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My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL

08-31-2018 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by MOJO_ERASER
Bots fold most hands if they are raised after betting ......l
This may be true of some bots that you have encountered, but not all bots are created equal. I have a very extensive database of bot accounts that would prove your statement to be false.

I'd advise most people to switch tables if they believe they're playing with a bot rather than attempt to excessively bluff the bots off of hands. Most bots at the Micro-Mid Stakes are much better than the average player there. Not many players playing at that level are capable of exploiting them well enough to make it worth it to battle them.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
08-31-2018 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by MCAChiTown
This may be true of some bots that you have encountered, but not all bots are created equal. I have a very extensive database of bot accounts that would prove your statement to be false.

I'd advise most people to switch tables if they believe they're playing with a bot rather than attempt to excessively bluff the bots off of hands. Most bots at the Micro-Mid Stakes are much better than the average player there. Not many players playing at that level are capable of exploiting them well enough to make it worth it to battle them.
I definitely agree on this. Hard to switch tables where there are no bots though. They are on pretty much every single PLO table at low and micro stakes.

Playing back at them is a definite gamble for sure. Some of these bots are very good players. There has obviously been some thought in to programming them better than the "stock" version of the software.
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08-31-2018 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by thegrindz
Seriously though...I don't need a HUD to realize that I'm correct in my observations of these accounts.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
08-31-2018 , 12:20 PM
Ya seriously op, get a tracking software.. no one cares about a hud... get the tracking software and look at the players in depth. Bet sizing and timing tells really don't mean much especially when every other player is accusing people of being bots only to be wrong over and over again cuz they didn't use stats.

Remember opinions are worthless when you have facts other than for mild amusement.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
08-31-2018 , 01:43 PM
I'll download HEM and track the hands. Everyone reading this thread is intelligent enough to know when it's not a human you are playing against. I understand the "lack of proof" idea and I don't disagree with it.

I posted the names for awareness and general consideration for other human players . There's always going to be the trolls that light up these threads with "lol", "InB4" and other comments. I personally think it's hilarious and typical of an internet forum.

For those that are salty about me stating these accounts being bots, let's just agree to disagree. I mean, at the end of the day, IDGAF about your opinion. I wouldn't waste my time listing them if they weren't bots.

I'll just throw a bag of popcorn in the microwave and read the comments from now on.

But I'll happily respond to both intelligent conversation, trolls who get upset with the list and not having enough info for a Supreme Court bot trial. It's humorous to see people getting so bent. BOTS HAVE RIGHTS TOO, DAMNIT!!

Use the info or don't. If it's useful for some, then all good. For the others with opinions...Sorry not sorry?

Last edited by thegrindz; 08-31-2018 at 01:45 PM. Reason: LULZ
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
08-31-2018 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by thegrindz
I'll download HEM and track the hands. Everyone reading this thread is intelligent enough to know when it's not a human you are playing against. I understand the "lack of proof" idea and I don't disagree with it.

I posted the names for awareness and general consideration for other human players . There's always going to be the trolls that light up these threads with "lol", "InB4" and other comments. I personally think it's hilarious and typical of an internet forum.

For those that are salty about me stating these accounts being bots, let's just agree to disagree. I mean, at the end of the day, IDGAF about your opinion. I wouldn't waste my time listing them if they weren't bots.

I'll just throw a bag of popcorn in the microwave and read the comments from now on.

But I'll happily respond to both intelligent conversation, trolls who get upset with the list and not having enough info for a Supreme Court bot trial. It's humorous to see people getting so bent. BOTS HAVE RIGHTS TOO, DAMNIT!!

Use the info or don't. If it's useful for some, then all good. For the others with opinions...Sorry not sorry?
Oh, and to the guy with the acronym for the name...I'm just so sorry I haven't posted 7,354 times yet, enlightening the 2p2 community with my god-like wisdom .
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
08-31-2018 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by thegrindz
What was deleted? I didn't delete anything my friend. I have a couple more to add to the list too. If you prefer, I'll post here, then copy and paste to your inbox for the sake of being coverte..just between you and me. Ya know?
I hope that your bot detection skills are better than your reading comprehension skills.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
08-31-2018 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by krcmdc
I hope that your bot detection skills are better than your reading comprehension skills.
Thanks, Professor McKewl.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
08-31-2018 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by thegrindz

ObeTwice - 6 Max PLO
ObeTwices other two bot accounts that they rotate through every 8 hours are

- Tryapka
- CozyKlaudia

They're the same bot profiles as posted in this thread awhile ago, just with newer accounts
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
08-31-2018 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by krcmdc
But when someone like Joe Ingram makes a video claiming that there are bots in the same games that OP mentions, claiming that there are colluders in those games, and that he may well have faced superusers in higher stakes games on the exact same network. Noting that Joe didn't say he was 1000% certain of anything, he simply told us what his intuition told him. But of him you instantly ask for proof and more evidence than just Joe's intuition. Even suggesting that if more evidence doesn't come in a timely manner, then Joe's intuition should somehow lose credibility.

