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***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** ***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread***

02-14-2012 , 07:26 PM
Thank you Neil for clarifying. I appreciate you making us aware of the happenings but why have we heard nothing from the Network? Customers who aren't familiar with 2P2 are being completely left in the dark. Also, if only a nominal amount of funds were seized, are we to assume that there is no issue in regards to getting our funds back and it is merely a facilitating issue? As I understood it, most US players were using WU so if our money was segregated, US players money should never have seen a processor.
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Hood
To Nofx above - license is from the LGA.

re EGN email - an anonymous comment was left on a news article written on pokerfuse this morning, that is apparently communication from EGN to it's licensees. I can't speak for it's veracity but hearing Neil say that a letter like this was sent today does add to it's credibility, and, as Neil says, it contains no new info.

In it's entirety:
Even the network is using the words "seized" but when I have used those words in news stories I have written it has been disputed. I'm not giving Neil crap though, I cannot imagine the position he is in and once again state that he is just the messenger. There are many other places anger should be directed.
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Sebastian37
Thank you Neil for clarifying. I appreciate you making us aware of the happenings but why have we heard nothing from the Network? Customers who aren't familiar with 2P2 are being completely left in the dark.

Seriously, can you even imagine how confused they are right about now. I mean, just saying a redundant thing like "we have changed our T&C, more information can be blah blah blah" and sending it out to all emails on the network would be new news to a lot of people who aren't on this forum. lol, what a company
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-14-2012 , 08:01 PM
I'm not sure how many US based Minted customers there are that aren't aware of 2+2

probably not all that many tbh
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-14-2012 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by MintedNeil
Hi Neil, are RoW cashouts being processed as normal? How long can I expect to wait for a moneybookers withdrawal?
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-14-2012 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by AirborneSapper9845
I'm not sure how many US based Minted customers there are that aren't aware of 2+2

probably not all that many tbh
i have 2 friends from back home that i had refered to minted. both small losing recreational players. neither have ever been on tpt before. should see some of the texts they have been sending me, they have no idea whats going on.
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02-14-2012 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by bandonlooper1
i have 2 friends from back home that i had refered to minted. both small losing recreational players. neither have ever been on tpt before. should see some of the texts they have been sending me, they have no idea whats going on.
Yea but essentially they were referred through 2+2, it was just a little indirect.

For example, I could see how there could be a lotta people of ACR because I've seen their TV commercials. But your average random recreational player would surely never just wander onto Minted and start playing there.
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02-14-2012 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by AirborneSapper9845
I'm not sure how many US based Minted customers there are that aren't aware of 2+2

probably not all that many tbh
Similar to other poster, I too have referred people to Minted and they too where clueless as to what was going on until I guided them to 2P2 and filled them in. I would agree that most US players playing there are probably familiar with 2P2, but many especially micro players are unaware I am sure. Regardless, it is pretty ridiculous that in order to find out any information regarding money we are owed by a company that we have to resort to a online community with no direct ties to that company.
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02-14-2012 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
Even the network is using the words "seized" but when I have used those words in news stories I have written it has been disputed. I'm not giving Neil crap though, I cannot imagine the position he is in and once again state that he is just the messenger. There are many other places anger should be directed.
Thanks P.A.
I don't hold anyone for any issues over the wording, Network has now used the wording, at the time I didn't want too, as it wasn't explained to me that way.

Best Regards Neil
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02-14-2012 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Alrighty Roo
Hi Neil, are RoW cashouts being processed as normal? How long can I expect to wait for a moneybookers withdrawal?
Hi Roo
last I checked MB were down to about 11 days or so and I am told will be much better by the end of next week.

Best Regards Neil
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02-14-2012 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by MintedNeil
Hi Roo
last I checked MB were down to about 11 days or so and I am told will be much better by the end of next week.

