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Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread

03-08-2022 , 04:46 AM
In any room following standard procedures the button call is binding. He has no option to raise or fold as action didnt change. Sometimes I've heard players say that action changed bc now there is an additional caller. But calls dont count as changed action.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
03-08-2022 , 05:18 AM
OOT action is definitely binding here is nearly all rooms. I can only guess he's arguing that since he hadn't pulled his hand back yet that his action isn't complete and he can fold. I do not agree, but it's the kind of thing cash game players get away with sometimes.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
03-08-2022 , 09:40 AM
In most rooms the call is binding with action on SB. There is some 'intervening' verbiage in Robert's that may imply that a Floor could rule either way, but I've never seen a spot where action was reopened to an OOT Player due to 'in between' passive actions of other Players. GL
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
03-08-2022 , 11:36 AM
Thanks for the cash confirmation. The btn imo was a bad reg so I expect he knew the situation but this was a really weak bad dealer. She was WAY too much into the game and too close to the regs.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
03-08-2022 , 01:10 PM
I like the "a few good dealers" story, definitely had that happen while playing, best to say nothing. Also have had my bb taken when I didn't even win the last hand.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
03-08-2022 , 04:20 PM
In that situation I would wait for the guy to muck his hand and then say something about how the bet should stay. Hopefully the other players in the hand get mad enough to call the floor over who will make him put the money in the pot.

Well not really, but it would be funny though since technically that should happen.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
03-09-2022 , 11:12 AM
Waiting until he has discarded will increase odds floor allows the fold since he has no hand. That technically should no matter but it does. It also takes you down to his level. Maybe he deserves that but why lower yourself?
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
05-06-2022 , 11:17 PM
i was playing in an 8 handed(full game) today. 6 tables running. our buddy was leaving, and the first name up on the table change list was a pro we didn't want in our game. so we told our buddy to just take a lunch break. you are allowed 30 minutes for lunch. but just never come back from lunch, so we'd have an extra 30 minutes to play without the pro moving to our table.

the dealer got mad and told us this wasn't allowed. was the dealer out of line? were we out of line?
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
05-07-2022 , 01:03 AM
Well .. technically it is allowed, but you just shouldn't openly discuss it in front of a staff member!!

I might say there's a hole in your plan as well. If a Player goes to lunch their chips usually remain at the table in a rack .. so how was your buddy to cash out without returning? (Yes, I know the casino might hold the chips, but they REALLY wouldn't like that IMO) GL
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
05-07-2022 , 01:37 AM
It's considered bad etiquette to leave for an extended time and then just return to pick up your chips and leave, and from the house perspective it's wrong to tie up an open seat while players are waiting to play.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
07-12-2022 , 05:09 PM
Question...locally rabbit hunting is not allowed but sometimes some dealers will do it for some players. (Lots of somes there which makes it inconsistent, thus imo not a good thing).

The other night 3 way OTT, the action goes, check check bet fold fold. As dealer is pushing the pot to the bettor, the first to fold asks the dealer to rabbit hunt. The dealer asks the winner (a reg but not one who I believe normally, maybe never, rabbit hunts) if he minds the rabbit hunt. He says no problem and a blank that didn't help any draws is shown.

Why is the dealer asking the winner for 'permission'? Why does the winner care?

BTW, clarifying I was the second fold not the winner nor rabbit hunter. Frankly, I didn't care and wouldn't care if I had been winner either.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
07-12-2022 , 05:26 PM
In every room I've worked in, we're not supposed to rabbit hunt but most dealers do it anyway. Usually the only way we'll get into trouble is if a player runs to a floor to complain. So that's why I will check with the table really quick before doing it. It's a service that a few players want and most don't care about. If someone does care, I'm not going to do it.

It does bother me when dealers tell players they can grab the stub and do it themselves. I understand why they feel it's a workaround but giving players permission to grab cards seems terrible all around. Once one dealer says it they think they can do it any time they want.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
07-13-2022 , 08:10 AM
Who knows where it started, but the courtesy to the winner of the pot has always applied. There's about four ways it can go .. One, V finds out they made a good fold .. Two, V finds out they made a bad fold .. Three, winner puts a target on themselves by refusing .. Four, V gets tilted that winner denies the request.

While rabbit hunting in casinos is strictly prohibited both the home game and charity rooms in our area have taken up the 'policy' that you must tip the Dealer for each card they rabbit for you for slowing the game down. Some Dealers have dropped asking the pot winner for permission since a denial will result in a missed tip. GL
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
07-13-2022 , 01:02 PM
There are reasons for not wanting a rabbit hunt. It exposes cards that might reveal something about what a player was betting with. They're representing the nut flush, but the river was the As so they couldn't have had it. Also, some players might not want their opponent to fold weak draws knowing they can see the river anyway. They'd rather force someone to call if they want to see it.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
07-13-2022 , 01:21 PM
I don't know if it's like this everywhere but the players in my room seem really open about discussing their illegal activity.

