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Global poker variance Global poker variance

03-27-2023 , 10:59 PM
Guess I raked enough that im out of my downswing now just keep playing good Jr0d it has to turn around.
03-29-2023 , 01:46 AM
If you are sirbluffsalot, you run lucky as hell lol
03-30-2023 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by Prolifik
If you are sirbluffsalot, you run lucky as hell lol
Nah thats someone who copied my name hes a very nice guy tho.
04-16-2023 , 07:28 PM
So i cashed out on 4/3 again and since the cashout im 63 buyins under EV since then again. This will be the 7th or 8th time this has happened. So i decided to go look at my graphs on bovada and other sites where i have over 100k sit and goes and have never experienced anything even close to the stuff thats happening on global take it for what you want but I assure you global is not on the up and up. Its kinda sad too because of all the rigtard threads have caused people to shut down any mention of a site not being right and a ton of people come rushing in without testing global for themselves. I would like to think with over 110k sample of sit and goes that would be enough evidence to prove that something thats happened 7 times on global in a 10k sample never happened over 110k sample on other sites would be more then enough proof. All im saying is be careful on global and dont put on there what you cannot afford to lose and do not let this site be your only income make sure you are spreading yourself on other sites because eventually its all gonna come crashing down on global imo.
04-17-2023 , 05:46 PM
Why hasn't it come crashing down on me yet? Millions of hands played total & been playing daily since 2016 and nothing sketchy.. They must be after you mr bustalotz! Why are you the target of this?
04-18-2023 , 07:11 AM
Through 9000 headsup sit and goes on Global I run 8% ROI. Through 50000 Headsup sit and goes on bovada and other sites im running around 12% on bovada im playing at higher levels however on global the format is a bit faster so the variance can be a little higher. I just ran a variance simulator on primedope with an 8% ROI theres a 5% chance of a downswing through 500 games with an 8% ROI and the max loss with of 756$. I have had a worse run on global 7 times then this and double on one occasion. I ran the simulation with HALF my roi and it still didnt show a swing larger then mine is the variance calculator wrong as well?
04-18-2023 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
Through 9000 headsup sit and goes on Global I run 8% ROI. Through 50000 Headsup sit and goes on bovada and other sites im running around 12% on bovada im playing at higher levels however on global the format is a bit faster so the variance can be a little higher. I just ran a variance simulator on primedope with an 8% ROI theres a 5% chance of a downswing through 500 games with an 8% ROI and the max loss with of 756$. I have had a worse run on global 7 times then this and double on one occasion. I ran the simulation with HALF my roi and it still didnt show a swing larger then mine is the variance calculator wrong as well?
The variance calculator is a useful but imperfect tool. You don't have a fixed winrate. Your true winrate fluctuates wildly game to game based on lots of factors, and it averages out to around 8% for you (probably). You will go through stretches where your winrate is definitely a lot higher and lower than 8% for an extended period.

You should use this adversity as fuel to drive you to get good at the game.

Last edited by HokieGreg; 04-18-2023 at 09:36 AM.
04-18-2023 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by HokieGreg
The variance calculator is a useful but imperfect tool. You don't have a fixed winrate. Your true winrate fluctuates wildly game to game based on lots of factors, and it averages out to around 8% for you (probably). You will go through stretches where your winrate is definitely a lot higher and lower than 8% for an extended period.

