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888poker removes HU tables 888poker removes HU tables

08-25-2013 , 06:03 PM
im sure some fish do like hu but in the long run the sites make a lot more if they don't offer it at all
a fish getting ripped to shreds hu isn't providing much profit to the site
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 06:30 PM
So a sites profit is > customer satisfaction?

So basically what you want is to protect the fish from themselves by elminating their most -EV game.

Isn't that why a lot of people on this forum hate the gov't, UiGEA???

Aren't we a society of free choice?
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by navs
So a sites profit is > customer satisfaction?

So basically what you want is to protect the fish from themselves by elminating their most -EV game.

Isn't that why a lot of people on this forum hate the gov't, UiGEA???

Aren't we a society of free choice?
this is a terrible post
a business choosing how it wants to operate isn't remotely analogous to the govt telling consenting adults what they can and can not do

the site is in business to make money, not to make regs more money and should so what is best for themselves as should any're actually arguing that they shouldn't be allowed to do this.

as far as customer satisfaction- that's a laugh. if fish were really upset about this why does every site that offers hu have 50 tables at every level with 1 player and almost no games going?

a "society of free choice" isn't someone like you telling a business what they have to offer, the business should be able to make that choice themsleves. i'm just amazed that when it comes to hu all these sites have made such a terrible one for so long.

you do however have the choice not to play on a site who does things that you disagree with.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 07:03 PM
All HU tables should be removed from all of online poker if sites knew what was good for their ecologies.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
this is a terrible post
a business choosing how it wants to operate isn't remotely analogous to the govt telling consenting adults what they can and can not do

the site is in business to make money, not to make regs more money and should so what is best for themselves as should any're actually arguing that they shouldn't be allowed to do this.

as far as customer satisfaction- that's a laugh. if fish were really upset about this why does every site that offers hu have 50 tables at every level with 1 player and almost no games going?

a "society of free choice" isn't someone like you telling a business what they have to offer, the business should be able to make that choice themsleves. i'm just amazed that when it comes to hu all these sites have made such a terrible one for so long.

you do however have the choice not to play on a site who does things that you disagree with.
This business is removing games base on "fun"; this is BS. I don't appreciate the sites removing games cause they don't think the recs, players like myself have fun playing in. I have -100 roi in tourneys, I hope they get removed next.

There are tons of problems with the poker "ecology" and this isnt a solution to the problem just a temp bandaid.

1. Multi-acct
2. Grimmers/short stackers
3. Seating scripts/ aggressive bum hunters
4. Training sites widening the gap between recs & weak reg
5. > 50% of some tourny fields staked/in make up
6. ---the fight club of tracking sites---
7. Games unbeatable due to rake

Anyone applauding the elimination of the HU tables is only doing so b/c it benefits their own personal interests; kinda ironic joe tall's worried about the poker "ecology"
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
not sure how back you're going but i remember back in maybe 2005-06 when pacific had the greatest games ever and no rakeback they had some garage rewards program that i got like 4 dollars a month from that they kicked me out of. of course in the email they told me it would go into effect months down the road, probably bc their programmers were so bad.

i'm amazed sites offer hu at all, all it does it get fish fleeced quicker giving the site a smaller piece of the pie in both the short run and long run.
For a while back then they also (accidentally?) raked un-called portions of all in shoves! I don't think they were clever enough to do that deliberately.

In fairness, it's a much better site now, and the software is pretty decent also.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by navs
This business is removing games base on "fun"; this is BS. I don't appreciate the sites removing games cause they don't think the recs, players like myself have fun playing in. I have -100 roi in tourneys, I hope they get removed next.

There are tons of problems with the poker "ecology" and this isnt a solution to the problem just a temp bandaid.

