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FTP checks thread FTP checks thread

07-10-2008 , 07:13 PM
Requested check: 6/23
Amount : $500 (lol)

Money was put back into my account today + $100 free + $100 bonus.

FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 07:19 PM
So is it guaranteed the check will bounce? I deposited mine 2 weeks ago and my bank accepted it and my bank account balance shows that money. I've received this amount in cash back in my FTP account as well as the "bonuses" like the rest of you. What happens now?
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07-10-2008 , 07:22 PM
im in same boat i assume it will bounce eventually ... may just take a week or so for it do so , i wouldnt spend it and i dont plan t spend mine
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by beachbum
So is it guaranteed the check will bounce? I deposited mine 2 weeks ago and my bank accepted it and my bank account balance shows that money. I've received this amount in cash back in my FTP account as well as the "bonuses" like the rest of you. What happens now?

if you got a credit to your FTP account, then the check is gonna come back at some point.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 07:27 PM
I never received my check from Full Tilt as I requested on June 24. I emailed them today, within two hours. They sent me an email telling me not to cash that check when I receive it, they refunded me my check amount plus $100 cash, in the email they said their check problem was fixed and I could request a check immediately..... I requested a check and it was approved
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 07:30 PM
I found this online:

"Checks usually clear within 3-5 business days, but banks usually don't find out if they bounce until 2-3 weeks after that."
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 07:38 PM
sorry went golfing for an hour and haven't posted. But i see everyone is getting the same good news i got about hour or two ago.

I got my bounced check money back in my account. I still have two more in the mail that i still dont know if they are good or not good. Will cross that bridge when we come to it. I also got free money striaght in my account as well as bonus money as well as it seems most of us did.

I would have to to say BRAVO to FTP for getting everyones money back to them very quickly and also for the free money. I am still very upset, however, with how their customer service handles this fiasco. Not responding to anyone on an issue as serious as bounced checks is ridiculous. If lack of customer service excellence is the price we have to pay for promptly getting our money back and some bonus money on top of that, then i understand giving them some flexibility on this. But still, no responses whatsoever is over board. While we dont need perfect customer service especially if that time is spent on getting things fixed rather than responding to a ****load of emails, then i understand. But again, some response is necessary and i think we all, as players, are deserving of some sort of response at bare minimum

Fixing the problem (at least thus far): A-
Customer Service throughout the problem: F, and i would go lower if i could.
Confidence for the future: C

Hope everything goes well for everyone. I still think its important to keep updating this thread until it seems everything is completely back to normal. Or at least until checks still floating out there have been received and dealt with accordingly. GL everyone.

One last thing, I will be checking back on this thread for the next few weeks every day. I want to make sure these new checks being cut are good ones. So please post and i will do the same. Thanks
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 07:39 PM
Has anyone gotten an email response from support about the checks? I have been waiting since June 18th and a promised re-issue on July 3rd
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 07:41 PM
To proud donkey,

not everyone has gotten their money back. I am without check and without money in account. Limbo since June 18th
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 07:45 PM

Dear xxxx,
You may have become aware of a temporary issue with our check processor which has affected a small number of recent check withdrawals.

We have analyzed your recent withdrawal and determined that you are not affected by this issue. Therefore your check should clear as normal, if it has not already done so.

DATE: 02 July 2008
AMOUNT: $400.00

If you require any further information, please reply to this email or contact


Full Tilt Poker Support

This means my check will come and be fine right? Then soon after I get 2 emails about a 300 and 100 dollar deposit to my account that I never made. Did they credit my account the 400 and not send the check? In this email, it states that check is fine..

If they go and take 400 from my account for this bs, that is so messed up.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 07:59 PM
ok let me clarify a little more at least as far as what i know.

Not everyone has gotten their money back yet, cause i am sure they are going in order. they refunded me on a check that bounced from late June.

