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Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only

10-04-2013 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
I guess that you havent heard of 'zero tolerance' my uneducated friend
LOL, what? Just because I don't think that zero tolerance is the right call here doesn't mean I don't know what it is.

Originally Posted by TheWaddy
Appears at present that theres more reading this that actually think Fulltilt not making a stance on racism is correct
Not adopting a zero tolerance stance is not the same at not taking a stance at all.

Originally Posted by TheWaddy
police dont get involved in cyber bullying and facebook have never suspended anyones account? And its me who lives in a dream world!
You really should read posts more carefully before replying. He didn't say that police and Facebook don't ever get involved, he said there are plenty of cases where they don't. Did you really misread his post that badly, or are you being disingenuous?

Originally Posted by BlunderCity
Sad to see that only a small minority are willing to condemn this behaviour in the strongest possible terms. Racist insults are not like the ordinary kind, they have implications in real life, off the internet. They cost lives.
Don't assume that everyone reacting negatively to OP's stance on this issue are not willing to condemn the behaviour - some of us just don't agree with the consequences he feels should be enforced, and it seems like you might not either.

I find something of a difference between a racist insult directed at a person they know something about and one directed at a completely anonymous stranger. Neither one is acceptable, of course, but it's hard to take racist insults at an online poker table quite as seriously - they're usually just random (highly unacceptable) words used by an ignorant moron. Definitely shouldn't be allowed, but banishment from the site after a single offense is a little extreme IMO.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-04-2013 , 04:33 PM
Racist chat bothers me a lot. I've reported it to the sites that I've played on and I've suggested, more than once, that the Merge Network put a report button in their client.

Having said that, though, I think that a chat ban for the first offense is appropriate. Using a chat ban for the first offense is pretty standard for all the sites, not just FullTilt. If the chat ban changes the player's behavior then the problem is solved. Some of the racist chat, I think, is adolescent behavior by players trying to shock other players at the table rather than that of true bigots expressing their views. The real bigots will probably get themselves banned anyway when they get back from an initial chat ban.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-04-2013 , 04:41 PM
temp bans would decrease this a lot...

if you give a week ban, im sure he will think it twice before doing it again
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-04-2013 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Pocoyo
It's very much real. It would depend on the country you live in. I live in the UK where thankfully this kind of behaviour could result in a visit from the police.
How on earth could you possibly consider this a good thing?
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10-04-2013 , 07:52 PM
I think of racist as pretty ignorant, so I don't mind playing poker with them.
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10-04-2013 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by BlunderCity
Sad to see that only a small minority are willing to condemn this behaviour in the strongest possible terms. Racist insults are not like the ordinary kind, they have implications in real life, off the internet. They cost lives.

I feel for OP, I regularly encounter players being subjected to racist abuse and it ruins my day, imagine what it's like for OP to have to face the guy again.

Having said that, I'm unsure whether an immediate perma ban is appropriate. I agree we should have zero tolerance for that type of behaviour but that doesn't necessarily mean going for the strongest possible punishment in a hurry.

The problem with a "one strike and you're out" policy is that, somewhere in the process, a value judgement is applied by someone and people have different judgement. This leads to punishments being selectively applied or handed down equally for the most egregious of comments alongside lesser offenses.

I would favour a long chat ban and an explicit explanation of why this behaviour is wrong and why it will not be tolerated again. Punishment has to have an element of dissuasion (and rehabilitation) to be effective. If the individual then persists in his behaviour, I would want to see his banned from the site.
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10-04-2013 , 08:37 PM
If anyone makes a racist remark at the tables they ought to be 'hung, drawn and quartered'. If you don't agree with me then you condone racism!

But seriously.. No one here is saying racism is okay or acceptable, we just have different views on what a suitable punishment is. As ridiculous as my 'hung, drawn and quartered' remark this conversation has somewhat led to "x is a suitable punishment, all others who think a lesser sanction should be put in place supports racist chat at the tables"
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10-04-2013 , 09:49 PM
OP I don't know if you are black but you are definitely a ****
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-04-2013 , 11:11 PM
Am I the only one who isn't even slightly bothered when I read racist comments online?
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 12:35 AM
Move up to where they respect your races imo
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by Bad Luck Brian
Am I the only one who isn't even slightly bothered when I read racist comments online?
Not at all.

