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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,508 34.88%
5,615 55.84%
933 9.28%

03-30-2012 , 05:26 PM
Cant wait to see what the site promoters do with the above! They really have their work cut out for them here. How ARE they going to discredit the truth shown above?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
Cant wait to see what the site promoters do with the above! They really have their work cut out for them here. How ARE they going to discredit the truth shown above?
How much evidence of anything do you see in that posting?

How much unsupported oppinion do you see in that posting?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
Cant wait to see what the site promoters do with the above! They really have their work cut out for them here. How ARE they going to discredit the truth shown above?
The truth? Hahahaha.
One idiot wrote a blog (which has been mentioned in this thread before) in which he admitted to be steaming after a series of bad beats, and a few busto clowns chimed in with "It's rigged".
There's no truth in that article; just a bunch of pointless opinions. Gordias just chose a few that supported his belief, while ignoring the others (including a post by Jared Tendler, author of the "The Mental Game of Poker"). Confirmation bias much?
One rant by a raving loony is not evidence of rigging. It's evidence of tilt. IIRC, Jason Young later recanted the article and started playing online again.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Gordias
12th March 2011xc1000% rigged, I can send my hand history to anyone interested.
We're still waiting for BR, or Gordias, or Truthsbehind, or Hoooligan, or any other rigtard, to actually send their entire hand history to someone that can check it for evidence of rigging. None of them will actually do this, because they know they HAVE NO EVIDENCE OF RIGGING. BR doesn't even have evidence that he's ever played for real money.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Gordias

22nd December 2010Anonymousyes its rigged

22nd December 2010megamanits rigged 110% agree

7th January 2011robertonline poker is a complete joke its really nothing more than bingo the way the deal is rigged

10th January 2011jamesat least we know were not alone and that a skilled player such as jason sees the fundamental flaws in online poker its quite obvious something aint right. And to all you people who are so quick to defend these site how the hell do you know that they aint rigged its a dam computer programme designed by humans. and lets face it if history teaches us anything the world was built on greed and corruption so why are these sites any different.

26th January 2011wolfeYeah, I agree, i play on PokerStars and its unbelievable the outers hit. Running cards on the turn and river to win. It’s shocking stuff when you really see how much you lose. It seems its always the bigstacks on PokerStars that seem to win more, like the shortstack are pushed out of the game. Rng, yeah ok. No more online for me I tell ya. I agree with James, ppl defend these sites, Y? cuz they tell you its fair. Ever heard of the word gullable… Idiots

12th March 2011xc1000% rigged, I can send my hand history to anyone interested. AK almost never wins, bottom pairs win over top pairs, s**t hands hit straights most of the time. A day or two after a deposit I always win no matter how bad I play. After that I always loose no matter how good I play. If I deposit, I start winning again. Online poker is a complete joke.

18th March 2011ManOfTruthSend this article everywhere. Get the message out, and maybe they will legalize it here in the states so they can open a US based online room. I feel this guy’s pain tonight as many of the same things have happened to me online. This is after I won 2000 earlier playing live. It’s always been rigged, and until more pros like this come out against will never go away. DO NOT DEPOSIT ANY MORE MONEY ON ANY ONLINE SITE US PLAYERS!! Unless you are sponsored by the company…you will lose it.

1st April 2011CoryOnline poker is absolutely rigged without a doubt in my mind. I practiced and studied poker for 8 years and did well for a good while, but after these last 2 months I simply cannot play anymore. I get utterly fvcked with dominating odds far too often, time for me to get a real job. Online poker is a joke ( I’ve played on both Pokerstars and the Merge Gaming Network, I’m leaving the game with an overall small profit but not nearly enough for all the time I’ve wasted )

And I know there are thousands of other intelligent good poker players who simply get fvcked over online and this is probably why you rarely see the famous poker pro’s EVER sitting in an online poker room.

22nd April 2011kaswere do i start, the better your play, the worse the beat, the best 1 with online sites, they say,,,is,, you cant handle varience! ,

Withdraw and your waving the white flag, I am a trader and see varience all the time, very rare do i ever get a swing like i see every 5 mins on the online poker.

I’m finished with it, and thousands of others are doing the same, soon sites will have no alternative other than merge with each other to keep the money flowing.

Please give it up, play live, play good, and you will see more profit.


