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Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only

10-02-2013 , 04:20 PM
Having been subjected to a barrage of racist comments such as 'black c***' from player jonnycon1 on Full Tilt, i was fully expecting not to see the player back on the site once my email to them was acknowledged. But no, the disgusting guy sits down with me again several times the next day, but the usual barrage missing this time.
Surely, surely they hadnt simply just chat banned him? But yes, apparently the grubby $5 thay make in tournament fees from him is the price they put on allowing the comments hes made. Amazing. What would happen if someone made racist comments in aggressive manner in a pub? he would be barred. Racist comments on Facebook? Account suspended and a possible visit from the police. Full tilts comments are removing him would be 'stooping down to his level'.... no no no, allowing him to stay because you dont want to lose his $5 a day is stooping down to his level my friends!
Any thoughts that this disgusting site wouldnt manipulate decks to maximise profits(which is obvious in my opinion) because of its 'integrity'( a word they used to me the day before they were originally closed for operating illegally btw) is totally blown out of the water in this instance. This is how low they go to squeeze an extra few bucks profit, supporting an aggressive racist, who i cant stop from sitting with me... how do you think i feel when im registered for a heads up sng and he sits down... i cant leave at this point and have no choice but to sit for anything up to hour in the prescence of someone whos called me a black bstad, c*** and ****** for the past 2 days. Way to go Full Tilt, you really do know the difference between right and wrong when theres $5 at stake.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 04:30 PM
So is his chat banned?
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
Any thoughts that this disgusting site wouldnt manipulate decks to maximise profits(which is obvious in my opinion) because of its 'integrity'( a word they used to me the day before they were originally closed for operating illegally btw) is totally blown out of the water in this instance. This is how low they go to squeeze an extra few bucks profit, supporting an aggressive racist, who i cant stop from sitting with me
<<<<< See avatar.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 05:27 PM
Let me get this straight, the guy makes racist remarks, they remove his chat privileges, and this means they have no integrity and the RNG is rigged?

Got it.

Racist comments on Facebook? Account suspended and a possible visit from the police.

Is this really what you believe happens when someone says something racist^^?

Who taught you that?

Just curious.

Last edited by 5thStreetHog; 10-02-2013 at 05:36 PM.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 05:41 PM
what's next? every supermarket should stop selling food to him? political-correctness-tests for aspiring customers?

come on, if you let that idiot into your head, poker might not be for you. send him broke, he is with some likeliness not very smart if he truly is a racist and not just found a convinient way to tilt you.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by franxic
what's next? every supermarket should stop selling food to him?
that would only be fair
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 05:45 PM
Racist abuse is the only chat I have ever reported. Stars and even FT pre takeover banned their chat. It's also the only time I'd bite back in chat when others are abused in such a way.

A chat ban seems the appropriate response. The dim racist ****wit can donate all day if he can't dish it out as far as I am concerned.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 05:47 PM
Chat ban is the clear correct punishment here. They shouldn't (and aren't going to) ban someone from the site for these comments.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by chiefsfan17
Chat ban is the clear correct punishment here. They shouldn't (and aren't going to) ban someone from the site for these comments.
I dont think banning repeat offenders for this kind of behavior is inappropriate, but a chat ban to start isnt inappropriate either.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 06:16 PM
lol its the internet, the dude is probably not even racist.
lol at reporting this unless he was harassing you (like following you around on the site) or telling racist stuff on a daily basis

I play online games and i hear racial slurs, death wishes and other even more nasty stuff on a daily basis and i dont report them lol wtf.

so sensitive
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 06:27 PM
take a deep breath. OK. now take another one. what should have just happened is called "chilling out". the only way to completely solve you're problem is to have white/blacks only poker rooms. thats called segregation (the real kind). that would be bad.

you scored a victory getting him chat banned. just claim victory and move on.

i also think John Terry should have just received a chat ban for the incident with Rio Ferdinand's little brother.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
lol its the internet, the dude is probably not even racist.
lol at reporting this unless he was harassing you (like following you around on the site) or telling racist stuff on a daily basis

I play online games and i hear racial slurs, death wishes and other even more nasty stuff on a daily basis and i dont report them lol wtf.

so sensitive
While I agree that it's not a big deal and to expect the player to be banned from playing is ridiculous, I also think that reporting him is solid. Crap like that isn't good for the games; how many fish get chased off by morons like that?
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 07:22 PM
Yo ****** waz get ya up for tha tilt on tha felt is tha aim of tha game!
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 07:33 PM
I cannot think of any word that fits into "black c***" that is particularly racist. Far worse things could be said. I think you need to learn how to use a mute button and control your emotions. Most of your post is utter nonsense.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 07:48 PM
Which scenario is it?
  • Someone randomly calling people racist names and they got (un)lucky
  • Someone knows the guy's race (on the internet?), and called him a racist name
  • Someone randomly calling people racist names, and it does not apply to him
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 10:26 PM
only negative thing about a ftp chat ban is u cant modify ur avatars emoticons #smileygnome ftw
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-02-2013 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by TheWaddy
Racist comments on Facebook? Account suspended and a possible visit from the police. .

