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MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof

05-23-2013 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by franxic
you say that with the same authority as me when i say that you are obviously shilling for mega.

evidence of cheating has been presented, and all you care for is the identity of the presenter?

please, if you honestly have ethical issues with an anonymus whistleblower here on 2+2, fight that fight at atf. cluttering and derailing this thread will not help the community.
Actually I see your posts as clutter.

You've just accused me of shilling. Now prove it. You can't, because you are just talking out of your ass, just like your other posts.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Jah Onion
right. the way i see it is: either he's cheating or he's not. If he's cheating, he has absolutely no right to anything. So, considering the fact that the evidence seems to be overwhelming on one side (OP) and almost non-existant pure rhetoric on the other, I'm gonna go with: Prove you're not cheating or GTFO and stop spinning it so that the emphasis is on who is making the accusations
Sorry, but.. this so much.

Anonymous tip to the police should be treated as null and void because it's anonymous?

... really?
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
You've just accused me of shilling. Now prove it. You can't, because you are just talking out of your ass, just like your other posts.

Originally Posted by SantaCruz
Ask him. He's obviously using a shill account. He shouldn't even be doing that. His real account will probably have a lot to say about him.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 12:13 PM
He owns multiple accounts on the same network, personally traded for them without saying that they were someone else's which prove they were his account.

He uses and discusses the use of VPN and even makes accounts and trades for accounts that people from USA aren't allowed to make.

He had 2 accounts in one cash game

His excuse for having 2 accounts at one table was one of the accounts was being used by one of his students.

On the account he claimed his student was playing he typed in chat:

When confronted about this he said that he was on the phone with his student and told her to say hi for him to somebody.

This is more than just circumstantial evidence.
Pretty hard to teach a student anything if you can't see their cards and give them guidance/tips so the student excuse doesn't do it for me.
He clearly had access to 8 hole cards out of a 52 card deck which is a huge advantage regardless if he used both accounts to raise, reraise people out of pots and other cheating tactics.
This guy is guilty IMO unless he has some other evidence that he has yet to offer.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 12:19 PM
I agree it looks bad for mega atm when you get a vpn you cross over to a slippery slope which can lead to even worse moves like cheating outright best to leave things like that alone. imo I mean if you get a vpn to break the rules then your are now going to want to push farther since your already over line, I can see that playing 2 accounts at same table would not be to far down the road. my 2 cents any way
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by niss
we have a winner for dumbest paragraph in the thread
Scott Tom is definitely right, inablity to take care of ones self is for sure a red flag of some sort, just think Chris Christie.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
Actually I see your posts as clutter.

given title and purpose of this thread, you will hardly find a clear example for that.

You've just accused me of shilling.


Now prove it.

i do not seriously think you shill for mega, and you still haven't found a quote which indicates i do, did you?

You can't, because you are just talking out of your ass, just like your other posts.

you do exactly that when you say i accused you of shilling.
i ask questions in my other posts, which is the opposite of talking out of my ass by definition.

not sure why you take it that personally? i am interested in op's identity also, but do not think this means mega can dodge the questions raised by op and several other people itt without looking guilty. why does that bother you so much?
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 12:57 PM
If the OP didn't have such evidence and was simply damning Mega with accusation, I could understand the need for him to come forward. Because at that point it's his word against the accused. In that case his reputation would be a factor in the matter. But given the evidence he has provided it's really not a smear campaign, its a matter of facts. So the evidence is what is damning to Mega not the accusation. (IMO)

Posters slam other posters all day long in these threads and nothing is made of it. This has blown up because of the supporting evidence, otherwise we wouldn't even be discussing it any further. Mega has some explaining to do, minimum!
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 01:03 PM
The jury has come back on MegaD and the verdict is....
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
The US government doesn't take in witnesses whose identities they don't know. They very thoroughly vet their witnesses. Absolutely nobody has vetted the OP. So why shouldn't a moderator be able to thoroughly vet the OP?
I was simply referring to the information rather than the witness. The police investigate anonymous tips all the time. If the information given is credible in relation to the case.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 01:14 PM
Still running around in circles and not banning a cheater...... Utterly ridiculous. Can we get an IP check on santacruz and mega? They are either the same person or santacruz is ******ed.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 01:21 PM
I am pretty sure anonymous tips happen all the time. The guys displays irrefutable evidence. Mega displays that he is a liar.

Two plus two, proceeds to do nothing and allow a ton of rabble rabble rabble in circles for a period of what 36 hours now? I have seen people get banned on this site because mods essentially dislike them. In this situation, some clown is an obvious cheater, liar, and threat maker. Then half of the thread is spent discussing why someone would anonymously out him when the reasoning is totally obvious.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by LivingOffZSun
Still running around in circles and not banning a cheater...... Utterly ridiculous. Can we get an IP check on santacruz and mega? They are either the same person or santacruz is ******ed.
Originally Posted by LivingOffZSun
I am pretty sure anonymous tips happen all the time. The guys displays irrefutable evidence. Mega displays that he is a liar.