Im sure there are thousands of racists online.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
Account suspended and a possible visit from the police.
The police? I'm a million times more revolted that you would think a racist comment deserves a visit from the police. Are you from North Korea? Iran? A government that puts people in jail or gets involved in any way for making a racist comment, let alone in chat on the internet, is probably a government that should be overthrown.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:20 AM
They'd probably get a visit from Paula Deen performing community service.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Mexican_Natis
Move up to where they respect your races imo
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 05:43 AM
Ok, so we have the vast majority of replies as either misunderstanding the point (im letting things get to me and over sensistive) or typical poker chat box users under 18 rubbish.
So i will sum up... yes im upset over the comments, but wasnt on here to seek a hug from anybody. The point and the only point is, if Full Tilt and indeed other sites, have a zero tolerance to racism, what is the consequences? Some think giving a ban would be akin to 'hanging'.....hmmm i think the guy would just take his $10 to another site, dont you? So what would be so bad that you wouldnt ban him?

It would simply mean if he did it on another site, he would be running out of major sites to play on, hence he would think twice. There is no reason not to ban him!!! Really.... hes not going to die, lose his family....he will have to play elsewhere...ohhhh nooooo!! Why would you say, no keep the racist on site but ban his chat as someone not connected to Fulltilt as a business?

Hence, Full Tilt and other major sites would get respect, the people who think using racism as a tool 'to get under my skin at a poker table and its 'only' the internet, will have to find a few more brain cells to find something else to use.

The only reason, and it is there only reason, Fulltilt dont do it, is because if they take a zero tolerance stance they may have to ban a couple of people per week for $5 in rake. Some of you seem to think a ban would be unfair and too extreme.... whats the guy going to suffer from???? Having to go to another site....ohhh boo hoo, again only a fraction of the upset he caused, so big deal.

The banning would have little effect on the person involved, but take a big step in showing an example of not tolerating such behaviour in society as a whole.... and clearly some on here think the internet is more acceptable to say such stuff than in the real world.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
... apparently the grubby $5 thay make in tournament fees from him is the price they put on allowing the comments hes made.

... allowing him to stay because you dont want to lose his $5 a day is stooping down to his level my friends!

... Way to go Full Tilt, you really do know the difference between right and wrong when theres $5 at stake.
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
... What are the benefits of keeping this player on site other than earning the max $5 in tourn fees from him?
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
... Especially if your a mutli million pound company, in a position to make a difference and all you stand to gain is less than $5 perday by tolerating it.
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
... If anyone can give one, just one good reason why they wouldnt ban him, id like to hear it (its his grubby $5 btw, the only answer).
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
... The only reason, and it is there only reason, Fulltilt dont do it, is because if they take a zero tolerance stance they may have to ban a couple of people per week for $5 in rake.
You seem to have a fixation on this "grubby $5", and you can't see beyond it to accept that there may be other reasons why FTP and almost every other poker player are in agreement that a person should often be given one chance after one offence to correct his ways by imposing a lesser punishment than an immediate full ban from the site.

From your unpleasantly argumentative, insulting and opinionated posts here, I would not be in the slightest surprised if you gave as good as you got in the chat, (in fact, I think it's quite likely you even started the insults escalation), and, for all we know, this was taken into consideration when FTP decided what first offence punishment to impose in this particular case when he crossed the line.

If you disagree so much with FTP's methods of managing their site, perhaps it is you that should move to another to spend your $5?
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 08:34 AM
who really gives a **** if some random guy spews racist or any other comments that offend someone in the chat? Just ignore the chat or close down the ability to publicly chat for the player and let him continue to play. I have a hard time believing this would be a big problem for poker rooms or the players TBH. Have you seen the chats turning into some propaganda channel for neo-nazis in FT? Perhaps radical Islamists are taking over the chats on PS?

This sound more like OP need to find something purposeful to do in life....
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by bigfish2012
who really gives a **** if some random guy spews racist or any other comments that offend someone in the chat?
I would guess that at least 99% of players would. It would only be the lowest of the low that would not.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
I would guess that at least 99% of players would. It would only be the lowest of the low that would not.
and I would guess you are wrong about this. Most players probably don't even read the chat anyway and if someone were to spew of racist comments they are probably more likely to use the ignore function then to get worked up about it.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by bigfish2012
and I would guess you are wrong about this. Most players probably don't even read the chat anyway and if someone were to spew of racist comments they are probably more likely to use the ignore function then to get worked up about it.
Hmmm. I hadn't thought of it that way. So, if no one sees the bile being posted, it's ok?