1. Multi-acct -
2. Grimmers/short stackers
3. Seating scripts/ aggressive bum hunters
4. Training sites widening the gap between recs & weak reg
5. > 50% of some tourny fields staked/in make up
6. ---the fight club of tracking sites---
7. Games unbeatable due to rake

Anyone applauding the elimination of the HU tables is only doing so b/c it benefits their own personal interests; kinda ironic joe tall's worried about the poker "ecology"
1. Multi-acct - Allow regular Screenname changes to even playing field. Will also screw up the tracking sites and bumhunters
2. Grimmers/short stackers - Get grimmed = stupid, own fault / short stackers ... meh ...
3. Seating scripts/ aggressive bum hunters - Random seating / Don't allow players to just sit and wait ... quick boots
4. Training sites widening the gap between recs & weak reg - meh ... pointless criticism
5. > 50% of some tourny fields staked/in make up - meh ...
6. ---the fight club of tracking sites--- Allowing changing screennames will screw this up
7. Games unbeatable due to rake - Obvious
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 09:23 PM
I disagree with removing a whole part of the game for whatever reason. That said, setting up matches is still possible through the "Play with friends" tab, up to 1kNL with the option of having 100-500 bb stacks. If there was an easy way to set up matches with other people this wouldn't even be an issue.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 09:31 PM
Good on 888 for this move. Sure it's going to piss off some regulars, but they've really bought this on themselves in the end of the day.

They (they being any large poker website) should just create anonymous heads up tables.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by OlyBrah
Good on 888 for this move. Sure it's going to piss off some regulars, but they've really bought this on themselves in the end of the day.

They (they being any large poker website) should just create anonymous heads up tables.

And the next thing is too remove all games above 1/2 because of the aggressive bum hunting that causes the recs to be uncomfortable and have no fun.

Than get rid of FR cause the regs there just a bunch of nits and its no fun playing vs nits.

888 could than also just segregate all recs into one pool; where they can all just play for fun...but with actual money. Hey we brought this on ourselves

Obv HU has issues but so does other games, this is an extreme fix.

I would care a lot less If the email stated:

Dear playerxxx;

Due to the amount of money being deposited compared to the extreme loss rates of a HU rec poker; creates an environment in which HU is no longer viable to continue to be spread.

I hope you understand that we are able recover a much higher % per deposit at other games thus allowing us to continue to remain a profitable company.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

888 support
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 09:57 PM
Shocking all the 6 max regs think this is a good move.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 10:13 PM
For a while I made a living almost exclusively by running my **** up's pliant azz on their ad hoc casino promos that were put together by monkeys. And it was some Big Cadillac Baller sht too. Don't expect much or anything from this outfit folks.

People wanting to ban HU is LOL but its not unexpected and I don't feel particularly bad about it as a HU specialist. I view HU as true poker exclusive of other forms and I will readily back that statement up if anyone would like to get into a fruitless, endless and arcane debate. But at the end of the day if these morons want to get rid of it, let them. Their track record speaks for itself, they are the angle.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-25-2013 , 10:36 PM
Not NVG worthy ffs? "Brad Booth/Doug Lee/Jesus Lederer Takes Szchit in Plant at Circus Court etc." Fine. NP.

Shady azz mediterranian joint with ugly record of non payment and other shenanigans abolishes 3 entire poker variants on a tyranical whim, oh wait, lets quick move this so no one can see it.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
Not NVG worthy ffs? "Brad Booth/Doug Lee/Jesus Lederer Takes Szchit in Plant at Circus Court etc." Fine. NP.

Shady azz mediterranian joint with ugly record of non payment and other shenanigans abolishes 3 entire poker variants on a tyranical whim, oh wait, lets quick move this so no one can see it.
LOL, here we go again with the "no one can see it" crap. Yes, that's right, no one will ever see it in a forum that gets over 1 million page views per month.

Not sure what incentive you think anyone has to "hide" this thread, but threads about Internet Poker sites usually go in the...wait for it...Internet Poker forum!

On a side note, we have a profanity filter which we'd prefer you didn't try to evade. It'll also help your posts look a little better when you don't have to misspell words like ass, that aren't in the filter.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by JudgeHoldem1848
Not NVG worthy ffs? "Brad Booth/Doug Lee/Jesus Lederer Takes Szchit in Plant at Circus Court etc." Fine. NP.

Shady azz mediterranian joint with ugly record of non payment and other shenanigans abolishes 3 entire poker variants on a tyranical whim, oh wait, lets quick move this so no one can see it.
Do you have any sources of anything you just said?
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Joe Tall
All HU tables should be removed from all of online poker if sites knew what was good for their ecologies.

They get blinded though by the immediate high volume rake they are collecting and dont see the forest for the trees.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 01:41 AM
Sounds like a lot of you guys hate money.

