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Full Tilt bank xfers Full Tilt bank xfers

05-06-2010 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by ninetimes
Has anyone received their money from any 5/2 withdrawals yet? I know I'm spoiled when I start panicking after just 3 business days.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-07-2010 , 05:30 AM
Requested 6-6
Received 6-7

Next time you see me, don't be surprised if I've eaten.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-07-2010 , 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by AirmanSpecial
Requested 6-6
Received 6-7
time traveler spotted ITT
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-07-2010 , 05:42 AM
lol counting is hard.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-07-2010 , 09:21 AM
requested 5/3 10:00 pm
approved 5/4 12:30 am
received 5/5 8:00 am

US player $300.00

Small local bank in PA
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-08-2010 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by nate_b_17
requested 5/3 10:00 pm
approved 5/4 12:30 am
received 5/5 8:00 am

US player $300.00

Small local bank in PA
Can anybody still request bank tranfer now? I tried to make a bank tranfer request, it shows that I have used 3 times and can not request another one until next Friday. I did use three times, but based on the time Frame, I am supposed to get another tranfer this Sunday night , but Friday. I email support, they apprear did not look at my account at all, just tell me their bank tranfer rules.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2010 , 02:28 PM
Hi everyone

I just made my first bank transfer w/d today. Prolly shouldve looked this thread over first but oh well.

My question is-do I still need to deposit from the same account I am withdrawing from if I still get the option in the cashier window? I mean, I have that option available, and it accepted my withdrawal as soon as I was done, no problems. I got the auto email back from FTP, so its letting me do bank transfer right?

I just keep reading how you have to deposit first then w/d from the same account, but what if your account has already been verified? Do I still need to deposit first??

US player
local federal credit union
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2010 , 03:02 PM
I requested on Wednesday or so and received today
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2010 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by anakedcowboy
Are premium bank wires busto? getting insta-auto rejected.
Originally Posted by ninetimes
Wrong thread Check the wire thread, Ch@se bank people are auto rejected nowadays.

Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2010 , 06:30 PM
cashed out last thursday
received following tuesday
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-10-2010 , 06:48 PM
Still waitin on one from 5/2.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-11-2010 , 09:08 AM
requested Saturday 5/8
approved instantly

received Tuesday 5/11

full tilt is super inconsistant when it comes to withdrawals of all kind. some times they take a day, some times they lose them and it takes months, some times it takes weeks, who knows ;(
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-11-2010 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by suchsickaments
requested Saturday 5/8
approved instantly

received Tuesday 5/11

full tilt is super inconsistant when it comes to withdrawals of all kind. some times they take a day, some times they lose them and it takes months, some times it takes weeks, who knows ;(
Have you heard the concept of business days ?
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-11-2010 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by suchsickaments
full tilt is super inconsistant when it comes to withdrawals of all kind. some times they take a day, some times they lose them and it takes months, some times it takes weeks, who knows ;(
That's probably one of the most untrue things I've seen in these threads. I can't speak to bank xfers because i don't use those, but I've averaged at least 3 check or wire withdrawals a month going on 3 years now, and in that time I've had problems with two checks, and both times I found out pretty quick that I'd have problems with them because of this thread and could plan for the delay.

I understand how if you're someone that does one withdrawal every 6 months and that one happens to get hosed up how you might feel like withdrawals are super inconsistent. But to say withdrawals of all kinds are super inconsistent is very very inaccurate. I'd guess that far less than 1% of all transactions they process have issues.

Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by smurg
Have you heard the concept of business days ?
I wasn't referring to my withdrawl, i was just talking about other people before me who requested xfers weeks before me and I got mine before them.

And for my withdrawals it must have been just bad luck because i've had 2 bank xfers get lost/take forever, a check lost, and a bank wire.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 04:08 AM
3 withdrawals all received within 1-2 days.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by NOSUP4U
That's probably one of the most untrue things I've seen in these threads. I can't speak to bank xfers because i don't use those, but I've averaged at least 3 check or wire withdrawals a month going on 3 years now, and in that time I've had problems with two checks, and both times I found out pretty quick that I'd have problems with them because of this thread and could plan for the delay.

I understand how if you're someone that does one withdrawal every 6 months and that one happens to get hosed up how you might feel like withdrawals are super inconsistent. But to say withdrawals of all kinds are super inconsistent is very very inaccurate. I'd guess that far less than 1% of all transactions they process have issues.

What they guy you are responding to said is less "untrue" than what you said. Being a smartass and saying things like "i understand how if you're someone that does one withdrawal every 6 months...." is not helpful to this thread. Neither is your "guess" that far less than 1% of all transactions they process have issues. And even though the guy was talking about all withdrawals, "
Originally Posted by NOSUP4U
I can't speak to bank xfers because i don't use those,
YOU are an idiot for posting in the bank xfer thread about your non-bank xfer withdrawal experiences.

