Originally Posted by Rawlz517
Any casino will have a procedure for this. It's basically turned into the casino and a note is put on the guy's account, so next time he comes, they'll see he is owed $X and why. If they don't have a player's card, they'll usually call surveillance to get a snapshot of the player so that they can try to return the funds.
Casinos have a procedure for "The revenge is in forcing the dude to look like the petulant child that he actually is, not going to his level (or arguably worse than his level)."?
Does security carry the guy back to the table so the dealer can teach him the lesson or is everyone else following him out of the casino to let him look like a "petulant child" in the parking lot?
There's no "revenge" if the guy gets up and leaves. The only question is if he's getting his money back at a later point or not.