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04-22-2011 , 09:09 PM
So the government wants to deprive us freedom fighting hard working best there ever was samaritans from taking money away from people of other countries and returning it to boost our own economy. Harshh, veryyy..but so be it, what are we going to do? Dwell on it for a few months???
Email Obama? Hell he won't read it unless we have "Fantasy Football Advice" as our title. If our weaksauce govy wants to ban us from playing online and spending our well deserved profits on the american industry than it's there loss. **** IT.

This thread is for everyone that has a new goal to take up. This thread is to show the government and the DOJ how smart us "gamblers" really are. Personally, for myself, poker was the one thing in life that helped me get away from being a degenerate.
To outsiders without 2+2 memberships that might sound backwards, but any true grinder understands what I mean. Poker helped me get my mind clear, thinking on new levels, and developing braincells I would never learn doing my 9 to 5 everyday bullcrap.
Poker keeps me on my toes, there was never a time during a session I wasn't trying to figure it out, constantly guessing, constantly learning, constantly adapting. Poker is the greatest game in the world, it not only taught me the game; it taught me how to contorl my life.

I consider myself the smartest of my friends, my parents know I'm the smartest in my family, and I know I'm smarter than anyone who doesn't have a clue about poker; and no, I'm not talking about being smarter at poker, at life.
I owe it all to poker, training your brain to get to the next level is the most powerful thing you have to offer yourself. It's rediculous, almost doesn't seem possible but you guys all know what I'm talking about. I don't owe it to highschool, nor college; I didn't even do 4 years. I owe being smart to developing it on my own training become a winning online poker player. It helped me more in life than I ever could have imaged. It's very sad to think that I wasted 6 years of my live learning so much about the game and having it ripped away from me without any warning, but there is no regrets. Poker has done more for me than anything else ever has, and I'll always be grateful I found it early and appreciated what it gave back to me.

But now, now that it's gone. Thanks DOJ. There's no more leveling, no more growth in the brain of Royle Bluntson like's a sad sad time... But there is hope, for me, for you. No poker?? Oh well, **** it, time for a new game.

This thread is for new goals, where we focus all of our developed poker skills into new skills.

I recently started playing golf, in May of 2010. The last I ever picked up a golf club was when I was like 7 or 8 years old, I took one class of lessons and didn't remember anything. I'm 24 now and since May I fell in love, wanted to
have sex with the golf, and cream over the thought of making birdies. Very graphic, I'm sorry but sometimes you have to get the point across as dirty as possible.
So basically, the point of my post is that I am going to par a course within my first year of golf.

I'm not sure if this has ever been done, but since online poker has been cast out of my life I have the dedication and desire to get this done.
Since I started in May of last year, I'll give myself til the end of May to get it done. (It may or may not be on a crappy Par 60 hole with a few Par 4's that are only 160 yards)

Royle Bluntsons goal:
[ ]

Even tho I basically made this a rant about myself which was way tldr, I would be very proud to see some more goals from us yanks that are achieved now that we are deprived the right to play online poker.
Oh yea, for 2+2 forum talk sake: In before Phil Galfond becomes President of the United States of America.
04-22-2011 , 09:26 PM
Good positive post man, good luck with the golf. Golf is an excellent game to play. I played it faithfully in my childhood and early teens, bested a 68 once in Fountain Hills, AZ...why I didn't stick with it! I took pro lessons in Az and Cali back then.

I feel the same way, just ripped out from under me. I just started studying the game serious the last year or so and was thoroughly enjoying the results. My beloved challenge is gone...for awhile at least.

New goals...haven't set one yet, I do know that I am getting more personal things done instead of sitting in an MTT for hours.
04-22-2011 , 09:31 PM
Im going to join the peace corps and have sex with real african women
04-22-2011 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Royle Bluntson
I know I'm smarter than anyone who doesn't have a clue about poker

Wow. Only one person in the world can claim this. This poker ban is the best thing that could ever happen to you as I'm sure a Nobel prize will be in the mail soon.

The golf goal is pretty steep, too. I wish you luck, sir.

Shout out to solid up arrow! Having sex with African women seems even bettr than sex with 'the golf'.
04-22-2011 , 09:47 PM
i dont usually post this but this is def a tldr
04-22-2011 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by THEoneSON
i dont usually post this but this is def a tldr
Cliffs: Op makes a narcissistic rant about how he is smarter than any person he knows and is smarter than anyone his family knows then tells us he has been playing golf