Work_lol: Did you make any other withdrawals in the past fairly recently that were for $300? If so, thats what they refunded you for. It shows as a deposit, but its jsut them redepositing that money back in your account. And the extra $100 is for the problems. Chances are you DID have a cashout of $300 and you either already deposited it or haven't gotten it yet. I am guessing you deposited it and assumed it was a good check. But if you go check your bank, i bet you that check bounced. Do a little research and update us. Thanks

dabigbadrook: I am more unsure about your case. There are still checks missing, like I mentioned I am also still waiting on a couple checks. You need to contact them asking where that check is if you haven't already done so. If the check will be no good, then you will get an email like everyone else saying that your check WAS affected and not to cash it. then they will put that money back in your account. If you dont get that email, then your check should be fine. Although, I dont know why it would be taking so long to get it. Again, please keep us posted. Thanks

Oh wait, I just reread your previous post. Dude you are NOT waiting on a check from June 18th. They reissued you one from July 3rd. Well, give it a few days. Its only been like 5 days with weekend in there. If you dont get it in another week then i would be worried again. But they canceled your late check and processed a new one. You should be fine man.

GL guys
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:03 PM
I wonder what happened to all the $ that FTP shipped to the check processor. Did the processor take it and run?
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by RicoSlim
I never received my check from Full Tilt as I requested on June 24. I emailed them today, within two hours. They sent me an email telling me not to cash that check when I receive it, they refunded me my check amount plus $100 cash, in the email they said their check problem was fixed and I could request a check immediately..... I requested a check and it was approved
Ditto..+ a 200 bonus to clear as well. just got approved for my 1k cashout again ha
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by sondring
I wonder what happened to all the $ that FTP shipped to the check processor. Did the processor take it and run?
good question. I hope so. Maybe that will teach FTP a lesson about settling for **** processors to save money.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:11 PM
Proud Donkey,

You are right. I made a check withdrawal for 300 on 6/20, but have yet to receive it. FTP's email stated nothing about this, so I was like wtf!!! Thank you for that clarification. We'll see what happens with my other check withdrawals..
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:13 PM
Almost satisfactory and quite late response for now, but then we're all just waiting for checks again aren't we.

To be continued

Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnnn
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by work_lol
Proud Donkey,

You are right. I made a check withdrawal for 300 on 6/20, but have yet to receive it. FTP's email stated nothing about this, so I was like wtf!!! Thank you for that clarification. We'll see what happens with my other check withdrawals..
no problem man. make sure you check your junk mail. they now have email accounts under "" and "". Make sure you junk mail isn't capturing those emails.

Also, make sure when and if you do get that check for $300 from the old processor.... do not cash it. It will just bounce which could make your bank prevent you from cashing more checks. Plus you will pay a fee. so keep your eyes out for it.

FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:20 PM
If only FTP support was more like
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:20 PM
Ha I sent an email from another account on deposit information and it was answered in one hour. My check questions go unanswered for days.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:34 PM
You may have become aware of a temporary issue with our check processor which has affected a small number of recent check withdrawals.

We have analyzed your recent withdrawal and determined that you are not affected by this issue. Therefore your check should clear as normal, if it has not already done so.

DATE: 02 July 2008
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:38 PM
$100 credit = sweet.

Not getting the bonus = unsweet.

I'm gonna try emailing them and see if I can jump on it.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by johnep
well it seems to be that there is more fuel being added to the fire to keep trying to shut down these US sites. But then again it may turn out to be a good thing to put some serious heat on FT. Who knows.

do you really think we'll get paid faster if the US government starts pressuring them more than they already are? (imo the crappy processor got shut down cuz they also process online sportsbook transactions)
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Nofx Fan
totally ****ing agree with 2.
1,I agree,but in special cases,it had come to light that checks were bouncing,at some point,since ftp wasnt telling anybody,people had to know
But cant say enough how right you are about 2
i vote the opposite. some of us need the money, and if withdrawals work on an extended time frame, i.e., my request today gets money in my hand in 21 days+, what should i do?

there is no excuse for directly naming the processors, ever. if you're not bright enough to find a way to convey which one you're referring to without using the name, you should quit poker, because you've been running hot.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by work_lol
If only FTP support was more like

you think they would hire me? lol.
probably not.. i answer questions to quickly for them.
FTP checks thread Quote
07-10-2008 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoPoker
Requested check: 6/23
Amount : $500 (lol)

Money was put back into my account today + $100 free + $100 bonus.


my details are exactly the same. i also got an email saying one of my checks was unaffected, withdrawn on 7/3. here's hoping it gets here soon.
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