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888 Poker corruption/ Info leak 888 Poker corruption/ Info leak

10-04-2014 , 07:56 PM

whilst playing online @ 888 i was drawn into some typical donkey banter with a rather cocky player who also seemed to be hitting every 3 outer possible.
after looking for his stats online it showed all 888 stats were locked and unavailable. suspicion hit obviously.
Whilst finding something suspicious and trying to draw information out of him i managed to provoke him into snapping a little.
He was quick to try and shift power by letting me know not just what COUNTRY i was playing in, but then identified which island of the country, which city, and EVEN which tiny village i live in. . .
he was correct about all of the information and even said his sister had visited my town last year.

after trying to inform the live support team i hit a brick wall and was literally ignored after being told ' we cannot help you resolve this issue'. that was that. ?

after emailing 888support expressing my concern i later received an email from what appeared to be a 10 year old basically fobbing off any concerns and trying to discard the matter.

here is the exact response i got.

''Thank you for contacting us. It will be my pleasure to assist your today with your bank security query

Andrew, we are sorry to learn another player was able inform you of your personal details. We would like to reassure you that we protected and provided out player with 100% security and do not provide any personal details to other player. Please bear in mind while playing poker online player will use any means necessary to distract you form your game and being focus. Find below a link that explain our privacy policy more in-depth.

I hope I have sufficiently addressed your query Andrew. If you require any further assistance with this or any other matter feel free to contact us.

Kind regards,
Naricca B. ''

Thankyou small nicaraguan child for the brief English lesson and for assuring me some kind of mentalist' has figured out my exact location using mind tricks and is just using it to throw me off my game... HA.

since i asked 888 for a proper response, one that could be understood in English, I've had nothing.

the Player in questions Tag was ' Timazine '

is he an affiliate... a member of staff .. one of the many corrupt players 888 employ ??
we all know these companies are run out of tiny islands with no extradition or tax issues for a reason, yet we still feed them money.
I figured 888 might have been a little different as in my honest opinion there are a lot less river beats on there, though the 3 outers are ridiculous.

any help in who to bring this matter to would be greatly appreciated.

888 Poker corruption/ Info leak Quote
10-04-2014 , 11:28 PM
What is ur username on 888? The name that is on the table when you play
888 Poker corruption/ Info leak Quote
10-04-2014 , 11:30 PM
888 Poker corruption/ Info leak Quote
10-05-2014 , 05:16 AM
Could be wrong, but if you're from Wellington, New Zealand - he didn't need to hack 888 to find out all about you...

Took ~90 sec on google


Last edited by stoopmonkey; 10-05-2014 at 05:26 AM.
888 Poker corruption/ Info leak Quote
10-06-2014 , 02:36 AM
i understand anyone could find a rough location. what i am saying here is he new the exact address. and the only time id used that information through 888 was for my banking.

he had this information readily available. since then i have had a similarly terrible reply from 888 making little to no sense again denying all accountability.

i think somebody slipped up here, if nobody is willing to help, at least know for a fact some people are sitting there playing you with your address and bank details in hand.
888 Poker corruption/ Info leak Quote
10-06-2014 , 03:24 AM
Originally Posted by stoopmonkey
Could be wrong, but if you're from Wellington, New Zealand - he didn't need to hack 888 to find out all about you...

Took ~90 sec on google

You forgot to shave your neck bro
888 Poker corruption/ Info leak Quote
10-06-2014 , 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by hankington
i understand anyone could find a rough location. what i am saying here is he new the exact address. and the only time id used that information through 888 was for my banking.
No he didn't.

Originally Posted by hankington
He was quick to try and shift power by letting me know not just what COUNTRY i was playing in, but then identified which island of the country, which city, and EVEN which tiny village i live in. . .
888 Poker corruption/ Info leak Quote
10-06-2014 , 03:40 AM
no, this is the real hank hankington!
888 Poker corruption/ Info leak Quote
