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Does God support slavery? Does God support slavery?

02-14-2012 , 03:06 AM
Does God support slavery?

There's a point I will reveal if someone does not already get it.

And it's more of a contradiction when the "pro-christians" say He doesn't.

Last edited by oogabuga265; 02-14-2012 at 03:21 AM.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-14-2012 , 10:59 AM
Doesn't it directly say in the bible that he endorses or supports or is okay with slavery between certain people? Somebody quoted this to me before, but I don't have a good enough memory to cite the specific quote and placement in the bible. But are you getting at the fact that religious followers are slaves to god in a manner? I personally think its a moot point really.. there are hundreds of contradictions in religion and its followers always misinterpret or nitpick which parts to believe and which parts to selectivity interpret as metaphor or ignore it all together... the chances of the moralistic personified version of god present in Abrahamic religions is almost exactly 0, though if you widen the definition of god to include less defined terms, it would be foolish to claim absolute certainty either way since "god" can then simply include phenomenon, laws, or forces that we don't entirely understand yet.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-14-2012 , 04:33 PM
gods not real! no proof! but the bible and most religious writings to condone violence slavery blah blah blah. i grew up whit a religious background and from as early as i can remember i was terrified of church (reasons above) and never made any sense. what ever either our beliefs are i found the bible to be very violent and contradictory.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-14-2012 , 06:43 PM
God doesn't exist. And slavery shows what humans do to other humans when it is permitted. Slavery has only been on the decline very recently relative to the entire history of humans. Some would even argue that slavery exist in more, less obvious forms now in society.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyBravo
gods not real! no proof! but the bible and most religious writings to condone violence slavery blah blah blah.
The bible specifically mentions that it's ok to beat your slave to death as long as he survives for at least a day because the slave is your property. If your slave had children with you and is set free for whatever reason the kids stay with you. That same chapter has many more rules about how to treat and trade your slaves.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-14-2012 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by chinagambler
The bible specifically mentions that it's ok to beat your slave to death as long as he survives for at least a day because the slave is your property. If your slave had children with you and is set free for whatever reason the kids stay with you. That same chapter has many more rules about how to treat and trade your slaves.
The Bible or any religious writings are creations of human brains, not divine intervention. Therefore they will always reflect the nature and intelligence of the authors who wrote them and the standards and beliefs at the time they were written.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-14-2012 , 09:55 PM
God gave the wisest man in history, the king of Israel and the builder of the temple over 1000 women, a combo of wives and hookers. Discuss.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-15-2012 , 03:22 AM
On my part, this was a bad topic to bring up. Sorry.

I think it's healthy to be religious even if you don't believe in God. We're all going to die one day and the time we spend on this Earth is such a small amount of time compared to how long time is. Not choosing to believe in Him serves no purpose but ignorance. Choosing to believe in Him, however, does offer support and optimism to when one is in a bad place and needs someone to talk to when no one else is around. Most people who are religious know that it is bogus scientifically. That's why they call it "believing". It's just something that can warm your heart a bit when times are tough.

I would choose to reconsider what you think the definition of God is. It's not that it's a fairytale like Christianity puts it to be (like Heaven and Hell), it's there is a higher power in the world and that it's not just about you. It's that there is a reason for why the world is the way it is and that it is not just all accidental. That we all, somehow, work together to serve this purpose.

God Bless and I hope you all live long and happy lives .

Last edited by oogabuga265; 02-15-2012 at 03:34 AM.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-15-2012 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by oogabuga265
On my part, this was a bad topic to bring up. Sorry.

I think it's healthy to be religious even if you don't believe in God. We're all going to die one day and the time we spend on this Earth is such a small amount of time compared to how long time is. Not choosing to believe in Him serves no purpose but ignorance. Choosing to believe in Him, however, does offer support and optimism to when one is in a bad place and needs someone to talk to when no one else is around. Most people who are religious know that it is bogus scientifically. That's why they call it "believing". It's just something that can warm your heart a bit when times are tough.

I would choose to reconsider what you think the definition of God is. It's not that it's a fairytale like Christianity puts it to be (like Heaven and Hell), it's there is a higher power in the world and that it's not just about you. It's that there is a reason for why the world is the way it is and that it is not just all accidental. That we all, somehow, work together to serve this purpose.