*Plus many many more.

immagine that...cant wait to see the loser shill posts...yah Im back!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Darkus63
BR and Hooligan share an inability to use apostrophes. ID seems to have that solved.
Evidence? or could it be varience? Or were you just out played?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 05:56 PM
You guys should make an effort to contact him to become the riggie leader. At least then you would have a guy who plays above 2 NL for a change.

He plays, so no doubt he could post his verifiable 50 times he was two outed in a couple days and after that you guys have proved it!

Until then you may have people harp on his apparent lack of emotional control (ie: when he says "I’m deleting the word (F**K) as often as I can, but I’m literally steaming while I right this…Broken computer and all…"), and lack of any real evidence (which would be easy to present if true), but don't let that sway you guys from believing everything that person says at face value, since riggies are all about faith.

He could be the riggie leader, one that leads you down the path you seek, so contact him and have him embrace blatantdude, Gorilla, the "D" guy, the murder riggie and all the others as he adds his actual proof of HHs to the thread!

You guys must be very excited at this possibility and I look forward to the progress you make in getting him to say his thoughts in this thread!

All the best.

P.S. You may also want to get him to remove this part of his recent bio

where he says:

If I could change anything in the poker world: At this point nothing. I feel blessed everyday to wake up and be doing what I love. After a long rocky road I FINALLY feel like things are starting to line up how I had always hoped...

You guys may have been too late to get him when he was a riggie, looks like he is a shill now, oh well . Just ignore his current self and worship the stuff he said a year ago or more!

Last edited by Monteroy; 03-30-2012 at 06:02 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
You guys should make an effort to contact him to become the riggie leader. At least then you would have a guy who plays above 2 NL for a change.

He plays, so no doubt he could post his verifiable 50 times he was two outed in a couple days and after that you guys have proved it!

Until then you may have people harp on his apparent lack of emotional control (ie: when he says "I’m deleting the word (F**K) as often as I can, but I’m literally steaming while I right this…Broken computer and all…"), and lack of any real evidence (which would be easy to present if true), but don't let that sway you guys from believing everything that person says at face value, since riggies are all about faith.

He could be the riggie leader, one that leads you down the path you seek, so contact him and have him embrace blatantdude, Gorilla, the "D" guy, the murder riggie and all the others as he adds his actual proof of HHs to the thread!

You guys must be very excited at this possibility and I look forward to the progress you make in getting him to say his thoughts in this thread!

All the best.
If I become the Riggie leader do you promise to continue on being the King shill?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by joker15801
If I become the Riggie leader do you promise to continue on being the King shill?
Sure - could be fun. Not sure how many riggies are even left, I think blatantdude scared nearly all of them away, but if you can get a few to agree on your coronation then we can move forward.

Does kind of suck for riggies that their WSOP winner converted from being a riggie. At least they still have Hooligan posting incomplete 2 NL beats still!

All the best.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by AaronT
How much evidence of anything do you see in that posting?

How much unsupported oppinion do you see in that posting?
The sad thing, truly sad, is that he literally does see that as being full of undeniable, cold hard facts. Not just evidence, but proof that cannot ever be discredited (because he will put his fingers in his ears and start singing his favorite La La La La song). It's interesting to go through this thread and notice how often one side tries to explain probability, variance, the definition of proof, and so on. It is never the other side explaining any of this because they simply do not get it and cannot. I'll keep winning and winning as will Subs and several other posters here and they'll keep claiming that's completely impossible. Has absolutely no impact on what i win nor how much I cash out each week. If you've ever wondered what it would be like to invite a collection of clowns to a scholarly debate, here you have it.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 06:23 PM
Ok nuff the sillyness back to growing tomatos & Metal detecting!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 06:47 PM
I don't think I have what it takes to be a riggie.

But the shill gig seems to be good. How do I get backing for that? Do I just e-mail support at one of the cardrooms and ask if they have any openings for a forum shill?

Can I go to several at once and offer my services to the cardroom willing to pay the most?

Is the standard contract paid hourly or by post?

What kind of rates should I be looking for so I don't get screwed in the negotiations?

