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Chinese DON Collusion Ring on Stars? Chinese DON Collusion Ring on Stars?

05-25-2010 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by Cat+Cat
I agree with you that I'm really stupid, I really shouldn't make a post like this earlier and I should remain silent on why I enjoy playing with cheaters. Good luck.
05-25-2010 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by two2brains
I am sure they will only refund the money that was confiscated. There is nothing they can do about the money they cashed out and rubbed on the titties!
Yeah, as a start, they can take the total rake collected in each game ($20/game in a $104) to help refund people affected by the cheaters.

It's not too much to expect to be refunded "out of stars' pocket" if they couldnt confiscate enough because by paying a large rake to play games on their site we're paying to play poker in a safe and secure environment.

Most of the regs affected by this cheating have paid well over six figures in rake $ to stars.
05-25-2010 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by black666
@MicroBob and others who are asking for HH: what are you trying to get out of it? It's just as much evidence when somebady tells you that they got squeezed with trash or that cheaters softplayed each other (not checking down when your partner is allin on the bubble etc.).

A HH doesn't prove anything. It's just some text ... I can write you guys a HH from scratch that "proves" cheating lol
Only PS has all the facts (all hands of the involved players) but they will never give them away (confidentiality and stuff)

If anything, it should actually make you feel more secure. They caught cheaters - isn't that what we all want? So if they just ignore cheating accusations and threads like this one never pop up, you would feel more secure?

If you never hear of any cheaters getting caught etc.. now THAT should worry you. Because wherever there is a lot of money, there are a lot of people trying to figure out how to get it.

Oh and lol @ OP about get the ball rolling in the first place thinking that 2+2 would get him his account/money back. And now that the whole **** ball is getting bigger and rolling downhill, he is gone...

To put this into perspective for you ppl, Wudiyg played 32,410 games and was #1 on sharkscope leaderboard in don profit last year with $96,400 before he was caught. They are more reactive than proactive and that is what disappoints me....why should it only be when players send them emails complaining of cheating that they do something about it, spend some money and hire some ppl to regulate your games. Like Dale said with the rake that us regs pay we could each hire a full time investigator for you guys....give us something besides a decreased roi for the 6 figures we pay in rake for !@#$% sake.

Last edited by flopp_deuces; 05-25-2010 at 09:59 AM.
05-25-2010 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
Very disturbing thread.
The length of time it took to catch these cheaters, considering their profits is astounding. The fact that they could do it again on another site or, who knows maybe Pstars, is also a horrible thought. Even if all the money they profited is returned to players, and we can assume they cashed out frequently by OP's claim that he had 10k confiscated, then that money has to come from Pstars pocket. This loss is than passed on to us in the form of less promo's/reloads or whatever. The poster who lives in China claims that cheating is an epidemic and this I'm sure is not news to Pokerstars.
No, it doesn't. That money is simply lost by the fair players and won by the cheaters. There are several questions I'd like to know when pokerstars reimburses some money due to collusion.

1) How much is the money that I have been stolen because the cheaters either cashed it out or lost it at other tables?

2) Who were the cheaters?

As always, this is just for the sake of Pokerstars image. Almost everyone will be happy to get a message saying that he has been given back some money, without wondering anything else. On the other hand, it would hurt Pokerstars to say "look, you have been stolen $x by this guy, but we cannot do anything about it". So silence is better...

Really sad.
05-25-2010 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Daleroxxu
I think I've played with most of these scumbags. It makes me sick. I'm busy right now with grep/regex to find out how many games i was colluded against in, but the first name i searched for I played 78 sngs with.... so go figure.

FWIW I reported 2 of these scumbags in January, which was investigated by Dan M (same specialist in the email to OP) and was given refunds, but no idea if I've been fairly refunded for playing in games with the rest of the cheating ring (had a bunch of refunds but they never tell you who the players were unless it was you that reported them):

Obviously you have not. At best, they just redistribute the money left in their accounts so there is no way to give everyone what they deserve. On the other hand, when you report it, then you are more than fully reimbursed, as shown by your message. They give back your buy in for ALL of the games you play with colluders that YOU detect (plus the whole prize if you are directly affected by the colluders). Just like I said in the previous message, they really care about their image. People is happy with messages like that, and very few people will wonder about what they don't say.

Also, I find it worrying that the poker specialist at pokerstars says that this is the most subtle collusion that he has seen in 5 years and that he is impressed that you could spot it. It's pretty obvious that these hands are very suspicious!

