Pokerstars Steve, any update on table starting incentives in cash games?
There are no plans for table starting incentives in cash games.
05-28-2011 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
to update: mike deleted the posts to 'get the thread back on track'. he wasnt more detailed than that (even after 5 pms or so) but im assuming 2+2 wants this thread specifically for people posting numbers and questions to pokerstars steve. personally i would rather just use a calculator and an email for those things but w/e.

he has suggested having a separate 'sne chat thread' for things relating to being sne, progress over the year and the challenges faced.

im pretty much over it and this thread at this point. if this post gets deleted so be it.
Some of the posts on this thread over the last couple of days have to make up one of the weirdest things I've ever seen on the net.

A perfectly simple request to keep a thread on track has resulted in a small core of posters getting absurdly petulant and effectively demanding that one thread be treated differently to just about any other thread in existence.

Let me remind you what you are arguing for:

You want this thread to contain, as well as the on topic posts, posts about any other subject uder the sun - on the grounds that any other subject can be of interest to an SNE. So what you are really asking for is a complete forum within a thread that just happens to have a completely misleading title.

Originally Posted by Hodge05
Hasn't this been what the thread ALWAYS has been and what has made this thread so great? Making two threads is totally unnecessary and would likely result in this thread becoming the most boring worthless thread on the forum.
So what you are saying here is that this thread, if all the off topic posts were removed, "would likely result in [it] becoming the most boring worthless thread on the forum". So you have a thread which you think would be most boring worthless thread on the forum and you want to prop it up by posting a lot of off topic stuff in it? Crazy!

Originally Posted by Supernova_Elite
This is the "sne chat thread and everything in online poker world thread"
i.e. It's a poker forum. But as it's already sitting in a poker forum it's a bit redundant.

you know if anything important happened in the online poker world you could just check here and someone will have posted about it.
Or, you could just look at the titles in the main forum and see if there's anything of interest.

The problem with the way some people use this thread as their personal forum is that it means you often have to wade through piles of garbage just to find something on topic. It actually defeats the whole purpose of the site/forum/thread structure.
05-28-2011 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Darkus63
Some of the posts on this thread over the last couple of days have to make up one of the weirdest things I've ever seen on the net.

A perfectly simple request to keep a thread on track has resulted in a small core of posters getting absurdly petulant and effectively demanding that one thread be treated differently to just about any other thread in existence.
Who are you anyway? Some of these guys arguing with you have been following this thread for 3-4 years, we know what we want.
05-28-2011 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by imcastleman
Who are you anyway? Some of these guys arguing with you have been following this thread for 3-4 years, we know what we want.
Gotta love the way you can't find a single logical objection to what I said so you have to resort to an irrelevant 'post count' comment.

To answer your question, I'm just someone who likes to read some threads on here and prefers it when the thread title matches the posts it contains.

I wouldn't have thought that was too much to ask.
05-28-2011 , 09:41 AM
Can someone just change the title of the thread to Official 2011 Supernova Elite regs thread to keep Darkus happy please. He just wants the title to match the content which I suppose is fair enough.

BTW Darkus, No, SNE is not obtainable for you. I imagine that's why you came to this thread. So now you are enlightened off you trot to police the SSNL threads please. There's a good lad.
05-28-2011 , 10:54 AM
It's quite obvious that the people making all the fuss are using this thread for the purposes of ego stroking - posting in a thread with "Supernova Elite" in the title makes them feel special. Why on Earth else would they make such an almighty fuss about something as straightforward as staying on topic?

For every post on this thread there are nearly 100 reads and I'm sure that most of those people reading are doing so in the hope of finding information that relates to the thread title not posts about the price of beer in Timbuktu. The off topic posts have been very annoying for quite some time but, like most others, I just put up with it. But now that the powers that be are doing something about it I really hope they stick to their guns. Lets keep this forum operating like virtually every other forum on the 'net where the thread titles tell you what's in the posts.

Maybe lennois idea is a good one. Rename the thread and put it in BBV because it's become apparant that the people kicking up a stink have no interest whatever in the on topic part of the thread and are just using it as a sort of brag.
05-28-2011 , 11:17 AM
the topic is supernova elite. I am supernova elite. As well as many of the off topic people itt. Sort of think it is our thread. And the dumbasses that pop in with rando questions about how we do it, and want to keep track of our pace, can sit in silence and ****ing deal with off topic convo.
05-28-2011 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Lord Vetinari
posting in a thread with "Supernova Elite" in the title makes them feel special.
No that does not make us feel special. you know what does? actually being supernova elite.
05-28-2011 , 12:21 PM
i don't want to whine, but my interest in this thread will go significantly down if it only contains exactly what the thread title is.

i enjoy hearing about how people are doing, coping, and adjusting to a drastic life change for the sole purpose of playing on pokerstars - is it worth it, what they did right/wrong, what particular hassles they went through to get where they are, and even things like how expensive beer is in canada (i had no idea because every canadian i know can outdrink me pretty easily).

