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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,508 34.88%
5,615 55.84%
933 9.28%

03-24-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by Knytestorme
heheheh, your MTT game must be a lot better than your cash game, though from what I'm seeing in the HH's that's very doubtful

where is the EV line on the graph? Why would you leave that out? And why would you post this? I believe I told you not to disclose any of my info publicly unless it was a results of the study. All your graph shows is that I lost money in cashgames. That is personal info and I have contacted a lawyer.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 05:33 PM
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Wow I'm probably gettin BURNED right now. Oh snap!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 05:35 PM
Arouet thanks for the discussion worthy responses.

Here's what I would like you to ask Spadebidder. Why would Aces turn and river less than 2s? Just because players play them more doesnt change the equal distribution of 2s and Aces up until that point(in the holes and flop)? I can see how the situation might arise where say, no 2s are dealt pre turn, but aces are dealt, so you get to the turn and river more frequently when the situation comes up that less or no 2s were flopped or dealt so now you have more 2s available for the turn and river. But that is at least partly offset by the equal number of times that less or no aces are dealt/flopped. But more importantly Aceless flops will often push more players to the turn and rivers than a flop with an Ace in it when no players have an ace but one bluffs representing an ace. My question is can he supply the mathetical explanation of why deuces late steet more than aces and does he have a list of all the scenarios that directly affect this one specific statistc.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by AMEC0404
I sent 362K hands for a AIPF analysis to TWO different people on this site. One posted that I ran 1.6 std. deviations off of expectation (or worse than 95% of all people with the same sample). The other guy never posted any results, except that I was a loser overall in cashgames (which I already knew anyway). LOL. And every person on here said that was enough to prove online poker was legit. Oh yeah, I make my living off of online MTTs, go figure.
I don't usually respond to you in any serious manner because you are a class A douche, however I don't want this to stand.

No one said your results were enough to prove online poker was legit. What they said was that the results did not indicate that your results were NOT legit. It is a subtle, but crucial, difference.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by PikachuDemolisher
Arouet thanks for the discussion worthy responses.

Here's what I would like you to ask Spadebidder. Why would Aces turn and river less than 2s? Just because players play them more doesnt change the equal distribution of 2s and Aces up until that point(in the holes and flop)? I can see how the situation might arise where say, no 2s are dealt pre turn, but aces are dealt, so you get to the turn and river more frequently when the situation comes up that less or no 2s were flopped or dealt so now you have more 2s available for the turn and river. But that is at least partly offset by the equal number of times that less or no aces are dealt/flopped. But more importantly Aceless flops will often push more players to the turn and rivers than a flop with an Ace in it when no players have an ace but one bluffs representing an ace. My question is can he supply the mathetical explanation of why deuces late steet more than aces and does he have a list of all the scenarios that directly affect this one specific statistc.
You should check out his site, I think he explains in detail there. You can also post questions there.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 05:44 PM
AMEC likes to post fiction as though it is fact. And he wonders why he gets treated the way he does.

News flash AMEC, when you make statements like the one Arouet just responded to, you throw any credibility out the window. That's the second time today from what I've seen of quoted posts alone that you've been directly and easily shown to be wrong.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by PikachuDemolisher
I sent them to Josem and never heard back which is no big deal. Was only 3000 hands anyway. It was incomplete anyway as I had another 7000 or so that PokerStars didnt send. Im not sure what the ones i did send him would show. All I know is that when im losing out of a tourney, its with good hands. Losing trips, boats flushes. Very rarely have I lost on a bluff or draw chase. At least when it counts anyway, as in my last stack of chips. But it is what it is. Whether its me or igged decks I have lost at every site ive played so I dont play much anymore. The patterns are similar at every site, which would be consitent either theory. But I can honesly say that I dont get the rigged thoughts until i grind out a good position in a tourney, play tight all game, only to lose to 5% or worse udnerdogs far too often to make money. If that makes me bad then i guess im bad.
Let me elaborate a little on what im saying here. There will be times in a tournamnet when you are pushed to be all in for a number of reasons. When this "must push" situation comes up, I susally wait for good cards to do it. In these exact scenarios I am losing my 95/5s and 80/20s far more than i should it seems to me. But up until this point, I might find myself winning them consitently, generally not in all in situations. Its this timing that when the game is on the line the 5 and 20%s hit far more than they should. And if up until that point they werent because the tournamnet life wasnt on the line or wahtever reason, then the stats wont show anything outside of the norm.

