Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
Just to add, to clarify my original post, I have no problem with him posting his EV to imply Everleaf is rigged.
my graph (ran hot last day or 2 so i'm only ~1600 below allin EV, 16 BI below allin EV when i graph by BBs.. at the worst point i was 22 BI below)
buddy's graph (and i thought i was running bad.. he said its 36 BI below):
fwiw ^ he doesnt think its rigged at all. right now i agree, but a couple days ago i was very skeptical. i think i posted right after i ran about $700 below EV in an hour, which has happened many times before on other sites but not at such small stakes over a short period of time, and i was mad.
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
JI do however have a problem turning this help thread into a rigged thread. Take that **** to the rigged thread unless you have at least a shred of evidence.
The title of the thread is "Everleaf Questionmark" bro. They should make you a sheriff on these boards!