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The Global Grifters The Global Grifters

11-13-2023 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by the Ducks Ace
The evidence is protracted, it took me years of study and watching certain players, the only way anyone is going see what's happening is by my pointing out those players and folks taking the time to scrutinize same.




There are three to start with, and of course CherryPoppins, and there are undoubtedly others that play bigger that I haven't noticed or watched.

And as long as we're talking about Cherry, earlier today the villain called a shove post flop with a Q2off and the flop was 10-6-2 rainbow, the guy who shoved held KK. The guy with the kings is a very good reg, and the stacks both players had were substantial and almost even. But the villain called the shove with bottom pair.

Wanna guess how it played out?

I questioned Cherry's action and the response was, "the game is based on luck". Cherry must be the luckiest mofo to ever walk the earth because he has pulled this lucky s*** over and over and over again, I know this because I've studied him for years.

The runout was a blank turn and a Q river, the 2 pair smoked the kings. Not an isolated incident, I been watching Cherry for three years making those same type of absurd calls.

Oh yeah, by the way, The villain won the tourney.

Find those players and watch them play and you too will see the grift, you'll see things that make no sense.
I have seen this from players who seem like trained players that deviate making an extremely bad decision but when they do it they win. I am talking they go from being a trained player to playing like a very bad whale and winning. It still doesn't mean they are cheating. There is a lot of factors to a players decision. They could be on tilt, miss clicked etc. But when you see them win every time they deviate they might of of found a pattern in the rng that happens in these situations. I highly doubt Global has anything to do with it. You are playing $10 mtts. That is chump change for Global Poker. I heard about this thread but you get into conspiracy theory type talk when you think Global Poker is involved. So of course people want evidence or don't talk about it.
The Global Grifters Quote
11-14-2023 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
There is a lot of factors to a players decision. They could be on tilt, miss clicked etc. But when you see them win every time they deviate they might of of found a pattern in the rng that happens in these situations.
I don't mind a bad play here or there that wins, I expect it, that's variance, but when it happens repeatedly with the same players over the course of years and hundreds of individual hands then I take notice.

It's like if someone s&*ts their dog in my yard once in a while I don't mind as long as I don't step in it, I don't like it but I'll deal with it, but when the same someone s&*ts their dog in my yard at 2am every other day then I take notice.
The Global Grifters Quote
11-14-2023 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by the Ducks Ace
@ Mike Heaven

Seriously, do you think I'm going to spam your forum?
The reason I sent you the link of was to let you know why you couldn't send or receive PMs. You can, now, though.

Today I called out one of the grifters "Cherry Poppins", ...
Originally Posted by the Ducks Ace

There are three to start with, and of course CherryPoppins, ...
Originally Posted by rrieman
SupreamDream ...

87 20,243 $25.18 $112,991 11/13/2023 00:30 AM
the Ducks Ace

If you want people to believe you take some care with your investigations, please take some care telling us which players you are writing about.

Cherry Poppins is not the same player as CherryPoppins. SupremeDream is not the same player as SupreamDream.

The Global Grifters Quote
11-14-2023 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven

the Ducks Ace

If you want people to believe you take some care with your investigations, please take some care telling us which players you are writing about.

Cherry Poppins is not the same player as CherryPoppins. SupremeDream is not the same player as SupreamDream.

`My most humble apology, I will try to be perfectly accurate moving forward.
The Global Grifters Quote
11-15-2023 , 10:59 AM
Daily SC 400 Guaranteed [Rebuy]
Game Starts: Nov 15, 2023 7:00 AM (3 hours ago)
Buy-in: SC 5.5

Three days in a row Cherry wins the same MTT. What are the odds on winning the same tourney three days in a row? What are the odds Cherry wins it again tomorrow?

Tune in tomorrow and find out.

