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K missing from my ACR account [Dec 2014] K missing from my ACR account [Dec 2014]

12-20-2014 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
The thing I find most concerning is that OP hasn't lifted a finger to investigate things on his side, or if he has, he hasn't bothered to mention it.
That's the concerning thing? Seems like if the withdrawals would have been processed like they were supposed to then none of this would happen. WPN should give 'their' side of the story.

I don't get you Bobo Fett, why do you always making it harder for players to try to get a refund... you're always defending the poker sites OR trying to lay blame on the player. wtf...

Last edited by isplashcranberrys; 12-20-2014 at 03:48 AM.
12-20-2014 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Any new accounts instantly taking OP's side must truly be new to this site.

So often, we find out in these cases that there is a lot more to the story than the OPs tell us.

We get people posting stuff like this all the time when they are the ones scamming. They've already lost the money, so they have nothing to lose and try to get forum members on their side in the hopes that the site will cave in to pressure.

LOL, what? You sound far from neutral if you're comparing this in any way, shape, or form to UB or Lock. All the rep has said so far is that there's more to the story, but they were choosing not to post any info right away. I don't see anything "hella shady" about that, and comparing it to those sites is beyond ridiculous.

Wait, what? A network that has been, in one form or another, in the business for many years, isn't going to be around much longer because they planned a big guarantee that was taken down by the same type of DDOS attacks that many sites are suffering from currently? The reason you find it weird that they just bought PokerHost is because your theory is extremely silly.

I have to say, it certainly is odd to see people with new accounts taking the time to create one and/or make one of their first posts with an older account just to come down on WPN with so little information out so far. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming they haven't seen a lot of threads like these.

The thing I find most concerning is that OP hasn't lifted a finger to investigate things on his side, or if he has, he hasn't bothered to mention it.
We can end this right now and see if OP is lying. OP, what is your screen name on ACR? Lets have a look at your sharkscope. That will tell us a lot. It will show the exact session and time the money was lost, if indeed it ever was.
12-20-2014 , 03:56 AM
Poker sites can't give out information on their players unless they have a good reason. If the player gives permission that is a good reason. If a player gives out what the site considers misleading info in an attempt to defame the site, that is another good reason.

The OP was claiming that his money missing was an inside-job. Of course the site's reps are going to want to clear that up. The rep simply asked the player if he wanted to handle this publically or privately. The OP decided to handle this privately. It's not the posters in this thread who decide if info is given out or not; it's the OP.

The OP's account may have been compromised in a manner that wasn't the fault of the network. That needs to be taken into consideration. No one in this thread, including myself, knows what happened, so I don't understand why a few posters are posting as if they do know.
12-20-2014 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
Poker sites can't give out information on their players unless they have a good reason. If the player gives permission that is a good reason. If a player gives out what the site considers misleading info in an attempt to defame the site, that is another good reason.

The OP was claiming that his money missing was an inside-job. Of course the site's reps are going to want to clear that up. The rep simply asked the player if he wanted to handle this publically or privately. The OP decided to handle this privately. It's not the posters in this thread who decide if info is given out or not; it's the OP.

The OP's account may have been compromised in a manner that wasn't the fault of the network. That needs to be taken into consideration. No one in this thread, including myself, knows what happened, so I don't understand why a few posters are posting as if they do know.
Again, easy answer. Sharkscope his screen name, it does not lie. If money was wagered, it will tell us how much and when. Im putting the OP all in. What is your screen name?
12-20-2014 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
Poker sites can't give out information on their players unless they have a good reason. If the player gives permission that is a good reason. If a player gives out what the site considers misleading info in an attempt to defame the site, that is another good reason.

The OP was claiming that his money missing was an inside-job. Of course the site's reps are going to want to clear that up. The rep simply asked the player if he wanted to handle this publically or privately. The OP decided to handle this privately. It's not the posters in this thread who decide if info is given out or not; it's the OP.

The OP's account may have been compromised in a manner that wasn't the fault of the network. That needs to be taken into consideration. No one in this thread, including myself, knows what happened, so I don't understand why a few posters are posting as if they do know.
My last post on this subject.

1.Player did give permission earlier in the thread to post the information they had.
2.Did not see where the Winning rep asked if they wanted to discuss it privately

If someone made allegations toward me or my business, especially regarding "stealing" 10 grand (as stated in the title), then you better believe I would be defending myself. Regardless, why should this be a private matter? He posted his problem in not one, but TWO PUBLIC forums. Thousands of people, whether logged in or not, read these posts. Lastly, no one is acting like they know what happened. All these new users are simple expressing their concerns. Regardless, I will be watching from the sidelines as this unfolds.