You should use this adversity as fuel to drive you to get good at the game.
I just cant understand how after 100k husngs my variance never wildly fluctuates on any other site but global it just doesnt add up to me. Yes i have downswings on other sites but never even close to what happens on global.
04-18-2023 , 03:45 PM
Are you manually calculating EV? These posts are so tired bro. There are other sites out there. If you truly believe the site is sketchy and you continue playing it, then sorry but it's all on you. You also understand that if it is rigged against you, then it is rigged for your opponents right? Who are they exactly then, Global bots? VGW Holdings, who profit millions per year, are trying to nickel and dime Sirbustalotz to the tune of what, the low 4 figures per month? Christ almighty brother.
04-18-2023 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by loveskunk
Are you manually calculating EV?
Assumes his winrate is always 8% ROI and compares his sharkscope graph to the imaginary EV graph.
04-18-2023 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by loveskunk
Are you manually calculating EV? These posts are so tired bro. There are other sites out there. If you truly believe the site is sketchy and you continue playing it, then sorry but it's all on you. You also understand that if it is rigged against you, then it is rigged for your opponents right? Who are they exactly then, Global bots? VGW Holdings, who profit millions per year, are trying to nickel and dime Sirbustalotz to the tune of what, the low 4 figures per month? Christ almighty brother.
If you read back on the thread you will see exactly what I believe the same thing other gaming platforms are doing look at the easport patent if you want an idea.
04-21-2023 , 01:28 AM
I contacted itech labs about the rng testing they do and you might be suprised what they told me in there email at least I was. They told me they cannot confirm whether global even uses the rng they tested that it was there "responsibility" to keep using the rng that itech labs tested. Is this normal procedure? I was hoping to get a certificate they would be checking the rng randomly and frequently? If anyones interested I can pot the full email response I got from them.
04-21-2023 , 03:22 AM
Since "checking the rng" would require a site to give them unlimited access to the site as known periodic checking simply would allow a site to use the tested rng when being monitored I doubt any site would allow that. If they want to cheat they can. Do they; I don't know but looking at the record of other poker sites that claimed there was no cheating/swindling of money/etc one wonders. Certainly sites that openly market we have games filled with fish(aka soft games) make it clear how they view some of their customers.
04-21-2023 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by Polarbear1955
Since "checking the rng" would require a site to give them unlimited access to the site as known periodic checking simply would allow a site to use the tested rng when being monitored I doubt any site would allow that. If they want to cheat they can. Do they; I don't know but looking at the record of other poker sites that claimed there was no cheating/swindling of money/etc one wonders. Certainly sites that openly market we have games filled with fish(aka soft games) make it clear how they view some of their customers.
I dont think its unreasonable for the company they post on there site as checking there rng to have access to check it randomly so that they can make sure nothings changed correct? I mean there not just letting some random dude come in and do it. Its a site they trust to "verify" there rng so why wouldnt they trust them to randomly come in and make sure its still the same rng and nothing shadys going on?
04-21-2023 , 09:18 AM
This is productive. Now we are getting somewhere.
04-21-2023 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by HokieGreg
This is productive. Now we are getting somewhere.
Yea i knew even you might not like the fact that there certificate basically means squat. Ill post the email if youd like to see it or ill discord it to you.
04-22-2023 , 08:45 AM
I use to think this dude was just a sore loser or something, but after giving global a try, the past 2 weeks have been some of the most ridiculous poker i've ever played online in more than 15 years of doing it. Have not won an all in since i signed up for the site. Doesn't matter how far ahead I am.. 1 out? 2 outs? no ****ing problem.. Insane coolers and setups when I wasn't getting sucked out on. Just over and over and over again. After I lost back to back hands AIPF with AA last night vs Q9 and KK i just cashed out and am going back to WPN or VPNing into GG or something. **** this trash ass site.
04-22-2023 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
I contacted itech labs about the rng testing they do and you might be suprised what they told me in there email at least I was. They told me they cannot confirm whether global even uses the rng they tested that it was there "responsibility" to keep using the rng that itech labs tested. Is this normal procedure? I was hoping to get a certificate they would be checking the rng randomly and frequently? If anyones interested I can pot the full email response I got from them.
Of course this is a normal procedure - iTech Labs is a widely recognized certifying body, a laboratory, it is not a regulator - none of the labs that are testing games are inspecting whether their approved algorithm is actually in place, it is not their job or mandate.
MGA, GP's regulator, has a list of internationally recognized labs that they recognize as well and requires any algorithms used by a service provider to be stress tested and certified by one of those labs. The certifying lab also hashes the algorithm so the regulator knows that when a service provider applies for a license this is the algorithm that they will use in their games, without it, an operator cannot get the license approved. Interactions between MGA and a service provider are constant, any game that is added to the service under license needs to be inspected by them - for example, want to add Surge, have to submit it for approval from MGA first with all encompassing changes, want to add a new slot game, have to submit it for approval from MGA with all encompassing changes. And there are audits that are usually yearly or more frequent, there might be complaints from customers to which service provider has to respond to, submit explanations and documents, there might be new directions that all service providers need to adhere to and implement -- i.e., conversation is on almost on any given day. On top of that, EU customer protection laws apply to all service providers under MGA, which are much stricter than almost anywhere else in the world. Breaches of license agreements even relatively minor have significant costs to the business - not just explicit, but not using the RNG that the regulator approved to use under license agreement could result in a loss license, financial fines to the service provider and very likely legal liability to the management. In the business world, this is a risk that one just does not take because they also have investors who do not engage in day-to-day activities of the business and assumed the risk as stated in the business plan, so they have expectations that the management will run operations as declared and not endanger their investments and expected returns, agency costs are high enough as they are - in case management will decide that they do not feel like running product promos or launches on schedule, not to mention institutional investors who have zero tolerance to any increased risk.