Joe is not a new account. Joe is not an unknown. Joe has played more hands of internet poker than almost anyone. Joe uses a HUD. Joe uses tracking software. Joe knows how bad beats work. Joe knows what it's like to run bad. Joe knows what it's like when a fish gets lucky. Joe knows when he runs in the top of someone's range. Joe understands how all of these things work. And more importantly, we all know that Joe knows these things.

I completely understand why people would accept Joe's intuition on plausible faith alone, but it's not good enough for you, you want more than just Joe's intuition, but now for this new random account, intuition is now somehow good enough for you???

I don't get it. It seems exactly backwards to me.
I don't recall ever questioning Joe's read on bots. I questioned his superuser accusations. And after I couldn't even get an answer on whether he had checked his own computer for any malware, I gave up.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
08-31-2018 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by thegrindz
Use the info or don't. If it's useful for some, then all good. For the others with opinions...Sorry not sorry?
It's not "info" though, it's your random speculations based on your own hunches with zero evidence to support them.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-01-2018 , 12:15 AM
OP if its shown or proven that anyone on your list is not a bot would you agree to ship me 20 dollars? I am somewhat poor and venti mocha frappucinos are not cheap. It seems to be a no lose proposition for you since the screennames you've outed are in fact extremely likely to be bots. If yes, TYIA and cheers.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-01-2018 , 08:20 AM
Mods I don't think it's right that these names be in the OP without any proof.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-01-2018 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Mods I don't think it's right that these names be in the OP without any proof.
Donk must be a bot.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-01-2018 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by shutdown
ObeTwices other two bot accounts that they rotate through every 8 hours are

- Tryapka
- CozyKlaudia

They're the same bot profiles as posted in this thread awhile ago, just with newer accounts
I have played against both of them also. They're "Likely" bots, yes.

Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Mods I don't think it's right that these names be in the OP without any proof.
I mean, why would you be bothered by the list? You don't want to know who suspected "likely" bots are? You must be too big of a winner at ACR to care?

I disagree with your thoughts.

Originally Posted by Numbnutlow
Donk must be a bot.
Probably yes. It's very "likely" that he may have something he's hiding?

Originally Posted by rakemeplz
OP if its shown or proven that anyone on your list is not a bot would you agree to ship me 20 dollars? I am somewhat poor and venti mocha frappucinos are not cheap. It seems to be a no lose proposition for you since the screennames you've outed are in fact extremely likely to be bots. If yes, TYIA and cheers.
It would be my pleasure. If so though, would you agree to contribute effectively rather than be the typical troll. Seems "unlikely".

Originally Posted by WorldzMine
It's not "info" though, it's your random speculations based on your own hunches with zero evidence to support them.

I'm willing to risk my "assumptions"....I'm at least a 70% favorite in this scenario. You're more than welcome to prove me wrong. I'm not immune to mistakes, but pretty sure I'm good here.

If you'd like to dispute my claims, jump on a few tables with the listed accounts and find out for yourself. Then get back with me.

I've a got a $20 gift card with yo name on it!

Last edited by Mike Haven; 09-02-2018 at 03:18 AM. Reason: 5 consecutive posts merged
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-01-2018 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Mods I don't think it's right that these names be in the OP without any proof.
Yeah, have to admit I'm leaning that way as well.

Originally Posted by thegrindz
I mean, why would you be bothered by the list? You don't want to know who suspected "likely" bots are? You must be too big of a winner at ACR to care?

I disagree with your thoughts.
Kind of thought we'd been over this already:

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
The thing is, it isn't really you taking it on the chin, it's the people you've accused.
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Something else to consider - I've seen posts from forum veterans that play on other sites who have their own lists of bots, but won't share them on the forums as they don't want to tip their hands, have the bot owners cash out, change their play to disguise what they're doing, etc. Instead, they report them, share the list via PM with some members they trust, and otherwise keep the list to themselves.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-01-2018 , 04:58 PM
It's amusing that OP is rustled by these "bots" rather than working out exactly how they play and just pwning them
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-01-2018 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
It's amusing that OP is rustled by these "bots" rather than working out exactly how they play and just pwning them
The two aren't mutually exclusive.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-01-2018 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by thegrindz
I mean, why would you be bothered by the list? You don't want to know who suspected "likely" bots are? You must be too big of a winner at ACR to care?

