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Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only

10-05-2013 , 01:13 PM
An Idea of zero tolerance politics against racist comments in chat on the internet poker site made me lol. Chat ban is perfect punishment and should be more than enough to stop the bawwwing.
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10-05-2013 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
hmmm maybe try reading bigfish, sketchy and a few others and try asking the question again that 'i seem to think my opinion is better than others'. you know what, i think it is.......
you and a few others so it's mainstream and noone is allowed to think differently or they are uneducated? you seem to have lots of respect for your fellow citizens. try common sense or keep up your ideological yadayada, your choice, i don't care.

you dodged my questions because the answers wouldn't help your argument, i guess.

OK your opinion is better, you are the only one who can judge that, now gtfo bitch.
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10-05-2013 , 02:40 PM
I just love how OP makes a thread because someone called him names, and then goes on to call random people racists because they don't hold his minority opinion. Should I create a thread called "TheWaddy insinuated that I'm a racist"?

The truth is, it's the internet. If you insult someone, your friends or family don't have to find out, and you're not going to get a smack on the head. That's how people can use racist slurs and call other people racists, and act like it's a totally normal thing to do, even tho they almost surely don't mean it.
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10-05-2013 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
police dont get involved in cyber bullying and facebook have never suspended anyones account? And its me who lives in a dream world! I did say a 'barrage of abuse' btw, not just one comment... it was just one i picked out, but unfortunately it doesnt appear racist enough for you guys, so maybe a should have picked a better one for you?? If you think of the most offensive line possible, he used it, so im sorry if black C*** didnt do it for u.
If anyone can give one, just one good reason why they wouldnt ban him, id like to hear it (its his grubby $5 btw, the only answer).
Think of it this way: Divide it up - You´re black (I assume), and calling somebody a c*** online is everyday occurrence.

Jokes aside, it´s not really a thing to loose your **** over.

Why do you think that calling somebody black in this day and age online needs special attention. The attitude behind it is the same as in any other case of name calling. Good that you reported and the chat ban seems appropriate.
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10-05-2013 , 04:37 PM
Guy abuses chat. Guy loses chat privileges. Problem solved. No need for retribution. No need for discussion about what's racist and not racist. No need for poker sites judging peoples' moral fiber or deciding how offensive anything is.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
Racist comments on Facebook? Account suspended and a possible visit from the police.
Clearly a level. Lock it up IMO.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
You seem to have a fixation on this "grubby $5", and you can't see beyond it to accept that there may be other reasons why FTP and almost every other poker player are in agreement that a person should often be given one chance after one offence to correct his ways by imposing a lesser punishment than an immediate full ban from the site.

From your unpleasantly argumentative, insulting and opinionated posts here, I would not be in the slightest surprised if you gave as good as you got in the chat, (in fact, I think it's quite likely you even started the insults escalation), and, for all we know, this was taken into consideration when FTP decided what first offence punishment to impose in this particular case when he crossed the line.

If you disagree so much with FTP's methods of managing their site, perhaps it is you that should move to another to spend your $5?
As mentioned in the post i have cashed out and i had chat disabled at my own request for over a year. So apologies that all your post was incorrect. You could of course challenge way chat was disabled, but im afraid it really was my own request..... I have had to repeat my concerns i agree, but is a result of people making inane comments like 'the police wont turn up' etc and focusing on anything other than the point...

Originally Posted by bigfish2012
and I would guess you are wrong about this. Most players probably don't even read the chat anyway and if someone were to spew of racist comments they are probably more likely to use the ignore function then to get worked up about it.
Yes my friends if you ever hear examples of racism, just ignore it..... this guy can make the world a better place! And people have been calling ME a c*** on here.....

