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Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate

12-24-2011 , 05:12 AM
This was at overbet. They had no problem taking my deposit but after complaining about not receiving my rakeback (which was the only reason I chose this site) I tried logging on and it said my account was suspended, checked my email and found one from support claiming this was due to a balance owed by another player. They never gave me a name but I recognize the screen name. This same jerk took off never paying his share of the rent due and I emailed them back explaining I have no contact with this particular person and have been trying to find him myself to collect the rent due. They emailed me back saying he owes carbon a balance and my account cannot be unlocked until this is resolved. WTF? Why the *** am I responsible for this jerk offs balance? Only reason I can see them relating us to begin with is that we shared the same address at one point. I got an email back saying that there was a mutual cc on the accounts? How the *** would they even accept a deposit from my bank account under his name? And how the hell does he owe them a balance anyways? I've never been able to play poker without first depositing funds. This seems awfully fishy to me as right after I won money and complained about not receiving my rakeback this happens. Here is the email they sent me

Hello Noah,

Thank you for contacting us.

Please note that your account has been restricted, since we have been notified that Player ID (ovi1kanobi1) on Carbon Poker has an outstanding purchase issue on his account. Please contact this player immediately so that he can rectify the situation.

Until such time as this matter is resolved, we are unable to permit further access to your account.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

Security Team
Merge Gaming Network

after this they haven't told me anything, I never even got the amount owed. I don't see how I am responsible but if $20-$50 would get me my $500 back I'd probably pay it, cash out and never play there again. My account name is killswitch005. If there are any reps out there that can help me resolve this issue I would be ever so grateful. I tried getting a hold of carbon poker to no reply. This is the first time I have ever had a problem with a poker site in the past and I just can't believe I would be held responsible for someone Else's balance! I mean WTF seriously?
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 05:15 AM
Sounds like a certain grandma story I once heard
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 07:10 AM
Wow, thats out there. If true then merge's nauthty list now contains blackmail?! lol...
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 07:20 AM
Ya ya.. .my mom.. my dog.. my sister.. my gf... i'm sure they've heard it all.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 07:48 AM
need to post it here if you want any helpful responses.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 09:48 AM
So you started a new account to get rakeback and got caught ?
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 09:58 AM
Countdown to the full story...
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 10:04 AM
Lies itt
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 10:08 AM
does the same ip address tie into a computer or from an internet connection site?
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 10:41 AM
I'd believe it if it was FTP a year or two ago, but I haven't heard of anything like this on Merge.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 10:54 AM
These type of threads belong in IP, not NVG, so I moved it. Hope you find something useful.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 11:58 AM
First non-NVGtarded response, whoO!

If you've given us the full story then that is totally totally messed up. If you haven't, then we'll probably find out sooner or later anyway so I'm gonna act like you're telling the truth.

It is ridiculous that a site would hold you responsible for someone else's debt, and as far as I'm aware, totally unheard of.

You're unlikely to get any help contacting other merge skins, either contact overbet (probably won't help much) or merge directly.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 01:46 PM
the site is already slow enough with cashouts, they don't need anybody ripping them off.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 02:23 PM
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Noobie Newbertson
Countdown to the full story...
**** you ******* I'm really pissed about this, these ****ers ripped me off for no reason. I gave the god damn story

Originally Posted by PaperBoobs
Lies itt

and **** you too. This ****ing ****ty ass poker network suspends my account for someone else's debt and I still haven't heard a god damn thing back. I have already heard lots of horror stories about people from merge but it was to late after I already deposited. And yes this **** is for real and they wont even contact me back.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 12-24-2011 at 02:59 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by killswitch005
... I got an email back saying that there was a mutual cc on the accounts?
Post ALL the emails you sent, and their replies.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by killswitch005
I got an email back saying that there was a mutual cc on the accounts?
Oooh, I missed this bit.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Clamper13
Post ALL the emails you sent, and their replies.
ok heres my first email

Hi I tried logging into my overbet account it said my account was suspended for security reasons? I sent in my documents and have done nothing wrong. Is this because I won money? I don't understand I've done nothing wrong? Do you require more documentation? Please respond asap as I would like to get back at the tables, thank you.

then they sent the one I posted. Keep in mind I've tried being nice through all this bs and have been told nothing. Then I sent this

well hold on a minute. I believe your talking about my old room mate and he screwed me out of money myself. How much does he owe and why am I responsible? Just because I used to live with him? I don't even know how to get a hold of him. Is there a phone number I can call to talk to a person? Whats the balance he owes? Please respond asap so we can fix this.

