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Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1

09-07-2017 , 10:52 PM
Would guess that as well. Same thing as a bet in a parlay was a push. It just gets removed from the parlay.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-07-2017 , 10:58 PM
What they said.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-09-2017 , 02:18 AM
They break a tourney table, three players come to my table. Seat 2 is screaming that we need to square the table. Seat 1 is empty, of course he has more room than anyone, but...well, you know the rest.

I square up the guys in the middle, but Seat 4 is absent, and Seat 3 (an inexperienced player) is reluctant to touch 4's chips, or to slide over until those chips move. Seat 2, the original agitator is apoplectic.

I ask a player to hand me an empty rack. I use it to neatly sweep 4's stackss to a better spot.

"He's a pro!", exclaimed one player.

I'm just relieved I got Seat 2 to STFU. "I feel like I just put out a fire!", sighing with relief.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-09-2017 , 07:44 AM
So I am brushing/chip running for a few minutes tonight and one of our regulars shows up and is looking for a 4/8 seat . We have two games, one 7 handed and one 8 handed. I send the player to shorter table but before he gets there he stops off at the other player to say hi to another player which of course sends the other table into a frenzy wondering why I sent him there. I tell the loudest complainer of the group that I sent him to your table he just stopped to say hi to (x). Everyone was ok with that except for one of our nits

When that answer did not please him he then yells across the room to regular wondering why he isnt sitting at their table to which he replied " Hey (y) calm down I'll be there in a sec. The angry old fart mumbles on and pouts and when he still has not shown up after what he says is 5 minutes (only 20 seconds) he yells at him again from across the room, to which the person the new player was talking to replied "Hey (y) if you werent such a miserable old fart people might talk to you too!" to which both tables laughed and it finally shut old nit up.

I love it when other players call out how stupid others are being.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 04:44 AM
Why are 8-16 Omaha players so difficult?
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by CupOfSalt
Why are 8-16 Omaha players so difficult?
My theory is that some people are convinced they are losers because the world is plotting against them. They are drawn to low limit Omaha because it offers so many opportunities to have the nuts and still lose, thus confirming their beliefs.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by Reducto
My theory is that some people are convinced they are losers because the world is plotting against them. They are drawn to low limit Omaha because it offers so many opportunities to have the nuts and still lose, thus confirming their beliefs.
I dunno.... It's just that a good majority of them are very difficult people and they are not having fun. It's the game where I get the most pushback and gruff from players. Cards thrown at me, "this dealer always putting a low board", "new setups please", "seat change button to change seats for the 4th time", "get this guy out of the box I don't like the hands he's dealing", etc.

It's very frustrating to me. I eat a lot of **** when I should be calling the floor for them to have a chat with the problematic player. But I'm new so I don't want to cause any trouble. I just eat it and stay nice.

Also, I've found that if a player gets only half the pot, they feel like they don't need to tip unless they scoop. Not all, but only the miserable ones.

And the 8-16 game at my room is a lot of action played with very bad starting hands with like 4 people in the hand drawing to a low (sometimes same low) and get pissed when the low doesn't come in. It's not my fault, I don't control the cards.

I've been dealing for 8 years in underground clubs and I never got treated like that. Everyone was friendly. My newfound casino experience has opened my eyes to the fact that I need to develop a backbone (I think) and shutdown misconduct right away. I could use some advice in that department. Like I said, I'm new and am afraid to cause trouble.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 08:47 AM
Any time you have a problematic player and don't want to call the the floor. You seem like you've got most of your **** together so don't let that stuff slide to your coworkers.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by CupOfSalt
I dunno.... It's just that a good majority of them are very difficult people and they are not having fun. It's the game where I get the most pushback and gruff from players. Cards thrown at me, "this dealer always putting a low board", "new setups please", "seat change button to change seats for the 4th time", "get this guy out of the box I don't like the hands he's dealing", etc.

It's very frustrating to me. I eat a lot of **** when I should be calling the floor for them to have a chat with the problematic player. But I'm new so I don't want to cause any trouble. I just eat it and stay nice.

Also, I've found that if a player gets only half the pot, they feel like they don't need to tip unless they scoop. Not all, but only the miserable ones.

And the 8-16 game at my room is a lot of action played with very bad starting hands with like 4 people in the hand drawing to a low (sometimes same low) and get pissed when the low doesn't come in. It's not my fault, I don't control the cards.

I've been dealing for 8 years in underground clubs and I never got treated like that. Everyone was friendly. My newfound casino experience has opened my eyes to the fact that I need to develop a backbone (I think) and shutdown misconduct right away. I could use some advice in that department. Like I said, I'm new and am afraid to cause trouble.