Warm regards.
12-20-2014 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by AllUrChips
Again, easy answer. Sharkscope his screen name, it does not lie. If money was wagered, it will tell us how much and when. Im putting the OP all in. What is your screen name?
scroll up to my last post, its gr8belinski
12-20-2014 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by Str8flush1
My last post on this subject.

1.Player did give permission earlier in the thread to post the information they had.
2.Did not see where the Winning rep asked if they wanted to discuss it privately

If someone made allegations toward me or my business, especially regarding "stealing" 10 grand (as stated in the title), then you better believe I would be defending myself. Regardless, why should this be a private matter? He posted his problem in not one, but TWO PUBLIC forums. Thousands of people, whether logged in or not, read these posts. Lastly, no one is acting like they know what happened. All these new users are simple expressing their concerns. Regardless, I will be watching from the sidelines as this unfolds.

Warm regards.
I think we need an IP check mods. In the likely scenario that OP and all these new users are the same person, I say ban & lock.
12-20-2014 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by AllUrChips
Again, easy answer. Sharkscope his screen name, it does not lie. If money was wagered, it will tell us how much and when. Im putting the OP all in. What is your screen name?
You sound pretty dumb here. Since when does 25-50 PLO show up on sharkscope? And even if it did, that wouldn't settle this anyways.
12-20-2014 , 05:25 AM
I think Mr. Fett has seen enough of these posts to know the difference. So has the rest of the community. I think he nailed it.

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Any new accounts instantly taking OP's side must truly be new to this site. So often, we find out in these cases that there is a lot more to the story than the OPs tell us.
it looks like a duck

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
We get people posting stuff like this all the time when they are the ones scamming. They've already lost the money, so they have nothing to lose and try to get forum members on their side in the hopes that the site will cave in to pressure.
swims like a duck

Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
The thing I find most concerning is that OP hasn't lifted a finger to investigate things on his side, or if he has, he hasn't bothered to mention it.
quacks like a duck

I'll have to go with D. It's a Duck. Final answer.

Of all the money transactions the took place during the 1M GTD you want everyone to believe WPN just randomly decided to snatch 10k from you.

Taking into account the amount of bitching from people who did get refunds, this doesn't seem to be the case, because these forums would be melting down.

I don't think I've ever seen any poker site post any player details publicly. (I hope to never see it) Clarifications or comments, sometimes.

WTD saying "there's more to this" has a lot more credibility than anything the OP and his new found friends have claimed.

The entire WPN crew have been through hell the past couple of weeks, made a few people angry, but nobody has had any reason to question their honesty or integrity.

Your story smells like a ducks ass, not buying any of it.
12-20-2014 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by chiefsfan17
You sound pretty dumb here. Since when does 25-50 PLO show up on sharkscope? And even if it did, that wouldn't settle this anyways.
Calling someone dumb who is obviously dumb makes me think you are dumb
12-20-2014 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by Boson
I don't think I've ever seen any poker site post any player details publicly. (I hope to never see it) Clarifications or comments, sometimes.

WTD saying "there's more to this" has a lot more credibility than anything the OP and his new found friends have claimed.
I agree with this. If WPN came in here and posted "The whole story" and in the process releasing sensitive details regarding this case....that'd make me feel more uneasy about playing/keeping money there and think less of them as a company than it would if I knew for a fact that they scammed someone out of 10k.

WPN: please don't do something this stupid. I think saying "There's more to this, we did our investigation." is sufficient and most people will understand why you can't publicly release details.
12-20-2014 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by Craggoo
Calling someone dumb who is obviously dumb makes me think you are dumb
And if we take that one step further, who's the dumb person?

Sorry, couldn't resist.
12-20-2014 , 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by isplashcranberrys
That's the concerning thing? Seems like if the withdrawals would have been processed like they were supposed to then none of this would happen. WPN should give 'their' side of the story.
Yes, it's quite concerning to me, and it should be to you as well.

If the OP is legit, then either he has in some way been compromised, the site has, or the site has screwed up in some way. I think it's pretty important that we discover which it is, don't you? Unless OP knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that this has to be the site's issue (and it doesn't sound like he does), he should be thoroughly checking things out on his end, and he should be doing so immediately. This is important for the poker community as a whole - if he has been compromised, other people could be as well. If the site has been hacked, then we have a much bigger problem. Sounds like something that should be a concern to all of us, doesn't it?

Originally Posted by isplashcranberrys
I don't get you Bobo Fett, why do you always making it harder for players to try to get a refund...
I'd love to hear how I'm doing that. First of all, my posts don't change anything for the OP, and second of all, how do we know OP is even deserving of a refund?