Then I received this

Hello Noah,

Thank you for contacting us.

We apologize for the inconvenience, however we also found a shared card in your accounts. Please understand that we are not able to reopen any account until the issue be solve on the account (ovi1kanobi1).

Until such time as this matter is resolved and the debt be paid in full, we are unable to permit further access to your account.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

So again I emailed them again to no reply

I had my bank card stolen in the past this could be the issue. What is the amount owed and what is the shared card you speak of? I am begging you to please not punish me for something I did not do. Again I'm asking what is the balance owed? And if my card was used illegally I do not understand why you would punish me. Could you please provide me with specifics so that I can try and fix this problem? Thank you

I also emailed them this

Please note that I will fully co-operate in the prosecution of the player ovi1kanobi but I will need more details. I don't understand how we have a shared card as he wouldn't be able to deposit with my card correct? I will check with my bank if provided the details. I have no way of contacting this person as I have tried several times to collect rent owed. Please provide me with the full name and details of this player. So if he stole my bank card and used it does this mean I am responsible? and how does he owe money anyways as you cant play without depositing money?

I've been told nothing else from these crooks. And I'll be honest here I do know this guy and have played poker with him several times, he got me back into poker and I learned some stuff from him. But it's been about a year since I've even talked to him and he ripped me off as well so why punish me for his debt? I have already stated I will fully co-operate in any way. If it weren't for me knowing the screen name I wouldn't even know who the hell they're talking about they've given no name. Still no reply, no phone number, no live chat, nothing except oh this player owes a debt so your responsible. They won't even give me a number owed. If it was a few bucks I would just pay it to be done with it. I hope at the very least people will see how these crooks operate. This is the sht that is hurting online poker. If you want to stick up for them and call me a liar I don't give a sht hope they steal your money too. I have nothing to hide and have given full details but have received none. And if I get ripped off here I will at the very least expose just how dirty these people are.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 03:41 PM
Does anyone have a phone number for carbon? I can't even log into my account to try live chat and they are not emailing me back. This is so screwed up. I have never been ripped off like this by a poker site.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by killswitch005

I had my bank card stolen in the past...
When was the card stolen?
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 04:04 PM
Carbon replies at their leisure . they really really suck at correspondence.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by Clamper13
When was the card stolen?
Sometime last year. I could get all the details from my bank if they would email me back. I doubt this is even the card they are talking about because he wouldn't be able to deposit in my name anyways right? Personally I think it's just a bunch of crap to keep my money and kick me for complaining.Thank you for the help btw. I don't see this being resolved as they won't even email me back. I wish I could get a carbon rep to come shed some light on the situation. I could provide them with any details needed, but they haven't asked for any.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by killswitch005
Sometime last year...
Specifics would help. Month? 2010? 2011?

Were there any unauthorized charges on that card?
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by killswitch005
? Personally I think it's just a bunch of crap to keep my money and kick me for complaining..
I am 100% sure this is not the reason. Go to the carbon sponsored forum and PM the rep for your fastest assistance.

EDIT: You probably cant PM yet, so I will link them to this thread.

Last edited by wafflehouse1; 12-24-2011 at 04:44 PM.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
12-24-2011 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by wafflehouse1
I am 100% sure this is not the reason. Go to the carbon sponsored forum and PM the rep for your fastest assistance.
Thank you for the help. I will do this and I hope you are right about it not being the reason. Maybe this is fixable after all.
Merge suspended my account after winning 0 for money owed to them by former room mate Quote
