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Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game?

07-28-2010 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by AMassiveFish
I was playing £0.50/£1 8 handed at my local casino and i get dealt 77 UTG so i limp in we go 4 handed to the flop. Flop comes something like J72 so i flopped my set. everybody checks, turn is an Ace (now im thinking action card for me!) i bet £3 two folds and a call from BTN, river is another Ace, so now im thinking im strong here hopefully he hasnt got A2 or something, I bet £8 he insta raises me all in for like £85 i do a little tank (mainly hollywooding) and call, he goes "I have the nuts" i replied with you've got aces?? he looked at me blankly and went "No i have top two pair" he had JT

Both me and the dealer stared at him for what must have been 3 years until the dealer went ermmmm 7's full winning hand, the best part was the other player then starts to try and scoop my chips!!!!
thats not hollywooding thats slowrolling you dick
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 02:24 PM
borgata 5/10
really passive player
would do things like this

call a raise w 77
flop 10 6 8 call 150
turn 2 call 300
river 9 check behind heads up in position

we played about 20 hots hu ansd i won like 18 of them, including sucking out his aa w kk

3 limpers he limps w kk i raise to 70 w aq
everyone folds he just calls
flop 223
he checks i bet 110 he lifts up his cards high off the table i can see kk and in my head im like oh **** well this hands over
he then mucks them face up
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by ponzi01
thats not hollywooding thats slowrolling you dick
this. WTF @ Hollywooding an all-in call?
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by AMassiveFish
I was playing £0.50/£1 8 handed at my local casino and i get dealt 77 UTG so i limp in we go 4 handed to the flop. Flop comes something like J72 so i flopped my set. everybody checks, turn is an Ace (now im thinking action card for me!) i bet £3 two folds and a call from BTN, river is another Ace, so now im thinking im strong here hopefully he hasnt got A2 or something, I bet £8 he insta raises me all in for like £85 i do a little tank (mainly hollywooding) and call, he goes "I have the nuts" i replied with you've got aces?? he looked at me blankly and went "No i have top two pair" he had JT

Both me and the dealer stared at him for what must have been 3 years until the dealer went ermmmm 7's full winning hand, the best part was the other player then starts to try and scoop my chips!!!!
Most absurd poker "thinking" is when someone slowrolls and then posts about it in a poker forum to brag claiming it is "Hollywooding"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
Most absurd poker "thinking" is when someone slowrolls and then posts about it in a poker forum to brag claiming it is "Hollywooding"
sounds like he has an accurate handle picked out at least.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 03:52 PM
WOW! calm down people, i didnt think, call a time out, and go for a cigarette before i made the call it was merely a scan of the board to see what could have beat me! if id have said he flipped over pocket aces for quads you all would have been like "yeah obviously he had aces" and as i said i was hoping he didnt have something like A2 which also would have won
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 03:54 PM
Playing a small stakes home tourney. We started inviting this guy to the game who was a real whack job, but hey whacky money is good money. Anyway he wins a hand holding something like 9-4 offsuit after it was 3 bet pre flop. Needless to say the flop goes.. 9-9-x. Of course he ends up winning the pot at the showdown. Someone asked him what he was thinking calling with that hand...he says, "I haven't seen a 9 on the board in awhile, I figured it was due to hit"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by AMassiveFish
I was playing £0.50/£1 8 handed at my local casino and i get dealt 77 UTG so i limp in we go 4 handed to the flop. Flop comes something like J72 so i flopped my set. everybody checks, turn is an Ace (now im thinking action card for me!) i bet £3 two folds and a call from BTN, river is another Ace, so now im thinking im strong here hopefully he hasnt got A2 or something, I bet £8 he insta raises me all in for like £85 i do a little tank (mainly hollywooding) and call, he goes "I have the nuts" i replied with you've got aces?? he looked at me blankly and went "No i have top two pair" he had JT

Both me and the dealer stared at him for what must have been 3 years until the dealer went ermmmm 7's full winning hand, the best part was the other player then starts to try and scoop my chips!!!!
You can see how that, doesn't look like this:
Originally Posted by AMassiveFish
WOW! calm down people, i didnt think, call a time out, and go for a cigarette before i made the call it was merely a scan of the board to see what could have beat me! if id have said he flipped over pocket aces for quads you all would have been like "yeah obviously he had aces" and as i said i was hoping he didnt have something like A2 which also would have won
One is called slow-rolling, the other is called thinking about the hand. You also said, "I tank" which implies slightly more than a quick scan of the board. Perfectly reasonable given the hand. Get your story straight. Or just remove words like "tank" and "hollywooding" from your poker lexicon as they are not only overused and bad English, you also don't seem to know what they mean.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:08 PM
Playing later stage of tourney. One player goes all in and is called.

