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Poker Look-a-Likes Poker Look-a-Likes

08-28-2006 , 07:27 PM
Wow these last several are great

Devilfish & Bono/Walken is priceless

And Tim Duncan/David Williams is dead on...I had always thought David Williams looked like someone famous, but didnt know who...
Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 07:34 PM
Comedian Lisa Lampanelli


Jennifer Harman

Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 07:45 PM
oh my, the bellande one was magical.
Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 07:53 PM
What about Mr. 50-50 himself?

oompa loompa

Herr Deeb
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08-28-2006 , 08:43 PM
The story was David Williams was in a foot fetish porn before he won lots of $ at poker. He denies that it is him in the video but a lot of sources have shown otherwise.
What are these other sources besides the video itself? Is there some evidence he was in it other than the fact that the guy looks exactly like him?
Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 09:12 PM
The story was David Williams was in a foot fetish porn before he won lots of $ at poker. He denies that it is him in the video but a lot of sources have shown otherwise.
Is there some evidence he was in it other than the fact that the guy looks exactly like him?

(I understand the reason for asking the question, I just thought it kind of sounded funny).
Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 09:20 PM
Jennifer Harman


Tatum O'Neal
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08-28-2006 , 09:28 PM
David Williams

Guy in foot fetish video

LOL How about one of him licking her behind?
Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 09:28 PM
Yul Brenner


Hoyt Corkins
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08-28-2006 , 09:34 PM
Johhny World Hennigan

Charlie Brown
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08-28-2006 , 09:45 PM
Johhny World Hennigan

Charlie Brown

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08-28-2006 , 09:45 PM

The Thing from the Fantastic 4
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08-28-2006 , 09:48 PM

Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 10:10 PM

Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 10:49 PM
wo seriosuly all of these look alikes are dead on
Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 11:06 PM
My Hero Dan "The Man"
The Crypt Keeper

Sorry If U see this Dan, I still LOVE U!

Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 11:10 PM
My Hero Dan "The Man"
The Crypt Keeper

Sorry If U see this Dan, I still LOVE U!

Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 11:14 PM
Just cause I am not a Johnny Fan

Johnny Chan
Comedian Margaret Cho
Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 11:23 PM
Mr Steven Hawking & the Great Stu Unger

Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-28-2006 , 11:26 PM

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08-28-2006 , 11:30 PM

Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-29-2006 , 12:08 AM

Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-29-2006 , 12:54 AM

is the same as John Goodman
Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-29-2006 , 01:08 AM


Poker Look-a-Likes Quote
08-29-2006 , 02:18 AM
I like this one for Johnny World too

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