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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,503 34.88%
5,608 55.84%
932 9.28%

01-09-2017 , 09:53 PM
I went to DR Last year for a week and half, I played on BetOnline with a friends acct, he was frustrated how many bad beats he was getting. So when I was playing I notice that the main poker page where you buy in games was acting weird. I notice that some payers was calling at the right time or folding as well and getting lucky with small pairs with 3 or four over cards on the board. So I think this dude is actually looking at my cards. What I notice was that every time he heroically made the right call raise or fold, the main poker page appears to have a copy behind. So the individual was looking at my page looking at my hands. If you ever Play on BO watch for this strange poker main page behavior. This is why poker rooms should have a forum so ppl can write this right away and warn others.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-09-2017 , 11:52 PM
What happened when you did a virus and malware scan?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-10-2017 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by Svoloch'Stars
They - being poker sites - never have or will let "independents" audit the results on their site. It is our failure as it should be a legal obligation to do this. The law only asks that the RNG "feeder phase" is certified legit. What happens after this process - between the random seeds and the actual cards dealt - is entirely ambiguous. It is already shown that sites use algorithms to manipulate the deal post hole cards, I am thinking of stud and draw games here. The point you should take is that even though most sites that do this will advertise it somewhere in the small print and it's NOT covered by the RNG feeder phase, the regulators couldn't care less. A poker site has software to change the deck after the cards are dealt to suit whomever they please. The question that should be answered is given this capability, what are the odds that a site is legit? History shows us any time even the smallest exploit is available to poker sites or admins, millionaires, celebrities and run-of-the-mill scumbags alike will use it to defraud people. So long-run there is a 0% chance the poker sites aren't cheating, especially given the biggest sites still running (e.g. pokerstars, 888) have and continue to employ people with criminal convictions for fraud, money laundering, just the perfect people for the job - con artists who steal money, ambition and sanity from ordinary players

bang ON. This is EXACTLY what could be going on. Billions of potential dollars on the line, desperate shady people who police themselves and have already proven they will do whatever it takes to continue profiting like miscoding bank statements, and twist truths and reality to suit the continuing agenda moving forward. They have proven they will hang out individuals who comitt crimes for the company and unfortunately are hung out to dry while the company keeps a clear name for 300 million, the proven they will mislead and lie to their best rake makers the super novas for 9-10 months and trick them to take away their benefits to appease shareholders. You can be guaruntees this is where the subtle manipulations are happening to influence millions of dollars over time. It's like nudging an asteroid far away from earth thats unoticeable at the time but hugely influential in the end.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-10-2017 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by *CHOMP
Billions of potential dollars on the line
I'll take "Hyperbole" for $1000 please
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-10-2017 , 06:29 PM
Colman just one outed Vogelsang in the (new no longer called PCA but whatever) PCA. I suppose that means live poker is rigged now too.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 06:07 PM
I wonder why we have two teams here,on this thread.Those that think poker is rigged and those they are so pumped up that poker is not rigged.The only ones who stop posting here are the ones who do believe poker is rigged.We have Kelvis that insta trying to make fun of people,offended etc..we have Monterroy who has some fun replies for each riggie and others..But does this attitude really helps?
We had some poker rooms with specific problems(Ultimate,absolut poker,fulltilt etc).What has changed since then?All the thieves are clean now?
It could be,but even if it would,it cannot be proven.Even if someone has some evidence and will post here,the wolves will eat him/her alive.

There's some things that people dont understand..An online is not a deck.A program is made with "if"s".
There are some concerns that need to be lifted:
1.Is there's any possibility that a player could win all the hands in a tournament with 1000 players?If it would be,you will call him a superuser.
2.How come every player has the same statistics every month?IE ITM,F.late etc?.Even if you somehow cross that line from month to month,you will eventually reach the same stats.This can be proven
3.If someone plays poker and win let's say 10-15k,do they need a 3 month break after that?Im telling you,someone who wins plays on a regular day to day
4.I have my ******* activated,so dont know what sites do you advertise,but stop deleting my posts
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 06:13 PM
Your post reads like someone who was drunk doing it, and given you try to sell shares of yourself at times

you may want to re-think the value of posting in this thread whenever you are high or drunk, because that will scare off potential investors. Well, given you almost never get anyone to invest when you ask - perhaps there was no harm done in this case. In some of your threads you do reply to yourself multiple times, so maybe that counts for something. Regardless, carry on!