So say I get AA and flop the 3rd A agasint a missed JJ 95 times in a tournament(for illustration's sake) when im either up agasint a short stack or a not all in sistuation, Then these will win as they should. Then later on if im shortstacked or some other sceanrio where i end up all in, BAM suckout city. Not EVERY time, just enough to keep me losing. But if you look at the whole hand hostory it will all look legit.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by PikachuDemolisher
There are a couple guys here id like to have read this with an open mind. Spadebidder and Josem and a couple others. I am no there to start trouble i just dont like being attacked instantly as im sure no one does. But these are my thoughts so please read this with an open mind and DISCUSS it if youd like.

You've posted a lot of text, and I've got a little bit of a hangover this morning, so let me just cut to the key bits.
I am making the assumption that everyone here agrees on the fact that
there is a skill element and not just chance.If that is a bad assumption
please let me know.
I think that's fair.
I propose the following. If you agree that poker, specifically NLHE,
is a game with a skill component rather than chance only, then
HHs statistics alone is not enough to mine out possible
corruption. A game of chance alone I believe would have a different
approach to analyzing the data.
Well, it depends what time of 'corruption' you're looking for.

For example, the records of the hands were useful in proving that Pitbull Poker were dodgy. They were useful in proving the cheating at AP and UB.

I don't know if the original Planet Poker review needed hand histories - they just used the published algorithm of the site concerned I think.

There might also be insufficient evidence in the publicly available HHs for certain cheating detection. For example, there are currently a heap of people reviewing hand histories of 'stoxtrader' in the HSNL forum. I suspect that they'll find that there is insufficient evidence to prove collusion without the hole cards.

So given this hypothesis I point to the Cigital study that shows that
of hands going to showdown, an equal amount of hands were won by the
best hand and an equal amount the best hand was folded before.

I will now make this assumption. This statistic is what is expected.
You have the statistics slightly wrong.

~75% of hands were won without showdown.

Of the remaining ~25%, half were won by the best 5-card poker hand out of all the hands dealt in. The other half, the best 5-card poker hand (as measured at showdown) had previously folded.
*(However my initial gut reaction is that
possibly there is no way to determine what the expectation of this is.
Can anyone confirm or deny that?
Well, I think it might be theoretically possible, but that would require predicting how players behave. If you could model player decisions, you'd be able to then predict the results of player decisions. I don't think it is computationally feasible at the moment, but I suspect it might be theoretically possible in many years time.
I beleive for this and 1 other reason
the study might be flawed or at least inconclusive.
I don't think the study is flawed because it wasn't possible to mathematically predict the results. I don't think that's even close to being a reason to consider it flawed.

If you have an experiment to test the colour of the sky, you don't need to mathematically prove anything. You just look at the sky and write down what colour it is.

The same thing is here. If you want to know how often players fold, you don't need to predict the outcome. You just look at the hand histories and figure out how often players fold. It's not rocket surgery

1 they dont
examine the cards that didnt go to showdown and it is possible that
the best cards drove the players to make the choices that ended the hand
But the survey did examine the cards that didn't go to showdown?
Therefore there is a hidden aspect of the luck element tucked
away in this 75% of no showdown hands. We cannot examine that. This is
where my partial tree theory comes in.
I still don't understand this partial tree theory stuff.

Can you please show us a hypothetical complete 'tree' for one hand?

And 2 this statistic may change
when better/worse players or even just differnet players are the sample.
Yep, probably it does.

I still believe there is skill, I jsut dont think its quantifiable how
much is skill and how much is luck and would prefer to see a range
number here.)
I'd suggest you read the discussion about the survey:

Now back accepting that skill does exist. Lets consider an example.
A skilled player gets a good hand against a skilled player. Lets say AA.
He gets a read and decides to fold. We now must remove this hand from
the analyzing of hand histories because it never made it to showdown.

It wasn't removed from the Cigital survey; Such a hand isn't removed from anyone's surveys.
So how can you present the statistics for how this particular hand
performed over a large sample if not all instances are available to
But it is available to analyse.

No one is excluding particular hand histories from their analysis. If they were, it'd be pretty flawed.
The randomness of a softares deal is not limited to just
the hands that go to showdown, as we have seen this number can be
as low as 24%, and maybe even lower at times. So we are only seeing
24% plus 1 players hole cards as a representation of the overall deal.
Not 100% of the deal. I understand that you do not need 100% of hand
historis to study this. However of the X% of hand histories you do have,
how can you possibly analyze the WHOLE deal's ability to be random with
only 24% of players in a showdown + 1 players HCs? This is is what I call the partial tree.
Well, obviously you analyse what you have.

Sure, if you have a hand history that doesn't include hole cards, you obviously can't analyse hole cards.