First off.... I'm guessing which room you are working at and that room is generally known to be infested with the most miserable players you can find.

But yes the $8-$16 omaha players are particularly miserable. I don;t know why it is...... but I have dealt to them and it is true.

That being said if you think you should be calling the floor because players say things like "this dealer always putting a low board" "seat change button to change seats for the 4th time", "get this guy out of the box I don't like the hands he's dealing", "seat change button to change seats for the 4th time", "get this guy out of the box I don't like the hands he's dealing" then you don't need a backbone you need to get a thicker skin. That is just nothing at all to be personally bothered about. Obviously the card throwing is different and shouldnt be tolerated.

A big problem with your room (and many locals rooms) is management is afraid to drive away any regular players even the ones who are generally bad for the room. (the recreational players who don;t come back because of the miserable regular player are invisible ... management doesn;t know who or how many there are .... so they treat it like its zero)
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by psandman

First off.... I'm guessing which room you are working at and that room is generally known to be infested with the most miserable players you can find.

But yes the $8-$16 omaha players are particularly miserable. I don;t know why it is...... but I have dealt to them and it is true.

That being said if you think you should be calling the floor because players say things like "this dealer always putting a low board" "seat change button to change seats for the 4th time", "get this guy out of the box I don't like the hands he's dealing", "seat change button to change seats for the 4th time", "get this guy out of the box I don't like the hands he's dealing" then you don't need a backbone you need to get a thicker skin. That is just nothing at all to be personally bothered about. Obviously the card throwing is different and shouldnt be tolerated.

A big problem with your room (and many locals rooms) is management is afraid to drive away any regular players even the ones who are generally bad for the room. (the recreational players who don;t come back because of the miserable regular player are invisible ... management doesn;t know who or how many there are .... so they treat it like its zero)
I do have a thick skin and I eat a lot of ****. I'm constantly polite. I take it with a smile and move on to the next hand. But things like throwing cards at me and yelling "how the **** do you put that card out there" I think is unacceptable. And then the death stare comes and they fold really hard at me.

Sometimes I think I'm too nice. I think I may start calling floor the over for more infractions. The problem, like you said, is that it goes often unreported and happens too often.

I used to deal in the Underground clubs where Nobody got kicked out for anything. Believe me, I've had cards spit on and thrown at me, threatened, money thrown in my face, cards ripped up, you name it.

They say in my room though that any berating whatsoever should be grounds for discipline. I'm just afraid to do report them since I'm new.

Last edited by dinesh; 09-10-2017 at 11:44 AM.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 10:35 AM
If a player says "how the **** do you put that card out there"

I don't have a problem with it. Its not an insult. I just tell him, "it was the next card on the deck."

There is no reason to call the floor for that nonsense.

Call the floor by all means when its over the line .... but understand where the line is....
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 12:23 PM
I've tried to explain it to him.

There's little remarks that can be said to a player in a serious tone that will get them to back up.

Like "that was the next card out of the deck after the burn!"

"Sir, see my hand, that's not where the muck is. And quit flashing cards when you fold, thanks"

There's always snarky remarks that can be said that makes them back down.
Just grow a little backbone!
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by psandman
If a player says "how the **** do you put that card out there"

I just tell him, "it was the next card on the deck."
ahaha nice. id laugh loudly and side with the dealer. then it makes the life nit look like a moron, its truly one of lifes little miracles.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 04:31 PM
They're dogs. You show weakness, they get more aggressive. You take charge, they back right down.

Don't call the floor--tell them to **** off.

Of course, you can't use THAT word. But try this: next time a guy throws cards at you, stop the game; put your hand on the felt in front of him; establish eye contact; and ask him firmly, "Did I throw something at you, at I don't remember?"

He'll make a ridiculous defense--last time I used this line, he insisted he did not throw the cards at me. "If I was throwing them AT you, you'd know it!"

"You got a funny way of apologizing," I cracked, and let it go, because my point had been made. It was my first week working at this joint, and this guy is the almost-unanimous pick as biggest PITA to deal to--but he's very well behaved when I'm in the box. He still creates problems for other dealers.

This line (which I learned from Sipowicz, used on uncooperative interview subjects) can be used in any spot: "Was I discourteous or disrespectful to you, and I don't remember?" It accomplishes so much! It calls him out for being a jerk; it illustrates that you've done nothing to deserve such treatment; it reminds him that you're working together.

But above all, it sends the message to all the other dogs at the table: you're not afraid of these guys, and you're not taking their ****.

