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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,508 34.88%
5,615 55.84%
933 9.28%

02-02-2014 , 08:10 PM
You call him dumb, an idiot, a liar, ask if he is on drugs and a blind monkey in dozens of posts but you expect him to apologize to you for not searching for a post where he claims you said he couldn't beat 5nl? You and the other narcissist must be twins separated at birth. No mother could love both of you. Gfys.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-02-2014 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
I misplay hands every session, but I am humble and honest enough to admit that and try to learn from those mistakes.

I also am smart enough to take advice and learn from players that are better than me, and even from ones that are not.

There are members of this poker forum that are some of the greatest poker players in the world. They regularly take time to discuss poker theory and often to help others learn. Instead of taking advantage of that great resource, you choose to spend your time in here crying like a little girl every time you lose and refuting every piece of good advice and help that is offered to you.

I would be more than willing to help you correct some of the basic flaws in your game that occur in nearly all of your hand histories, just as others did for me when I was learning how to play. But after watching you ignore and belittle others that have tried to do the same, even with the most trivial hands and lines, I realize it would be a waste of time.

That being the case, I take your posts and hand histories for what they are good for, and quite frankly deserve, a good laugh.

If you ever really want to learn the game and improve, post some hands in the NL Micro forums, let me know and Ill come and try to help you. Im sure many other players better than me would also be willing to do the same if you would just show a little humility and willingness to learn.

Good luck.
Excellent post.

Originally Posted by lolpotodds
Well in the nut flush hand, all you 'poker pros' were banging on and on about a 1bb flop call as if you've all never put 1bb into a pot when you're behind, ever. 1 damn big blind and it was all FOLD FLOP FOLD FLOP. It's not like I called 10bb on the flop with king high then another 30bb on the turn when I had nothing, and on the river I had the damned nut flush and I was planning to checkraise him all in anyway so I was delighted when he shoved at the end, but I got coolered by 888poker.

I see ******ed calldowns on 888poker every day and calling with the nut flush doesn't even register on a scale of bad calldowns. Yesterday I had a guy who snapped off 150bb on the river with 2 pair on a 4 to a flush board. Whereas I did actually have a great hand I just got coolered by the rig.

There's really no point in trying to improve your game at 5nl anyway because the rig will just drag you back down. If you get better, you get coolered more since 888poker knows it can give more of your deserved winnings to donks via the new player boomswitch. You literally tread water at the micros on 888poker. On PokerStars you can win a bit but it's very slow paced, same on Full Rigged Poker.
Unsurprisingly poor reply.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-02-2014 , 11:50 PM
Been meaning to touch on this

Originally Posted by lolpotodds
Well in the nut flush hand, all you 'poker pros' were banging on and on about a 1bb flop call as if you've all never put 1bb into a pot when you're behind, ever. 1 damn big blind and it was all FOLD FLOP FOLD FLOP. It's not like I called 10bb on the flop with king high then another 30bb on the turn when I had nothing, and on the river I had the damned nut flush and I was planning to checkraise him all in anyway so I was delighted when he shoved at the end, but I got coolered by 888poker.
Not to insult you, but I see these kinds of calls every day and always scratch my head wondering what the fish was calling for. You are the fish in this circumstance. I mean K5o? Really? What were you hoping for? Were you going to set up some kind of bluff on the turn or something? Were you actually hoping to hit runner runner flush? Yeah it was a small price to pay, but whats the point in donating 1BB with no chance to win? I mean the board is paired. If you call him down and suddenly go ape **** with a big raise, wtf is he supposed to put YOU on? How are you ever going to get paid here? He's of course going to assume you have at least trip aces, since thats basically what you're representing. I mean, there's really just no defense for calling with K5o. The hand just wont ever turn into anything. And even when it does, nobody will ever be able to call you. They'd have to be paying off with a queen high flush, and how often does that ever happen when someone puts in a big raise? There's just nothing your opponent will ever call with that you can beat. It doesnt matter if he misses his fullhouse, even trip aces are likely to fold here.