Fortunately, if you play at PokerStars, they'll send you every single real money hand history you've ever played, including your hole cards. You can then perform whatever test you want on it.

On top of that, they can even provide an analysis of the distribution of your hole cards over the last month or so.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Josem

You've posted a lot of text, and I've got a little bit of a hangover this morning, so let me just cut to the key bits.

I think that's fair.

Well, it depends what time of 'corruption' you're looking for.

For example, the records of the hands were useful in proving that Pitbull Poker were dodgy. They were useful in proving the cheating at AP and UB.

I don't know if the original Planet Poker review needed hand histories - they just used the published algorithm of the site concerned I think.

There might also be insufficient evidence in the publicly available HHs for certain cheating detection. For example, there are currently a heap of people reviewing hand histories of 'stoxtrader' in the HSNL forum. I suspect that they'll find that there is insufficient evidence to prove collusion without the hole cards.

You have the statistics slightly wrong.

~75% of hands were won without showdown.

Of the remaining ~25%, half were won by the best 5-card poker hand out of all the hands dealt in. The other half, the best 5-card poker hand (as measured at showdown) had previously folded.

Well, I think it might be theoretically possible, but that would require predicting how players behave. If you could model player decisions, you'd be able to then predict the results of player decisions. I don't think it is computationally feasible at the moment, but I suspect it might be theoretically possible in many years time.

I don't think the study is flawed because it wasn't possible to mathematically predict the results. I don't think that's even close to being a reason to consider it flawed.

If you have an experiment to test the colour of the sky, you don't need to mathematically prove anything. You just look at the sky and write down what colour it is.

The same thing is here. If you want to know how often players fold, you don't need to predict the outcome. You just look at the hand histories and figure out how often players fold. It's not rocket surgery

But the survey did examine the cards that didn't go to showdown?

I still don't understand this partial tree theory stuff.

Can you please show us a hypothetical complete 'tree' for one hand?

Yep, probably it does.

I'd suggest you read the discussion about the survey:


It wasn't removed from the Cigital survey; Such a hand isn't removed from anyone's surveys.

But it is available to analyse.

No one is excluding particular hand histories from their analysis. If they were, it'd be pretty flawed.

Well, obviously you analyse what you have.

Sure, if you have a hand history that doesn't include hole cards, you obviously can't analyse hole cards.

Fortunately, if you play at PokerStars, they'll send you every single real money hand history you've ever played, including your hole cards. You can then perform whatever test you want on it.

On top of that, they can even provide an analysis of the distribution of your hole cards over the last month or so.
I'm talking about everyone's hole cards.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by PikachuDemolisher
I sent them to Josem and never heard back which is no big deal.
FWIW, I think I've been pretty **** on that. I still have the emails in my personal inbox and hope to actually act on it sometime soon.

Ironically, I've just now gone to get the full set of hand histories, and I will now not be assisting you with any of this analysis.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by PikachuDemolisher
I'm talking about everyone's hole cards.

If you want everyone's hole cards, ask them?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:06 PM
Thanks to Josem, you "special needs" kids will be getting the help you don't deserve. Nothing against you Josem, but **** these fools! They don't deserve to be better players. I hope they rot in variance hell!!! I hope their buy-ins are taken with the swiftness in which they come up with their ridiculous, unfounded claims. Rot rot rot, you bastards!

Whoever said "Don't tap the tank" was a ****ing genius.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Josem

You've posted a lot of text, and I've got a little bit of a hangover this morning, so let me just cut to the key bits.

I think that's fair.

Well, it depends what time of 'corruption' you're looking for.

For example, the records of the hands were useful in proving that Pitbull Poker were dodgy. They were useful in proving the cheating at AP and UB.

I don't know if the original Planet Poker review needed hand histories - they just used the published algorithm of the site concerned I think.

There might also be insufficient evidence in the publicly available HHs for certain cheating detection. For example, there are currently a heap of people reviewing hand histories of 'stoxtrader' in the HSNL forum. I suspect that they'll find that there is insufficient evidence to prove collusion without the hole cards.

Why would you agree that partial hand histories might deter detection of a single player as in this case, but not the site? The sites would have leaps more otions to hide things than stoxtrader with the access they have. I challenge that detection of collusion limitations are at BEST equal in scope of difficulty to detection of anythng that can be done in the software and servers.

You have the statistics slightly wrong.

~75% of hands were won without showdown.

Of the remaining ~25%, half were won by the best 5-card poker hand out of all the hands dealt in. The other half, the best 5-card poker hand (as measured at showdown) had previously folded.