As to whether my attitude helps riggies - it definitely does, because they crave feedback and attention - much like a domesticated animal, and my posts provide that. Even you will get an emotional bump from this reply, so I am happy to help, as I am all about helping people. I also made $5.50 doing this post as a bonus. Perhaps I will look to invest in a player selling shares.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Your post reads like someone who was drunk doing it, and given you try to sell shares of yourself at times

you may want to re-think the value of posting in this thread whenever you are high or drunk, because that will scare off potential investors. Well, given you almost never get anyone to invest when you ask - perhaps there was no harm done in this case. In some of your threads you do reply to yourself multiple times, so maybe that counts for something. Regardless, carry on!

As to whether my attitude helps riggies - it definitely does, because they crave feedback and attention - much like a domesticated animal, and my posts provide that. Even you will get an emotional bump from this reply, so I am happy to help, as I am all about helping people. I also made $5.50 doing this post as a bonus. Perhaps I will look to invest in a player selling shares.

All the best.

What has this got to do with this thread?
Perhaps i wasnt cleared enough,but i forgot to say i like your style to respond to riggies.I dont care if you make 5$ or 10$ or whatever.If this is your job,you should be proud.If you felt offended of my post,i am sorry.
I like you,but i dont like Kelvis(he doesnt even have the smallest sense of humour,but yet he thinks he is funny)
I will take some time to respond to you:
-I never took drugs and i rarely drink
-I tried to sell from time to time,but i stopped,because people didnt like what i offered and from many other's easy.In fact,when i put a package and didnt sold anything,i actually won a 10k score(+ev to me).So,once again,what has this got to do with this thead?

That was exactly my point..even if someone will add up some evidence,no one will take it serious.I didnt point out any poker room at all nor said that poker is rigged.Do I have to take your permission to post here?

I dont care if it will scare future investors,because i wont put another pack in the next 6 months,because i see people still invest in losing players because they won 4-5 years ago(it;s full of this kind of sellers)

I do have a question for you..what will you say if someone will demonstrate that poker is rigged(not necessary the card dealt)?Will you have the same oppinion as you do now?

Please note that everything i ever played is out of my pocket.I deposit somewhere between 7-9.000$ a month on average and play daily(MTT and cash games).If you still ask yourself why i dont sell,is because someone screwed me with a ridiculous amount of money(50$ or so,i cant remember exactly and i had my priviledge revoked,altough i sent that amount twice,but it doesnt matter now).I dont look for a backer either,because its full of scammers there too.(i sent someone my details in an aplication and i got hacked-so not for me anyway)

Now,i see that most of the people that think poker is rigged is because they lost with favour hands in most of the cases.I wouldnt take that much focus on cards like AA,KK,QQ AK AQ etc as much as i would focus on flopped straights,flushes(hands that you cannot fold at all if there;s any action) that got busted on river.I have a collection of about 600 hands of that kind,but i cant post here..mods will delete those.
It's all have to do with statistics and will try to explain as good as i can:
Let's say i played 30 tournaments this month and cash in 5 of them(that's 20% ITM) and i decided to play 4 more and will be chip leader in all of them after 2 hours.If i will cash in all of those,i will reach to a level of 26,47%.What are the odds of this happening if your monthly average ITM is about 20%?It is close to 0.You will get flopped straights and eventually lose.

If you think that online poker is all about that random number generator,then your place is not here.Everything that is made online it's about "if",statistics,levels of the ICM and play style.
If you need,i will take me for example...I had a month with 70 consecutive MTTs where i didnt cash in(average buy-in 30$) and guess what?at the end of the month i have the exact ITM stats.Im pretty sure it's not just me that thinks like this

Last edited by Mike Haven; 01-12-2017 at 02:48 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 08:01 PM
Here is your problem - you are not a winning poker player. Yeah, you have a few binks, including that $9,000 one in October, but what you forgot to mention is that after that bink you lost about $12,000 in 1,000 tournaments.

Your 4,000+ tournament career on Stars has been like that. A few binks, but net a heavy loser (even with those binks). Now, is your skill represented by the 4 binks or by the 4,000 games of heavy losing? Well, the market has spoken when they never invest in you, and lifetime in tournaments you are down a lot.