I have been withdrawing from ftp about 3-8x a month since last August, and before that not as much because I was playing mostly on stars but, I have to say that I would definitely describe bank transfers as sometimes coming in a few days, sometimes a few weeks, or sometimes months. As far as the frequency goes, about 75% of my personal bank xfers have come in a few days, about 20% in 2 weeks, and about 5% over a month. There were 3 times that I waited over a month for a bank transfer in the past year. One eventually went through, the other 2 were returned to my ftp account. If you want to talk about checks, checks for me have been terrible. I have had to wait over a month on about 4-5 checks I have done(10-12 total) and two have bounced. Premium bank wire is the only withdrawal method that has worked 100% smoothly for me(except I paid ~$700 in fees in just the past 6 months using it, but I don't care because it actually worked well for me. Then one day they were suddenly unavailable though, and now they are back but I haven't used them since.).
So just because YOU are one of the lucky people with no withdrawal problems doesn't mean other people's problems don't exist, and it's not just click it and ship it and boom you have the money easy, like you make it sound.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 12:52 PM
My latest request is still processing after 22 hours. I've never had it take longer than an hour or two. Anybody else?
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 01:19 PM
Requested 1st Xfer

5/6 Processed
5/7 Approved
5/11 Received

2nd xfer
5/11 Processed

Still waitng to be approved.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 01:39 PM
If I do a bank transfer, am I going to be charged any fees? I've heard there can me a small MGR hit, but I'm also reading that there can be up to $50 in fees. I'll be withdrawing about $250, so $50 would be a pretty big hit. I'm in the US.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 01:39 PM
5/10 Processed
5/10 Approved
5/12 Received
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by billtimbob
If I do a bank transfer, am I going to be charged any fees? I've heard there can me a small MGR hit, but I'm also reading that there can be up to $50 in fees. I'll be withdrawing about $250, so $50 would be a pretty big hit. I'm in the US.
BANK TRANSFER=small MGR hit, $0 fees

BANK WIRE=larger MGR hit, high fees very likely
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
BANK TRANSFER=small MGR hit, $0 fees

BANK WIRE=larger MGR hit, high fees very likely
Thanks. This is what I thought, just wanted to make sure.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 04:16 PM
I really wish Full Tilt would give me my money or put it back in my account.
Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
05-12-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Naked Penguins
What they guy you are responding to said is less "untrue" than what you said. Being a smartass and saying things like "i understand how if you're someone that does one withdrawal every 6 months...." is not helpful to this thread. Neither is your "guess" that far less than 1% of all transactions they process have issues. And even though the guy was talking about all withdrawals, " YOU are an idiot for posting in the bank xfer thread about your non-bank xfer withdrawal experiences.

I have been withdrawing from ftp about 3-8x a month since last August, and before that not as much because I was playing mostly on stars but, I have to say that I would definitely describe bank transfers as sometimes coming in a few days, sometimes a few weeks, or sometimes months. As far as the frequency goes, about 75% of my personal bank xfers have come in a few days, about 20% in 2 weeks, and about 5% over a month. There were 3 times that I waited over a month for a bank transfer in the past year. One eventually went through, the other 2 were returned to my ftp account. If you want to talk about checks, checks for me have been terrible. I have had to wait over a month on about 4-5 checks I have done(10-12 total) and two have bounced. Premium bank wire is the only withdrawal method that has worked 100% smoothly for me(except I paid ~$700 in fees in just the past 6 months using it, but I don't care because it actually worked well for me. Then one day they were suddenly unavailable though, and now they are back but I haven't used them since.).
So just because YOU are one of the lucky people with no withdrawal problems doesn't mean other people's problems don't exist, and it's not just click it and ship it and boom you have the money easy, like you make it sound.
You contradict yourself 3 different times in this post, my favorite being how you call me an idiot for posting about my non xfer experiences in the xfer thread while simultaneously acknowledging that the guy I was responding to was talking about all withdrawal options not just xfers. I also have a hard time believing most of what you say because not only does it not jive with my experience, it doesn't jive with what the vast majority of people experience. I've read every post in the xfers, wires, premium wires, and checks thread. There is no way that he or you can categorize withdrawals as super inconsistent. You might have had some random problems. He might have had some random problems. There are phases when a processor or something gets shut down and everything goes haywire for a week. But those times are rare.

Go read all the threads. They're threads basically set up for people to complain about not getting withdrawals, and yet still the majority of posts are: Hey I just got my withdrawal in less than a week. And that is in threads where you'd expect most of the responses to be negative ones not positive ones. And when you do see negative responses, they're usually all clustered around a block of time when some processor got shut down.

I'm sorry you haven't had the same luck as most everyone else.

Full Tilt bank xfers Quote
