Originally Posted by ShellPoker
I always carry $10,000 in cash with me. I think it feels good. People say I'm crazy? Anyone else like to carry wads of cash just for the heck of it? When I buy something I will use my 1% cash back card though.
I don't know if you are crazy, but it seems pretty stupid to carry that much money around. And it seems even more stupid to tell anyone about it.
And if you aren't even going to use it ...... (I use my cards too btw; always pay them off immediately so no interest, but no reason I can't get the 1% to 5% cash back.)
Don't see why you need $10K cash in your pocket. Seriously, I've carried a few K on a couple occasions and my wallet has bulged. On some occasions I've split it up among different pockets and at times put some in a bag I was carrying, so if I got robbed maybe they wouldn't get all of it. I've only done that times that I needed a bunch of cash.
Carrying $10K all the time when you never plan on using any of it is obviously stupid.
Originally Posted by Chanty57
Well I guess you could pay a small ransom if one day you are kidnapped, so yeah sounds logical
Couldn't the kidnappers just take the money? The point of a ransom is a trade, right? If the kidnappers already have the money ....