Player 1 flips over 22
Player 2 says "I've got overs"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:09 PM
rofl @ hollywooding shodown
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by AMassiveFish
I was playing £0.50/£1 8 handed at my local casino and i get dealt 77 UTG so i limp in we go 4 handed to the flop. Flop comes something like J72 so i flopped my set. everybody checks, turn is an Ace (now im thinking action card for me!) i bet £3 two folds and a call from BTN, river is another Ace, so now im thinking im strong here hopefully he hasnt got A2 or something, I bet £8 he insta raises me all in for like £85 i do a little tank (mainly hollywooding) and call, he goes "I have the nuts" i replied with you've got aces?? he looked at me blankly and went "No i have top two pair" he had JT

Both me and the dealer stared at him for what must have been 3 years until the dealer went ermmmm 7's full winning hand, the best part was the other player then starts to try and scoop my chips!!!!
Originally Posted by AMassiveFish
WOW! calm down people, i didnt think, call a time out, and go for a cigarette before i made the call it was merely a scan of the board to see what could have beat me! if id have said he flipped over pocket aces for quads you all would have been like "yeah obviously he had aces" and as i said i was hoping he didnt have something like A2 which also would have won
I would not have said "I have the nuts" here, but I'd be pretty confident in my hand if you tank-called the river. Mostly because I don't expect douchebags to slow-roll full houses like that.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:42 PM
Last weekend in $1-3 ($300 Max) No Limit game a guy at the table who actually played ok, straightforward ABC, and was a winning player told a guy next to him that the only time he would ever in his life fold AA preflop was if it was "against a couple of all ins and they had him covered. Cause that is too much to risk."
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 05:48 PM
Had someone ask if TT beats T5 on a AQJKx board since TT has two tens.

Had someone think on a As-js-6s-x-x board if Guy A has 2s 5s and Guy B has Ks 7s it's a chop since they both have ace high flush. Another person corrected them by saying guy A wins since his flush goes from the Ace all the way down to the 2....
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 08:25 PM
he didnt slow roll it... Slow rolling is taking forever to reveal obvious winning hand (at showdown). He thought about call (with non nuts) then called. Opponent misdeclared hand stating that he/she had the nuts at showdown when only having top pair
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
This brings to mind the game show "Lets Make a deal".

At the end of the show the two contestants with the most winnings that show got to trade their winnings to choose Door # 1, Door #2, or Door #3. Behind one of the Doors was a grand prize worth significantly more than anything given away so far. Typically behind one door was absolute junk.

After some haggling (to see if they would give up their Door) Monte Hall would open up one Door. Assume that Monte always opened up a Door that one of them chose, and that it was not the "winning" Door with the giant prize. Did the odds of the other contestant just go up to 50% from 33%?

This is the apparent dilemma here. Devoid of any other info, it looks like it is less likely the guy has a Q. However, the other guy may be the "Monte Hall" of this scenario. He knows whether or not he has it and you don't. So if he bets strongly, he may very well have it. And with Monte Hall, even though he always followed up with a good offer for the unopened door, the quality of the offer for those who watched the show religiously, may very well have been the tell (i.e., better offer for the real grand prize door).

I would also think that there is a non-zero chance I have added absolutely nothing to this thread. However, in that case, this can be considered what I bring to the table.
I don't know about adding anything but I fell in love with you after this post. If you carry the analogy farther, when given the chance to switch doors, you should (in the absence of some tell). There was a 1/3 chance that your original door you chose had the grand prize behind it and a 1/2 chance that the grand prize is behind the other door. In the same way, knowing that there are two queens on the flop means that you now know that of the 48 remaining cards unknown to you, two in your opponents hand, only two are queens. Exactly because the flopped cards cannot change the odds of being delt queens, you now know that there were only two queens that could have been dealt to your opponent out of the 48 cards whose position in the deck you cannot know.

Of course given the fact that it's a face card, of the 20 cards not folded preflop, odds are someone has it.