Two plus two, proceeds to do nothing and allow a ton of rabble rabble rabble in circles for a period of what 36 hours now? I have seen people get banned on this site because mods essentially dislike them. In this situation, some clown is an obvious cheater, liar, and threat maker. Then half of the thread is spent discussing why someone would anonymously out him when the reasoning is totally obvious.
I have no idea why you have the incessant need to post in such a confrontational manner.

Of course SantaCruz and MegaDisgruntled aren't the same person. And as for all your calls for banning Mega, I'm not sure why you think that doing so is such a foregone conclusion, and what your panic is even if that was something we would be looking at doing. 2+2 doesn't usually ban people for actions they've taken off-site, although it is done sometimes. What is your big concern here that makes it "utterly ridiculous" that he hasn't been banned within 36 hours of this thread being started?

If your concern is for the community, then it should be about whether he's allowed to sell in the marketplace or trade funds (which he isn't now), not whether he can post or not. I'm sure a lot of people would like to see him come back and try to explain himself.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I have no idea why you have the incessant need to post in such a confrontational manner.

Of course SantaCruz and MegaDisgruntled aren't the same person. And as for all your calls for banning Mega, I'm not sure why you think that doing so is such a foregone conclusion, and what your panic is even if that was something we would be looking at doing. 2+2 doesn't usually ban people for actions they've taken off-site, although it is done sometimes. What is your big concern here that makes it "utterly ridiculous" that he hasn't been banned within 36 hours of this thread being started?

If you're concern is for the community, then it should be about whether he's allowed to sell in the marketplace or trade funds (which he isn't now), not whether he can post or not. I'm sure a lot of people would like to see him come back and try to explain himself.
If he was capable of explaining himself he would have done it by now. How is that not obvious?

I am pretty sure having to **** doesn't prevent someone from posting an explanation for any allegation, especially something as serious as this.

I am confrontational because the level of softness that humanity has reached is absurd. Confrontation is the heart of reality, embrace it. If we spent more time actually fighting, 500 pound internet losers wouldn't be allowed to survive and therefore threads such as these would not need to exist.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by LivingOffZSun
Confrontation is the heart of reality, embrace it. If we spent more time actually fighting, 500 pound internet losers wouldn't be allowed to survive and therefore threads such as these would not need to exist.
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by niss
I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
skin head weight watchers tough newsletter . I think we would like to hear megas side if there is one. im not sure why all the hate itt. I would like to hear more facts either way before the hanging or burn at the stake.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:09 PM
Trying to figure out what mega means by this

Originally Posted by MegaDisgruntled
I am concerned about this also. fwiw, I work as a non usa player, but I don't play on Pokerstars, that is why I asked my friend to take it. If the OP and I agreed to the resolution, I don't see why anybody has the right to get involved here.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:11 PM
mega was online earlier today, and is now.

seems he has some private messaging to do, obviously important stuff.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:11 PM
I noticed he has been on and off all day yesterday as well as today. It's not like he doesn't know what is going on or what is being written. I am curious who he is PMing to be honest. I suppose know way it can be investigated is it?
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:22 PM
It's amazing how this post started as cheater. Now I'm Chris Christie and my wife faked illness that almost killed me. Seriously?

I am not hiding, and am willing to answer questions. I will however be waiting for some issues back from the mods. There is a vicious attack on me as it is clear from the OP and the screenshots of my skype.

I will post this evening.

* as discussed with mods, mega, despite a perfect trading record will not be trading anymore. I crossed the line for mixing trading account and pleasure accounts. This I did for ease and was against trading rules.

Last edited by MegaDisgruntled; 05-23-2013 at 02:26 PM. Reason: Added
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by MegaDisgruntled
It's amazing how this post started as cheater. Now I'm Chris Christie and my wife faked illness that almost killed me. Seriously?

I am not hiding, and am willing to answer questions. I will however be waiting for some issues back from the mods. There is a vicious attack on me as it is clear from the OP and the screenshots of my skype.

I will post this evening.
-I think as a group we have dismissed those claims as far as your weight to be rubbish.
-You state you are willing to answer questions why not start right now? Why wait until tonight?
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by LivingOffZSun
If he was capable of explaining himself he would have done it by now. How is that not obvious?
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:29 PM
Somehow I felt the need to post something this morning. Life happens. I will post when I get at my desktop this evening and have heard back from mods.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:33 PM
Just curious, why do you need to hear back from mods? Why not post information now?
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
05-23-2013 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by MulletMan2
Just curious, why do you need to hear back from mods? Why not post information now?
Agreed, the issues at hand here have nothing to do with mods.
MegaDisgruntled, cheating in Revolution cash games, proof Quote