The Global Grifters Quote
11-16-2023 , 12:21 AM
That's easy - either he does or he doesn't, so it's a coin flip. Odds of winning 3 coin flips in a row is 1 in 8. Winning tomorrow is 1 in 2.
The Global Grifters Quote
11-16-2023 , 08:50 AM
Well, Cherry is in there, lets see how the villain does this morning......
The Global Grifters Quote
11-16-2023 , 04:04 PM
He got like 9th this morning.

I'm on the receiving end of so many bad beats it's rediculous.
There are people I have a list of that I just plain out avoid, they run so hot thats it's not even worth it lmao rue, fesuoy, vytuze, funny to see childofjesus, mentioned cause he does no wrong. It seems he always knows what to do or what's coming lmao

This site seems to just force your money in the middle. Aces kings queens. Numerous times this week lol, prob about 5 times I've had aces/kings I get it all in against stupid crap like k9 of spades the guy hits river flush or all in vs bottom pair you will always lose on the river lmao. It's sad to see like 90/10 always lose it seems. I mean if you want to say I'm just whining about it go ahead but like the OP said it's like suspiciously often.

Over pair all in on the flop to just get runner runnered lol. Ace king all in preflop vs ace 4? Get ready for the 4 lmao it just seems not fair or random.

There are a lot of pros on there which are legit and ive beat them and had fun with them, then there are people who either have inside knowledge of the outcome or just always the right option .Idk Ive had my share of tourny wins but these last couple months I'm down like 6k on here. Great people, probably no evidence of anything wrong, but I get it that it always feels lopsided with my run-outs, ask anyone who plays it's always so sick how the turn or river really hit some players so favorably. It's nearing mathmatical improbability
The Global Grifters Quote
12-01-2023 , 10:54 PM
Unless they allow us to use a holdem manager or poker tracker to record hand histories I would stay away from any poker site. Hiding hand histories is very fishy imho.
The Global Grifters Quote
12-02-2023 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by the Ducks Ace
Three days in a row Cherry wins the same MTT. What are the odds on winning the same tourney three days in a row?
A tourney with 40 runners? Higher than you'd think. Purely at random it would happen 1 out of 64,000 times, which is rare, indeed, but with any kind of skill edge it's well within the realm of possibility

This tournament is a $5.50 rebuy with a top prize of $179.46. Your contention is that Global is risking its reputation and legitimate profits in order to take back 90 bucks from a tournament?
The Global Grifters Quote
12-05-2023 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by nath
A tourney with 40 runners? Higher than you'd think. Purely at random it would happen 1 out of 64,000 times, which is rare, indeed, but with any kind of skill edge it's well within the realm of possibility

This tournament is a $5.50 rebuy with a top prize of $179.46. Your contention is that Global is risking its reputation and legitimate profits in order to take back 90 bucks from a tournament?
It's not just one one player and one tournament, it's multiples of both and hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of years, and my focus is on the MTT's, I have a very limited index regarding the SnG's and rings but from my viewpoint the same can be found in those too.

You wonder about my background, how it is that I notice? I'm a 65 year old lifetime actuary who developed chronic insomnia about ten years ago, at times I am awake for 60-70 even sometimes over 80 hours at a stretch, I watch a lot of poker and I study players, I research stats on same, I have detailed notes on thousands of players.

I like to think that I know the difference between static and anomaly when I witness it.
The Global Grifters Quote
12-05-2023 , 11:29 AM
You wonder about my background, how it is that I notice? I'm a 65 year old lifetime actuary who developed chronic insomnia about ten years ago, at times I am awake for 60-70 even sometimes over 80 hours at a stretch, I watch a lot of poker and I study players, I research stats on same, I have detailed notes on thousands of players.
go to bed