You have to remember what YOUR hand looks like to your opponent. You cant just chase any ole draw and then expect to get paid when it hits.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by javi
Been meaning to touch on this

Not to insult you, but I see these kinds of calls every day and always scratch my head wondering what the fish was calling for. You are the fish in this circumstance. I mean K5o? Really? What were you hoping for? Were you going to set up some kind of bluff on the turn or something? Were you actually hoping to hit runner runner flush? Yeah it was a small price to pay, but whats the point in donating 1BB with no chance to win? I mean the board is paired. If you call him down and suddenly go ape **** with a big raise, wtf is he supposed to put YOU on? How are you ever going to get paid here? He's of course going to assume you have at least trip aces, since thats basically what you're representing. I mean, there's really just no defense for calling with K5o. The hand just wont ever turn into anything. And even when it does, nobody will ever be able to call you. They'd have to be paying off with a queen high flush, and how often does that ever happen when someone puts in a big raise? There's just nothing your opponent will ever call with that you can beat. It doesnt matter if he misses his fullhouse, even trip aces are likely to fold here.

You have to remember what YOUR hand looks like to your opponent. You cant just chase any ole draw and then expect to get paid when it hits.
The plan was to try and hit the runner runner flush draw and stack the fish since I was getting some sick implied odds because he was deep stacked and only bet small. Since the A was on the board my K was the effective nut flush so I reckoned I could nail him if he had a spade in his hand (and depending on how much of a fish he is, maybe he can't fold trip aces either).

And having made my hand on the river he did exactly what I wanted him to but 888poker had set a trap for me. Literally on any non-spade I'd have folded, and on any spade that didn't make a full house, I win. 888poker basically took one of the 3 or 4 cards in the deck that would make me lose and hit me with it.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
The plan was to try and hit the runner runner flush draw and stack the fish since I was getting some sick implied odds because he was deep stacked and only bet small. Since the A was on the board my K was the effective nut flush so I reckoned I could nail him if he had a spade in his hand (and depending on how much of a fish he is, maybe he can't fold trip aces either).

And having made my hand on the river he did exactly what I wanted him to but 888poker had set a trap for me. Literally on any non-spade I'd have folded, and on any spade that didn't make a full house, I win. 888poker basically took one of the 3 or 4 cards in the deck that would make me lose and hit me with it.
You should write a book, something like : "Ramblings of a spewtard".
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
The plan was to try and hit the runner runner flush draw and stack the fish since I was getting some sick implied odds because he was deep stacked and only bet small. Since the A was on the board my K was the effective nut flush so I reckoned I could nail him if he had a spade in his hand (and depending on how much of a fish he is, maybe he can't fold trip aces either).

And having made my hand on the river he did exactly what I wanted him to but 888poker had set a trap for me. Literally on any non-spade I'd have folded, and on any spade that didn't make a full house, I win. 888poker basically took one of the 3 or 4 cards in the deck that would make me lose and hit me with it.
I don't know why I'm bothering; I had decided to stop replying to most of your silliness because you're either exceptionally deluded with a very slim chance of ever learning anything, or some kind of strange levelling troll account, which would be rather sad in this thread.

But I can't help myself this time.

The one getting huge implied odds is your opponent, as you've shown you'll call whatever he bets, as you put him on a range not with any logic, but based on whatever criteria allows you to justify making the call. The biggest problem isn't the big blind you threw away playing the hand, but that it opened the door to you losing a lot more money with little chance of you making any.

But rereading your first paragraph where you talk about a plan to hit runner runner, I'm thinking this has to be a level. Well, maybe not that it has to be, but if it isn't, um, wow. And if it is, gosh, good job leveling everyone in a thread that is filled with people making ridiculous arguments all the time - sure must have been a challenge.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I don't know why I'm bothering; I had decided to stop replying to most of your silliness because you're either exceptionally deluded with a very slim chance of ever learning anything, or some kind of strange levelling troll account, which would be rather sad in this thread.

