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Prize Redemption for Vouchers (Error Cant Verify for KYC) Prize Redemption for Vouchers (Error Cant Verify for KYC)

02-18-2023 , 05:13 PM
Ive been grinding global a lot more as the community seems way more talkative and fun to play with specially at the plo games .

I was able to cash out $300 to the Global debit card with no issues, and when I was informed I hit my redemption max I took another $100 withdrawal for $103 fo rin voucher.

I got approved and got my voucher within 1 day TY to the global team.

Problem: I signed up for and uploaded all my info for KYC (Know Your Consumer) and they have site issue s that give you a error "500 server" when you try to upload documents to redeem your voucher.

I am now stuck with a $103 voucher for and wanted to see if global can help with the issues or if I can get another voucher for another site instead or i dont mind trading this $103 voucher to anyone with an approved prior to their site having this issue..
02-18-2023 , 08:32 PM
Can mods please delete post I got assisted. Thank you.
