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Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1

04-14-2012 , 04:25 AM
Warning: This is kinda a brag...

I don't count how many hands I get out every down as it tends to distract me from actually dealing those hands! But I always count what is in my toke box after my first down so I can tell how many hands I dealt. After that and it's too time-consuming but if nothing else it's a good barometer.

Today I tapped right into a 2/4 table and the decisiveness of the players combined with me finding a groove with my pitch and I was flying... I knew I dealt a lot of hands in my 30 minutes, but then I counted it:

26 bucks. No stiffs, no chops, no toks of more than a single white chip. This meant I churned out 26 hands in 30 minutes. Our tables are 9-handed so it meant I almost made it nearly three rotations in one push. I might have made it three times around completely but I had to sell chips twice ($20 each). And of course this was still with me telling my usual one-liners, haha!

I remember being really happy when I hit 20 hands a few months into the job, and that's still pretty good number in our room at a limit game, but it's nice to know that I can surpass that. I would up having a good day despite recieving only two redbirds and leaving an hour early because I was overflowing with white chips and that is a serious source of pride for me. Like I say (as one of my one-liners) - everyone can agree that I can't get by on my looks...

I am almost at the two year mark and finally, things seem to have fallen into place and I really feel like I do a good job - not just for myself but for the room and my players. How long did it take for you guys to feel like you really "got it?"
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-14-2012 , 04:47 AM
Good thread can't believe I never read it.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-14-2012 , 12:19 PM
Guy playing 2-4 limit last night was a piece of work. I'd never seen him before but could tell immediately that he was gonna be one of *those* players. My first hand in the box, he folds preflop, slamming his cards down in disgust. Second hand, he sees the flop, lets out a huge sigh, and folds out of turn. Third hand, he wins the pot.

As I push him the chips, he says (in complete sincerity), "It's about time you dealt me a good hand!" (No he didn't tip me). G-d I love 2-4 limit players
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-14-2012 , 09:05 PM
Been off of work since wednesday. Emergency trip back to the oral surgeon today. Probably won't be able to work for another week.

This sucks.

I'm sure everyone's seen youtube clips of people flimed after being at the dentist firing off amazing drug induced one liners such as "Is this real life?" etc.

Apparently my statement of quality was "Is that my blood on the dashboard?" (it was)

Last edited by Quadstriker; 04-14-2012 at 09:13 PM.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-15-2012 , 05:52 AM
I remember the first time I came out of the fog of The Gas, I slurred, "You've revolutionized my idea of a trip to the dentist!"
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-15-2012 , 07:12 AM
Damn, sucks. Hope it all goes well.

Perhaps due to a long history of extra-curriculars, the horse tranquliziers at the dentist do nothing for me (tho' sometimes a delayed effect hours after the procedure). At least gas makes it interesting, if I remember to bring my own music.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-15-2012 , 02:26 PM
The good news: They pumped up my painkillers to Oxycodone. They really seem to help.

Manager was very understanding when I called to explain what was going on. We have management who understand that employees are people. That's kind of nice.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-16-2012 , 04:01 PM
Thanks to all those who have sent well wishes via PM. I've been showing improvement and hope to be back at work sometime this week. I wonder if I'll remember how to pitch.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-16-2012 , 05:16 PM
Haha feel better Quadstriker. Your moldy home sounded terrible.

Btw, thanks for all the great posts too. I starting my poker dealing career in Vegas this summer and hopefully can add some originals to the bunch.

Side note, I can't wait to have my first card thrown at me. Seriously
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-16-2012 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by GrinDedDown
Haha feel better Quadstriker. Your moldy home sounded terrible.

Btw, thanks for all the great posts too. I starting my poker dealing career in Vegas this summer and hopefully can add some originals to the bunch.

Side note, I can't wait to have my first card thrown at me. Seriously
That wasn't me. That was YouTalkFunny in the mold house. Although he says he's getting better too.

Are you starting at the series or do you have another gig?
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-16-2012 , 05:32 PM
Oh whoops! I must have been mixed up, sorry about that. Glad you're both doing better then haha.

Yea, I graduated dealing school in March (Tony Sheltons) and passed my audition with flying colors for the series. I've auditioned at TI (haven't heard back), audition for Golden Nugget weds, and hopefully audition for Brad's new poker room at the Palms.