But I can't help myself this time.

The one getting huge implied odds is your opponent, as you've shown you'll call whatever he bets, as you put him on a range not with any logic, but based on whatever criteria allows you to justify making the call. The biggest problem isn't the big blind you threw away playing the hand, but that it opened the door to you losing a lot more money with little chance of you making any.

But rereading your first paragraph where you talk about a plan to hit runner runner, I'm thinking this has to be a level. Well, maybe not that it has to be, but if it isn't, um, wow. And if it is, gosh, good job leveling everyone in a thread that is filled with people making ridiculous arguments all the time - sure must have been a challenge.
You're wasting time that would be more valuably spent watching cats do crazy things on YouTube, he's either trolling or in capable of listening.

He can't see that he allowed a small mistake in the hand to become a costly one. Everyone makes mistakes but he let a one bb error become a stacks error.
Still a mistake I make calling to loose out the BB in HUSNG but rather than blame the magical rig, I'm trying to recognise it and minimalise it.

But he's a winner, so he doesn't need to learn.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
You call him dumb, an idiot, a liar, ask if he is on drugs and a blind monkey in dozens of posts but you expect him to apologize to you for not searching for a post where he claims you said he couldn't beat 5nl? You and the other narcissist must be twins separated at birth. No mother could love both of you. Gfys.
You have a point, Sir, I admit. That wasn't the point of my request though.

What I wanted isn't really an apology. I want him to see that his memory and interpretation of reality isn't flawless. I told him like ten times that there are many much more likely reasons why he thinks there is a rig, cognitive biases, selective memory and so on. He completely ignored the possibility that he might not have a 100% correct perception of events. He comes up with the "I know a rig when I see it" line, no matter what the facts say. Who's the narcissist again?

He insists I said things I didn't in two cases, but he thinks he can correctly judge the quota of runner runner flushes etc. over 25k hands from memory.

In both cases, it's his prejudice that makes him think these things.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by bodhisoma
Ah, c'mon man, you know what I'm talking about. I've been rolling since '94 and while there are plenty of fans who truly enjoy the fine skill on display, for every one of these types you'll find twenty who just want to see teeth fly.

Sit a table, turn on a chat and tell me our odds are any better. =/

Tony doesn't do anything but ask how to look at his own data and Monte can't resist the pull of pointing out his superiority.

And it looks for all the world to be pathological. The man is not well.

I quit high school so that'd be quite a feat.

My only disposition toward the people who post here is a desire that there be better perception of reality. If that's "looking down," so be it. Maybe I'm the one who is failing to see. I'd be open to that debate but that requires two people working toward the same goal. All I ever seem to find around here is people trying to boost their ego by one-upping.

Candide is short and extremely accessible. Lest that be taken as a zing, it's my favorite.

Poor Monte. His inability to get under someone's skin really burns. It's becoming his raison d'être.

Bodishoma, I agree with you regarding a number of things you've written, namely mdma and Voltaire, but I wonder whether you're not venturing away from your purpose with some of the jousting you're doing with other posters. Monty is never going to open his eyes to any of what you claim to want him to see, particularly now that your dialogue with him is more put downs and nastiness than enlightening comments. J9suited made a fairly innocuous remark regarding Monty in comparison to most people on this board and you took it as good reason to attack J9 and that discussion has only devolved from there.

I am not sure how much of this thread you have read, but Monty's persona changes depending upon how he sees the person he's speaking to. He can be quite civil and offer excellent advice when he sees fit, but is caustic or simply purposefully demeaning to others. He obviously doesn't take you seriously and this is quite possibly your biggest beef with him, but nothing you say at this point is likely to change that, so you're not opening his or anyone else's eyes in your argument with him, just satisfying a need to get back at him, I suspect.