It sounds like calling the floor won't do you any good in your room. I've worked in rooms like this. It's on you to protect yourself from this stuff. Don't use the "I'm the new guy, I don't want to rock the boat" cop-out--you're not rocking the boat, you're trying to STOP the rocking! No one will have a problem with that. No one will think you're being the unreasonable one when you insist that you are treated like a human being.


Related note: I had a problem child last night, got him ejected my first hand of the down.

As I waited to push in, he dropped a loud f-bomb. The dealer gave him a warning. I sat down, dealt the first hand. He's on the button, raises pre-flop, can't stop running his mouth. As I spread the flop, he put his bet out into the betting area, but did not release it--remember, he's the button, he's wildly out of turn. Before I can say anything, his chatter includes another very loud f-bomb.

I stop the game, and ask him what he just said. He repeated verbatim. I reminded him that he was just warned about that by the previous dealer, less than a minute ago; and asked him to act in turn, as well.

"I know it's not my turn!", but did not retreat his hand. By now, it's his turn to bet, so he releases his bet, gets two callers. I pull in the bets, put out the turn card, and he does it again with his turn bet.


He's shocked. "Are you serious?"

"Hey, this stuff is important. If you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe him."

He *still* won't pull back his bet!

The floor arrives, asks me what's up. "I can't get Seat 8 to act in turn."

"What do you mean?"

"He puts his bet out, and announces, 'I know it's not my turn,' and bets any way. He doesn't want to act in turn, he wants to bet when HE wants to bet. I can't dissuade him. Oh, and while you're here, he's had two f-bomb warnings in the last minute."

Hilariously, the player immediately disputed that number. He only got one warning from me, he said, and one from the last dealer. Either he thought 1+1=/=2, or he thought the first one didn't count because it was a different dealer?

At this point, the floor decided the next step was to ask the player to step away from the table for a brief chat. He told me later, he was planning a 5-second chat: "Look, you know you can't do this and you can't do that, so play nice, huh?" But the player would have none of it: he started racking up. He wasn't going to play in a place that won't let him do what he wants, I guess.

He took his time racking, kept running his mouth (called me a "little b****", lol). Floor tried again to pull him off the table, he refused again. Floor warned him that if he didn't step away now, he'd have security eject him. The player was skeptical, so the call went out immediately, and this guy got himself run (security LIVES for this stuff!).

The looks on the other players' faces was fantastic: they were so impressed, by both me and the floor. They know this is a place that doesn't put up with this nonsense.

The floor was incredulous when we spoke later. "Why wouldn't he just come talk to me? I was going to say three words and be done, but no, now he's out for 24 hours. SMH."

My point: you don't need to take this nonsense. Just know that no one is going to handle this FOR you, you need to step up.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
They're dogs. You show weakness, they get more aggressive. You take charge, they back right down.

Don't call the floor--tell them to **** off.

Of course, you can't use THAT word. But try this: next time a guy throws cards at you, stop the game; put your hand on the felt in front of him; establish eye contact; and ask him firmly, "Did I throw something at you, at I don't remember?"

He'll make a ridiculous defense--last time I used this line, he insisted he did not throw the cards at me. "If I was throwing them AT you, you'd know it!"

"You got a funny way of apologizing," I cracked, and let it go, because my point had been made. It was my first week working at this joint, and this guy is the almost-unanimous pick as biggest PITA to deal to--but he's very well behaved when I'm in the box. He still creates problems for other dealers.

This line (which I learned from Sipowicz, used on uncooperative interview subjects) can be used in any spot: "Was I discourteous or disrespectful to you, and I don't remember?" It accomplishes so much! It calls him out for being a jerk; it illustrates that you've done nothing to deserve such treatment; it reminds him that you're working together.

But above all, it sends the message to all the other dogs at the table: you're not afraid of these guys, and you're not taking their ****.

It sounds like calling the floor won't do you any good in your room. I've worked in rooms like this. It's on you to protect yourself from this stuff. Don't use the "I'm the new guy, I don't want to rock the boat" cop-out--you're not rocking the boat, you're trying to STOP the rocking! No one will have a problem with that. No one will think you're being the unreasonable one when you insist that you are treated like a human being.


Related note: I had a problem child last night, got him ejected my first hand of the down.

As I waited to push in, he dropped a loud f-bomb. The dealer gave him a warning. I sat down, dealt the first hand. He's on the button, raises pre-flop, can't stop running his mouth. As I spread the flop, he put his bet out into the betting area, but did not release it--remember, he's the button, he's wildly out of turn. Before I can say anything, his chatter includes another very loud f-bomb.