Im pretty sure I am saying the right thing, the same thing as you, jsut a little differently and maybe unclearly. I udnerstand that the 75% is basically being thrown out and 25% is where the stats seperate. That is in fact part of the whole premise of what I said.

Well, I think it might be theoretically possible, but that would require predicting how players behave. If you could model player decisions, you'd be able to then predict the results of player decisions. I don't think it is computationally feasible at the moment, but I suspect it might be theoretically possible in many years time.

If you are saying that humans cannot code computers to detect these patterns then you MUST also be saying that stat tracking HUDs offer no advantage and neither do maual human hand history analysis when trying to get an edge on a player. If HUDs can do it, and humans can do it, the site software can do it.

I don't think the study is flawed because it wasn't possible to mathematically predict the results. I don't think that's even close to being a reason to consider it flawed.

So then is there a quanitfied expectation of what they should have found?Without the ability to formulate an expectation, then i htink flawed or irrelevant/random/anectdotel information is the only label you can put on these studies

If you have an experiment to test the colour of the sky, you don't need to mathematically prove anything. You just look at the sky and write down what colour it is.

I cant see what this was a direct response to as im posting but I dont think it fits into anythinig im saying. Its too simple of an analogy and what I believe is far more complex. I'll edit later

The same thing is here. If you want to know how often players fold, you don't need to predict the outcome. You just look at the hand histories and figure out how often players fold. It's not rocket surgery

But what if what they are folding is the proof of non randomness? Wed never know

But the survey did examine the cards that didn't go to showdown?

OK but they offered no analysis on these . And in the hands they did analyse they werent looking for rigging, they were looking for, apparently, just this one stat since thats all im seeing on it.

I still don't understand this partial tree theory stuff.

Can you please show us a hypothetical complete 'tree' for one hand?

I will try and make an illustrion of a tree and partial tree when I get some time. I am not fast with the arts.

Yep, probably it does.

I'd suggest you read the discussion about the survey:


It wasn't removed from the Cigital survey; Such a hand isn't removed from anyone's surveys.

But it is available to analyse.

No one is excluding particular hand histories from their analysis. If they were, it'd be pretty flawed.

Not on purpose no, by by the fact that you cannot follow another pesons branching of cards all the way up except "hero". Yes the occasional "villain" for 1 branch but its always someone differnet. See this is my problem here. People are acting as if say you get 9 differnet peoples hand histories from diffenet games, it is the same as getting the 9 hand histories of all the people in 1 game. I think this is bunk. This s what i mean by tree. A tree is 1 FULL game. The branches are each player(nodes) and the cards (leaves). You dont get the same data from just taking 1 player form 9 differne trees.

Well, obviously you analyse what you have.

Sure, if you have a hand history that doesn't include hole cards, you obviously can't analyse hole cards.

I repsonded to this by mistake in its own post. I said i mean everyones hole cards(full tree), not jsut 1 node/branch

Fortunately, if you play at PokerStars, they'll send you every single real money hand history you've ever played, including your hole cards. You can then perform whatever test you want on it.

On top of that, they can even provide an analysis of the distribution of your hole cards over the last month or so.
I answered you in bold in your quotes text.

To sum up, 1 full game and its 9 players and cards makes a full tree, the game(tree) the played hands(branch) cards(leaves). You cannot take 9 branches from 9 different trees and call its own tree. The branches should be from teh same tree. Hope this helps in understanding my tree theory.

Last edited by PikachuDemolisher; 03-24-2010 at 06:19 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by PikachuDemolisher
I answered you in bold in your quotes text.
It would be easier if you were to use the [ quote ] and [ / quote ] tags in the future.
To sum up, 1 full game and its 9 players makes a full tree. You cannot take 9 branches from 9 different trees and call it a tree. The branches should be from teh same tree. Hope this helps in understanding my tree theory.
Your tree theory is crap. If you want to review community cards, do it. If you want to review hole cards, do it.

You use the information that you have to do the reviews that you want to.
Why would you agree that partial hand histories might deter detection of a single player as in this case, but not the site?
I'm saying that the hand histories that we have are useful for a lot of things. One of the things I believe they can be used for is to detect widespread cheating: such as with AP/UB and Pitbull. Further, if you did an analysis of Planet Poker HHs, I'm sure their biases would show up there too.
The sites would have leaps more otions to hide things than stoxtrader with the access they have. I challenge that detection of collusion limitations are at BEST equal in scope of difficulty to detection of anythng that can be done in the software and servers.
Well, yeah, I think it is difficult for players to detect collusion. That's why they should report it to the sites concerned?
If you are saying that humans cannot code computers to detect these patterns then you MUST also be saying that stat tracking HUDs offer no advantage and neither do maual human hand history analysis when trying to get an edge on a player. If HUDs can do it, and humans can do it, the site software can do it.
I didn't say that humans cannot code computers to detect any patterns?

