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Ignition Casino uses bots? Ignition Casino uses bots?

09-10-2022 , 06:19 PM
I have a very strong feeling that Ignition Casino cheats and uses "bots" in it's poker tournaments! I have played at least 300 3 person $0.50 sit and go tournaments and not one time did I get to play for the $600 winner take all jackpot! I have 2 other friend's that play at Ignition Casino and between the 3 of us we have played over 2,000 of these 3 person $0.50 $600.00 winner takes all tournaments and NOT one time in over 2,000 game's gas one of us got to play for the $600.00 jackpot. The most any one of us has been able to play for was a payout of $2.50 has any one of you played one of these game's with a $600.00 jackpot being the payout?
Ignition Casino uses bots? Quote
09-18-2022 , 05:06 PM
This is why I'm sad I can't play on ignition
Ignition Casino uses bots? Quote
09-29-2022 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by KkngMcOG
I have a very strong feeling that Ignition Casino cheats and uses "bots" in it's poker tournaments! I have played at least 300 3 person $0.50 sit and go tournaments and not one time did I get to play for the $600 winner take all jackpot! I have 2 other friend's that play at Ignition Casino and between the 3 of us we have played over 2,000 of these 3 person $0.50 $600.00 winner takes all tournaments and NOT one time in over 2,000 game's gas one of us got to play for the $600.00 jackpot. The most any one of us has been able to play for was a payout of $2.50 has any one of you played one of these game's with a $600.00 jackpot being the payout?
Alright I am going to bite on this post even though it is pretty old. You're talking about Jackpot Sit & Go's right?

Think about the structure of those tournaments. Three players buy in for $.50. Most of the time, one player wins $1. When that happens, Ignition makes $.50 profit. How many tournaments does Ignition need to run where they make $.50 before they can afford to give away $600?

$600 / $.50 = 1200

At 1200 tournaments, Ignition has made $600 profit. If they give a jackpot out every 1200 tournaments, they have broken even.

Do you think a poker site is looking to break even running $.50 Sit and Go tournaments? No, they have a myriad of expenses, and are looking to make a profit on top of these expenses.

Now factor in the times that three players buy in for $.50 and, at the end of the tournament, one player wins $2.50. How often does this result happen? I play these tournaments sometimes for a laugh, and it's a pretty regular occurence. The result of this tournament is that Ignition has lost $1. For every $1 Ignition loses on a $2.50 payout, they need to run two more tournaments with a $1 payout to recoup those losses.

Now if we know that:
1) Ignition needs to turn a profit on these tournaments
2) It takes 1200 tournaments for Ignition to make $600 to fund a jackpot
3) Ignition is also regularly losing $1 on the same tournament

How many tournaments do you think Ignition needs to run before they run 1 $600 jackpot tournament?

All of a sudden, it seems pretty reasonable that you and your friends have played 2k tournaments without seeing a jackpot.

Also, for the record, the players that play in these $.50 Jackpot Sit & Go's are, on average, so unbelievably bad, that it would absolutely blow my mind if they were bots that Ignition controlled.
Ignition Casino uses bots? Quote
09-29-2022 , 10:41 AM
And what do bots have to do with what the Jackpot is anyways?
Ignition Casino uses bots? Quote
10-05-2022 , 03:48 PM
ZOMG Bots!
Ignition Casino uses bots? Quote