Originally Posted by LolZombies
TheWaddy, banning the player would be pointless, however having his chat privileges removed is great, so well done on that front. Can i ask, are you actually Black? Or did you naturally just take offense at his comments?
Im with you though, i cant stand when players resort to Racist remarks, or the 'i **** your mumma' comments. Its pathetic.
Im not black (oh god the deadheads are going to ask so whats my problem u do know that!) , i simply use the avator which is the black guy with affro and shades. I have had it before and it needs to be stamped out. Banning the player wouldnt IMO be pointless, it would make a huge statement and if all sites dealt with it the same, it would put a stop to it... players simply wouldnt do it cos of the consequences. Chat ban is pointless, cos they know this is the worst that can happen.... no-one has ever watched what they were saying in case they got chat banned....

Last edited by Mike Haven; 10-06-2013 at 12:18 PM. Reason: 3 posts merged
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 06:11 PM
Saying that a chat ban is pointless is ridiculous because it completely prevents the person from doing the same thing again.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 06:26 PM
Saying chat ban is pointless because they know its the worst that can happen is not the truth.

It is the first thing that will happen.

If it continues then i'm pretty sure he would get a more severe punishment.

Maybe temp suspension of account?

Who knows?
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 07:28 PM
You´re like the guy who started bitching in BFI about gender equality, when a woman made a comment about, OP included, not offering a seat to her, the only woman there, waiting for a job interview.

Dramatic cracker (because you´re not black).

I´m white myself, so I will extend myself as similar right to call you a cracker, as blacks have the right on the word *****.

edit: And serious LOL about the chat ban being a pointless measure in this kind of situation.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
Banning the player wouldnt IMO be pointless, it would make a huge statement and if all sites dealt with it the same, it would put a stop to it... players simply wouldnt do it cos of the consequences.
What % of their entire player base, and especially of the the types of people who make those sort of comments in chat, do you think would have any clue that the site will ban them for something they said in chat? I would put it at 5% or less, and probably significantly less. The way they would find out is...when the site warns them and bans their chat after the first offense.

Originally Posted by TheWaddy
Chat ban is pointless
How is stopping them from making racist remarks pointless?

Originally Posted by TheWaddy
cos they know this is the worst that can happen
So the site has told you that they will do nothing further if it happens again?

If the chat ban is permanent, then you're right, nothing worse can happen since they can't chat any more. But that would be far from pointless, as they would also be unable to insult anyone any more either.

Originally Posted by TheWaddy
.... no-one has ever watched what they were saying in case they got chat banned....
Care to share how you know that no one has ever watched what they were saying because of a possible chat ban, and that they have because of a possible site ban?

Didn't you tell us that a site ban is no big deal because they can just play somewhere else? So why are you so convinced it will stop them from making a racist remark? Either it is a big deal, or it isn't.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
i had chat disabled at my own request for over a year
Why did you do that ?

TBH, you are an embarrassment to me as someone who lives in the UK.

We get a lot of infantile butthurt whiny children around here, but you are 'special' even within that select grouping.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat
TBH, you are an embarrassment to me as someone who lives in the UK.
As well as all of us who live on planet Earth.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
As well as all of us who live on planet Earth.

Poker sites are to play poker, not to reform people and there thinking on prejudice / race, OP you must be bored to start a conversation on this topic.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 11:14 PM
Can't believe OP still hasn't budged.. Last and final word from me:

1. This whole thing probably started because 'racist' villain sucked out/out played OP..

2. 'Racist' villain berates OP (some of which is racism) about how poorly he played.

3. OP is upset by being sucked out/outplayed and wants 'racist' villain to be perma banned from FT - using the racism as the reason for a perma ban. I honestly think OP has a hidden agenda here, props to reporting the racist remarks to FT, but seriously stop with the expectation that a crime like this needs a perma ban.