This does not make you a bad person, just a bad and somewhat delusional tournament player. You are akin to the person who talks about winning $1,000 on a slot machine but leaves out the $2,000 he lost to get that win. Selective memory is not your friend, and the irony in your case is that most riggies would say you are exactly the type of player the site would rig it for, and you binks once in a while are proof of it. Hopefully you are better at cash games, because otherwise this is an expensive hobby for you, one where you have no idea that you are actually losing at.

You are not backable because you are not a good investment as a player. This has nothing to do with whatever drama you had over 50 bucks with someone (though that never helps). You are not a winning tournament player in any sense of the word, and that is why nobody will back you. The market is not complicated in that way. I would say work on your game, but you have been doing this for many years, so at this point you have to decide if paying a healthy amount a month to play tournament poker is worth it for you or not, because it certainly is not a viable source of income for you.

If a player like you believes it is rigged against you as you are losing long term - then tournament poker is really not for you at all as a source of money. I would be surprised if you were a better cash player, but anything is possible, and sites do not track that as sharkscope does for tournaments, so if you are then stick to cash and never play another tournament again. If not then quit poker.

I realize this reality check will have no impact on you for what it is worth, as rationalization has been a long, long time companion to you, and you will turn to it once again as needed.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 08:36 PM
You seem to be straight with psychyatric terms.Why am i delusional?
according to delusional definition:"maintaining fixed false beliefs even when confronted with facts, usually as a result of mental illness:He was so delusional and paranoid that he thought everybody was conspiring against him"
Why do you offend me in this manner?
Can you please point me where i said that i said poker is rigged?RNG in not rigged at all,it cant be rigged.Stats is a different story

I dont live from poker,i never did.I started when i was young with a company at 20 years old and made some money.I gratuated college then got myself and MBA and now i work for one of the biggest international companies.For me it's a hobby,i play poker since i was 7 years old and i play almost all games that can find in the world(chess,backgammon,billiard,snocker,you name it)

I didnt played on stars and prefered FTP(there i was a winning player on MTT and STT but losing player on cash games.Almost 80.000$ lost on cash games and decided to quit)
My lessons in life are quite simpler.Pay rent,pay bank bills,food,clothes,insurances and other expenses and if i have enough money to play i will play.All those who really think that you can live forever from poker money are really delusional.
Even if you found me on OPR,those stats are not even legit(not included KO's which is about 30k more) but whatever.
I did tried to find a backer when i couldnt afford to play the tournaments i wanted to play.After i applied to someone from Canada(cant remember his name) but talked about on skype and asked me to open my timeviewer to see my stats etc..sent my details,name etc and all of a sudden my email was hacked from Canada and the same thing for pokerstars.Now,do you really think i will ever apply for a new stacking deal?No way

That's where you problem is Monterroy and you seem to not know what was the reason for inventing gambling..It was made for people with money,that need something fancy where to lose money,not for poor people that will try to be rich.I get to see a lot of idiots in my country too..they play in casinos all of their money,their rent money,their child tuition and end up working on Mcdonalds or something.I played a long time in casinos(had great memories with a lot of winnings and losings,but it;s another story)

As a matter of fact,online poker helped me to quit from playing to casinos,where i managed to lose about 200.000$ in about a year when i was 21 or 22.The sum of all vices is always the same.If you quit to a vice you had to fullfill with something else(that's a fact).Traveling to this life and been to all this ups and downs really grown me up and i know when to stop and when it's enough.For me,poker is not fun anymore(i mean,who actually likes to pay 200-300$ and play for 3 hours or more and not get anything.I make more hourly just by working).
All of my binks that you are reffering at i played really bad-for example in big 55 i was 17/17 with 3 saturday scuffle i was last since we got ITM and i kept like that since we were 12 left,but my cards hold it up and that's whats matter in poker,not necessary the skills that much.So perhaps,yeah,i can say poker was rigged for me,but i wont say it,because its not..Even if i played perfectly,my cards didnt hold up
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 08:39 PM
Yes or no - do you believe that you are a winning tournament poker player?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 08:48 PM
Right now,i dont believe and perhaps i will never be!
in august i was winning,then lost again and then won again.Ups and down till you hit the lower threshold.That's poker,baby!On Plo cash and spin and go"s it another story
Even if you were tendentious in your last post,i have something to learn from,but i wont say what it is

