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Full Tilt bank xfers Full Tilt bank xfers

05-14-2008 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Ryeisele
I hope all of you who voted Republican in the last few years are happy now.
The legislation passed by the House by a vote of 421-2 and the United States Senate 98-0.

Look at all those democrats that stood up for us.....
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:19 PM
This is really tilting me. I'm at Full Tilt over this but I cant say I'm surprised that it eventually happened. FTP needs to start having frozen stakes and hydro at the points store so I can survive for a the next week and a half till the deposit gets here. When we received the bonus I had a bad feeling that we wont be seeing our money for a while if they give us another one I'm going to **** my pants.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
The legislation passed by the House by a vote of 421-2 and the United States Senate 98-0.

Look at all those democrats that stood up for us.....
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
The legislation passed by the House by a vote of 421-2 and the United States Senate 98-0.

Look at all those democrats that stood up for us.....
Originally Posted by gtpitch

way off topic and taken out of context
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
The legislation passed by the House by a vote of 421-2 and the United States Senate 98-0.

Look at all those democrats that stood up for us.....
But we all know how politics work - you vote for my legislation and I'll vote for yours - that way it looks like we are really doing something productive and the moronic public will continue to fork over their hard earned money to us.

We all know which party got the ball rolling with the anti gambling push
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:27 PM
It wasn't voted on by itself. It was attached to what was considered "must pass" security legislation.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:29 PM
Ok stfu and take that **** to politics forum kthnxbye
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:31 PM
What I really hate most about this is Full tilts desire to mislead instead of just being completely upfront. I think we'll all get our money in time. I do . Im 100 % sure of it. How can i be so sure? well they do have somewhat of a reputation to protect. No one site would survive not giving their players the money they cash out. not even full tilt. But full tilt is the industry standard right now. They have the best software, the pros backing them- and whenever something goes wrong with a 3rd party processor like Neteller and Epassporte- they are always the first one to find out new ways to have players get their money in and out.........

.... However.. they really dropped the ball on this one. Not responding to emails from players is completely unacceptable. and whoever wrote that they get back to you it just takes some time- is not correct in this situation.. they are not responding at all to concerns about Bank Xfers. Occasionally sending out erroneous emails with random dates on when to expect our monies that always turn out to be false is laughable. There should be a FTP guy in here fielding our concerns and questions EVERY day.. not just 1 random post every two weeks that says " guys i PROMISE they are coming!!"... nice promise, Doug.. thanks for comin back and gettin back to us on why that promise was not upheld........

Then, the kicker.. the 300 dollar bonus.. why is this a kick in the nuts? Because we have to work it off by playing more at full tilt to get it... essentially, this is almost like a pawn ( im sure not intentional, but still) in Full Tilt's arsenal... " Lets make sure Players remain playing here and feeding us rake by giving them a 'bonus' under the guise that its compensation for their inconvienience, but REALLY the only way they get compensated is by playing and making us more money!! ..Brilliant!!" ... Come on Full Tilt.. .What are you guys doing? The poker community is gaining opposition against you. Stop treating yuor players with disregard before there is a mass up rising..

Oh and that last email using plaugerized words from Poker stars , original- believable email it sent out its players is pathetic... .. " it was out of our control but still unacceptable "..... i think thats word for word what poker stars said.. What the **** is going on here.. Do the right thing.. make your players AWARE of whats going on... Not left in the dark.. Compensate Accordingly.. your players are not idiots .. we know when we're being taken for a ride.. Its gonna come back to bite you in the ass if youre not careful.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:34 PM

why is it that the people that seem to be the most upset about this cannot spell and uses random amounts of periods between sentences?
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by sondring
I'll offer you 10-1 that you get your $.
I hope you are right but I'm not spending it until it's in my account.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by ImRich

why is it that the people that seem to be the most upset about this cannot spell and uses random amounts of periods between sentences?

This is relevant.. thanks for your useless contribution.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by EpassporteBS
What I really hate most about this is Full tilts desire to mislead instead of just being completely upfront. I think we'll all get our money in time. I do . Im 100 % sure of it. How can i be so sure? well they do have somewhat of a reputation to protect. No one site would survive not giving their players the money they cash out. not even full tilt. But full tilt is the industry standard right now. They have the best software, the pros backing them- and whenever something goes wrong with a 3rd party processor like Neteller and Epassporte- they are always the first one to find out new ways to have players get their money in and out.........

.... However.. they really dropped the ball on this one. Not responding to emails from players is completely unacceptable. and whoever wrote that they get back to you it just takes some time- is not correct in this situation.. they are not responding at all to concerns about Bank Xfers. Occasionally sending out erroneous emails with random dates on when to expect our monies that always turn out to be false is laughable. There should be a FTP guy in here fielding our concerns and questions EVERY day.. not just 1 random post every two weeks that says " guys i PROMISE they are coming!!"... nice promise, Doug.. thanks for comin back and gettin back to us on why that promise was not upheld........

