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Moneybookers Canadian bank account format Moneybookers Canadian bank account format

08-23-2009 , 11:51 PM
What is the format when entering bank account details for Moneybookers?
I have a CIBC account. The swift code is CIBCCATT, but the account field is one entry instead of separated into 3 entries for branch, inst, account#.

I assume format is BBBBBIIIAAAAAAAAAA. But I want to know for sure before initiating a withdrawal in case there are fees for returning a payment if details are not correct.

In above: B=branch# (5 digits), I=inst# (3 digits), A=account# (10 digits)

Can someone tell me the correct order for the account entry? Thanks for any help.
Moneybookers Canadian bank account format Quote
08-25-2009 , 12:40 AM
My BMO account on MB is registered with 11 digits.
4(branch# dropping the last digit9) + 7 (acct no.).

You'd better ask MB.
Moneybookers Canadian bank account format Quote
08-25-2009 , 05:22 PM
Ugh. I just tried to look at mine, but I can't seem to get to that level of detail.

I'm surprised about RW's answer of only 4 digits for the transit # - I wouldn't have expected that, as 5 is pretty standard and I would have thought that dropping a digit would screw things up.

Account numbers have always been a little messed up IMO, I've never really understood how they work - they seem to often have an unnecessary leading 1 and a bunch of zeroes. The last 7 digits sounds correct.

Basically, I agree with RW. Ask MB. I hate to say that, because they're notorious for being slow to respond, but it seems like the smart play here.
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08-25-2009 , 07:19 PM
yeah def make sure you get it right cause theyre support is lacking to say the least, ill try and check mine later when im home
Moneybookers Canadian bank account format Quote
08-25-2009 , 09:07 PM
I emailed Moneybookers, but there support is very slow. Will post back when I get a response.
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04-21-2011 , 12:22 AM
Completely forgot about this thread until some1 recently PMed me asking the same question i posed originally.

Because mb took so long to respond to emails initially, i just never bothered with the bank xfer option. Since i now know the answer, i figured i should update.

It is the 5 digit branch# followed by the 7 digit account# (no inst# required).
Moneybookers Canadian bank account format Quote
04-21-2011 , 12:55 AM
ugh ive been trying to figure out how to hook my bank account up to money bookers forever. do you have to send them a money wire to do so to make a deposit from you bank account? i usually use instadebit and setting that up was so easy but the site i want to play on only uses mb.
Moneybookers Canadian bank account format Quote
04-21-2011 , 01:22 AM
u have a few options to get funds into mb:
bank xfer, credit card, or p2p xfer

just click 'upload funds' and the instructions r there to follow

u need to include ur customer ID when sending a bank xfer/wire to mb (this is how ur bank acc gets linked to mb)

EDIT: ur fastest option is to get a p2p xfer from some1, u can request this in the p2p xfer thread (read the rules first)

Last edited by ItsOnlyChips; 04-21-2011 at 01:30 AM.
Moneybookers Canadian bank account format Quote
04-21-2011 , 03:15 AM
ah ok thx ioc. im prob just going to use my credit card to put funds onto mb so things are easier. ill worry about setting my bank account up when im going to be making withdrawls which i dont plan on doing all summer.
Moneybookers Canadian bank account format Quote