I disagree with your thoughts.
You must be a loser and that is why you care.

I disagree with your thoughts. don't even know how to multi-quote. I highly doubt you can spot a bot.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-02-2018 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Carl Trooper
I want to know who the following players truly are

1) scoopjackson9
2) createmyownenergy
3) duudelovee69 or something similar to that
4) tonyallenFTAD
5) all Russians / Belarus players
+1 on that. Not touching cash games until the russians and belarus players are off the cash tables. Soon as american grinders see russians and belarus players they cash out. I would say over 90% of the hands played on acr in cash games is very robotic. It doesn't feel like your playing against human beings in cash games.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-02-2018 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by sixfour
It's amusing that OP is rustled by these "bots" rather than working out exactly how they play and just pwning them
You know bots are made to play +ev poker right? So they can't lose over the long run. It doesn't matter how much you try to adjust they are set up to profit. I used to beat them back in the day when they weren't very good but they are a lot better then they use to be are they are only getting better. Dougs entire crew got crushed by labratus. So lets stop this nonsense about working on your game to try to beat a bot that is playing as close to gto as possible and if its built in with ai then its constantly tracking your hands to find out what your leaks are and adjusting to what your doing btw.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-02-2018 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
You must be a loser and that is why you care.

I disagree with your thoughts. don't even know how to multi-quote. I highly doubt you can spot a bot.
Mommy, mommy!! He can't mulit-quote!

Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
You know bots are made to play +ev poker right? So they can't lose over the long run. It doesn't matter how much you try to adjust they are set up to profit. I used to beat them back in the day when they weren't very good but they are a lot better then they use to be are they are only getting better. Dougs entire crew got crushed by labratus. So lets stop this nonsense about working on your game to try to beat a bot that is playing as close to gto as possible and if its built in with ai then its constantly tracking your hands to find out what your leaks are and adjusting to what your doing btw.

Exactly. I am not a high stakes crusher. I am not yet a losing player. I try to work on my game as much as possible to prevent that from happening.

The reason I'm so rustled is because I have deposited, played and raked thousands and thousands of dollars. I think it's absolute bull**** that ACR still has such an indifferent approach to ensuring some type of integrity in their games.

It's amusing that there are whining trolls in this thread, but that's pretty much status quo for any thread.

Trolls, take the time to view these players that I and others have listed so far and see for yourself. If after that you think I'm full of ****, I'll own up to it. Of course neither are going to happen . You'll just troll some more.

If you do decide to troll, can you include some pictures of hot women who are well endowed with natural pectorals in the spoiler section? Or maybe jump on another thread to troll and make absolutely zero positive contribution to it. If I had to guess, you whiners will probably choose the latter...

Check the players out that I have listed, see for yourself.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 09-02-2018 at 10:02 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-02-2018 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by thegrindz

It's amusing that there are whining trolls in this thread, but that's pretty much status quo for any thread.

Trolls, take the time to view these players that I and others have listed so far and see for yourself. If after that you think I'm full of ****, I'll own up to it. Of course neither are going to happen . You'll just troll some more.

If you do decide to troll, can you include some pictures of hot women who are well endowed with natural pectorals in the spoiler section? Or maybe jump on another thread to troll and make absolutely zero positive contribution to it. If I had to guess, you whiners will probably choose the latter...

Check the players out that I have listed, see for yourself.

You're the one making accusations without evidence.

You're the one whining about what you speculate to be happening, but you can't prove anything, you can't even offer evidence of anything.

You're the one trying to damage the reputations of poker accounts without any proof whatsoever.

You're even asking everyone else to go prove your speculation for you.

You're the one making meaningless, repetitive, nonsense, attacking and defensive replies to anyone who doesn't share your faith in your ability to magically know a bot when you see one.

You're the troll in this thread.

You owe us some of those spoilers. Hurry before this thread gets deleted.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-02-2018 , 08:15 PM
It's amusing that there are whining trolls in this thread
Please do us all a favor and look up the definition of irony.

You're the one whining about alleged bots without posting any proof.

The "mommy, mommy....." line just proves that you're an immature child.


<3 BBV
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
09-02-2018 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by krcmdc
You're the one making accusations without evidence.

You're the one whining about what you speculate to be happening, but you can't prove anything, you can't even offer evidence of anything.

You're the one trying to damage the reputations of poker accounts without any proof whatsoever.

You're even asking everyone else to go prove your speculation for you.

You're the one making meaningless, repetitive, nonsense, attacking and defensive replies to anyone who doesn't share your faith in your ability to magically know a bot when you see one.

You're the troll in this thread.

You owe us some of those spoilers. Hurry before this thread gets deleted.
This obv.
My List of Suspected Bots on ACR PLO/NL Quote