TheWaddy: Any thoughts that this disgusting site wouldnt manipulate decks to maximise profits
I say this because any logical person would realise that a chat ban is absolutely sufficient here - there are possibly rapists, murderers and paedophiles playing online poker, would you say OP that they should be banned as well? Maybe you should tell FullTilt that players need to provide a criminal record check before playing online poker...
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-06-2013 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
Just as i thought 'wow, we seem to be still living in the seventies in most peoples minds', someone with a thinking brain at lasts comments! This guy did not 'get lucky', or any other bizarre excuse you other deadheads give, i use the black guy with affro and shades avatar, not that this is even important. A zero tolerance on racism would be the example here. What are the benefits of keeping this player on site other than earning the max $5 in tourn fees from him? The issue is Fulltilt would rather keep on taking this paultry amount than deal with racism in a manner worthy of 2013 and worthy of the subject. Instead im the one who has cashed out and wont be returning, so they have lost out anyway and just retained the undesirable player. My examples of other bodies dealing with racism in a no tolerance manner seems hilarious to several people commenting here..... try shouting it out a a football match then guys, good luck on holding on to your season ticket (worth a little more than $5 btw) and good luck on thinking the police wont get involved...... the majority think the least punishment possible (chat ban) is appropriate and the comments are on a level of 'i hope u die, etc'.... how uneducated and ignorant you people are, but i suppose if you play on Fulltilt, you are playing on the right site for like minded muppets. One guy suggested my post was 'total nonsense'..... scary, simply scary.
Kind of a bad example but plenty of people called Ray Lewis the N word among other things, murderer etc etc.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-07-2013 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
What % of their entire player base, and especially of the the types of people who make those sort of comments in chat, do you think would have any clue that the site will ban them for something they said in chat? I would put it at 5% or less, and probably significantly less. The way they would find out is...when the site warns them and bans their chat after the first offense.

How is stopping them from making racist remarks pointless?

So the site has told you that they will do nothing further if it happens again?

If the chat ban is permanent, then you're right, nothing worse can happen since they can't chat any more. But that would be far from pointless, as they would also be unable to insult anyone any more either.

Care to share how you know that no one has ever watched what they were saying because of a possible chat ban, and that they have because of a possible site ban?

Didn't you tell us that a site ban is no big deal because they can just play somewhere else? So why are you so convinced it will stop them from making a racist remark? Either it is a big deal, or it isn't.
You can 'stop' people from being or saying racist things.... What you can do is show them and others that it wont be tolerated. My disappointment is with Fulltilt, the big deal is they wont kick racism off their site for a measly profit.... although a site ban would not be a 'big deal' to the offender in that he can play elsewhere.... If sites followed suit, then he might, just might, start to think he was doing something wrong as he ran out of sites....And honestly, you think that a player wouldnt watch what they are saying more to a site ban than a chat ban? If the two are on a par with each other, no-one would be discussing what action was more appropriate.... would they?

Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat
Why did you do that ?

TBH, you are an embarrassment to me as someone who lives in the UK.

We get a lot of infantile butthurt whiny children around here, but you are 'special' even within that select grouping.
embarrasment/infantile for standing up to racism..... bit odd but takes all sorts! I dont expect all to agree with me, but an embarrassment to the UK?? whats all that about!???

Why would i disable my own chat? You never seen players totally ignore Tony G at a poker table? Dont want to get involved in nob comments, also not interested in answering 'where u from', etc and like in this example, would have been typing back and not concentrating on the cards.

Originally Posted by FT37
Can't believe OP still hasn't budged.. Last and final word from me:

1. This whole thing probably started because 'racist' villain sucked out/out played OP..

2. 'Racist' villain berates OP (some of which is racism) about how poorly he played.

3. OP is upset by being sucked out/outplayed and wants 'racist' villain to be perma banned from FT - using the racism as the reason for a perma ban. I honestly think OP has a hidden agenda here, props to reporting the racist remarks to FT, but seriously stop with the expectation that a crime like this needs a perma ban.