I stop the game, and ask him what he just said. He repeated verbatim. I reminded him that he was just warned about that by the previous dealer, less than a minute ago; and asked him to act in turn, as well.

"I know it's not my turn!", but did not retreat his hand. By now, it's his turn to bet, so he releases his bet, gets two callers. I pull in the bets, put out the turn card, and he does it again with his turn bet.


He's shocked. "Are you serious?"

"Hey, this stuff is important. If you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe him."

He *still* won't pull back his bet!

The floor arrives, asks me what's up. "I can't get Seat 8 to act in turn."

"What do you mean?"

"He puts his bet out, and announces, 'I know it's not my turn,' and bets any way. He doesn't want to act in turn, he wants to bet when HE wants to bet. I can't dissuade him. Oh, and while you're here, he's had two f-bomb warnings in the last minute."

Hilariously, the player immediately disputed that number. He only got one warning from me, he said, and one from the last dealer. Either he thought 1+1=/=2, or he thought the first one didn't count because it was a different dealer?

At this point, the floor decided the next step was to ask the player to step away from the table for a brief chat. He told me later, he was planning a 5-second chat: "Look, you know you can't do this and you can't do that, so play nice, huh?" But the player would have none of it: he started racking up. He wasn't going to play in a place that won't let him do what he wants, I guess.

He took his time racking, kept running his mouth. Floor tried again to pull him off the table, he refused again. Floor warned him that if he didn't step away now, he'd have security eject him. The player was skeptical, so the call went out immediately, and this guy got himself run (security LIVES for this stuff!).

The looks on the other players' faces was fantastic: they were so impressed, by both me and the floor. They know this is a place that doesn't put up with this nonsense.

The floor was incredulous when we spoke later. "Why wouldn't he just come talk to me? I was going to say three words and be done, but no, now he's out for 24 hours. SMH."

My point: you don't need to take this nonsense. Just know that no one is going to handle this FOR you, you need to step up.

Thanks for the advice. I need to start sticking up for myself and calling them out in a non hostile way.

I like that line and am going to use it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-10-2017 , 11:05 PM
See that's why I could never be a floor. My stock response to these type of floor calls would be "You can choose to act like an adult, or you will have to leave."

And given those two options, I think the poker room would close in a month.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2017 , 12:25 PM
so last week I was dealing a $2-$5 game .... the action is on the three seat and he is n the tank for way to long facing a small bet into a small pot......

suddenly I see him reaching out to the pot and I snap my hand out to block him grabbing the pot .... he pulls back and agrilly informs me "I am just spreading the pot."

I look at hm and tell him "no! you are not."

The guy sits there staring at me with his jaw dropped open as though this is the most ludicrous thing he has ever seen n a poker room.....

seriously where does this guy usually play that leads him to believe this is acceptable.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2017 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
See that's why I could never be a floor. My stock response to these type of floor calls would be "You can choose to act like an adult, or you will have to leave."

And given those two options, I think the poker room would close in a month.

I more or less did this last night (not exactly those words but called out a player for being a child) and a game died from it.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2017 , 01:05 PM
No one ever asks me to spread the pot any more...

...because my pots are always pre-spread. You can see every chip, every time.

Sometimes, my pots are five feet long.

I don't mean every chip is laying flush on the felt--but you can plainly see every chip, esp the higher denominations.

It's been years since I've even heard the phrase "spread the pot".
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2017 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
See that's why I could never be a floor. My stock response to these type of floor calls would be "You can choose to act like an adult, or you will have to leave."

And given those two options, I think the poker room would close in a month.
I once heard a floor telling a table of guests .... "this is an adult establishment ... you must be 21 to play .... if you don't act like you are an adult I will assume you are not an adult and send you home."
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2017 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
It's been years since I've even heard the phrase "spread the pot".
I think most Dealers are aware of keeping the pot 'visible' even though it may take a second or two to gather and push.

Lately the only time I ask to spread the pot is when OMC bets $18 into $9 just to call him out a bit (within the rules) before I fold. GL
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2017 , 01:38 PM
I've long maintained that people don't see what is right in front of them, but rather, they see what they EXPECT to see. For example, ask someone to read this:


...and they will rarely notice the word "the" appears twice, because they weren't expecting it.

This goes for listening, as well: we hear what we EXPECT to hear, instead of what was said.

What's my point? My first down of the night was a ridiculous, cartoonish example of this.

Four players see a flop:

PLAYER 1: Checking!
PLAYER 2: Checking!
PLAYER 3: Not checking!
PLAYER 4: Checking.