Originally Posted by isplashcranberrys
you're always defending the poker sites OR trying to lay blame on the player. wtf...
I think you need to work on your reading comprehension. Pointing out the flaws in the reasoning of people who want to lay all the blame on the poker site immediately without knowing the whole story, and suggesting they wait until the facts become more clear, is hardly defending the poker site. And I've been critical of poker sites many, many times throughout my posting history - sorry I didn't join in with my pitchfork aimed at the poker site in a couple of recent situations that you're aware of.
12-20-2014 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
The OP was claiming that his money missing was an inside-job. Of course the site's reps are going to want to clear that up. The rep simply asked the player if he wanted to handle this publically or privately. The OP decided to handle this privately. It's not the posters in this thread who decide if info is given out or not; it's the OP.
He's not claiming it's an inside job but that it'se either an inside job or chip dumping. Minor distinction but important. To me it just seems like what he's complaining about regarding ACR mainly is how inept they were through the whole thing. When someone handle's something like this as poorly as OP said ACR did it can cause one to wonder.

First, while he's trying to work out the wire transfer, nobody bothers to look at his account and tell him, "hey you's no gots no money".

Second, when he asked for IP addresses that logged into his account he was first told that the ip addresses matched the addresses that he normally logs in from. When he finally sees the ip addresses it's clear to him (and should be clear to most competent people) that those are not his normal home ip addresses.

Third, they claimed they didn't find anything suspicious with the play to make it look like chip dumping and OP disagrees.

Based on the reps responses so far in this thread and that OP says he can confirm the above, I'm leaning more towards the idea that they don't really handle these situations well. Seems like a very unprofessional way of handling this which is what OP conveyed.

I would expect a good company to:

1. Quickly provide information regarding the loss of funds. IP address where the account was logged in from along with times. Hand histories and any other related information.

2. After the alleged hackers IP address has been obtained they should search to see if that IP address has logged into any other accounts or visited the website in hopes of trying to identify who that person might be. This information can help the victim get their money back or seek legal recourse.

Also, it's important from a security standpoint to make sure it's not somebody that's raiding multiple accounts.

3. While the site can absolve all responsibility for these types of hacking it's still good to try and keep OP's money from leaving the site while they investigate the matter further. Not that it seems like you can get money off of the site that quickly, which to me makes it seem less likely that OP would try to pass off his money to another player intentionally.
12-20-2014 , 06:13 AM
Yeah, it certainly seems clear that *if* all transpired as OP described, it doesn't look good on the site. But that's a big if at the moment IMO.
12-20-2014 , 06:45 AM
I wonder if any of these new accounts share IPs with the DDoS attackers.
12-20-2014 , 07:55 AM
Originally Posted by Limo Wreck
I wonder if any of these new accounts share IPs with the DDoS attackers.
And how would we discover that? And even if we could, what would it tell us? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

DDoS attacks on this scale are generally effected by means of a botnet. That means the traffic overloading the site will be coming from a huge number of machines, each with their own IP addresses (unless some happen to be on the same university or corporate network or something). None of those IP addresses will have any connection whatsoever to the culprits.

If they did, don't you think it might be a trivial exercise for sites to block traffic from the culprits' IP address and thereby defeat the attack?

If an IP address that had been connected with any DDoS attack did in fact match one of the new accounts on 2+2, all that you would have learned would be that the new poster had used an IP address previously used by* a machine that was likely compromised and part of a botnet. Perhaps it's your own computer. Do you know that yours isn't compromised, for example?

*IP addresses get reassigned all the time - people often don't get this, believing that "their" IP address is somehow a unique identifier

There is so much paranoid and uninformed nonsense being spouted on 2+2 at the moment.

This thread is not going to go anywhere until more information comes to light. I too hope the site won't post OP's information but I also hope that in time when the investigation is properly completed we get a summary of what happened.

FWIW the geolocator I prefer to use for IP addresses currently resolves the "Iowa" IP address to Texas. It's entirely possible that it was in fact an IP address used by OP, but we just don't know.

As has been said, it seems that OP could do more to bolster his view that this all happened at the site's end. Doing so can't hurt, anyway. For instance, he could follow the steps in this thread and then create a thread in CTH to post the OTL logs. That will get an independent assessment of whether his own machine is compromised.

Last edited by thunderbolts; 12-20-2014 at 07:58 AM. Reason: *
12-20-2014 , 08:31 AM
I posted a thread no response to what I consider a major glitch in softwate

At times you can visibly see others cashiers from your own
12-20-2014 , 09:11 AM
Wow that is pretty sick op. Requested a cashout and on day money is confirmed being sent account hacked if I read correctly. I didn't like the sites response to op in this thread, almost like they where accusing him of wrong doing. Acr was completely unsympathetic as well as being ambiguous and unhelpfull in this thread.

