Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
People seem to think that if you don't get caught and actually proven to be a Thief then you're not a scumbag.
The flip side is calling someone a scumbag for not speaking up.
A person might not speak up for fear of being wrong. For appearing to be out of order. For not wanting to have to delay the game while the muck is deconstructed. Or maybe for keeping the pot shoved his way. Silence can happen for a multitude of reasons.
If a player is given a pot they didn't earn, it isn't theft. It is an incorrect ruling. Let's say in a winner-take all tennis match, the final point is won on a bad call by the linesman. Player A takes home $1M winnings and Player B goes home empty. Is it theft? Certainly not.
Integrity IS just a word. Because integrity has different levels of acceptance. Your version of integrity would differ greatly from another person's definition that precludes any gambler from having integrity because they are taking money from someone else, no matter if it is from fair play or deceit. Tell someone from the Bible Belt that you play poker for money and see how much integrity you will be viewed as having.
Your view of integrity and mine aren't in balance, either. The difference is you have a problem with me for not speaking up, whereas, I hold no ill judgment of you.
It's silly to think that a simple acceptance of a pot can make one a thief and a scumbag.