I say this because any logical person would realise that a chat ban is absolutely sufficient here - there are possibly rapists, murderers and paedophiles playing online poker, would you say OP that they should be banned as well? Maybe you should tell FullTilt that players need to provide a criminal record check before playing online poker...
Being told im ridiculous by a person who posts a made up a scenario what might have happened! Bit weird this one.... and from someone using 'any logical person' in their script..... Criminal record check huh, there will be all walks of life playing on the site which is fine, im merely asking if they use the site for extreme unacceptable behaviour the site should not want to be associated with it. If you going to post stick to the facts instead of 'he probably did this, he probably thinks that'.

Originally Posted by NoChopNinja

Poker sites are to play poker, not to reform people and there thinking on prejudice / race, OP you must be bored to start a conversation on this topic.
And you go to a football match to watch football..... so those idiots who started 'kick racism out of football' must have been seriously bored huh.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 10-08-2013 at 04:33 PM. Reason: 4 posts merged
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-07-2013 , 06:22 AM
you would.

my honest stance on this is that i can't significantly change society but i have a chance to change my direct environment for the better which will have an impact on society as a whole.

instead of fighting the anonymous (and, granted because of nothing else than 2+2's ignorance, fruitless) fight in an internet forum, what about visiting your local supermarkets, pubs, banks, papers, casinos, groceries, butchers, prostitutes, car vendors, internet service providers, mail, railway, cabs etc and demanding they totally cease business for all times with everyone who ever used a racial slur for any reason against anyone?

please report back.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-07-2013 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Hmmm. I hadn't thought of it that way. So, if no one sees the bile being posted, it's ok?

Good point.
No. It doesn't matter what he says in chat. Freedom of speech should always be defended, no matter what is said or who said it. It is the cornerstone of democracy.

Everyone at the table can ignore him if they want and not have to read or see his chat.

P.S. the hate speech laws are stupid, but hey, you brits already gave up your guns.

P.S.S- " Whoever gives up liberty for security deserves neither."-- Ben Franklin

Originally Posted by LolZombies
Erm, i think you will find, people ARE getting arrested and prosecuted for being racist online. At least in the UK anyway.
And you brits are ok with this? What's next? Arrests for having different political views. Maybe sending people who make racists remarks to a concentration camp.

I propose a new law for the UK. As long as two people claim to have heard someone utter a racial slur then they get sent to the Gulag.

WTF are you guys doing in Europe? Freedom of Speech should ALWAYS be defended. It does not matter what is said or who said it or if you agree with it or not.

It's amazing how you guys are so willing to give up your rights without a fight.

I'm noy defending what was said, I am defending the right to say it.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 10-08-2013 at 04:34 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-07-2013 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by franxic
you would.

my honest stance on this is that i can't significantly change society but i have a chance to change my direct environment for the better which will have an impact on society as a whole.

instead of fighting the anonymous (and, granted because of nothing else than 2+2's ignorance, fruitless) fight in an internet forum, what about visiting your local supermarkets, pubs, banks, papers, casinos, groceries, butchers, prostitutes, car vendors, internet service providers, mail, railway, cabs etc and demanding they totally cease business for all times with everyone who ever used a racial slur for any reason against anyone?

please report back.
You are totally correct, i see that now...... if you can only make a small dent in a huge worldwide problem, you should turn a blind eye. It appears that i would be less of an embarrassment to the UK to most on here if i enable my chat and join in with jonnycon1. Sad isnt it
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-07-2013 , 09:21 AM
OP, here's the problem.

YOU don't like what is being typed by a particular player in the chat box

YOU could easily hit the ignore button and never have to read or see his chats again.

YOU, instead of taking this easy, simple to use function, believe you are so ****ing moral, that

YOU decide he should be hung from a tree.

YOU should form your own political party, you should call it the National Socialist British Workers' Party

Originally Posted by TheWaddy
You are totally correct, i see that now...... if you can only make a small dent in a huge worldwide problem, you should turn a blind eye. It appears that i would be less of an embarrassment to the UK to most on here if i enable my chat and join in with jonnycon1. Sad isnt it
If you want to help solve worldwide problems then maybe you could start here in the US. African Americans make up 13% of the population and commit over 50% of the murders.