Last edited by nicegame; 05-25-2010 at 10:09 AM.
05-25-2010 , 10:03 AM
I looked at some of the SN's that were in the email to Jane1023, and their HU games played with each other. Hardly anything remotely suspicious based on their play when in the same games. Nowhere near a large sample.

Player 147222

39 games played together. roi together < roi apart

Player chijianli

50 games played together. roi together < roi apart

Player leaders668

300 games played together. roi together < roi apart

Player mnbqwe12

4 games played together.

Player Renhe88

764 games played together. Jane1023 roi together =5%. apart =8%. renhe roi apart =2%. together =1%.

Player wzem618800

7 games played together.

Player wzhongz

2 games played together.

Player xia.g

14 games played together. Jane1023 roi apart =8%. together =10%.

Player xiawenju

16 games played together. Jane1023 roi apart =8%. together =-4%.

Player guiliang
There were no reported games where Jane1023 played with guiliang

Since Jane1023 has a large sample size of games

I don't see anything showing obv. playing patterns. Even renhe vs. jane is not very large for 2 reg's playing similar stakes.

Are there any specific SN's that are suspicious? I don't want to go through everything.

And although it is suspicious that they're all from the same area in China, it is hardly conclusive that Jane1023 is a part of the team. If there was a cheating ring based in Vancouver, I would be pissed that I was auto-assumed to be part of the ring, esp. since there's more ppl living in that area of China than in greater Chicago, for example.

I would say there is a non-zero chance that jane1023 is getting caught up in a cheating scandal and is collateral damage. I would not bet on that getting 10:1, however.
05-25-2010 , 10:05 AM

Uploaded with

THE proof

Im not playing DONS, but Im always doing what i can to catch colluders

Its so stupid that none of regs at 100 DONS couldnt figure out this much before, even multitabling million of tables

jane1023 and jessica318
05-25-2010 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by black666
@MicroBob and others who are asking for HH: what are you trying to get out of it? It's just as much evidence when somebady tells you that they got squeezed with trash or that cheaters softplayed each other (not checking down when your partner is allin on the bubble etc.).

A HH doesn't prove anything. It's just some text ... I can write you guys a HH from scratch that "proves" cheating lol
Only PS has all the facts (all hands of the involved players) but they will never give them away (confidentiality and stuff)

I started reading this thread hours ago and ended up reading the stud all in abuse thread and a couple of other links from them and while I think people get carried away with HH requests at times there is another issue at hand.

That is how long did this go on after Stars was initially made aware of the problem. The Changle Stud all in (multi account to restore all ins) abuse made this really stick out in my mind. They practically ignored it for a year while they pillaged the Stud games with the inherit advantage it allowed. Furthermore it was later revealed by a whistleblower that dozens of those accounts were all linked funded and cashed out by a ringleader while they all played from the same set of computers.

Following the links it has become more clear that Stars security may not be as impenetrable as many have assumed. So for one, HH's of obvious collusion that were reported and not acted upon for quite some time could provide some insight as to their competence in coming to conclusion in a timely manner.

I in no way think that this group may not be guilty. I trust Stars in their verification of guilty parties being guilty, but this could shed some light in some other areas, such as guilty parties being claimed innocent (the stoxpoker and sillysal scandals for instance. Especially the later considering ftp found her guilty and ps innocent in a situation where she was prob either one or the other on both sites, in which I have no opinion).

I do agree that the back and forth about the HH's was nauseating though and think they would be useful for reasons other than initially inquired.
05-25-2010 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by premo321

Uploaded with

THE proof

Im not playing DONS, but Im always doing what i can to catch colluders

Its so stupid that none of regs at 100 DONS couldnt figure out this much before, even multitabling million of tables

jane1023 and jessica318
lol, i guess I should've looked at the last 10 sn's, and not the first 10.

However, I still find it weird that there's only a few hundred games played with each other.
05-25-2010 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
There should be nothing irritating at all about those posts. Like me and others, the second person you quoted is interested in seeing some HH's and is asking if you might be able to help accomplish this. And he said so in a perfectly reasonable way.

Nobody has accused of anything (except for acting badly in here and overreacting) so stop acting like they have.

They have pointed out that you have posted ZERO evidence of collusion...which is correct. Some of us are curious to see some of the evidence.
Thank you MB.
05-25-2010 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by npknhldr
lol, i guess I should've looked at the last 10 sn's, and not the first 10.