Then, the kicker.. the 300 dollar bonus.. why is this a kick in the nuts? Because we have to work it off by playing more at full tilt to get it... essentially, this is almost like a pawn ( im sure not intentional, but still) in Full Tilt's arsenal... " Lets make sure Players remain playing here and feeding us rake by giving them a 'bonus' under the guise that its compensation for their inconvienience, but REALLY the only way they get compensated is by playing and making us more money!! ..Brilliant!!" ... Come on Full Tilt.. .What are you guys doing? The poker community is gaining opposition against you. Stop treating yuor players with disregard before there is a mass up rising..

Oh and that last email using plaugerized words from Poker stars , original- believable email it sent out its players is pathetic... .. " it was out of our control but still unacceptable "..... i think thats word for word what poker stars said.. What the **** is going on here.. Do the right thing.. make your players AWARE of whats going on... Not left in the dark.. Compensate Accordingly.. your players are not idiots .. we know when we're being taken for a ride.. Its gonna come back to bite you in the ass if youre not careful.
[ ] Im the only person that didnt read this
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:48 PM
I read the first paragraph and when he got to the part about full tilt being the standard I just laughed and stopped reading!

Full tilt is not the standard, pokerstars is and will continue to be. Case in point, look at how much class they are handling this sitiution with.

Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Ryeisele
I hope all of you who voted Republican in the last few years are happy now.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:00 PM
jro 34... <drops the mic>

Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
The legislation passed by the House by a vote of 421-2 and the United States Senate 98-0.

Look at all those democrats that stood up for us.....
(just to correct misleading info)

"...Congress passed The Safe Port Act, a no-brainer bill to improve port security. So no-brainer, in fact, that the vote went 409-to-2 in favor of the bill in the House of Representatives. But attached to that bill was a completely unrelated set of provisions, entitled the "Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006," aimed at outlawing Internet gambling -- including online poker -- in the United States."
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:05 PM
What are the chances the withdrawal by check that I just requested gets here before June 1st so I can pay bills?
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:09 PM
People are so GAY for PS its annoying. Most people on PS are in the same boat as FTP. No bank withdrawals went through today for either site. If I was at PS and had my money floating somewhere I would be just as pissed off although my bonus might be $100 more.

Yes, Republicans are responsible for this, they pushed the bill and delayed my money.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:10 PM
Has anyone tried a withdrawal recently? I used mywebatm in the past many times, but that's gone to the crapper too..
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:14 PM
exactly im from pstars waiting on 2k and all i know is people got money yesterday and noone today so for all i know is its gonna be another long delay its BS ive emailed pstars twice today asking why noone got money today and they reply bank with stipid emailed that dont even address the question im asking
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by crystalallen
(just to correct misleading info)

"...Congress passed The Safe Port Act, a no-brainer bill to improve port security. So no-brainer, in fact, that the vote went 409-to-2 in favor of the bill in the House of Representatives. But attached to that bill was a completely unrelated set of provisions, entitled the "Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006," aimed at outlawing Internet gambling -- including online poker -- in the United States."
Incidentally, this is also incorrect. The bill is not "aimed at outlawing Internet gambling." It's aimed at stopping funding of undefined "unlawful Internet gambling."
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:17 PM
My main problem with FT is that they can continue to receive but not pay out. They lie when it's easier to tell the truth. It would be nice if they counter some of the negative with a website link explaining this "third party" excuse they are working on so diligently.

Give us a phone number, a live customer service rep and some truth. I'm waiting on $500 for over a month and received the 5/23 form letter also. There's no address to pay a visit and no phone numbers to call. They don't want to hear any negative just the sound of a vacuum sucking money out of bank accounts into their account. I've learned my lesson. This industry needs some major regulation because they can't regulate themselves.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:29 PM
Thank you Full Tilt. Thank you for your $300 bonus, though I may only be able to use it in cyberspace, at least I'll be in action. Thanks Again.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by nickcee
Thank you Full Tilt. Thank you for your $300 bonus, though I may only be able to use it in cyberspace, at least I'll be in action. Thanks Again.
Well actually...
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-14-2008 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Leader
Incidentally, this is also incorrect. The bill is not "aimed at outlawing Internet gambling." It's aimed at stopping funding of undefined "unlawful Internet gambling."
How about this - the bill is aimed at STOPPING internet gambling. Stopping funding is how they went about it. But their intent was to shut it down.
" is the American family that is jeopardized by the lure of Internet gambling.

Problem gambling can lead to serious psychological and physical as well as financial harm. Individuals who become "hooked" frequently lose their jobs, homes and marriage and sometimes even contemplate suicide. "
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