Last edited by suzyana; 01-11-2017 at 08:49 PM. Reason: added something
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 08:56 PM
You are not a full riggie - you are simply a degenerate gambler who whines in a riggie like manner once in a while. That's your problem to deal with or exist with until it drains you of all your funds. Will you convince me that you are a winner at cash games or Spins? Not really, because you already talked about losing massive amounts at cash on Full Tilt, and the way you talked about your MTT binks (while ignoring the losses in other games) shows that the gambling is more important to you than the actual money. The games are tougher these days and there is no chance someone with the lack of discipline like you can beat the higher buy in PLO games filled with hard core pros. You are the one that fills tables when you sit down.

This is not said to insult you even though it will likely be taken that way. You really should quit gambling, though you will not, and in the end that is not really a concern of mine. Do what you like.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 09:22 PM
This is the same record you play everytime to everyone who writes in this thread.
I like to gamble,because i gamble since i was 7.I made a lot of money with all those games and i am a sports bet winner.It is hard to drain all of my funds,because i do have a well paid job and what i"ve accomplished till now,no one can take that away from me.I heard this story so many times,but how come im still standing?I am losing 900$ in 3000 tournaments and that makes me a riggie?) You have some abbilities to track people results,but you look in the wrong page.Search me on pokerprolabs(where bounties are tracked).I said i lost on ftp few years ago.Now i dont play at those stakes anymore and def restrict my playing on cash games if i lose.
In spin and go,the only limit i am profitable at is 7$ and i only play those.If you need proofs,i will be happy to provided to you.
You see,you made like 20 bucks with these posts
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by suzyana
This is the same record you play everytime to everyone who writes in this thread.
Hardly. Most riggies have no money. You obviously had some money based on how much you have lost gambling over the years.

Originally Posted by suzyana
I like to gamble,because i gamble since i was 7.I made a lot of money with all those games and i am a sports bet winner.It is hard to drain all of my funds,because i do have a well paid job and what i"ve accomplished till now,no one can take that away from me.
Yeah, you probably believe you have won lifetime at slots as well.

Originally Posted by suzyana
I heard this story so many times

Originally Posted by suzyana
but how come im still standing?
You have not run out of money yet. It will happen if you stay on this path, but that is your choice.

Originally Posted by suzyana
I am losing 900$ in 3000 tournaments and that makes me a riggie?)
I already said you are not a full riggie. You are down about $8,000 in 4,000 tournaments (even with the binks). That makes you a significantly losing player, and as I said - most riggies would believe that sites rig it for you, not against you.

Originally Posted by suzyana
You have some abbilities to track people results,but you look in the wrong page.Search me on pokerprolabs(where bounties are tracked).
Sharkscope includes bounties. Look at the payouts of any bounty tournament and you will see it. Sharkscope is much better at tracking all tournaments than pokerlabs. Pokerlabs is the site lots of players use to claim they are a winning player when they are not.

I am sure you do not believe you are delusional, because delusional people by their nature do not see it in themselves. You do whatever you like, gamble however you like, rationalize your results however you like. Its not like I will remember you by next week, so it is literally no difference to me in the end.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 09:42 PM

on sharkscope you have to filter just MTT(which clearly you didnt)
I will download again HM for cash games just to prove something to you..and for spins as well.
Now that we cleared this situation,can you please your stats?or your only income is from horses?(not to forget about those 5 bucks/post you make)

You wont remember me,because you never saw me
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by suzyana

on sharkscope you have to filter just MTT(which clearly you didnt)
No, I did not filter out any of the games you played, I included them all - even any freerolls you may have played. Do the SnGs not count or something to your results? Maybe you are a winning player on Tuesday - who knows and who cares. That's your thing to filter/ filter / filter until you see yourself as a winner somehow.

Originally Posted by suzyana
I will download again HM for cash games just to prove something to you..and for spins as well.
You are only trying to prove stuff to yourself.

Originally Posted by suzyana
Now that we cleared this situation,can you please your stats?or your only income is from horses?(not to forget about those 5 bucks/post you make)
Never had this chat before...