However, I still find it weird that there's only a few hundred games played with each other.
even 117% + 94% ROI in 451 games, i dont think so
05-25-2010 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by premo321
even 117% + 94% ROI in 451 games, i dont think so

Yeah, I guess if they were more obvious in terms of playing lot's of games together, they would have been caught long ago.
05-25-2010 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by premo321

Uploaded with

THE proof

Im not playing DONS, but Im always doing what i can to catch colluders

Its so stupid that none of regs at 100 DONS couldnt figure out this much before, even multitabling million of tables

jane1023 and jessica318
You're not playing DONS and I guess you're doing something wrong. It's mathematically impossible to have a ROI bigger than 100% in DONS!
05-25-2010 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by nicegame
You're not playing DONS and I guess you're doing something wrong. It's mathematically impossible to have a ROI bigger than 100% in DONS!
I dont play SnG's but couldn't this be achieved because of the difference in stakes vs the average stake played or something to that effect?
05-25-2010 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by nicegame
You're not playing DONS and I guess you're doing something wrong. It's mathematically impossible to have a ROI bigger than 100% in DONS!
yeah, i feel like sharkscope isn't spitting out the right numbers. but they also calculate avg. roi, and it also may be attributable to diff. stakes being played. But something's not working right, so I guess sharkscope won't shed much light on this.
05-25-2010 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by npknhldr

Yeah, I guess if they were more obvious in terms of playing lot's of games together, they would have been caught long ago.
yea thats why superxia and sishun were caught back in july because they had almost 5k games played and 95% were together. They must have gotten a little smarter after the initial testrun. This is a pretty epic thread I must say with Jane trying to get empathy and then not returning to even try to plead her case.
05-25-2010 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by nicegame
You're not playing DONS and I guess you're doing something wrong. It's mathematically impossible to have a ROI bigger than 100% in DONS!

Yep weird, but this came out after putting those two names in head to head search at SS
05-25-2010 , 10:28 AM
I still want a breakdown of the money confiscated and how it was returned. I don't care if thats not part of pokerstars 'policy' to release that information but when over 1/2 million dollars is involved I think that 'policy' needs to be rethought. I lost all faith in Pokerstars back in July when I found out that the regular who reported sishun and superxia got 1100 back and I got 0 and then pokerstars refused to tell me why. For those of you out there that think they are being completely fair with reimbursement's you are living in a dream world.
05-25-2010 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by nicegame
You're not playing DONS and I guess you're doing something wrong. It's mathematically impossible to have a ROI bigger than 100% in DONS!
Just checked
This ROI came out because of 3$ rebuy MTT that OP shipped, other player also played in that

Cant check head to head for only DONS
05-25-2010 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by flopp_deuces
I still want a breakdown of the money confiscated and how it was returned. I don't care if thats not part of pokerstars 'policy' to release that information but when over 1/2 million dollars is involved I think that 'policy' needs to be rethought. I lost all faith in Pokerstars back in July when I found out that the regular who reported sishun and superxia got 1100 back and I got 0 and then pokerstars refused to tell me why. For those of you out there that think they are being completely fair with reimbursement's you are living in a dream world.
I agree, I think the lack of information released indicates that they don't have all the answers or possibly haven't caught all the players.
05-25-2010 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by BlackSerac
I agree, I think the lack of information released indicates that they don't have all the answers or possibly haven't caught all the players.
I would say it's just their (terrible, in my opinion, but possible convenient for their business) policy.

Giving information on who has cheated you and what's the result of that cheating should simply be a matter of principles, not of the amount of money involded in that cheating. Perhaps we should create a thread requesting that they change this policiy?
05-25-2010 , 10:54 AM
If OP is hot they should unban her.
05-25-2010 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by nicegame
I would say it's just their (terrible, in my opinion, but possible convenient for their business) policy.

Giving information on who has cheated you and what's the result of that cheating should simply be a matter of principles, not of the amount of money involded in that cheating. Perhaps we should create a thread requesting that they change this policiy?
Yes we should all pressure them to change their policy and have full transparency, both with the financial and cheating/collusion details. PS being quiet just raises a huge red flag IMO.
05-25-2010 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by qetou
If OP is hot they should unban her.
lol at thinking anyone in these warehouse sweatshops ("Jessica" or "Jane") are actually girls...

There's really only one way Jane can prove he's not a fraud/cheater......

Jane needs to post tits or GTFO IMO
Jane: 显示您的奶头
05-25-2010 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by qetou
If OP is hot I can think of some ways for her to repay the money she cheated from me