Since op made this public and the site has supposed evidence that op was complicit in his account being hacked they should obviously release that info imo. That is the impression I got anyway from acrs responses in this thread , that acr was saying op was complicit in having his account hacked or there where mitigating circumstances that he was somehow responsible for in some way. That is the part in this that really rubbed me the wrong way.

Did op ever play stakes as high as 25 50 plo previously? The fact that the money was appropriated at 4am and dumped should have been a glaring red flag and both players who played in that game closely inspected.

Obviously acr shouldn't give specific details of op but other sites when faced with these type of allegations provided proof as to how account was compromised without releasing specific details . A lot of times people who made claims like this went on drunken benders or whatever. Blaming op as some people are is uncalled for imo unless there is evidence of him doing anything untoward.

Last edited by ZeckoRiver; 12-20-2014 at 09:27 AM.
12-20-2014 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Winning_TD
I really do not want to start a public show here but we have seen the other sites post earlier in the day and i know you have been dealing with the security manager. Please dont start posting these accusations when you and us know the full story behind it. If you wish to continue to try and tarnish the WPN name then we will be happy to release the full story.
Def should do this if op is in fact lying which is what the above statement seems to infer. All the newb accounts are pretty suspicious in this thread and if op has anything to do with them wouldn't help his credibility. I think the site has every right to defend itself and should if it has proof of op did anything untoward on his end and is in fact lying. It looks like the rep is saying just that.

Last post from winning infers they want to leave things the way they are and not discuss further. I would like to know how a players account was hacked after he was told his cashout was being processed as I believe most people would.

Last edited by ZeckoRiver; 12-20-2014 at 10:54 AM.
12-20-2014 , 10:59 AM
This all seems strange

Why people come to a public forum and don't give all the info is lol

So what's the real deal I would think it's in best interest for all involved to start speaking of all the facts
12-20-2014 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by SootedNotes
I just closed my account, changed debit card numbers and so on. Not ever dealing with un-regulated poker sites again. This seemed too good to be true but with all the weird "lag" and the 1 mill not going even close to as planned and hearing random stories like this I would rather be much safer than sorry.

I am however very curious to hear what is going on and think the public deserves to know, otherwise more people are just going to leave. It is not worth it at all to risk losing $$ again.
Ok, so I don't usually post much on these forums, but as far as the " lag " thing goes during the series. I was very skeptical about it myself, and very irritated. But then I realize there wasn't much that WPN could really do about it. As from what I hear there was several networks that were attacked. WPN has kept in good contact with the players, and I think have been more than fair. If anyone sees the traffic is actually picking up and not going down. There customer support has always been the best out of any site that ive played on. The TD and customer support does a really good job if you ask me. KEEP ON ROCKN WPN!!!!
12-20-2014 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett

I think you need to work on your reading comprehension. Pointing out the flaws in the reasoning of people who want to lay all the blame on the poker site immediately without knowing the whole story
Didn't you do that exact same thing when you said you didn't buy the Op's story?


Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
sorry I didn't join in with my pitchfork aimed at the poker site in a couple of recent situations that you're aware of.
No, you just joined in with your pitchforck aimed it at the player.
12-20-2014 , 11:27 AM

the reason there are so many NEW accounts on 2 + 2 is because there was a NEW million dollar tournament last weekend...perhaps, you guys heard of it?

It caused a lot of new people to join poker networks and poker forums. Stop being so paranoid.
12-20-2014 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by MicroRoller
He's not claiming it's an inside job but that it'se either an inside job or chip dumping. Minor distinction but important.
It certainly is a minor distinction that I don't see as being important at all.

If he says that it is either an inside job or it is chip dumping, he is still making the accusation of it being an inside job. On the other forum he accuses Rudy of providing false information even though on this forum he says that Rudy corrected himself about the balance in 30 seconds. Loaded terms like, "they lied" and "they gave false information" certainly makes it clear that he is making accusations against the site.

And someone in general support simply saying that he doesn't see any evidence of chip dumping probably doesn't mean anything other than that he hasn't been notified by security of chip dumping. The OP is making a lot of accusations. And one thing that seems to be missed by all in this thread is that the OP hasn't provided even the tiniest bit of evidence to support what he is saying. He hasn't provided even a single email for us to read; he has only paraphrased bits and pieces to support his claims.

WPN said that they needed to investigate this, yet the OP was in these forums complaining that he had been ripped off long before any investigation could possibly have been completed.