As a result, RNG algorithm is something that companies implement and do not touch until there is another product launch that requires approval or audit that is because, contrary to regulars' opinion, RNG does not make or break companies -- marketing efforts and product development for economies of scale pay the bills or do not -- without constant growth of the business, i.e. new customers, the business becomes no longer financially viable and losses investors before it starts losing its market share, because investors always have opportunity costs among others to consider, and that is much greater concern, therefore there are always tens or hundreds of projects for product teams to work on and figure out what to prioritize and when.
04-22-2023 , 10:51 AM
Thanks for the response Rollinas but I’m not sure what good a certificate is if there’s no way to confirm a sites using the rng that was tested. Do you know if the other major sites operate in the same manner? Even if so I feel more comfortable on one’s that allow huds so the players at least have a chance to police the games. Also what I love about bovada is you can download and see everyone’s hand 24 hours after the hand is played. Also really wish hands that are played to the river are revealed in the hand history this is something I’ve never heard of any other site not allowing.
04-22-2023 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
Do you know if the other major sites operate in the same manner?
Yes, as far as I know anyway and regardless of their business model, there is no other way - a regulator is usually a government body or government entity that has to have some sort of continuity plan, thus to manage their operations they build a complete guide of directives what has to happen to get and maintain the license. There is a way to confirm whether or not sites are using certified RNGs, that's the job of a regulator, among other audit items which as I said happens regularly, and again, as a customer, you are way more protected if you deal with EU-regulated businesses. If you look up MGA's enforcement and annual reports, they are constantly suspending licenses and issuing fines, and it is almost never for RNG issues, but you can find a few small 'classic' casinos that were sanctioned for RNG-related-issues.

Originally Posted by Sirbustalotz
Also really wish hands that are played to the river are revealed in the hand history this is something IÂ’ve never heard of any other site not allowing.
Most players that selected "muck when losing" as a default would disagree with you. In part because most players are not regulars, but also if you played in a live game, a person who mucks their hand would have issues with you digging through the muck to find out what it is exactly that they folded. In that sense, it actually works as intended and who's to say that Stars' way of implementing HUD-friendly "see mucked hands" feature was not actually a bug that others copied for the lack of better knowledge.

Last edited by rollinas; 04-22-2023 at 11:47 AM.
04-22-2023 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by rollinas
Yes, as far as I know anyway and regardless of their business model, there is no other way - a regulator is usually a government body or government entity that has to have some sort of continuity plan, thus to manage their operations they build a complete guide of directives what has to happen to get and maintain the license. There is a way to confirm whether or not sites are using certified RNGs, that's the job of a regulator, among other audit items which as I said happens regularly, and again, as a customer, you are way more protected if you deal with EU-regulated businesses. If you look up MGA's enforcement and annual reports, they are constantly suspending licenses and issuing fines, and it is almost never for RNG issues, but you can find a few small 'classic' casinos that were sanctioned for RNG-related-issues.

Most players that selected "muck when losing" as a default would disagree with you. In part because most players are not regulars, but also if you played in a live game, a person who mucks their hand would have issues with you digging through the muck to find out what it is exactly that they folded. In that sense, it actually works as intended and who's to say that Stars' way of implementing HUD-friendly "see mucked hands" feature was not actually a bug that others copied for the lack of better knowledge.
As far as you saying its the job of the regulator to confirm you are using the rng itech actually told me the exact opposite that they have no way of knowing what rng you are using.
04-22-2023 , 07:25 PM
having an opinion of it not being rigged in some fashion is fine but if you do not play at global on a regular basis while still refuting any and all qualms from people who actually play their is a bit lol.
04-22-2023 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by whyhidethemod?
having an opinion of it not being rigged in some fashion is fine but if you do not play at global on a regular basis while still refuting any and all qualms from people who actually play their is a bit lol.
Have to admit ive noticed a ton of ppl who dont even play here regularly come in and do this.
04-23-2023 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by whyhidethemod?
having an opinion of it not being rigged in some fashion is fine but if you do not play at global on a regular basis while still refuting any and all qualms from people who actually play their is a bit lol.
I think there aren't that many people in this thread strongly arguing that everything is on the up and up with Global. I guess I would bet it isn't rigged, but of course I don't know for sure. I have critiqued the methodology used by OP to try to prove it's rigged. I don't need to regularly play on Global to critique the methodology. OP's concerns are valid, but he's no closer to proving anything than after his first post. He should get 'a lot' sharper in his methodology, or just stop playing Global, or continue posting random links itt to handpicked bad beats and broken links to his Sharkscope "EV" graphs :P
04-25-2023 , 12:57 AM
Hey guys, long time lurker, second time poster.

I've been playing on Global Poker for quite a while now and I've been finding that I often lose when I have the best hand preflop and win when I do not have the best hand preflop.

This seems very suspect to me considering that I won a lot of money on UltimateBet in 2005 when 90% of the player pool were complete donkeys who thought that ripping it in for 50bb with complete air was a winning strategy.

Do you think that I should try studying and learn to beat the modern game of online poker, or should I start spamming random hand histories that don't tell anyone anything?