I agree with you that eyes need to be opened in this world, but I truly wonder whether this thread is closer to the bottom of places to try to do this than the top. You might ask yourself, and really think before replying, what your actual motivation is in this thread and in particular in your ongoing battles with Monty and J9.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 12:33 PM
lolpotodds, HU4rollz?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
I don't know why I'm bothering; I had decided to stop replying to most of your silliness because you're either exceptionally deluded with a very slim chance of ever learning anything, or some kind of strange levelling troll account, which would be rather sad in this thread.

But I can't help myself this time.

The one getting huge implied odds is your opponent, as you've shown you'll call whatever he bets, as you put him on a range not with any logic, but based on whatever criteria allows you to justify making the call. The biggest problem isn't the big blind you threw away playing the hand, but that it opened the door to you losing a lot more money with little chance of you making any.

But rereading your first paragraph where you talk about a plan to hit runner runner, I'm thinking this has to be a level. Well, maybe not that it has to be, but if it isn't, um, wow. And if it is, gosh, good job leveling everyone in a thread that is filled with people making ridiculous arguments all the time - sure must have been a challenge.
What's wrong with calling 1bb trying to hit a runner runner flush? I stood to get paid off hugely if it hit and he had a spade.

Sure calling meant I lost more, but somewhere in every big pot that is lost you could say 'if you folded there you wouldn't have lost so much'. If only you folded the king high flush draw on the turn because villain had the ace high flush draw and when it hit on the river stacks went in, etc etc.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I don't need to work on my game, I already know how to play.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:12 PM
Calling down a super passive fish with runner-runner outs on a paired board is totally standard, as is calling a 10x potsize river shove from super passive fish on a paired running-4flush board, especially with 2 aces on the board as {Ax, 22, 66, JJ} only makes about 25% of a 65% vpip range. Nothing to worry about, the shills are just trying to irritate you.

You even had 3 kings and 3 fives as outs, not to mention running kings or fives for a full boat.

Last edited by Baobhan-Sith; 02-03-2014 at 03:17 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:28 PM
LOL otatop if you're so ****ing good why are you grinding $10 tournaments instead of playing 5000nl on Stars? I only have to grind $9 more at this stupid 4nl bull**** and I can move to 10nl where the rig will be less, and from there it'll be a quick jump to 25nl, 50nl and the real money. Will be great to destroy you 2+2 trashtalkers on a full time basis.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
What's wrong with calling 1bb trying to hit a runner runner flush?
Wow, your game doesn't need to get improved, but you still have to ask such a basic question? You can't figure it out yourself?

1. A runner runner flush doesn't happen often, you are 4.2% to hit it, significantly less if your opponent has a spade as you hope. That means you have to win way more than 25bb on average if you hit your hand to justify that call. Sorry if I mention that maths BS again, but it is how it is. That alone is hardly profitable against even the worst opponents.

And that is if your hand is suited, and there is one spade on the board. As it was, it's even worse, because:

2. You draw to a four-flush, so you don't have the advantage to make a concealed hand on the river, which would make your opponent more likely to give you action with a worse hand. Even a drooler realizes that you often have a flush on that board.
That's why villain overbets btw, he hopes you cannot fold a flush, and rarely gets action from non-flushes on that board anyway. Since the push is that massive compared to the pot size, you don't need to call often to make that the best play. More maths BS, sorry.

3. Not only that, you also draw to a flush on a paired board. That means you have to consider negative implied odds, and as the hand played out, you learnt how huge they can be if you cannot find a fold. That means, even against an opponent that is likely to pay you off, the 25bb figure in (1.) is too small, because it assumes you win the hand 100% of the time if you hit your flush, which you (obviously) don't. More math BS, I know.

Your nutflush is a bluff catcher on that board. Please show a hand from your database where a loose-passive villain ever pushs ten pots with a non-nutflush on a paired four-flush board for value. It just never happens.

But surely you know better, I mean, your game doesn't need any work, amirite?