Onthe end, true odds are he either has it or he doesn't.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by TheClient
Well, you are right, this problem has nothing to do with the 2 queens - scenario. And no, the the contestant's prob that his 1st choice was right, stayed the same (33%), the prob that the price is behind the other door is 66% which makes changing profitable. And yes, if 2 queens r on the board, it is less likely that villain has one, simply because if villain holds at least 1 queen it is less likely that 2 queens will show up on the board.
You are wrong about the contestants probabity changing and so are the majority of people calling others idiots on here.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by TS2
he didnt slow roll it... Slow rolling is taking forever to reveal obvious winning hand (at showdown). He thought about call (with non nuts) then called. Opponent misdeclared hand stating that he/she had the nuts at showdown when only having top pair
Thankyou TS2, this thread was about the most ridiculous thing youve heard at showdown and due to my 'hollywooding' quote ive been labelled a slowroller! Anyway, i dont believe anybody on here can say theyve never slowrolled anybody. its like the best thing ever getting your opponents hopes up just to smash them lol
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by MJ88
Speaking of AA, I was at a 1-2NL table last week where a guy criticized another player for only open-raising 6xBB from early position with AA. He stated that the player should have raised much bigger, "because if you don't, someone will always call you with KK or AK and then it's a race...."
PS: About an hour later, he open-raised to $85. No one called, and he won $3. (I truly hope that he did this with 7-2 off, but I doubt it.)
I see this almost every time I play. Some guy open raised to $80 with QQ, everyone folds, he shows. I politely called him out and said "you won 3 bucks with queens" and he says "i'd rather win small than lose big"
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 09:31 PM
Guy likes to call pf sometimes before the cards are even dealt. After watching a hand where he went check-check-check and showdowns a winner:

Guy: "See? When I do this I always being dealt good cards!!"

Me: "What is this supposed to mean? Are you magic?"

Guy: "Yes."

Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-28-2010 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by AMassiveFish
Thankyou TS2, this thread was about the most ridiculous thing youve heard at showdown and due to my 'hollywooding' quote ive been labelled a slowroller! Anyway, i dont believe anybody on here can say theyve never slowrolled anybody. its like the best thing ever getting your opponents hopes up just to smash them lol
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-29-2010 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by lebronsux999
honestly, i hate the people who criticize the donks even in this thread. alot of donks are just there to gamble, have fun and or drink. these people are not there to think.

the sad thing is almost every time i play live the donk is asked to explain his play or told how awful he is, which is incredibly stupid. most times they tighten up to be like one of the group.

yeah you can make money playing nits who think they are brilliant players. but its obviously more profitable to play against the rec player who is just having fun and not there to think.

oh and most of these people making dumb plays probably have more money than these nits posting how dumb they are.
Ok buzzkillington
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-29-2010 , 05:58 AM
A new player I hadn't seen before played 72s utg+2 and won on a 2 4 5 6 3 board. Fine.

Later I raised one limper with 98o from the button. I 3-barreled my busted str8 draw and lost to the sb. The new player who was not in the 98 hand whispered to the winner said "they weren't even suited."

I glowered. I said to him Yeah I really need to pay more attention
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-29-2010 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by lebronsux999
honestly, i hate the people who criticize the donks even in this thread. alot of donks are just there to gamble, have fun and or drink. these people are not there to think.

the sad thing is almost every time i play live the donk is asked to explain his play or told how awful he is, which is incredibly stupid. most times they tighten up to be like one of the group.

yeah you can make money playing nits who think they are brilliant players. but its obviously more profitable to play against the rec player who is just having fun and not there to think.

oh and most of these people making dumb plays probably have more money than these nits posting how dumb they are.

+1 with buzzkillington.

You can try to make these guys better players OR you can just let them be and enjoy the ride. Your choice.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-29-2010 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
I'm drunk at Canterbury MN playing 3/6 limit. This one guy to my right is the most annoying and worst player in history, taking forever to go (in limit i expect action in 5 seconds) and being just generally terrible.

UTG raises and gets like 4 callers. Flop is A J T rainbow. UTG bets and everyone folds except terrible guy. Turn is a 9. UTG bets again, terrible guy calls. River is another J. UTG bets again, terrible guy calls. UTG doesn't turn over his hand and figures he's beat. Terrible guy tables 65o. UTG looks confused and tables QQ and wins. I ask why'd you call there?? and he just shrugs and says "I thought he was bluffing."
I had this happen to me during a drunken low stakes game for a bachelors party a few years ago. My bud called me all the way to the river in a hand and he showed nothing and then screamed at me "I thought you were bluffing, so I called." He wouldn't understand the fact that even if he felt I was bluffing , if he was calling for a showdown his cards actually had to win the hand. He would then do this any other time we played and it always made me laugh.

I thought oh it's just a home game low stakes friendly game, thought maybe he was being a jackass once the cold drinks were flowing. But over the years I saw this happen at 1/2 nl at various casinos and was just absolutely amazed. I guess there is a play that I was never explained called the Bluff Call? Don't get me wrong calling with a weak pair or ace high on a player that you know is making a stone cold bluff happens in poker. But calling any and every bet , even going broke with 7 high yelling, I thought you were bluffing just amazes me.
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
07-29-2010 , 06:49 PM
65 vs 64 on a A 2 3 9 J board.

I saw a bet and a call on the river. It was a couple years ago at 1/2
Most absurd poker "thinking" you have heard in a live game? Quote