Are there any affiliate shill programs out there I could look into?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 08:16 PM
Going by your recent posts, you already qualify for a trainee position. Just defend the OLP scam to the best of your ability, make sure you use words like "variance" and "random", throw in a "need to work on your game" and you will be on your way.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by -Gio-
What do you thinkg about Boss Media poker software?
Just like all the rest. Years ago when I was able to play there, had two accts. Ran great for awhile, then everything was taken back with suckouts, etc. Opened another acct., same thing.
They are all the same.
Really no reason for the sites to change. Way too many are addicted to playing, and the rest are to naive and ignorant to see it. (More to the point, dont want to see it).

Last edited by blatantlyrigged; 03-30-2012 at 08:46 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
Going by your recent posts, you already qualify for a trainee position. Just defend the OLP scam to the best of your ability, make sure you use words like "variance" and "random", throw in a "need to work on your game" and you will be on your way.
You seem to think that I am new here (to this thread). That is not true. I've posted here long before you have.

But you did not address my question. If you honestly believe that some people here are being paid as shills there has to be a process by which that employment is initiated. If there isn't your belief in shills is false.

Actually, if you go way back you'll see that I offered an even money bet on this very thread for $5,000 in which the riggie-of-the-week could pick the poster he thought was the most likely to be a shill. And then we'd request that poster's previous year's tax return from the IRS to see if that person actually collected any income from any on-line cardroom. (The accused shill would collect $1,000 of the winner's purse for cooperating.)

Needless to say that bet was never taken up. But if you actually, honestly believe that some of the posters are shills I'm sure you could make some money from that belief on a bet such as this.

Of course, I think you (like the previous tinhat wearer) that you deep down actually know you're wrong about this. In which case you're simply scum for making false accusations.

I think it's a form of defense. That so many people who are clearly better thinkers disagree with you about something you're so sure about causes a form of cognitive dissonance. And the only way to resolve it is to invent a kind of conspiracy wherein the smarter people don't actually disagree with you but are rather being paid off. That's easier than admitting you are wrong and changing your beliefs.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 08:58 PM
Never said the goons that defend the OLP scam with their life were paid. They say what they say to protect their financial interest in these rigged sites. Be it coaching, affiliates, or even 2+2 employees.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
Never said the goons that defend the OLP scam with their life were paid. They say what they say to protect their financial interest in these rigged sites. Be it coaching, affiliates, or even 2+2 employees.
I'm sure the terms could be modified to include those employers as well. That's pretty obvious.

Which means that you're dodging.

Just say it... you know the people posting here are not doing so in dishonest manner as representatives for firms. They are posting genuine disagreement with your position consistant with their own beliefs. And I know you know this because I know you won't "put your money where your mouth is."

And if I'm right about this and you actually do know that there are no shills here, then you'll a weasling, lieing, scumbag slanderer.

So, which is it?

Do you:

1) Actually, really believe that there are shills here, and you're willing to put money on that belief.

2) You don't actually believe it, and you're a scumbag?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 09:16 PM
You will make a fine site defender. Twisting and avoiding what I said in my simple 3 sentence response was well done.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 09:17 PM
I absolutely love the (lack) of sound reasoning.

So you believe:
1) That the deal is rigged.
2) That only people with very questionable intellect have managed to discover this.
3) That those people choose to warn the world by posting here.
4) The people here who have literally brought cheaters and cardrooms down by uncovering misdoings have unfortunately not been able to crack the case with the asounding amount of evidence provided by those who have figured it out and posted here.
5) There are a number of people here who know the deal is likely rigged but have a financial interest in not rocking the boat, and so have determined that the best way to keep in underwraps is to attempt to demonstrate the claims to be false.

Are any of those things not consistant with what you claim to believe?

Each one of them seems highly suspect to me. But you claim all of them are true? And that this is more likely then the simplier explaination that you're simply mistaken?

Last edited by AaronT; 03-30-2012 at 09:22 PM. Reason: typo
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
You will make a fine site defender. Twisting and avoiding what I said in my simple 3 sentence response was well done.
Really? That's funny, because here I thought I was accomidating your three statements.

If the shills are being paid by cardrooms, coaching, 2+2, or as affiliates this can be determined by checking the tax records. Now, you ARE saying that they are being paid by one of these ways. I'm saying the posters here are not (save those that publicly state as much). This is a disagreement of fact that can be resolved.