Other than that, I'm biding my time practicing my ass off, reading materials and all that jazz. I'm pretty stoked!

Edit: I see you had emergency dental surgery. Oof, that sounds much worse than a moldy house, sorry YTF just sayin.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-16-2012 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by GrinDedDown
Side note, I can't wait to have my first card thrown at me. Seriously
One of my favorite lines to use when players throw cards at me( when applicable):

"Sir ! Please THROW your cards at me IN TURN !."
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-16-2012 , 07:35 PM
Mine is, "I'd be happy to call the floor over to discuss why you've been dealt out."

Grats on getting in the door at the series. Best of luck at your other auditions!
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-16-2012 , 08:29 PM
Hahaha, that's pretty awesome.

I think if someone ever dumps a drink on me, I'll say something along the lines of "I hope I don't get fired for drinking on the job".
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-16-2012 , 09:10 PM
Thank you Quad. Im doing whatever i can. I'm at a pretty big disadvantage I suppose because I don't know anyone in Las Vegas, so I've been spending an insane amount of time working on my mechanics to be smooth and clean to help me stand out. I hope to have work outside of the series obviously.

Im done derailing the thread, time for some more gold:

This was at Downtown LV a few years ago. 1/2nl and this one guy has been getting beat up and he rebought a couple of times. The dealer is pitching the cards and gets tapped out. The guy getting beat up says "if you deal me the winner this hand, I'll give you half of what I win". The guy plays the flop and folds his hand. Now the dealer, rather than finishing his down, decides to deal one last hand. Sure enough the guy who had been getting beat up won a pot over $600 and true to his word, the player cut out half the chips and tipped the dealer over $300.

So to answer all those "how much do I tip?" questions, the answer: about half.

Guess this should be moved to "tipping containment" thread?
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-16-2012 , 11:47 PM
Just remember that every innocent post like that risks bringing in another wave of fresh tardbutts into this thread.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-17-2012 , 12:29 AM
Hahaha, I'll make sure my next post is more of a "WTF is wrong with that guy" post then
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-18-2012 , 03:35 AM
Night off tonight, went in to play in the $45 evening tourney, outlasted 97 runners to take it down.

What makes it worthy of a post in this thread is that it's the second night in a row one of our dealers smashed the evening tournament, the regs are going bananas. They really got wound up over a couple of plays I made early on:

Early on, blinds 200-400, a shorty in MP open-shoves for about 1k. All fold to me, I'm getting almost 3-1 pot odds, have no reason to think this guy is likely to be holding a big pair (he's been overplaying hands like QJo, that's WHY he's so short stacked), and I decide to call with 52o. He has JTo or something, I make a pair and win, he calls me a moron on the way out.

Shortly after that, I limp in MP with 76s, all fold to BB who pushes for not much more, I again (correctly) take the odds, he's got AK, and I bust another shorty. Nobody says anything nasty, but the murmur is unmistakeable: this dealer keeps calling raises with junk, and getting there.

When word spreads that the moron calling with five-high won the tourney, the buzz was palpable.

Other LC nonsense related to this:

--First good omen was when I got a great parking spot near the door, which never happens.

--Second good omen was drawing a seat on Table 1, which is always used as the final table. Naturally imagined winning the thing without ever changing seats. When we got down to about 23 players, I was the last "original" member of Table 1 still alive. They hadn't moved a single player FROM Table 1 the entire tourney to balance anything, they kept bringing players TO Table 1 as they busted the others.

Alas, when we were down to two tables, they finally had to move someone from Table 1--and it was me! NOOOOOOO! I had a plan! Of all the people, you can't leave the one guy who had a chance to go wire-to-wire? I couldn't hide my dismay when the TD gave me my marching orders. "This is an outrage! There's been a Duke on this Exchange since it was founded!"

Exactly one player got that joke, and LOL'd.

EDIT TO ADD: When we got down to the final table, the TD spread the seat cards out so we could draw our final seat, but when he tossed them on the table, they accidentally landed face up instead of face down. I saw my old seat available, quickly grabbed it, and everyone laughed. They let me have that seat, and I ended up winning a tourney for the first time in years.

ONE MORE EDIT: The key hand that propelled me to the FT: blinds 500-1k, TAG immediately to my right open-raises to 4k. She and I each have about 12k, which is exactly an average stack. I look down and find AA. If I 3-bet, she might wiggle off the hook, but if I just call, I'm certain she'll push no matter what flops. Sure enough, flop comes 10-high junk, she pushes with JJ, I call, and she is DEVASTATED when I turn up AA. "But, but,'ve been playing such....minimalist cards!"