I rap the table, burn a card, am about to put out the turn, when suddenly, Player 3 bets, and everyone (including me) is shocked. She can't understand the confusion. "I said, 'Not checking!'" We all had to allow that yes, that was plainly what she said. The bet stands, but the players aren't happy about it, especially the guy behind her who was duped into checking and tipping off weakness. I try to explain the "hear what we expect to hear" thing, mentioning she used the word "check" while NOT reaching for chips--but no one ever listens to me. The last guy heard enough of it to admonish the offending player, "Don't say 'check' if you're going to bet!"

No more than 2-3 hands later, a draw-rich flop hits the board, and the first player announces, "I'm going to check...(looks at his cards) see if I have any of that....I bet!" This, of course, was the SAME GUY who just uttered the phrase, "Don't say 'check' if you're going to bet!" Here's another needless mess that I'm left to untangle.

A few hands later, on the river, a different player announces, "I fold," but he won't let go of his cards. The action goes past him, the showdown is done, and he's still not letting go of his cards...until he does. He doesn't pull the expected move of showing them to someone after the betting is complete. What the hell? Why is everyone ganging up and plotting to madden me?

Oh, but we're not done! Same table! First down of the night! Last hand! The river goes bet-call. The caller says, "Call."! He's one chip heavy. I return the chip. Showdown. Caller wins. As I go to push him the pot, he asks, "I can't go all-in there?"

I didn't realize that "one chip heavy" was his last chip. "You said 'call'," I told him.

"No, I said 'all-in'."

"It sounded like 'call', and it LOOKED like a call, that's why I announced call," I explained. Again, what we expect to see and hear...

"You need a hearing aid!", chimes in the player who LOST the pot. "**I** heard him say 'all-in'!"

"Oh, you heard him? Then pay him!"

"Nope! I don't have to call, and now that I've seen his cards, I'm certainly not going to!"

The all-in guy is starting to get upset--but not as upset as ME, as I've had a whole DOWN of this from this table! I reach into my rack and give him a chip to make it right, and tell the dealer who is pushing me, "OK, listen up: at this table, 'call' doesn't mean call; 'fold' doesn't mean fold; and 'all-in' doesn't mean 'all-in'. Got it?"

(There was one other nutty thing that happened this down, but I can't recall now what it was, it got lost in the blur. But I remember the "don't say 'check' if you're going to bet!" guy also later gave a second admonishment to the same player, then promptly did exactly what he had just admonished her for.)
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2017 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
But I won't have to worry about that much longer: we're pulling the plug on Aces Cracked on my shift!
First Wednesday without Aces Cracked: HEAVEN! It's just like any other day! It's not an invasion of the Worst of the Worst! The All-Star team of nits, the ones we only see on Aces Cracked night, nowhere to be found!

My morale soared through the roof! Things are looking up!

Show up to work yesterday. NFL Sundays are usually slow, and require a promotion to draw business.

Guess what they went with?


It's even worse: it's not just "during the football games". This time, you get a scratch-off ticket to reveal your prize, and the promotion runs until all the tickets are gone. I RACED to the EO list. I got out at midnight, and there were still 20-30 tickets to give away. It's the Aces Cracked promo that NEVER ENDS.

I had five days of happiness. Five lousy days. I was HOT last night! I vented to one guy,
"It's a good thing they got rid of Wednesdays, because if I had to deal Aces Cracked TWO nights a week? I'd start looking for another job!"

We've got a Facebook page for dealers to pick up and give away shifts. I'm seriously thinking of posting there, "Giving away every Sunday for the remainder of football season.
If you want my Sunday, just ask, it's yours." Then, every time someone takes my Sunday,
I've got the whole week to try to pick up a shift to make up for it.
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2017 , 02:10 PM
DEALER 1: I hear Jane Doe is coming back to work here.

DEALER 2: Really? That sucks.

DEALER 1: Why do you say that?

DEALER 2: I'm sad every time someone comes back to work here.

YTF: You mean like they escaped? And got recaptured? Like when an animal escapes the zoo, gets brought back, and all the other animals are like, "Aw, man!"?

DEALER 2: Exactly.

(Imagine if Andy DuFresne got caught and sent back to Shawshank?)
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
09-11-2017 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by answer20
Lately the only time I ask to spread the pot is when OMC bets $18 into $9 just to call him out a bit (within the rules) before I fold. GL
Does that make you feel superior?
Bobby's Breakroom - for gaming employee chatter + YTF appreciation. See restrictions in Post #1 Quote