Originally Posted by lolpotodds
LOL otatop if you're so ****ing good why are you grinding $10 tournaments instead of playing 5000nl on Stars? I only have to grind $9 more at this stupid 4nl bull**** and I can move to 10nl where the rig will be less, and from there it'll be a quick jump to 25nl, 50nl and the real money. Will be great to destroy you 2+2 trashtalkers on a full time basis.
Aren't you surprised how fundamentally sound someone has to play to be profitable at $10 tournaments, especially compared to you? He is levels above you, but you still think you know how to play. You clearly have nothing that contradicts his arguments, so you insult him, but HE is trashtalking? lol.

You are lightyears away from being profitable at his stakes. Because of the rig, sure.

Last edited by franxic; 02-03-2014 at 04:19 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 03:57 PM
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
LOL otatop if you're so ****ing good why are you grinding $10 tournaments
What's really weird is that wasn't even a $10 buyin tournament that I posted a hand from, the 2+2 converter changed the buyin for some reason.

Unlike you, I've never claimed to be "so ****ing good". I'm just capable of understanding what to focus on in poker (fixing my own leaks, things like that), instead of dumb **** that distracts people like coming up with an insane theory that new players win (even when your own graph shows that didn't happen) and that rigging is only really happening at the smallest of stakes.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I only have to grind $9 more at this stupid 4nl bull**** and I can move to 10nl where the rig will be less, and from there it'll be a quick jump to 25nl, 50nl and the real money.
What happened to those 700 unrigged hands you played at 25NL and shipped $50 in?

Seems weird you're grinding rigged games instead of continuing to crush for 30 bb/100 in unrigged games.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I don't need to work on my game, I already know how to play.
This here should be a meme. Anyone good with image macros?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by czechraiser
Bodishoma, I agree with you regarding a number of things you've written, namely mdma and Voltaire, but I wonder whether you're not venturing away from your purpose with some of the jousting you're doing with other posters.
It might be veering away from my previous commentary but it hasn't diverged from where I want to be.

Originally Posted by czechraiser
Monty is never going to open his eyes to any of what you claim to want him to see
That's OK. Heck, that's expected.

Originally Posted by czechraiser
particularly now that your dialogue with him is more put downs and nastiness than enlightening comments.
That's OK too.

If I buy a gift for someone and give it to them, but they do not take it, who owns that gift? I do.

If Monte brings his anger and attempts to hand it to me and I refuse, who owns that anger? Monte, of course.

My actions do not depend on Monte. That's sort of the core reason why he has taken the line he has.

Originally Posted by czechraiser
J9suited made a fairly innocuous remark regarding Monty in comparison to most people on this board and you took it as good reason to attack J9 and that discussion has only devolved from there.
J9 seems like a nice person, I was probably harsher than necessary.

When the riggie kept posting the same thing, barely worded any different, week after week, I thought my even lower noise-to-signal ratio would illustrate their attempt to simply string along the shills which, I'm sad to say, was working. I was only trying to help the shills by pointing out the trolling by making something only slightly more absurd. And failed.

J9 wasn't the only person to express a lack of appreciation. Live and learn. =)

Originally Posted by czechraiser
I am not sure how much of this thread you have read, but Monty's persona changes depending upon how he sees the person he's speaking to. He can be quite civil and offer excellent advice when he sees fit, but is caustic or simply purposefully demeaning to others. He obviously doesn't take you seriously
Monte takes me quite seriously.

I know this because Monte wouldn't have announced he was putting me on mute (he didn't put me on mute) then wait for someone to quote a post of mine so he could continue to attempt to engage. When you put someone on ignore because you actually don't want to be bothered with what they have to say, you don't take your time to read what they say much less reply.

"Playing face-up," as we like to say.

I have Monte's number and that number is the fact that he doesn't have mine. What choice does he have but to dig a deeper hole with his "yawn" narrative while taking potshots?

Originally Posted by czechraiser
but nothing you say at this point is likely to change that, so you're not opening his or anyone else's eyes in your argument with him, just satisfying a need to get back at him, I suspect.
Revenge? Lord, no.