I double up, she's left with crumbs, and I commiserate with her. "Yeah, sometimes those minimalist guys pick up a big hand, too."

Last edited by youtalkfunny; 04-18-2012 at 03:49 AM.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-18-2012 , 09:15 AM
Couple of unusual incidents yesterday. First when dealing a shorthanded limit game, one of the players got mad about it being shorthanded and decided he wasn't going to play. When it gets to his blind he tells me to deal him out. Couple of hands later he is sitting in his seat steaming about the shorthandedness ..... when he demands a set-up. Thats the first time I ever had a player not even in the game demand a set-up.

But my last hand of the night in a $1-$2 NL game ...... toook over 10 minutes for the final action. Hand is heads up after the flop. And on the River I put up a card which could complete both a straight or a flush draw. The guy who had been betting checks, there is about $50 in the pot and his opponent bets approx $100. Guy goes into the tank. Announces that he had top pair with a K kicker and that this is "sick" (in reality this is the easiest fold in the world), couple minutes into this he is clearly blaming the dealer for bringing this horrible card. He keeps talking about it .... and clearly it is my fault. His wife/GF comes buy he turns and chats with her about the nights plans. Nobody is calling for a clock. Then I hear one player say to another .... "is there a time limit?" another dealer who is in the game explains that there is only a time limit if someone calls for a clock. Whereupon each of the players announces they don;t want to be the guy who calls for the clock. We are a good 10 minutes later with this player not even pretending to be about to make a decision when finally a player asks for a clock. I call the floor. Only I look around and I can't see a floor person in sight. I keep calling and about 2 minutes later I get a floor person, who starts the clock.Clock goes down to the final countdown player doesn't move a muscle lets time expire tosses in his cards picks up his chips and leaves .... just as I'm getting tapped out.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-18-2012 , 11:13 AM
how can you get a job for WSOP with no experience? Their application says they will not take you unless you have 6 months nevada dealing experience. They won't take me because of that and I have worked for the same company for 3.5 years. (just a different city, but I am moving to Las Vegas this week)
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-18-2012 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Early on, blinds 200-400, a shorty in MP open-shoves for about 1k. All fold to me, I'm getting almost 3-1 pot odds...
I'm the last person to go all strategy on you, but with 200, 400, and 1k in the pot, how are you getting 3-1 odds? My math puts it at 1.6-1, unless you're assuming just the blinds will call and no one will raise.

"This is an outrage! There's been a Duke on this Exchange since it was founded!"
I just snorted some water. Hope that mitigates your pain, at least.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-18-2012 , 11:31 AM
I was dealing a tournament the other day and two of the players where chatting. One of them used to be a Pro Bowler and he mentioned being on the Pro Bowler circuit in the 70's and 80's. I asked him if he had ever met Roy Munson. He said no but then mentioned several real life pro bowlers he had known. The player is seat 5 smiled and said "I got that".
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-18-2012 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by dinesh
I'm the last person to go all strategy on you, but with 200, 400, and 1k in the pot, how are you getting 3-1 odds? My math puts it at 1.6-1, unless you're assuming just the blinds will call and no one will raise.

I just snorted some water. Hope that mitigates your pain, at least.
Details are sparse but he may be referring to the extra ~$600 he had to put in to call the all in if he was already in the pot when the other player shoved.

200 + 400 + 1000 = 1600 / 600 = 2.666 to 1
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-18-2012 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Dealer-Guy
I asked him if he had ever met Roy Munson.
"Come on boy, bowl!"

"The name's not boy, it's Roy. Roy Munson."

Absolute classic. There are some jokes I get more enjoyment out of telling when they go completely over someone's head. This being one of them.

In regards to psandman's post about there 10 minute final hand, is there anything a dealer can do in that spot? I imagine not. I also imagine that it would be bad etiquette to keep reminding a player that action is still on him.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
04-18-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by GrinDedDown
In regards to psandman's post about there 10 minute final hand, is there anything a dealer can do in that spot? I imagine not. I also imagine that it would be bad etiquette to keep reminding a player that action is still on him.
I usually just leave and come back when they decide to play a poker game.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
