Originally Posted by rbenuck4
For those who say that OP deserves the pot, does that change if villain showed the absolute nuts, aka 44. For those who say that hero should've protected his hand better and villain deserves the pot, does that change if villain shows the nut low. Just curious if that changes your thoughts.
The line of thinking is, once V has mucked Hero's hand, he has violated the rules of the game and thus what he has is irrelevant.
To get back to the walking across the street metaphor, the problem with it is the guy driving 75 mph still gets convicted of a crime. Saying "He should've seen me driving like a maniac and not legally crossed the street!" is not a defense. V blatantly broke the rules of the game, did so on purpose, and even admitted as much verbally at the table. That Hero stood up and only put a chip on his cards, while not the best idea for protecting your hand, is not a defense against blatant cheating.
Say Hero remained seated with his arms and hands over his cards but V poked a finger under his wrist, retrieved the cards and mucked them while hero was watching the river come out. Hero still "didn't fully protect his hand" but V still blatantly cheated.
Blatant cheating is the far more egregious violation that occurred here compared to not fully protecting your cards and standing behind your seat.