“Our results suggest that just one night of sleep loss significantly alters the optimal functioning of this essential brain process,” according to Andrea Goldstein from the Sleep and Neuroimaging Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, in the ABC News article.
The Global Grifters Quote
12-05-2023 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by unsolvedmysteries
Unless they allow us to use a holdem manager or poker tracker to record hand histories I would stay away from any poker site. Hiding hand histories is very fishy imho.
I agree with your thoughts on hand histories, and up until recently you could review hands that were played by others in games where you weren't involved, that has changed, now you can only review hands at tables where you are seated (active).
The Global Grifters Quote
12-05-2023 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by swerbs22
go to bed

“Our results suggest that just one night of sleep loss significantly alters the optimal functioning of this essential brain process,” according to Andrea Goldstein from the Sleep and Neuroimaging Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, in the ABC News article.
Please be patient, at 65 I'll be taking an eternal nap soon enough, until then I'm gonna keep on keepin on........
The Global Grifters Quote
12-05-2023 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by the Ducks Ace
Please be patient, at 65 I'll be taking an eternal nap soon enough, until then I'm gonna keep on keepin on........
Okay, I'll take a nap while I wait
The Global Grifters Quote
12-06-2023 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by the Ducks Ace
It's not just one one player and one tournament, it's multiples of both and hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of years, and my focus is on the MTT's, I have a very limited index regarding the SnG's and rings but from my viewpoint the same can be found in those too.
Sure, I get that it's not just one, but... even "hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of years" is still a pittance compared to their legitimate profits. And it really makes no sense to be stealing from tournaments this small and risking getting caught, rather than focusing on a handful of bigger tournaments if that was the case. It's just far too reckless and risky to make any sense for Global to do this, and the "evidence" at this point seems to be along the lines of anecdotal short-term variance rather than anything conclusive. Or, more succinctly:

Originally Posted by CardTzar
Originally Posted by the Ducks Ace
at times I am awake for 60-70 even sometimes over 80 hours at a stretch
I think you may have sleep deprivation-induced paranoia.
The Global Grifters Quote
12-06-2023 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by nath
I think you may have sleep deprivation-induced paranoia.
What say we talk about your mental health, the question is not if you are paranoid, because it's obvious that you are, the question is, are you paranoid enough?
The Global Grifters Quote
12-06-2023 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by unsolvedmysteries
Unless they allow us to use a holdem manager or poker tracker to record hand histories I would stay away from any poker site. Hiding hand histories is very fishy imho.
The hand histories aren't hidden. They're all stored in a log and you can access them and share them all the time.

What people want is the ability to be able to reproduce and copy/paste the hand history with names hidden, etc like with PT4. Not allowing us to do so forces us to go search for the hand, then write it out or recreate it using a program, and then post it, removing all the names. It's a pita.
The Global Grifters Quote
12-06-2023 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by the Ducks Ace
What say we talk about your mental health, the question is not if you are paranoid, because it's obvious that you are, the question is, are you paranoid enough?
Nothing wrong with a little bit of paranoia in today's world.
The Global Grifters Quote
12-07-2023 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by TheStackHunter
Nothing wrong with a little bit of paranoia in today's world.
Agreed, everything in moderation.
The Global Grifters Quote
12-11-2023 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by TheStackHunter
Nothing wrong with a little bit of paranoia in today's world.
Skepticism not paranoia.
The Global Grifters Quote
12-12-2023 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Lloyd Braun
Skepticism not paranoia.
tamato /
The Global Grifters Quote
09-11-2024 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by the Ducks Ace
I'm just an ape; least one of those names I have marked on the notes system for similar reasons. I don't recall what the hands were; because I wasn't in them.

Specifically what occurred was multiple unlikely events where he went all in with the worst of it; and won by the river. The repeated events were enough to draw my attention to the extent that I did mark the players note with "WTF is going on with this player? Superuser?!?"

It could be variance, but if I noticed it entirely separately from yourself; that's an interesting development. I don't know what to make of it; because variance can describe literally anything that occurs; ever. Even the super unlikely events. That said; why are we both marking the same user for the same reason? That adds a layer beyond 'paranoia' to 'maybe there is something there'.
The Global Grifters Quote