While I have made some money actually playing poker, it has never been a meaningful source of income. Prior to backing poker players I organized a large team of casino bonus whores during an era where that generated quite a bit more income than you probably would ever think is possible. Even after the bulk of that era ended there were still opportunities including one with Will Hill casino for 4 handed video poker that was good for a healthy 6 figures for nearly 2 years before they finally properly caught it and changed their terms. This was not long before you started playing on Stars to give you some idea of the timing. The irony is that despite not being a gambler myself, I have probably done much more casino based gambling (albeit indirectly through my team) than you will ever do in your life - the difference is I only ever gambled when I had a mathematical advantage to the point where it was no longer gambling based on the volume we were doing.

With all of that said, I still have a better graph than you on Pokerstars for what that is worth

Originally Posted by suzyana
You wont remember me,because you never saw me
I won't remember you because there is nothing worth remembering. We are having a short term slightly amusing chat that will end today and then we likely will not encounter each other again, or if we do I will not remember who you are at that time. Welcome to the riggie thread.

All the best.

Last edited by Monteroy; 01-11-2017 at 10:03 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 10:15 PM
You dont have a clue.Just because you say,doesnt mean it is true.The same way with the reggie.Who the fucx believe them?Giraph or never happent.
I dont have anything to prove for myself,i never ever played with a hud and never got records of my playing,but you just challenged me in doing so.
And about the casinos and gambling in general,you really dont have a clue.Have you ever played for 5 years in a row each day?how about 10?

It is nice to see that pimps are giving speach around here(i believe this is what you said).Do you even have a college degree?What will you do when poker will end or if multiple horses will rob your money?
I know so many people that argue about how much money they had,how much money they lost and no one say how much money they have now and how much will they have in 5 years.The same here..i dont care what you had in the prehistorical time and it is a poker thread.I'm pretty confident you have worst stats than i have,because it;s clearly you dont play
I respect you have a so called investment-staking,which is more a loan business.
When i posted here,i believed it was a rigged poker debate,but i see now that it;s not worthed.

P.S: i never ever played 2c anything.Look again and see the minimum buy-in.As for cash,never played lower than 0,5-1 b
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 10:44 PM
You seem upset. You should let off some steam at the casinos or the poker tables. That will make you feel better for a while. Thanks for the chat, it was an amusing diversion, but you will vanish just like all the others before you, and yes, I have said that to a ton of people, and it generally plays out just as I say.

You should definitely quit gambling. Of course you will never quit gambling, until you have no choice, and even then you will come back to it whenever you can. Not a very complicated scenario - its the definition of a gambling addiction. Make the best of that path is my last advice to you.

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-11-2017 , 10:53 PM
Exactly my point! You cant prove anything you say just the way riggies cannot prove anything.
I strongly believe i read the best of you.Dont you worry about me,i learned in life that it is for the best to leave a backdoor.I strongly recommend you to do the same.Go to college,get a job just in case poker will go down

Nighty night
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-12-2017 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by suzyana
those they are so pumped up that poker is not rigged.
Who are these people? There are many who believe they get a fair game, and will continue to believe that until they see evidence showing otherwise - but that's far from being "pumped up that poker is not rigged". Most sensible people have their minds open to the possibility, but aren't going to believe a site is acting in a fraudulent manner until someone gives them a reason to.

Originally Posted by suzyana
We had some poker rooms with specific problems(Ultimate,absolut poker,fulltilt etc).What has changed since then?All the thieves are clean now?
I'm not sure what your point is, or what this has to do with the rest of your post, or this thread in general.

Originally Posted by suzyana
4.I have my ******* activated,so dont know what sites do you advertise,but stop deleting my posts
Since the only ones who can delete your posts are mods and admins, I assume that's who it's directed to, but I have no idea what this means.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-12-2017 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Who are these people? There are many who believe they get a fair game, and will continue to believe that until they see evidence showing otherwise - but that's far from being "pumped up that poker is not rigged". Most sensible people have their minds open to the possibility, but aren't going to believe a site is acting in a fraudulent manner until someone gives them a reason to.