I'm suggesting to you that we can, in fact, resolve it with a bet. And since you're so perfectly sure of your belief this should look like easy money to you. Why aren't you jumping at the oppertunity?
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 09:27 PM
I'll kick in some action on this.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by AaronT
Really? That's funny, because here I thought I was accomidating your three statements.

If the shills are being paid by cardrooms, coaching, 2+2, or as affiliates this can be determined by checking the tax records. Now, you ARE saying that they are being paid by one of these ways. I'm saying the posters here are not (save those that publicly state as much). This is a disagreement of fact that can be resolved.

I'm suggesting to you that we can, in fact, resolve it with a bet. And since you're so perfectly sure of your belief this should look like easy money to you. Why aren't you jumping at the oppertunity?
No monteroy, Im not going to bet. Most have a financial interest. Its as obvious as the manipulated deal in online poker. A couple are just addicted to playing, and will not admit the obvious to themselves. And a few are just naive and ignorant. Got it?
Some will even admit to their financial interest. Aint that a bitch, defender in training.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-30-2012 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
No monteroy

You think Monteroy and I are the same person? How about a wager on that one?

, Im not going to bet.
Gee, how did I predict that?

Most have a financial interest. Its as obvious as the manipulated deal in online oker. A couple are just addicted to playing, and will not admit the obvious to themselves. And a few are just naive and ignorant. Got it?
Some will even admit to their financial interest. Aint that a bitch, defender in training.
Wait a sec... so, you're now saying that you cannot tell shills apart from those with a genuine belief that the deals are fair?

If that's the case, then you cannot determine that any poster is not stating their honest belief in a fair deal. And if that's the case then your contention that there exist shills is unfounded. QED
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-31-2012 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
Cant wait to see what the site promoters do with the above! They really have their work cut out for them here. How ARE they going to discredit the truth shown above?

OOPS that was a total fail on your behalf....what's that now? 3 this week?

Originally Posted by joker15801
Wow still the number 6 poster here aye?....wondering which site you blow for?

And BR has dragged this gimmick account back out from the bottom of the trash heap

Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
Going by your recent posts, you already qualify for a trainee position. Just defend the OLP scam to the best of your ability, make sure you use words like "variance" and "random", throw in a "need to work on your game" and you will be on your way.

Unlike you who uses the same words (affiliate, olp scam, manipulated deal blah blah blah) in every post. You must work for a poker site because you copy and paste statements JUST like customer support.

Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
Just like all the rest. Years ago when I was able to play there, had two accts. Ran great for awhile, then everything was taken back with suckouts, etc. Opened another acct., same thing.
They are all the same
And yet you still will not post one single hand from when you played to prove to anyone that you have actually ever even had an account. You will not post one shred of evidence (even though you claim to have done a huge study and have concrete proof of the rigged deal).

Originally Posted by blatantlyrigged
No monteroy, Im not going to bet. Most have a financial interest. Its as obvious as the manipulated deal in online poker. A couple are just addicted to playing, and will not admit the obvious to themselves. And a few are just naive and ignorant. Got it?
Some will even admit to their financial interest. Aint that a bitch, defender in training.
Copy and paste copy and paste......I have no financial interest in olp so i will match the bet so now it's up to $10,000 for you. I will even say that you cannot afford to match the bet so just put $2,000 into escrow. You are getting 5-1 for your stake and you get to prove the shills wrong. Will BR take up this challenge?

PS i am actually quite shocked that he called you Monteroy.....he usually accuses people of being Wiki......I think he is missing wiki

Is mise Tompakee

Keep up the good work
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
03-31-2012 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by AaronT
I absolutely love the (lack) of sound reasoning.

So you believe:
1) That the deal is rigged.
2) That only people with very questionable intellect have managed to discover this.
3) That those people choose to warn the world by posting here.
4) The people here who have literally brought cheaters and cardrooms down by uncovering misdoings have unfortunately not been able to crack the case with the asounding amount of evidence provided by those who have figured it out and posted here.
5) There are a number of people here who know the deal is likely rigged but have a financial interest in not rocking the boat, and so have determined that the best way to keep in underwraps is to attempt to demonstrate the claims to be false.

Are any of those things not consistant with what you claim to believe?

Each one of them seems highly suspect to me. But you claim all of them are true? And that this is more likely then the simplier explaination that you're simply mistaken?
Excellent post. Thank you.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