If you could possibly bring that murder rate into a reasonable range, oh let's say @ 13%, then that would probably help you in your worldwide quest to reduce racist comments.

Not defending racism, but there is a reason for stereotypes, because they happen over and over again.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 10-08-2013 at 04:34 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-08-2013 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by dstock
No. It doesn't matter what he says in chat. Freedom of speech should always be defended, no matter what is said or who said it. It is the cornerstone of democracy.

Everyone at the table can ignore him if they want and not have to read or see his chat.

P.S. the hate speech laws are stupid, but hey, you brits already gave up your guns.

P.S.S- " Whoever gives up liberty for security deserves neither."-- Ben Franklin

The Bill of Rights only guarantees freedom of speech in the relationship of government to its citizens. Ben Franklin was referring to that relationship in his quote. There isn't and there was never meant to be freedom of speech in privately owned venues, including 2+2.

Originally Posted by TheWaddy
You can 'stop' people from being or saying racist things.... What you can do is show them and others that it wont be tolerated. My disappointment is with Fulltilt, the big deal is they wont kick racism off their site for a measly profit.... although a site ban would not be a 'big deal' to the offender in that he can play elsewhere.... If sites followed suit, then he might, just might, start to think he was doing something wrong as he ran out of sites....And honestly, you think that a player wouldnt watch what they are saying more to a site ban than a chat ban? If the two are on a par with each other, no-one would be discussing what action was more appropriate.... would they?
The reason that you are coming off as so absurd is your stubborn refusal to understand that there is more than one way to go about solving the problem. If someone receives a temporary chat ban and he changes his behavior as a result of the ban, that resolves the problem in the best possible way; lesson learned.

You want to make a grandiose statement to the world about racism as if the world's focus is glued to poker chatboxes. For you to accomplish your goal you need every single poker site to do it your way. And then still in the long run you accomplish nothing more than was accoplished with the chat ban.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-08-2013 , 04:20 PM
dude is this a level? you are way too sensitive. i know everythings "p.c." these days but this is a little extreme.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-08-2013 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
You can 'stop' people from being or saying racist things.... What you can do is show them and others that it wont be tolerated. My disappointment is with Fulltilt, the big deal is they wont kick racism off their site for a measly profit.... although a site ban would not be a 'big deal' to the offender in that he can play elsewhere.... If sites followed suit, then he might, just might, start to think he was doing something wrong as he ran out of sites....And honestly, you think that a player wouldnt watch what they are saying more to a site ban than a chat ban? If the two are on a par with each other, no-one would be discussing what action was more appropriate.... would they?
You've addressed pretty much none of my points and just gone on to restate things you've already said.

Originally Posted by SantaCruz
The Bill of Rights only guarantees freedom of speech in the relationship of government to its citizens. Ben Franklin was referring to that relationship in his quote. There isn't and there was never meant to be freedom of speech in privately owned venues, including 2+2.
That's true, and you'll certainly find that racist language is tolerated less on 2+2 than at other places, and probably more than OP would allow if he ran the site.

At the same time, I think his overall point is valid - OP needs to realize that many democracies value freedom of speech very highly, and don't share his opinion of the need to stamp out all racist language found anywhere at any cost.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-12-2013 , 10:04 AM
I have to show some support for the original poster here.

I'm sure we'd all agree that there are different levels of chat abuse. In my opinion, any swearing and abusing/insulting of other players would lead to a disciplinary procedure of warning/chat ban/ban from site depending on the severity of the offence.

However, anyone who uses insults based on race, sexuality, disability, etc should in my opinion be looking at an immediate ban from the site. I can't see any justification for using that type of language, or any justification for a site to want someone who uses that type of language to be playing on their site. Apart from simply putting profits ahead of doing the right thing, as the original poster said.

If you use racist, homophobic, etc language in the street you'd be facing a FAR greater punishment than if you simply insulted someone and that has to be the case here as well. There has to be a zero-tolerance approach to prejudices such as these.
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