Originally Posted by seemebreathe
Hi y'all,
Obligatory acknowledgement of "clubs are shady, proceed at your own risk."
Recently had ~$7k in funds seized by Yakitori under the guise that one of my players was using RTA. No evidence was provided directly, Yakitori never contacted me or my player. My agent relayed that the funds had been seized and there was nothing they could do.
My agent was kind enough to settle some outstanding funds on his own pocket. If not for that, we would have been stuck 5 figures rather than $7k.
Do not do business with any clubs affiliated with TMT / Yakitori. If you are a winning player they will ban you and look for any reason to seize funds. If you're a loser, well, then they make out just fine.
I have a club within the union that Yaki runs. I was stuck in the middle of all this BS as Seemebreathe was an agent under one of my SuperAgents, so I guess I should give my side of things.
To start off, Yaki is one of the most upstanding guys I have met in this industry. Pays close attention to the tables to keep a safe, clean, and balanced space.
An old friend of mine who used to run the first union we ever joined asked me if he could join Yakis union with his own club. Yaki treads carefully and suggested he start by being an agent in my club to see how things go.
I wanted to help my friend out, so I added him as a Super Agent in my club. He promised that the players he would bring would be losing players.
This super agent added Seemebreathe as an agent under him. He and one of his players,
Sculpture were BIG winning players. Many players started to complain so Yaki sent out a warning that these players may need to be limited or kicked. The warning was sent to the SuperAgent which said "This must be a run-good week, my players are fish and are normally losing, it should even out in the next couple of weeks"
After another 2 weeks, players continued to complain so Yaki requested these players be investigated. Using the Fair Game feature from GTO wizard, a catalog of hands was found matching the timeframes these were played in the club. Seemebreathe will say there is a discrepancy in the times, but I will let Yaki respond to that if he can, as I do not know much about that app.
To add, this investigation showed that Seemebreathe was previously removed from Yakis union for crusing in the past, but still decided to join under my Super Agent.
Now to finish this off and be clear about numbers, you say you were owed 7K? (funny how these numbers tend to inflate with posts like this). We had paid everything you were owed up until Monday. From Monday to Thursday, you were owed 11K. I sent 5K of that (Screenshot attached) so you were owed 6K. So when you say your agent took out of his own pocket, you mean my pocket right?
Final thoughts:
1. This person (Seemebreathe) inflates his numbers and doesn't give the full story.
2. Other people who have mentioned bad things about Yaki on this thread have had responses of others that call BS as they don't share that same experience.
3. This person was kicked from the union before and disregarded. This alone is grounds for taking chips.
4. We found the played hands in the fair play feature from GTO Wizard. Not only did we find these hands but his "losing players" played the hand exactly how GTO Wizard instructed.
5. My friend who super agent I think has nothing to do with this. Just like me, stuck in the middle of some BS situation.
6. Funds were taken to give back to the players that were cheated. There is someone else mentioning above that Tony (a club owner in this union) had actually given chips back to a player who was cheated, so that also adds up and aligns with how Yaki runs his club.