i have a job and own a place so i didn't really think about leaving the country, but it is kind of cool to hear about people in situations and how they are doing.

i'd love if we could get a count of significant contributors to this thread and find out how many of them agree with the post-deleting mod(s) and the few people who want this to be a numbers thread, and how many of them agree with me and would like it to be more. because once you cut out the significant contributors, what will you have left?

just my two cents, as probably a top 10-20 post count contributor of these threads the last 3 years
05-28-2011 , 12:31 PM
i agree with pattay

and im back in USA! went to doctor was the first thing i did here. found out that if ur traveling to asia, u need to get ur immunization shots or u'll get sick easily
05-28-2011 , 12:48 PM
i feel like i'm a top contributor to the thread (even if i've been absent a lot lately), and i disagree with the deleting of posts on the topic of black friday. the black friday : SNE noise ratio has already significantly reduced from what it was a month ago and it will continue to do so until it's just that big thing that happened in april of '11.
05-28-2011 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Steve
There are no plans for table starting incentives in cash games.
Could you elaborate on this? You stated in a previous e-mail to me that encouraging table starting is better for Pokerstars and players. Any reason to not look into this? The table watching-snap sit in-bumhunt till the recreational player is broke or sitout is getting out of hand. They annoy people that start tables, they annoy the recreational player, they do not bring in rake.

I would argue they have a negative effect on rake income because of recreational players feeling stalked and not depositing again.
05-28-2011 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Lord Vetinari
Lets keep this forum operating like virtually every other forum on the 'net where the thread titles tell you what's in the posts.
05-28-2011 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Roy
i feel like i'm a top contributor to the thread (even if i've been absent a lot lately), and i disagree with the deleting of posts on the topic of black friday. the black friday : SNE noise ratio has already significantly reduced from what it was a month ago and it will continue to do so until it's just that big thing that happened in april of '11.
Well said, and you aren't even an American SNE. Actually most of the 'noise' the last week or 2 has been arguing about what's ok to post about.

Another reason why probably a LOT of the 368k 450k posts have disappeared is that a lot of the people that were going for it and were on pace are either not able to play or are way behind now. This thread has really been the SNE newspaper really and it makes it way more interesting. Why so many people that arent even SNE or as far as I know have NEVER posted here until a few days ago seem to be making requests and telling everyone else that have been actually posting in the thread what to do is pretty shocking. I mean at least if Roy said stfu and delete these posts I would think he had a leg to stand on. This thread is always one of my favorites to read and like Roy said the further in the past Black Friday gets and the more people get settled the less you're going to see about people posting things directly related to it. It will work itself out naturally.
05-28-2011 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by pattay
i don't want to whine, but my interest in this thread will go significantly down if it only contains exactly what the thread title is.

i enjoy hearing about how people are doing, coping, and adjusting to a drastic life change for the sole purpose of playing on pokerstars - is it worth it, what they did right/wrong, what particular hassles they went through to get where they are, and even things like how expensive beer is in canada (i had no idea because every canadian i know can outdrink me pretty easily).

i have a job and own a place so i didn't really think about leaving the country, but it is kind of cool to hear about people in situations and how they are doing.

i'd love if we could get a count of significant contributors to this thread and find out how many of them agree with the post-deleting mod(s) and the few people who want this to be a numbers thread, and how many of them agree with me and would like it to be more. because once you cut out the significant contributors, what will you have left?

just my two cents, as probably a top 10-20 post count contributor of these threads the last 3 years
05-28-2011 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by pattay
i'd love if we could get a count of significant contributors to this thread and find out how many of them agree with the post-deleting mod(s) and the few people who want this to be a numbers thread, and how many of them agree with me and would like it to be more. because once you cut out the significant contributors, what will you have left?
Not a big contributor but am SNE and non-USA and I agree with you.
05-28-2011 , 03:06 PM
I'm a USA SNE and agree with Pattay that this thread has always been more than just a numbers thread and is very useful bouncing ideas off the others who have succeeded at getting sne and the things they have had to go thru to get there. I don't even plan on playing online poker anymore until it gets regulated but I still read this thread because of the diff. interesting topics in here by some intelligent ppl(except for the trolls obv.)
05-28-2011 , 03:52 PM
Mike Haven made the following post last week in this thread:

Notice how the person complaining has less than 200 posts, yet Mike Haven goes for it!

In one of my deleted posts, I stated that the mod who deleted and the posters who are complaining ITT are most likely non-US players who dislike Americans. So this will come as a shocker: Mike Haven appears to live in the UK!

My opinion is that we have a mod and a group of sub-200 post non-US players who dislike Americans ITT. They are now trying to make us leave this thread. This is plain and simple discrimination and should not be tolerated!
05-28-2011 , 04:10 PM
This is the SNE pursuit thread. For American's this means relocation. My wife is currently trying to get a job in Toronto so she can get a work visa and we can both move there full time. Are most of the others just going for 6 months? imcastleman? bumpking?

Pretty sure we won't get this together in time to make elite this year but hopefully be ready for next year.