There are a lot of ideas/cheering for ideas here to make winrates smaller and smaller.

You just dont understand that 90% of what you have now, comes from you playing against fish, whenever it's HU, 6max, FR.

It's pretty hipocritical to say bumhunting is a plague when you all do it.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by MadeInPolanD
Sounds like a lot of you guys hate money.

There are a lot of ideas/cheering for ideas here to make winrates smaller and smaller.

You just dont understand that 90% of what you have now, comes from you playing against fish, whenever it's HU, 6max, FR.

It's pretty hipocritical to say bumhunting is a plague when you all do it.
Yeah but you overestimate Regs ability to think in long term. They think "Yeah there will be more fish now in our 6-max games because they can't play HU".

They see trees but not the forest. Firstly Microgaming and now 888 remove HU where the gap between fish and regs is the bigest hence the best winrates and profits are possible.

they could just make it KOTH or whatever but they decided of it because it is a huge money loser for them.

Honestly I do believe that HU regs are to blame too. The way the lobbies and games look at pretty much any site is just ridiculous.

Still I don't think that it is so far away from Party segregation stuff. Sites try to bridge the gap between regs and fish so we all would make less money. It should be an issue for everyone yet it isn't.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 03:37 AM
never expected that
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by MadeInPolanD
You just dont understand that 90% of what you have now, comes from you playing against fish, whenever it's HU, 6max, FR.
Do you really believe that there are winning players that dont realize that they win more against bad players than good players?

If you do believe that let me clarify for you that most of us know when you play a game you win more against bad players than you do against good players.

It's pretty hipocritical to say bumhunting is a plague when you all do it.
You seem to have zero concept of what bumhunting means or more likely are just being deliberately obtuse.

Stating that every winning player bumhunts because they have a higher winrate vs bad players is just a ridiculously false assertion.

Last edited by 5thStreetHog; 08-26-2013 at 04:01 AM.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
LOL, here we go again with the "no one can see it" crap. Yes, that's right, no one will ever see it in a forum that gets over 1 million page views per month.

Not sure what incentive you think anyone has to "hide" this thread, but threads about Internet Poker sites usually go in the...wait for it...Internet Poker forum!

On a side note, we have a profanity filter which we'd prefer you didn't try to evade. It'll also help your posts look a little better when you don't have to misspell words like ass, that aren't in the filter.
Not trying to pick a fight Bobo, but........

I kind of understand why people want to start threads in NVG instead of here.
The first page of the Internet Poker Forum is dominated with

" Official (insert poker site) thread " or (insert poker site) payout thread.

I rarely come here anymore.

PS. Did .888 do away with HU sit n go's also or just cash?
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by dstock
PS. Did .888 do away with HU sit n go's also or just cash?
HU SNG are still available as usual.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
If you do believe that let me clarify for you that most of us know when you play a game you win more against bad players than you do against good players.
You dont win ANY money ( and yes, im still talking about long run as i was with 90% thingy ) against good players. That's why they're called good.

Also looks like you mean "bad players" by also bad regs, when i said fish i meant fish.

Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
Stating that every winning player bumhunts because they have a higher winrate vs bad players is just a ridiculously false assertion.
High winrate is not "higher a bit". It's just high. And with playing only regs you won't have HIGH winrate.

Let me paint an example:
you play very bad reg HU and you're very good = 4ptbb? ( in the long run he's still a reg )
You play fish u get 10-15ptbb sometimes 20ptbb when he's awfull


Last edited by MadeInPolanD; 08-26-2013 at 05:13 AM.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by dstock
Not trying to pick a fight Bobo, but........

I kind of understand why people want to start threads in NVG instead of here.
The first page of the Internet Poker Forum is dominated with

" Official (insert poker site) thread " or (insert poker site) payout thread.

I rarely come here anymore.

PS. Did .888 do away with HU sit n go's also or just cash?
No worries; I may have been a little harsh in my previous post, but the "hiding threads in Internet Poker where no one will see them" routine gets tiresome once in a while, especially given how inaccurate it is.

Really, this thread got very good exposure in that it was in NVG for a while and there is a redirect there until later today, and now it lives here, where it belongs.
888poker removes HU tables Quote
08-26-2013 , 06:07 AM
best move ever imo
888poker removes HU tables Quote