God Bless and I hope you all live long and happy lives .
This. And I was an ass last time I posted in this forum so I am sorry for that.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-20-2012 , 04:14 PM
all i know is that God is love.

slavery does indeed exist, so it must be part of Gods plan.
im no sure what OP means by 'supports'??
this may be a antrhropomorphic slant that is muddying the water??
God doesnt support. God creates. hes not picking sides, because he is all sides. maybe thats another thing that 'God is Love' may mean?

and btw, there is scientific evidence that there is a pattern woven into every single part of everything in existence that connects it all. call it what you will. its not just belief, its real.
even our DNA is technically a language, and reads like a language reads.
who wrote that??

scientists have even detected this pattern in white noise from outer space, which is supposed to be chaos. (no pattern)
theyve found the pattern where, in thoery, its not supposed to exist.
this has confounded scientists, and they tend to sweep it under the rug, when it points to the existance of something unexplainable to them, and something thats in nature mysterious.
(oddly, the goals of both mysticism and science are close, to keep a mystery a mystery)
to celebrate mystery.
(science cant prove anything 100% or it ceases to be science, a hypothesis is just that, a hypotesis!)

i think its important to separate mysticism and religion.

religion is just a code of behaviour to keep stupid ppl from harming themselves and others. it's a public power system.
mysticism, on the other hand, is direct knowledge, and experience of God in our lives, and is totally personal and private.

Last edited by stampler; 02-20-2012 at 04:33 PM.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-20-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by EarlyCuyler
God doesn't exist.

here we go again.

this debate has happened before.

dont want to rehash it here, but read Anselm, St. Augustine, and Aquinas and get back to me.

forget logic though...the real proof is when God grabs you by the shirt collar, and gives you a little shake.

Last edited by stampler; 02-20-2012 at 04:46 PM.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-21-2012 , 06:15 AM
I like your interpretation of god stampler. It seems a lot more logical to me than the anthropomorphic god of christianity... more akin to einstein's god. i'm an atheist of religious gods, but an agnostic of a wider spectrum of things that could be deemed "god", part of which is the intricate connectivity of which you speak, which i do believe exists. in what form, well, that's where I am an agnostic, because I don't know, and none of us knows, and when we do know, it's a personal understanding.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-24-2012 , 06:11 AM
^ good post

I like the idea of ki

oh and to op, depends on your definition of god, silly question.
Does God support slavery? Quote
02-24-2012 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by oogabuga265
On my part, this was a bad topic to bring up. Sorry.

I think it's healthy to be religious even if you don't believe in God. We're all going to die one day and the time we spend on this Earth is such a small amount of time compared to how long time is. Not choosing to believe in Him serves no purpose but ignorance. Choosing to believe in Him, however, does offer support and optimism to when one is in a bad place and needs someone to talk to when no one else is around. Most people who are religious know that it is bogus scientifically. That's why they call it "believing". It's just something that can warm your heart a bit when times are tough.

I would choose to reconsider what you think the definition of God is. It's not that it's a fairytale like Christianity puts it to be (like Heaven and Hell), it's there is a higher power in the world and that it's not just about you. It's that there is a reason for why the world is the way it is and that it is not just all accidental. That we all, somehow, work together to serve this purpose.

God Bless and I hope you all live long and happy lives .
There is no higher power. Or lower power. Or any power. You are the power behind your life. The only power.
Does God support slavery? Quote
03-01-2012 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by stampler

forget logic though...the real proof is when God grabs you by the shirt collar, and gives you a little shake.
exactly ! : )
Does God support slavery? Quote
03-01-2012 , 08:39 PM
The more you learn about the universe, the greater the certainty of god's existance becomes.

Its just simply that the will of god is beyond our understanding. And when I say that, I mean its akin to how calculus is beyond the understanding of a banana slug.

Now, I think the problem of god's existance gets muddied when we try to define him/her/it in the limited confines of our pitiful human religions. As if the creator of the universe could be so easily defined...

Not to say religion is without god. Again, I wouldn't be able to answer the extent of god's involvement with all the varies religions just as a banana slug is unable to do calculus.

But as to the question of "Is there a god?"

The answer is obvious. Simply look around. The evidence is every where and in everything.
Does God support slavery? Quote
03-27-2012 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by sandsmarc
There is no higher power. Or lower power. Or any power. You are the power behind your life. The only power.

Simple answer. But life is actually this simple.

(Altho the way life manifests itslef can be defined and you can clearly tell the difference, but in the end its like u said.. all one, experiencing itself )
Does God support slavery? Quote