My entire exercise with Monte is to simply stand in front of him, point out his bullying tactics and watch him spaz out and back down which, predictably, he has. Heck, I'm not even challenging him to stop, I'm just saying what he is out loud and even that sliver of sunlight has him tucking tail.

To make our exchange more complex is seeing things that aren't there. If I had the opportunity to do Monte harm with absolutely zero chance of being caught, I'd decline. This is people talking on an internet forum. Things have to get worse by several orders-of-magnitude for this to enter revenge land.

I do appreciate your reply. It was pointed but considered. Maybe it'll rub off.

Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
Ouch. Color me embarrassed.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 06:15 PM
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by ktnxbye
This here should be a meme. Anyone good with image macros?
To make a real job of it, how about an anthology of LPO quotations?

Originally Posted by lolpotodds
300 big blinds over 25k is quite a lot, given average winrates are like 4bb/100.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I'm sitting at 28bb/100 at 25nl currently so it goes to show the relative absence of the rig has a massive effect on my winrate.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
Well I've taken down you 2+2 **** talkers for 3 buyins at 25nl so I clearly don't suck that badly.

Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I'm really not interested in the maths behind it all anyway since I can tell it's rigged without 'testing' it. It's bloody obvious.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
every now and then 888poker has to let the better players win so their rig isn't obvious.

Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I called 1bb on the flop with a runner runner because if I did make it villain is a massive fish and I could get a large portion of his stack.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I don't even think I butchered it. I had the ****ing nut flush for god sake.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
Do you realise how rare it is to get the nut flush?
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
And fish will call any bet if they have a flush on a 4 to a flush board.

Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I dunno why I don't play higher really. I really should
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I'd be sitting at the higher stakes tables regularly if the sites would just let me move up.

Originally Posted by lolpotodds
My PT4 numbers are 20% VPIP and 16% PFR, I'm a good player.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I'm quite happy to prove that I'm not some idiot drooler
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
888's freerolls are ridiculously rigged, even moreso than their cash games.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I know how to play, but don't have the boomswitch, I win less. That's not explainable except by rigging.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
What rubbish. Redline is just an indicator of style.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
There's really no point in trying to improve your game at 5nl anyway because the rig will just drag you back down.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
my true winrate ... would be much higher if it weren't for the rig (not 400bb/100 high, but like, 30bb/100 maybe)
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
And fish will call any bet if they have a flush on a 4 to a flush board.
This one could easily have meme-legs. Hmmmmm.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I dunno why I don't play higher really. I really should, but everyone at 2+2 gives this crap about you need to work your way through the buyin levels. I did have a go at 25nl the other day and crushed it.
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
And fish will call any bet if they have a flush on a 4 to a flush board.
Flop: (2.5 BB, 2 players) A 2 A
Turn: (4.5 BB, 2 players) 6
River: (13.5 BB, 2 players) J
Hero calls 105.25 BB
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
My PT4 numbers are 20% VPIP and 16% PFR, I'm a good player.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
02-03-2014 , 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by lolpotodds
What's wrong with calling 1bb trying to hit a runner runner flush? I stood to get paid off hugely if it hit and he had a spade.
Oh, it only cost you 1 BB? That's odd, I could've sworn there was a turn in there where you paid a lot more than that. Silly me.

Originally Posted by lolpotodds
I stood to get paid off hugely if it hit and he had a spade.
Right, I know you've reached the conclusion that the superfish you were outplaying so badly would call your massive river bet, every time. Ever consider that might not happen as often as you think? And did you factor in those times when superfish doesn't have a spade?

You're using all the best case scenarios you can to justify making calls, and it's a huge leak. "Well, I'll call here because IF I hit a spade and IF he doesn't bet much on the turn and IF I hit another spade on the river and IF superfish has a spade and IF he calls my huge river bet then look at those implied odds!!1111!!!!1!1!"
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