Best Regards Neil
What about Neteller? Thanks
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-14-2012 , 09:42 PM
Neil how come moneybookers are being processed faster than neteller when they are essentially the same thing? I'm 26 days and counting.
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-14-2012 , 11:29 PM
So I think this is pretty clear, unless they are lying or playing word semantics with the skins? I'm going to go with it's clear, especially after what Neil just said above. Let's read it again.

Dear Licensee

As you are probably aware, Everleaf Gaming stopped players from the US as of February 10th 2012.

Reason being that US authorities have seized player’s funds that were in transit to respective members and therefore discontinued Everleaf’s processing channels.

Be assured that ELG is doing everything in its power to regain seized funds, until which time we advise that you inform all your US members to contact the authorities.

Please note that all non-American players will remain completely unaffected and business will continue as usual and above matter applies SOLELY to USA
So what they are saying here is that they want us to contact our Gov/the authorities (who took the money). I'm going to go ahead and ask the network to please provide us information on exactly who took it. Was it the DoHS out of Maryland? Can you tell us who signed the letter?

We need to know specifically which agency out of what local contacted you with the "hi we got your monies" thing. Unfortunately, although they are supposed to be acting in the people's interest, they aren't and they don't make this easy to claim nor tell us anything but if we can learn exactly who it was we can try.

Since the fed's watch this board, can you please post info on how we claim our money? If anyone else wants to do it anonymously, leave it in the comments section of the pokerfuse article again.

Now, what's confusing though is Neil said it was a nominal amount. Neil, I take that to mean Everleaf would/should just take the small hit and still pay our balances. I understand the fear that the feds will just steal those payments too though, so I guess we now have to wait for the feds to promise not to take it and set up an agreement along with a processor like they did with Stars? Or, since this isn't SDNY maybe they haven't even offered that? What a ****ing mess.
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02-15-2012 , 12:44 AM
Unless payments take absolute ages for them to clear from their processors I agree with nofx it seems there is no way it could be a huge amount of money. It seems they are using this as an excuse to keep all our manies :/ I hope that it gets cleared up tho...

Last edited by effrum; 02-15-2012 at 12:44 AM. Reason: or atleast we can get some f informations
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-15-2012 , 12:47 AM
Nofx, nobody took my money. It is in Everleaf's hands. I have received all monies withdrawn from my account. My balance is "segregated" and in their hands. There has been no other way to withdraw for US players other than WU for about 3 months now. Let's see, Merge can get checks to us, Bovadadog can get checks to us, Cake/Intertops can get checks to us, Winning Poker can get checks to us.

Be assured that ELG is doing everything in its power to regain seized funds, until which time we advise that you inform all your US members to contact the authorities.

ELG ain't getting back any funds that were seized. The "authorities" never give it back. They want the players to contact the authorities? The authorities took a "nominal" amount of money from ELG. Why should the players contact the authorities. My money was never in a position to be seized by the authorities. ELG has my money.
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-15-2012 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by waq
Nofx, nobody took my money. It is in Everleaf's hands. I have received all monies withdrawn from my account. My balance is "segregated" and in their hands. There has been no other way to withdraw for US players other than WU for about 3 months now. Let's see, Merge can get checks to us, Bovadadog can get checks to us, Cake/Intertops can get checks to us, Winning Poker can get checks to us.

Be assured that ELG is doing everything in its power to regain seized funds, until which time we advise that you inform all your US members to contact the authorities.

ELG ain't getting back any funds that were seized. The "authorities" never give it back. They want the players to contact the authorities? The authorities took a "nominal" amount of money from ELG. Why should the players contact the authorities. My money was never in a position to be seized by the authorities. ELG has my money.
this +a milli.
I didn't have any money being shipped around that could've been "seized" and according Everleaf and Neil the funds are segragated soooo the majority of Americans players funds exist in a segregated account and you guys should be able to pay out very soon, much like Stars did. Unless of course there is something we are not being told.
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-15-2012 , 01:24 AM
now im confused. I thought Neil said no funds were seized, they just received a cease and decist letter from DHS.