I said that it is difficult to do collusion analysis without access to hole cards?

So then is there a quanitfied expectation of what they should have found?Without the ability to formulate an expectation, then i htink flawed or irrelevant/random/anectdotel information is the only label you can put on these studies
Sure, it is the anecdotal results of 103million hands. I accept that.

I don't think any reasonable personal would think that it is less valuable as a result.
But what if what they are folding is the proof of non randomness? Wed never know
How could players folding be the proof of non randomness?
OK but they offered no analysis on these .
Yes they did. The analysis included the hole cards that didn't go to showdonw.

I don't understand why you just keep making stuff up. Here's the analysis here:

And in the hands they did analyse they werent looking for rigging, they were looking for, apparently, just this one stat since thats all im seeing on it.
Exactly. They wanted to test something, so they went ahead and tested it.

I will try and make an illustrion of a tree and partial tree when I get some time. I am not fast with the arts.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by AMEC0404
That is personal info and I have contacted a lawyer.
LOL, I feel bad for that lawyer.

It's been pointed out before that over 60% of your profit has come from ONE MTT. Since then your ROI is incredibly bad. Saying you make your living off of luckboxing a single tournament is pretty funny.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:34 PM
Your tree theory is crap. If you want to review community cards, do it. If you want to review hole cards, do it.

You use the information that you have to do the reviews that you want to.
You dont have hole cards excpet your own!!! That is the tree theory, that you need ALL the hole cards for ALL 9 players at the table. Its like talking to a wall.

The tree theory is not crap. By your own admission I just dont think you get it, and my math is not good enough to help you get it.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by KingOfFelt
LOL, I feel bad for that lawyer.

It's been pointed out before that over 60% of your profit has come from ONE MTT. Since then your ROI is incredibly bad. Saying you make your living off of luckboxing a single tournament is pretty funny.
Thats only insulting or whatever it is youre trying to do if his winnings are known to be small. If his winnings are a trillion dollars than that other 40%is pretty damn good too.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by PikachuDemolisher
You dont have hole cards excpet your own!!! That is the tree theory, that you need ALL the hole cards for ALL 9 players at the table. Its like talking to a wall.

The tree theory is not crap. By your own admission I just dont think you get it, and my math is not good enough to help you get it.
No you don't need the hole cards of everyone else.

If you only have partial data, then you can obviously only conduct analyses on the data you do have.

You don't need complete data in other area of statistics. That's why there's a whole branch of statistics dedicated to sampling - this is not a unique problem, and it is not difficult to overcome.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by AMEC0404
That is personal info and I have contacted a lawyer.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by AMEC0404
That is personal info and I have contacted a lawyer.
ZOMG!!! you're sad.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by AMEC0404
That is personal info and I have contacted a lawyer.
Good idea.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-24-2010 at 07:07 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
No you don't need the hole cards of everyone else.

If you only have partial data, then you can obviously only conduct analyses on the data you do have.

You don't need complete data in other area of statistics. That's why there's a whole branch of statistics dedicated to sampling - this is not a unique problem, and it is not difficult to overcome.
I understand that, but this not the same thing. This is double incomplete sampling. Its incomplete sampling (whihc is ok) of incomplete sampling(this second part is not ok). The household Obama example showed this. You dont need every house in the city, but if you arent getting everyone in the houses you do go to then its doubley broken branches. I dont see anyone making an adjustment for that and I dont think you even can in the case of poker.

Here ill try another.

You want to sample trees in a forest for wahtever you might sample trees for, some kind of fungal growth. There are only 100 trees in this forest. If you sample 10 of these trees and do extensive research on the WHOLE 10trees, you might get a good picture. But if you can only sample a couple branches from each of 10 tree, and then put them togther and call it one tree, youll get rubbish data.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by PikachuDemolisher
Thats only insulting or whatever it is youre trying to do if his winnings are known to be small. If his winnings are a trillion dollars than that other 40%is pretty damn good too.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say his winnings are not a trillion dollars.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:44 PM
tree theory imo

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-24-2010 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
No you don't need the hole cards of everyone else.

If you only have partial data, then you can obviously only conduct analyses on the data you do have.

You don't need complete data in other area of statistics. That's why there's a whole branch of statistics dedicated to sampling - this is not a unique problem, and it is not difficult to overcome.
Now wait a minute, aside from the chatter around this, I know you said you were hung over and clearly you're not having a good day, but why do you feel it's irrelevant to include everybody's hole cards?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