The other day I overheard a guy talking about someone refusing to pay a $30k bill between their businesses. This was in a tight knit community where at least one person at the table knew both guys. He didn't think it was worth suing over so instead he printed up a fake check with a different name and used it to buy $20k worth of equipment from him. He had it delivered to a vacant property in another state and kept it. We're talking multiple felonies here and he's bragging about it out in the open.

We also have multiple players who are drug dealers. They usually don't do it out in the open but will often talk about it. One would even call out other dealers when he spotted them. Hey, you f- with Jimmy, right? I used to f- with him back in the day. Hey, do you deal crack? I hear there's still good money in that but I don't have a source. One day he sat next to another dealer and they started talking. He lays out his entire operation - who he gets his pills from, for how much, when where and for how much he resells them for. He starts pitching ideas to the other guy about buying in bulk together. All with an ex cop at the table. Last I heard he switched to crypto, then nft's, now he's running an underground poker game.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
07-13-2022 , 06:16 PM
The winner is the one who is theoretically harmed. If the loser has come to expect that a particular dealer will allow rabbit hunting, then he might have factored that into his fold decision. The type of player who rabbit hunts tends to be the type who calls a bet out of curiosity.

So to avoid even the appearance that the loser could have expected the request to be granted, the dealer defers to the winner.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
10-22-2022 , 10:35 AM
Mod Browser recommended I post here as I wasn't sure where to share it on the forum. Paying homage to "you just got slapped" from How I Met Your Mother, but with a poker-theme (You just got stacked)

Also might cross-post in the Bad Beats forum since it fits with that theme, also recommended by Browser

Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
10-23-2022 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Reducto
we're not supposed to rabbit hunt ... I will check with the table really quick before doing it.
You're not making it any easier for the dealers who do enforce the rules.

Originally Posted by Reducto
Once one dealer says it they think they can do it any time they want.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
10-25-2022 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Reducto
In every room I've worked in, we're not supposed to rabbit hunt but most dealers do it anyway. Usually the only way we'll get into trouble is if a player runs to a floor to complain. So that's why I will check with the table really quick before doing it. It's a service that a few players want and most don't care about. If someone does care, I'm not going to do it.

It does bother me when dealers tell players they can grab the stub and do it themselves. I understand why they feel it's a workaround but giving players permission to grab cards seems terrible all around. Once one dealer says it they think they can do it any time they want.
The problem with your I'll check the table and let someone object or do it is that now you are making me (or some player at the table who cares) be the bad guy. One of a couple things happens. 1) that player does speak up and now "everyone" else at the table gets on him for being a nit or party pooper. So he decides either I won't speak up again but I will also try to find somewhere else to play or he argues back and the vibe of the table is impacted. 2) He just doesn't speak up a but moves on (and complains to the floor on his way out.)

No real upside and you never know when 'that guy' will be at the table. Seems easier (and better IMO) to me to just follow the house rules. The house gets to be the bad guy then.

BTW, ime good dealers do just follow the house rules. If it is allowed (with conditions) they do it; if not allowed they don't and often act like they did not hear the request in time or at all.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
11-01-2022 , 10:52 AM
Re: Rabbit hunting. It's technically against the rules where I play but some dealers will deftly put the river on the bottom of the stub and flash it to the requester. Pretty slick actually.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
11-10-2022 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by donkatruck
Re: Rabbit hunting. It's technically against the rules where I play but some dealers will deftly put the river on the bottom of the stub and flash it to the requester. Pretty slick actually.
I actually hate this, along with other workarounds. You're giving information to one player instead of the whole table and someone might think you're flashing someone's hole cards or something. Either rabbit hunt or don't.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
11-21-2022 , 01:38 PM
OK, I didn't like the way the conversation connected with that long post about tattoos was headed so I went back and read it closely (admittedly I sort of just scanned it originally). While there was minimal content about a bad poker play, the bulk of the post was simply a screed calling people who get tattoos stupid. So I deleted the original post and all the responses. We dont allow name calling and insults here, whether directed towards an individual or entire groups of people. It's not nice. So that topic is gone.

Last edited by browser2920; 11-21-2022 at 01:53 PM.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
12-19-2022 , 02:08 PM
Is the any casino/card room in USA that spreads 5/10 LIMIT holdem? I know of one which has just begun offering it but am wondering why it seems so rare of a game to offer.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
12-19-2022 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Fore
Is the any casino/card room in USA that spreads 5/10 LIMIT holdem? I know of one which has just begun offering it but am wondering why it seems so rare of a game to offer.
It's rare because the common belief is that more chips in play = more action. I don't really agree with that, as when I used to occasionally play 5/10 the game was great, but mine is a minority opinion.
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
12-20-2022 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Fore
Is the any casino/card room in USA that spreads 5/10 LIMIT holdem? I know of one which has just begun offering it but am wondering why it seems so rare of a game to offer.

Horseshoe in Lake Charles, LA dealing a 5/10 limit game daily!
Casino & Cardroom Poker 2021/2022 Low-Content/Chat Thread Quote