Were funds seized by DHS or not?
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-15-2012 , 01:33 AM
They were, but Neil was originally informed that it was more of a hold on processor money, rather than a seizure. There's a slightly different impression from both words and since they didn't use the word seizure he didn't want to use the word seizure. Now that info from them confirms the word seizure, he can now, accurately state it. Just a misunderstanding, however, wording like that is very important when you're in a site representative position such as Neil.
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-15-2012 , 02:12 AM
I agree with you guys, I'm just trying to figure out wtf we can do to get things in motion. It's hard to make a plan of attack when we have no info and what little we do have is conflicting.

It also makes no sense because wires have been down forever. I've never done a wire nor ever requested one, so my money wouldn't have been taken either. Why they wait months after the fact, while even sending money to Americans the day off the closer makes no sense. There's a good chance they are either lying or there is a misunderstanding. It easily could be the latter though because they refuse to make any contact or announcement.

I gotta move on for now and hopefully someone can figure something out. I've asked a friend to look into the seizure side of it to see if there's anything on it and that might lead to SOMEONE we can contact, but for now it seems like there's nothing to be done but wait and tell everyone the story and why their funds aren't safe here or with the LGA as a regulator. At least until we hear different.
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02-15-2012 , 03:13 AM
Bottom line, if we had account balances held at Everleaf, and those funds were in fact segregated, then it should be easy for them to ship us the money unless they don't have the money. How can they seize funds from a processor when virtually no one uses a processor from the US.

Not having the money would make sense now with the slow transfers, and cap on winnings. By capping winnings you prevent/discourage winning players from playing and secondly make it so winning players make less money so hence they request fewer and smaller cash outs. These two terrible policies buy them time because they sure as hell don't make them more money.

The way this whole situation has played out, the inconsistency of the things we are being told, and the fact that we can't get a straight answer, well an answer at all for that matter from the network, makes me not hold out too much hope.

Last edited by Sebastian37; 02-15-2012 at 03:20 AM.
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-15-2012 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by Pokeraddict
Even the network is using the words "seized" but when I have used those words in news stories I have written it has been disputed. I'm not giving Neil crap though, I cannot imagine the position he is in and once again state that he is just the messenger. There are many other places anger should be directed.
the entire ordeal is basically neil's fault. no need to apologize.
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-15-2012 , 05:04 AM
If Everleaf rip us off I wonder if 2+2 will let Minted keep this thread.
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-15-2012 , 05:45 AM
You're a winner of the "$4000 POKERPOINT RACE - 1st February until 14th February" Rakerace #324
(which took place from 2012-02-01 00:00:00 till 2012-02-14 23:59:00)

You came in 5. place. Congratulations!

I am pleased to inform you that you have won $ 150.00! Your winnings will now be placed in your player account.

If you wish to see the full results, please click on the link below:


Minted traffic must be way down if i got 5th place....

I thought everything was in euros not US $$, yet i got paid in US $$
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-15-2012 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by MicroPimpin
If Everleaf rip us off I wonder if 2+2 will let Minted keep this thread.
of course. Minted paid for ads. Therefore 2p2 will do nothing.
***MintedPoker / Minted Poker Official Support & Promotions Thread*** Quote
02-15-2012 , 06:59 AM

We're a ways away from worrying about decisions like that, but if things went absolute worse case, I think the only people that would be helped by closing down the thread would be Everleaf themselves.

But if you seriously think we'd take ads from a company that had clearly just screwed a crapload of 2+2ers, I don't know what to say other than you apparently don't know 2+2 very well.

That aside, you think a company that had just done something like that would want to pay for advertising here? Can you imagine how such a thread would go for them? Support threads end up being rather self-regulating that way - if a company looks after their customers, the thread will be a benefit to them. If they don't, it will be a detriment.
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