Good point.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
Ok, so we have the vast majority of replies as either misunderstanding the point (im letting things get to me and over sensistive) or typical poker chat box users under 18 rubbish.
So i will sum up... yes im upset over the comments, but wasnt on here to seek a hug from anybody. The point and the only point is, if Full Tilt and indeed other sites, have a zero tolerance to racism, what is the consequences? Some think giving a ban would be akin to 'hanging'.....hmmm i think the guy would just take his $10 to another site, dont you? So what would be so bad that you wouldnt ban him?

It would simply mean if he did it on another site, he would be running out of major sites to play on, hence he would think twice. There is no reason not to ban him!!! Really.... hes not going to die, lose his family....he will have to play elsewhere...ohhhh nooooo!! Why would you say, no keep the racist on site but ban his chat as someone not connected to Fulltilt as a business?

Hence, Full Tilt and other major sites would get respect, the people who think using racism as a tool 'to get under my skin at a poker table and its 'only' the internet, will have to find a few more brain cells to find something else to use.

The only reason, and it is there only reason, Fulltilt dont do it, is because if they take a zero tolerance stance they may have to ban a couple of people per week for $5 in rake. Some of you seem to think a ban would be unfair and too extreme.... whats the guy going to suffer from???? Having to go to another site....ohhh boo hoo, again only a fraction of the upset he caused, so big deal.

The banning would have little effect on the person involved, but take a big step in showing an example of not tolerating such behaviour in society as a whole.... and clearly some on here think the internet is more acceptable to say such stuff than in the real world.
while i agree racist comments should be punished and a zero tolerance politic is the best approach i and many others oon here disagree with the ban. you have to realize a lot of people on here rely heavily on their pokerincome so they would consider a ban from one of the major sites a draconic punishment.

also immediatly banning his chat and further escalating teh punishments for repeated offences is a zero tolerance approach imo.
i know for a fact at least pokerstars has in the past permanently barred repeated offenders for racist/antisemitic remarks.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
Let me get this straight, the guy makes racist remarks, they remove his chat privileges, and this means they have no integrity and the RNG is rigged?

Got it.

Is this really what you believe happens when someone says something racist^^?

Who taught you that?

Just curious.
Erm, i think you will find, people ARE getting arrested and prosecuted for being racist online. At least in the UK anyway.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 10:56 AM
TheWaddy, banning the player would be pointless, however having his chat privileges removed is great, so well done on that front. Can i ask, are you actually Black? Or did you naturally just take offense at his comments?
Im with you though, i cant stand when players resort to Racist remarks, or the 'i **** your mumma' comments. Its pathetic.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 11:12 AM
I am no fan of "zero tolerance" nor do I think that there is any place for racism.
When I sit at a table I have no knowledge of the character of my fellow players. For all I know it could be a table filled with racists, pedophiles, politicians or other vile and despicable types.
As far as the punishment for this particular offender I agree with Waddy that a simple chat ban will not do anything to change this players attitude. And a site ban would probably only help to inflame his wrongheaded thoughts.
So what would work? In addition to the chat ban how about adding an undertitle such as "Racist Scum". At first he might consider it to be a badge of honor but after being harassed in chat and the real possibility that the other players will be ganging up on him he might just see the light.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-05-2013 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by RidgeRunner
I am no fan of "zero tolerance" nor do I think that there is any place for racism.
When I sit at a table I have no knowledge of the character of my fellow players. For all I know it could be a table filled with racists, pedophiles, politicians or other vile and despicable types.
As far as the punishment for this particular offender I agree with Waddy that a simple chat ban will not do anything to change this players attitude. And a site ban would probably only help to inflame his wrongheaded thoughts.
So what would work? In addition to the chat ban how about adding an undertitle such as "Racist Scum". At first he might consider it to be a badge of honor but after being harassed in chat and the real possibility that the other players will be ganging up on him he might just see the light.
Fulltilt isn't a correctional facility, nor is it their responsibility to change this player's attitude. However ensuring that the well-being of other players is FT's responsiblity - which a chat ban sanction provides
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