A visit from police? This cannot be real. LOL.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-03-2013 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
rhymes with "punt"
Actually, rhyming it with it with moon would be much more offensive and very racist, although in that case the word black would be redundant. But I wouldn't expect anyone with low enough IQ to think that word was cool to use would give much thought to that sort of thing.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-03-2013 , 12:13 AM
No one could kill my vibe (no matter how racist) if i could play on stars .....or even FTP

Originally Posted by All Hail Circe

A visit from police? This cannot be real. LOL.
LOL everyone knows the police dont show up..... But al sharpton shows up within 24 hours.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 10-05-2013 at 09:23 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-03-2013 , 12:21 AM
I don't think that these kind of comments are necessarily racist, since the player has no idea on the race of the color. They are certainly inappropriate however, and chat ban is a good solution.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-03-2013 , 12:48 AM
This kind of abuse should not be tolerated. It is racist and hateful behaviour, and in most civilised jurisdictions it is indeed criminal. This is definitely not OK on the street, and I don't think it is any less reprehensible on the web.

Poker sites should make it clear in their T&C that they will deal with this kind of behaviour in ways that will hurt the offender, and indeed a report to the authorities where such behaviour is outlawed is the only correct action. They might also consider launching anti-racist campaigns, as have many major sporting organisations have done to excellent effect. I don't expect they will, however, until their customers let them know that they do not like racism.

So for those who think this is not actually racist, or no big deal, you need to give this some real thought, or book yourself on a course on respect and equality issues.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-03-2013 , 01:56 AM
****'s whack.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-03-2013 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
lol its the internet, the dude is probably not even racist.
lol at reporting this unless he was harassing you (like following you around on the site) or telling racist stuff on a daily basis

I play online games and i hear racial slurs, death wishes and other even more nasty stuff on a daily basis and i dont report them lol wtf.

so sensitive

The idea that any horrific behavior should be accepted by a business because its on the internet is absurd. Like Bobo said, aside for it being the morally correct thing to do, not allowing racist or violent verbal attacks on customers by other customers is just good business whether its at a restaurant or online.

Secondly, that you would brag about accepting this behavior as being cute or part of the poker experience is even more dumbfounding.

Finally, suggesting that someone calling another human a dirty ****** probably isnt even racist seems like a pretty stupid statement to me.

Originally Posted by deemikey
I don't think that these kind of comments are necessarily racist, since the player has no idea on the race of the color.

That is a terrible way to determine if a comment is racist in nature.

Originally Posted by SciMat
This kind of abuse should not be tolerated. It is racist and hateful behaviour, and in most civilised jurisdictions it is indeed criminal. This is definitely not OK on the street, and I don't think it is any less reprehensible on the web.

Poker sites should make it clear in their T&C that they will deal with this kind of behaviour in ways that will hurt the offender, and indeed a report to the authorities where such behaviour is outlawed is the only correct action. They might also consider launching anti-racist campaigns, as have many major sporting organisations have done to excellent effect. I don't expect they will, however, until their customers let them know that they do not like racism.

So for those who think this is not actually racist, or no big deal, you need to give this some real thought, or book yourself on a course on respect and equality issues.

+1 Well said.
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-03-2013 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by bigfish2012
Yo ****** waz get ya up for tha tilt on tha felt is tha aim of tha game!
Originally Posted by rakeme
****'s whack.

You would have thought that once bigfish did it people would realize it wasnt funny.

I guess not.

Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
10-03-2013 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
Which scenario is it?
  • Someone randomly calling people racist names and they got (un)lucky
  • Someone knows the guy's race (on the internet?), and called him a racist name
  • Someone randomly calling people racist names, and it does not apply to him
you can pretty much get away with it by their country or image...

germans... russians... israel... africans... colombians... chinese... japannese... americans (LOLUSA)... brazil... mexico...

you just get the most common and offensive generalization of those guys and fire away.
I used to be a huge dbag on the chatbox, I currently have chat off (both ways) upon my request to ps. lol
most of those guys are just having a good time, no need for that tbh
Full Tilt: Racist comments = chat ban only Quote