If you would have read my post,you will see that i dont believe that poker is rigged,at least not that RNG..i have other beliefs.I dont have the time to search back and synthesize the both "teams"

I'm not sure what your point is, or what this has to do with the rest of your post, or this thread in general.
???Is this another way to troll my posts or are you trying to manipulate and point out that i have no clue?Based on the fact that i played each and every day and seen so many things,it's hard for me to receive a lesson from someone who doesnt play online poker anymore.

Since the only ones who can delete your posts are mods and admins, I assume that's who it's directed to, but I have no idea what this means.
Well,i had some posts that got deleted and i dont know the reasons for this.I wasnt pointing for a specific poker room(that's why i said i have that add block).I know you advertise for poker rooms and dont want to interfere in your bussiness

Last edited by suzyana; 01-12-2017 at 09:19 AM. Reason: bad quote
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-12-2017 , 09:25 PM
Hey guys there is no reason to call someone a troll because I have not seeing any trolling around. This is a "discussion forum" People can believe what they want depending the experience they had or by knowing what happened to another person.. For example I don't need to jump from a 30 story building to know that I will die. However I had played few times on BO and notice the must frustrating experience of online rigging, apparently this site is friends with BO I can understand that, not accusing this site plz.. Now google Online Poker Scam and you will see testimony after testimony and even plays recorded on Full Tilt, that had a mayor scandal, Poker Stars and others. So Why I want to jump from the 30 story building just because I have not personally experience. So saying that someone don't know what they are saying, just because they never play on line, is not a valid argument.

I am please that I do not read people here insulting others just because they don agree on a topic.

The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-13-2017 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by suzyana
If you would have read my post,you will see that i dont believe that poker is rigged,at least not that RNG..i have other beliefs.I dont have the time to search back and synthesize the both "teams"
I did read your post, and I said nothing about whether you do or do not believe that poker is rigged. I try to have discussions without worrying about "teams".

Originally Posted by suzyana
???Is this another way to troll my posts or are you trying to manipulate and point out that i have no clue?Based on the fact that i played each and every day and seen so many things,it's hard for me to receive a lesson from someone who doesnt play online poker anymore.
This makes even less sense to me than the part of the post I was addressing. Here's what you said:

We had some poker rooms with specific problems(Ultimate,absolut poker,fulltilt etc).What has changed since then?All the thieves are clean now?
I didn't understand what that had to do with the discussion at hand, and still don't. None of those sites were rigged in the sense that most people use the word, and I don't know of any current sites that have ownership ties in common with those ones, therefore I fail to see how this has any relevance to the discussion of whether online poker is rigged. Not trying to teach any lesson; just trying to understand your point.

Originally Posted by suzyana
Well,i had some posts that got deleted and i dont know the reasons for this.I wasnt pointing for a specific poker room(that's why i said i have that add block).I know you advertise for poker rooms and dont want to interfere in your bussiness
Fair enough - hard for me to say without knowing where the posts were made. But in general, we try not to treat posts about advertisers any differently than those about ones that don't.

Originally Posted by BigestDonk
However I had played few times on BO and notice the must frustrating experience of online rigging, apparently this site is friends with BO I can understand that, not accusing this site plz.
Sounds like you are accusing them of rigging, which would be pretty silly with just a few times playing there, but you say you aren't, so...OK, I guess. As for friends with BO, I'm not sure what that means. I think you'll find this forum has fans and detractors of pretty much every site.

Originally Posted by BigestDonk
Now google Online Poker Scam and you will see testimony after testimony and even plays recorded on Full Tilt, that had a mayor scandal, Poker Stars and others.
Kind of like when I Google "Fake Moon Landing" or "9-11 Fake".
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-13-2017 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by suzyana
I wonder why we have two teams here,on this thread.Those that think poker is rigged and those they are so pumped up that poker is not rigged.
Hold on here.

This is not a correct representation of the teams.

Team 1 says, "Poker is rigged"
Team 2 says, "Prove it"

It is very, VERY rare in this thread at all to find someone adamantly say that online poker isn't and can't be rigged. What we're saying is, "Ok you're making a claim, back it up!"

And then when team 1 tries to prove their allegation, team 2 pretty regularly and easily finds problems with the claims.

But - Team 2 has a history of also telling Team 1 EXACTLY what they need to do to substantiate their claims (post full hand histories) and Team 1 has a history of finding any excuse to avoid doing so.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
